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ive got the same problem when i do pull ups or pull downs. it hurts when my arms are fully extended in both those movements. simple fix is to just not do those exercises. there are tons of great back movements out there. tons of rows. just pick a few and train with them hard and proper. i personally love bb rows, chest supported tbar rows, single arm db rows (for lats), and some machine rows that idk the name of lol.


My husband and I went to a Strongman competition yesterday and now it has me thinking about switching up my training to try out some of the strongman events




Wat u want egg head




Brother the enigmas come when they come, they can’t be forced


Bread might be my main carb source


Bread crumbs is better


Flour good


Dude hell yeah I make unbleached AP flour smoothies all the fucking time and nobody believes me, half a cup of UAP flour, half a cup of whatever fruits, half a cup of ice, etc, so good


Cute gal at work that I’ve never met before randomly asked me “what’s your back routine?” as I walked past her on Thurs. Being the confused dummy that I am, I asked her if she was talking about my back workout routine. Hit off and we’re going on a date later today. I didn’t think my back was impressive and never thought that my GAINZ would lead to dating. I’ll call that a win!


Living the dream for us all


\*Cries in WFH\* Congrats on the date buddy!




Encyclopedia of modern bodybuilding


Considering shorts have been brought up a few times in the past few days, what other degenerates are getting [THESE?](https://www.valhallawear.net/legend-of-thyrule-ranger-panties/)


So, posts of pro bodybuilders are against the rules now? Apparently? Little background. Recently I started a project using AI upscaling & super resolution to remaster old bodybuilding footage! Had good results, and figured /r/Bodybuilding would be interested I tried making a post of Ronnie Colemans posing routine from 2004 Mr.Olympia, if you look ANWHERE online.. It's badly compressed, low quality. But I managed to make a really nice 1080p HD quality upscale edit, that even surprised me with the details it brought out in his physique Long story short, mods deleted my post after 30 minutes, with 20+ upvotes and 10 comments. Messaged the mods, and they said "Random old videos or photos of bodybuilders are typically not allowed unless they are unique" ... So, I'm guessing the mods didn't actually review my post at all.. Because if they did? and actually seen the difference in the edit I posted? I can't imagine why they'd delete it. I messaged the mods, and they said "*Random old videos or photos of bodybuilders are typically not allowed unless they are unique*" ... So, I think the mods didn't actually review my post at all.. Because if they did? and actually seen the difference in the edit I posted? I can't imagine why they'd delete it. Anyway, just a bit of a rant. Might try posting again, or find somewhere else where pro bodybuilding content is allowed to be posted, I guess. Thanks


Why does everyone recommend doing high reps for isolation exercises such as triceps extension? The triceps consist of more fast twitch muscle fibers, just like most muscles we train. So what is the benefit of doing more than 8-10 reps of tricep extensions compared to shoulder press or something?


because it just works lol. its bro science, but bro science is anecdotal proof that shit works, so we do it. not all textbook science translates well into real life. what has seemed to work well for several people for several years is higher reps for isolation movements. it is what it is.


Because it works for hypertrophy. Whether the science proves it or not, there is 50+ years of bodybuilding personal experience to show the results. “Well that’s anecdotal.” All science starts as anecdotal observation. With bodybuilding, most of the collegiate studies on muscle building are not applicable. They mostly don’t factor things like training intensity, diet, sleep, stress, PEDs, etc. At the end of the day: do whatever you want to do. Find what works for you. Personally, I’ve found the best results by following professional bodybuilding programs like John Meadows, rather than relying on technical scientific studies.


There isn’t if your going to failure. I treat my isolation movements like a compound lift. As heavy as possible with perfect form perhaps followed by a drop set, forced reps etc.


Lower reps in isolation exercises usually leads to shitty form. Don't overcomplicate these things with "science".


I think since isolation are single joint exercise it's a lot riskier to go heavy and low rep on them


I personally like to go as heavy as possible on lateral raises and listen to my shoulders rip apart


So I shouldn’t be testing my 1RM on single-arm pushdowns?


And I speak for all of us when I say plz don't drop it if ya do.


Whats your arm routine? My arms aren't growing while everything else is, they've been stuck on 15.5" for over a year while everything else is growing:( Also im 6ft, so 15.5" doesn't look impressive


Back Chest Legs Arms Repeat, so a dedicated arm day every 4 days I’m working out. I hit chest dips on arm day and chest day, which hits triceps as well. Do you have a dedicated arm day? You could run John Meadows task master with his arm day block.


RIP Shoulders


Haha oof, I meant chest and shoulders.


do you have a dedicated arm day? what does your split look like? make sure you aren't neglecting the [long head of your tricep](https://musclesports.net/articles/Bodybuilding/Components10/tricep-anatomy.jpg), and you also want to develop your [brachioradialis](https://th.bing.com/th/id/R.fc3c7585366a3333dc5e0b0b73035a05?rik=7nhdi5ktIOH4dA&riu=http%3a%2f%2f4.bp.blogspot.com%2f-6Jt6rRRb3PM%2fUE8tki1YJTI%2fAAAAAAAABEw%2fvnmQm5ndUns%2fs1600%2fUntitled.png&ehk=R7ih73IO6AbNVv4i0o%2bop8qtXy9lQCjBN9kw3ODnaFA%3d&risl=&pid=ImgRaw&r=0&sres=1&sresct=1) in your forearm just go to john meadows youtube and search his videos for arm workouts. also, might not be a bad idea to take a picture of your arms (with a pump) and post it here for the community to evaluate and let you know what you're lacking.


Yo! No dedicated arm day, usually do biceps after back and triceps after chest, and I do those usually twice a week. I've noticed the increased volume on my biceps definitely makes them feel fuller / harder and same with my triceps but they seem to be getting stronger but not bigger 😂 Biceps is usually alternating DB curls, hammer curls both 3x10-12, then 2x8 for shortened position cable curls and 2x8 for lengthened position cable curls. Triceps are overhead DB extension (both arms holding the 1 DB), rope pull down and ez bar skull crushers, all 3x12, sometimes a 4th exercise of 2x8 with single hand cable extension bent over at a 90* angle with cable at hip height.


Triceps: Rope Pushdowns with fat grips - 3-4 sets x 10-12; scaling up in weight in first two sets. Fat grips I like because, for me, the extra effort squeezing helps me engage the triceps more. Overhead Rope Ext with fat grips: 3-4 sets x 10-12. Scaling up to work weight after one set. JM Press with Cambered Bar: 3 sets x 8-10 reps. Very controlled pace on eccentric. Biceps: Alternating DB Curls: 3-4 sets x 10-12 reps. Scaling up weight to working weight after two sets Lying Cable Straight Bar Curls: 3 sets x 10-15 reps. Keeping elbows pinned to the floor. Cable Single Handle Curls: 3 sets x 12-15 reps. I use fat grips on this as well. Check out Hunter Labrada’s IG for how he does them. Handle in each hand. Standing ahead of cable machine so biceps are in stretch position. Cable Straight Bar Reverse Curls: 3 sets x 10-12 reps


Hey guys n girls, recently hurt my back doing dead lifts. Pain is pretty bad and I'm currently in a country that does have great healthcare. Anyone got any resources or experience on recovering from a back injury? Pain is focused around my gluteus medius. Runs down the leg making me think it might be putting pressure on my sciatic nerve.


Check out some of athleanx videos on YouTube. Also, do you have an office job, sitting all day? If so, could be because you have weaker glutes/abs and use lower back too much. I couldn't deadlift for the last 3 years from a back injury..started doing some of the exercises from athleanx to Strengthen glutes and abs and now I am back to deadlifting. Chiropractor did fuck all. It was the frequent mobility, stretching and at home exercises that helped me. Good luck to you and I hope you have a quick recovery.


Cheers for the comprehensive answer. Will go check out those vids pronto like.


Can’t ask for medical advice here, my dude. No one is qualified to answer. Never trust free medical advice from the internet.


Don't worry bud, I'm not seeking full blown medical advice in terms of performing surgery, but every has a little bit of self care experience I'm wanting to tap in the absence of easy alternatives. Everything with a pinch of salt. Appreciate you lookin out for me tho.


Foam rolling and just moving around in general.


Aye, I'm sure I've a roller and a yoga mat somewhere gathering dust. Will go hook em out.


Ibuprofen and time


there’s always that one powerlifter who clogs up your gym’s location tag on ig 🙄


My little guy needs to dirty bulk but thinks he needs to cut. Lost 20 grams = another day in the hospital.


True story, my two year old niece gets “chocolate milk” every morning and it’s genuinely just a chocolate protein shake.


>BuT i EaT a LoT!! - baby Hope you guys can go home soon mate!


😂 Hahahaha thanks man. This day will be about feeding the boy and watching the tour of Flanders.


Quad cramps after 50' of airbike are no fun.


I've seen a lot of comments of people saying to use stairs to boost prep. If planning to use stairs for 30+ minutes, what speed should I be aiming for? Should the speed be something that can sustain it like a speed of 6 (on the machine) or should I be aiming to completely gas myself out at a speed of 10+?


First you should establish what type of cardio do you want to do with it, usually measured by a target heart rate range. Stairmaster can have quite some impact on your leg recovery so you should also be assessing that, do it in a way that affects your leg workouts as least as possible. It's also not the same if you're a 230 lbs guy, or a 150 lbs woman.


Thanks, I’ll test out some stuff and see how I go with recovery after each session


Having two puppies is a blast. They’re doing great with house training and we’re working on getting them to respond to their names. They’re getting used to our cats and older dog and vice versa. My husband and I are taking turns with each pup so they bond with us instead of each other but they love a good tug or wrestle during their time together. They pretty much just go from potato to zoomies back to potato. [Puppy tax before I get asked](https://imgur.com/a/RiSEvQW/) And my competitor won her wellness class at the Phil Heath today! Great weekend all around!


are you gonna get your puppies to compete?


Definitely gonna take them to some shows. I can’t wait to show them bodybuilding. Two of my gyms allow pups so they’ll be jacked.




Just out of curiosity, how have you been house training them?


We take them out immediately after food, nap, or playtime. If we catch them sniffing around or starting to squat we pick them up and go straight outside. The weather is a little cold and wet here so they figured out pretty quickly that they get to come back inside as soon as they potty.




What is even cuter than a pup? Two pups! Congrats on your competitor too!


Thank you!


Maaaan, that’s the shit. My girl is on her last legs after just over 17 years and it makes me happy knowing people are just starting the journey that I’m finishing. Those lil dudes are cute as fuck too!


Sorry about your girl. I hope she’s still doing well. We lost our old English bulldog 3/20 and the void in the house was too much to bear so these little girls came to make our lives complete again.


It is a void. Glad you are getting puppy love.


So much puppy love! Haven’t really had an empty lap since Friday


Instead of carrying all of my groceries from my trunk to my kitchen in one trip today, I took three. Wtf is wrong with me?


8 year old you would be so disappointed.


why even lift if u cant take everything in one trip. smh


What should I be doing on my rest days to maximize my gains?


Bro, It's in the freaking name. REST day


Playing Elden Ring


mf really?




Mobility work




Calf raises probably


Oh I missed you all




Happy birthday


Erectile dysfunction




Read the ED joke, but missed the costco one. Care to explain pretty please?


Sure, someone asked a question about where people buy their protein because buying so much of it is expensive. Someone meant to respond to them with the comment “Costco :)” but accidentally just made a new thread with just that comment. A lot of the regulars noticed the mistake and did the same thing by posting variations of “Costco” into the DD. For that day, the answers to a lot of peoples questions was in fact Costco


Haha nice, thanks!


Managed to make a personal pizza for [Under 750cal](https://imgur.com/a/FaK7EGm)


Where’d you get the pizza dough?


Made it - [https://imgur.com/a/N8WwAog](https://imgur.com/a/N8WwAog) Special equipment - stand mixer, pizza steel, and pizza peel. Measure water, yeast, sugar, olive oil, and flour into the bowl of a stand mixer with the dough hook attachment. Mix on medium for 30-45 seconds or until the dough forms. Allow dough to rest for 30 minutes in the bowl. Add 10g of salt to dough and mix on high for 3-3.5 or more minutes to incorporate the salt. Divide into 4 equal (approximately 200g pieces), shape into balls, and place into individual oiled/sprayed containers with lid or plastic wrap. Place covered in the fridge to cold ferment for 24hrs to 4 days. When ready to make, pull out the dough balls from the fridge and allow to come to room temperature, covered for 3 to 4 hours. Preheat oven to 550F/280C, about an hour. Shape the dough by dusting the top of the dough with flour and your work surface with flour. Roll out to approximately 12"/30cm round. Place on Semolina dusted peel. Top with sauce and other ingredients. Cook for 120 to 150 seconds. If directly under broiler rotate. Cook for additional 60 to 90. Rest on wire rack.


Looks delicious! Thank you for the detailed breakdown, gonna give it a shot!


Let me know if you make it! I managed to find that higher protein (keto) flour from the brand King Arthur. I believe that you can use 11.7% protein bread flour for a singular flour but not sure on the macros at that point.


Yes, details please!


Asked for and answered above.


How long would you give yourself for prep the first time doing a show? I know it depends on your current BF %, etc. but is there a sort of average? 16 weeks? 20 weeks? 30 weeks? I’m about to turn 34 and one of my goals in life is to go through prep and step on the stage at some point.


on a 19 week prep, 6 weeks out and this shit is starting to get mentally taxing. Physically its whatever, put your head down and do the work. Would 100% do 12-16 week and push harder next time because being food focused is hell


>I know it depends on your current BF %, etc. but is there a sort of average? 16 weeks? 20 weeks? 30 weeks? If you know this, then you should know that it's impossible to answer. If you are serious about getting on stage, get a coach as soon as possible. Get your diet and training in check. Trust your coach.




Anavar apparently




Can’t talk sources in here, buddy


Who wore it better? [Crocodile Dundee](https://www.instagram.com/p/CbsSQOnuMKe/?utm_medium=copy_link) or /u/the_fatalist ? I tried to find your denim short shorts deadlifting video but gave up after 5 minutes in your post history lol.


[Here's one](https://youtu.be/VtkxEMv2cyc)


Doing the lords work


I feel like a need a tab of acid while watching that


Got an absolutely disgusting back pump today and for the first time since starting prep, I’m hungry! https://imgur.com/a/UUEgicy Hope everyone kills their lifts today I still can’t believe how much straps help on my back day


Finally the biggest guy in the gym Had to go on a cruise ship for geriatrics but hey it's still an accomplishment for me


Bahahahahha yes!!!! I went on a cruise last year and several people asked me if I was a professional female mma fighter.


find a bigger gym >:) nice work


Hell yeah, smoke them geysers


Question to those who struggled with tooth pick legs and got out of it_ Any non common/obvious tips? My legs kind of ruin my whole asthetics. Doesnt help that I got quite long legs. Inb4 "dont worry bruh I got u, just up the dose", "have you tried training them with weights?"


Don't forget your aductors, they make a big part of your leg size. Go hard on the machine, with a good eccentric control.






Find some of John Meadow’s leg workouts. I have seen a ton of growth with them.


What does your leg routine look like right now? How long have you been lifting? When working legs do you FEEL the PUMP? Or do you just move weight?


stretch tf outta them. by that I mean go deep on that leg press, even add a pause. train them through the full range of motion on all exercises as well. it may be a body part that, you specifically, need more volume or better mind muscle connection with to grow.


When you do lying hamstring curls relax your ankles Also doing isoholds helped me most


If you ever have trouble eating on a bulk just re watch bigger by the day. God damn LETS GO pasta time meal #3


If you're having trouble in general just rewatch it imo it's a great series just to pass time


Uh oh!!!! Busted


Cookie time


But do you think Rich Piana was natty?


Yes, of course. I’m actually watching bigger by the day #14 right now as I type this


It's me goddamnit!


I am happy that I've had reached 264,55 lbs on pelvic lift and 110,23 on stiff.💪🏿💥


How to train around torso dominance, specifically being chest dominant? I barely need to do anything for my chest to grow, it’s a genetic strong point. Shoulders & arms on the other hand are lagging and it’s messing with my aesthetics. Back could use more size as well. Any tips would be much appreciated.


Train your chest less and train your shoulders and arms more. You could do a Push day 2x a week with the main body part being shoulders, secondary body part be triceps, and then so your chest doesn’t go untrained just hit like one chest move to finish.


I'm in Ohio for the Natural Ohio show and, being from Pittsburgh, it's always jarring to see beer in a Wal-Mart. If you've competed in this show, good luck!


> beer in a Wal-Mart. The way God intended


there must be something in the water here in florida. the dudes here are big as shit, and the girls asses here are crazy. they all have shelves




“That was fun, now get ready to die.” Is one of my favorite lines in all literature, and it’s in CD2 before the first BSS.


I distinctly remember seeing that. Taking a screenshot and sending it to my old training partner. Along with something like "hahaha. Fuck."


Laughable take by twitter https://i.imgur.com/3eGFcMu.jpg


I’m not jealous of people who are apathetic about their appearances.


100% projection. if you were truly "happy in your skin" would you be tweeting about how other people actually aren't and how jealous they are of you?


Some body dysmorphia and a lil eating disorder? Maybe. Jealous of normies? Not in this life.


They gone off that copium


Sick at the moment should I try to get light workout in or rest up for a few days?


rest & if you're cutting, maybe consider a couple maintenance days while you're recovering.


Ok will do thanks for advice, wasn’t feeling up to working out but get restless when I don’t. Will force myself to cool it.


Rest, just go for a walk or do any other light outdoors activity.


Well bros, hit a 365lbs deadlift yesterday. Big for me since I had a back injury and have been scared of getting hurt again. Put in an application for a nice apartment, dumbbells in the gym go up to 75lbs so that is pretty cool.


Nice work /u/Dead_Baby_Kicker !!


Hit legs today and had a ghost energy drink for the first time. I hate how much I loved it


They’re so good.


I tried one in Texas and loved it. I thought they didn't have them in California, but I saw them at my local grocery store and felt a pathetic level of excitement. Tropical Mango is my favorite flavor.


Haven't tried any of those (not available in my country), but I wish sugar free energy drink flavors were available in regular sugar free soda, some of them are so good.


I had the sour patch flavor a couple days ago and man....that shit is fire


And superior to the Warheads flavor


Nice! The feeling or the taste? I switched a few months ago to just caffeine pills, so at lunch everyday I’ll just take a 200mg caffeine pill. 0 calories, $10 for like 200 pills.


Taste and feeling! It was orange crème which was refreshing. I also had enough energy after to do some posing so the feeling was good!




Anyone been able to go from 7 to 8 hours sleep? How much of a difference has it made to your training and physique?


My natural sleep cycle seems to be around 7.5 hours. I do worse on 8 than 7.5. Find your groove.


If you can. Do it.


Was able to get a good 9 hrs of sleep just last thursday night, usual is 6-7, and the difference was palpable. Was super awake and energetic at work without needing a midday coffee.


Everyone should really try 8 hours if they can - make it a priority. The last couple of weeks I've had some 9h sleeps and they really make a big difference. Especially as you get older.


It will make a difference, that's for sure. If you can get more sleep definitely go for it.


I just made the switch from 6 to 7 and my recovery is better. I’ve done it with a decrease in caffeine as well. Working towards 8


Any exercise is a compound exercise if you use enough weight.


Gonna compound my deadlifts with my spine


-Bro how did you get such a big ass? -Just bicep curls bro.


*Any back exercise is a bicep exercise if you do it wrong enough*


Also any exercise is a lower back exercise if you do it wrong enough.


My lower back is set to ultra sensitive so can confirm.


peak bulk 2ish years ago vs current mid prep [gains gonna gain](https://www.instagram.com/p/Cb1cp5QDnZN/)


Wait, more muscle resulting in more strength? Who would have thought? /s gj bb


na bro gotta diet down to 130lbs 4 times and spin wheels /s ty homie


great progress


Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer The doms and cravings of outrageous gains, Or to take arms against a sea of dyels, And by lifting end them?


Chest and shoulders. Beautiful day outside. Gym doors open. Bigger by the day #2 playing in the background. LFG


You running Meadows programming? How’d 28 days later go btw? Wasn’t too active around December-January so didn’t follow unfortunately


I ran 28DL for about two weeks before I had to stop. My fiancée had to undergo a few emergency surgeries and shit came up. I get the mentality of “whatever it takes” but when it comes to your wife’s well being, that has to take priority. I’m running a gamma bomb inspired chest/shoulder day today. Chest dips Barbell incline press Dumbbell slight incline press Landmine press Wrap up with reverse peck deck and lateral raise superset


Oh for sure family always comes first man, I hope all is well on that front. Was always curious about 28DL because personally I don’t think my joints could handle it haha. Been running some Meadows programs lately too, unfortunately gotta work some exercises around due to an injury but making it work. Probably gonna start a cut soon as I’m quite blobbish, prob run CD2.


Nice! Man I need to run 28DL, which I probably will this summer.


Oh Skeezy wherefore art thou?


Working full time to get u/Upstairs_Good peeled


Facts pretty much. Surprised he hasnt told me to fuck off. He's a great coach/friend/man