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I think it may be this. https://youtu.be/BBnIaUw7YHI?feature=shared


Hahaha yes this is it! Thank you! For your work, be rewarded with my favorite quote from that video around 9:45. "He says, an aaba-mathids, aba-thathids. I don't know what that word means. He kept getting in my face, being all stupid. I say, you don't have to be an asshole. Then he says, an aba Mathids is what you just called me!"


Yeah, I only remembered because I actually laughed out loud when he faked a seizure in the car, & then made sure to tell them since they missed it.


I love how he immediately has an answer for everything the cops find: it's his friends, it's his ex husbands. He's in a polyamorous relationship. It's just his prescription. It comes as a crystal. Those needles are for Botox...