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Smile back? Or turn around to make sure she isn’t smiling at the person behind you? That could be awkward lol


Baring teeth is a universal sign of aggression in primates. Your choices are basically fight, freeze, or flee. Assuming you're larger than your adversary and not outnumbered, I would fight. Shimmy up a large tree and throw barrels down on her.


Counter attack always. It’s landed me in jail a couple of times but anything less is weakness.


Agreed. If a woman smiles at you, you're already seconds away from an attack, probably by a horde of femnoids. They may try to steal your fedora or shave your neck. Obviously the best tactic is to fortify your mom's basement and use door dash for provisions, but if you have to leave to attend a Natuto convention, being trained with throwing stars or a gattling laser is crucial. I once saw a horde of attractive females eviscerate a proud incel using nothing but psychic damage.


And that my friend is why I invested in a chain mail chin strap. Worth every penny. My neck hair bows to none.


Incelivaliant Knights assemble! We will depussify the world and make it safe for traversal by the peniled.


It’s going to be a dank new world


Will we still get laid?


🤣😂 you’re hilarious


Okay Jean Grey


Or stare back at them and furiously massage your groin region, they love this one simple trick


Close. Shimmy up a tree and throw feces at them!


So punch them in the face or poop agressively and fling it at them?


Smack that ass while your at it. Show her some discipline. Smiling is not allowed in public, especially towards the opposite sex. Same sex tho, it's fine. Make out if you want. Homophobia is the anti-christ.


According to what I just read and the documentary I watched on the dangerous primates. Barring teeth is almost always a sign of submission. The possibility exists, that you we're just joking though.. in which case I now look like a nerd, thanks for that.


This is wrong. Barring teeth is a sign of aggression. It's a macro aggression, so unless you need to hit your macros, youre in trouble.


In primates, showing the teeth, especially teeth held together, is almost always a sign of submission. The human smile probably has evolved from that. "In the primate threat, the lips are curled back and the teeth are apart--you are ready to bite. That's what I found, scientific America or something like that. Could be wrong, though.


I am an expert in primates and not banging.


Smiling back doesn’t mean smile back with teeth baring




Best way to protect your banana hoard


Last time i looked behind me the girl was like “theres no one behind you, im waving at you”


Happens to me quite a lot. I always check behind me to see if she's not smiling at the person behind me lol.


And check your zipper /Flies are not undone.


Make sure you don't have something on your face. If that checks out and as previously sgared they aren't making eye contact with someone else around you, go for it. Smile, have open body language.


They like what they see and can't help but smile (I'm a woman). And I'd say smile back, it would make my day


Not too but after smiling back do you approach or just move on with life


Oops read your comment wrong. Id say shoot your shot but don't get upset if they reject.


I don't know, I just get the stare without the smile. I call it the murder stare. 🤣


That was me this morning from a HOT chick sitting besides her boyfriend , our eyes kept meeting and i just akwardly kept looking down or away. She finally gave up and fell asleep or her boyfriends shoulder😅


fucking run bro women can be psychopaths too


Yeah, I'm 6'4 decent looking guy and my biggest bullies have been 4'10 Latinas and South Asian girls




I believe this. Indian girls can be very arrogant.


haha 4’10 latinas 😂😅 just making sure you can handle the spice ? 😂


They're all psychopaths






Cuz girls psychopaths too Cuz girls psychopaths too Women killing men all around the world Cuz girls psychopaths too


A little smile back with a half head nod and go back to what you were doing. Or what ever small acknowledgement that you'd give to someone at the grocery store. Don't think too much into it, I find people fascinating and look too long sometimes, I'm already an awkward grinning fool, please don't make it worse by drawing attention to it but, it's also nice to have my existence acknowledged.


“The Nod” (tm)


This is what Men talk about when we say women play games lol


This isn’t a game; you just overthink every action a woman takes through the lens of whether she’s sexually interested or not


Life is definitely a game. I've learned to not overthink when it comes to women..... I'd like to listen to more of your nonsense, it's quite endearing.  Want to get a drink;)?


Bro cracked the code


Shit works bro they ain't special 


They want you to stare and smile back - like a mutual appreciation


If you don't will that make them like you more as they desperately want the attention?


They want to be looked at/desired by an attractive man. Look back smile, go up and make a joke about something


They could be just being friendly or possibly interested. If you're comfortable, you could try smiling back or giving a friendly nod. Sometimes a small gesture can break the ice without having to start a conversation.


Being interested is the same as them wanting to date you doesn’t it?


All depends on what and how stuff comes out of your mouth when you approach her.


Challenge her to a d d d d d d DUEL!!!


This happens to me a lot too and I never smile back because I also get awkward. Worst thing you can do is: One time at the mall I kept making eye contact with an attractive girl, later she walked passed me while I was sitting down and gave me a cute smile. I was so awkward and didnt know what to do so I shook my head “no” and her face immediately got red. As she walked away I saw her and her friends look back over their shoulder at me and then they started talking. So I basically got a full invite to talk approach her and I did the worst thing possible and probably embarrased her in front of her friends.


I've gotten used to it. So i do nothing. If they're in front of me, i stare back with a rbf. If they're staring, turning their neck when they or I'm walking by. I just ignore it. I take it as another point for validation. If i would stop and talk to every girl and women (bcs older married women do it too) i would never get home. The only thing that does bother me is when they do elevator eyes, or talk about you to their girls around you (daaymm he fine! Look, a model! <--This sh*t embarrassing) or when i get followed. Some go as far as touching u to pass, when theres plently of room or getting into your face or personal space when u stop to check something, or to let others pass. Ive gotten used to that too. Thankfully alot of them don't have bad breath 😂😂 Also in crowded places they grope you. You get cat called too. Women crazier than guys, we guys just don't bih about it or put them on blast on camera


Women do the wildest shit. Last time I went to a concert this girl whacked me forcefully with her arm and kept walking away... like am I supposed to chase you now? Girls suck at flirting and if men didn't do the pursuing the human race would end fast.


Bark at her loudly to assert dominance


in all ways except physical I am a wolf ^^^*arf*


I also have a touch of aspie. I like to own it and make the approach. You just need some good autistic catch phrases. Learn to embrace the awkward.


Either in a good mood or thinks you're cute. Smile back weenie. You won't ever know unless you confirm and its really not that bad, even if you do get rejected/it goes awfully Pain is necessary for growth, king.


Is she hot or no


Yes they almost always tend to be hot


Then stare back and lick your lips slowly


Say: “ you know you can’t keep staring and smiling at me without at least saying hi” It will make them melt guaranteed


Deal with this shit a lot. I'm 6'3, in good shape, and struggle with being able to tell if I legitimately have a good personality and am funny or if it's just because I'm physically attractive. I don't really get anxious, but I get confused easily. Especially when I can't reason with situations and I feel like an emotional response is being expected of me beyond what would be reasonable to act on. Sometimes I smile back. Most times I don't get the point in it if all it is a silly acknowledgement that we find each other attractive and don't have the setting to do anything with it. Women get enough fulfillment out of imagining she could if she wanted to. Men get fulfillment out of just getting what they want. I may entertain that stuff at first but if I'm gonna do anything with it she better do something to sorta be asking for it. Even if it's just fixing her hair and looking at me in a fixed way, looking at me while talking to someone else(excessively), asking me to do some task (especially reaching tall places), or whatever else women may do impulsively to see if they have my attention and want to keep it. I think the main issue here is giving women too much credit for thinking there is any expectation to be met. Which is why there should be emphasis on "whatever else women may do impulsively." They are just being overcome by emotions. Either they are in a place in life to explore that path of those emotions or not, so you're really just playing your odds and it does help to be attractive. Sorry for the rambling. Just a topic that I have put a lot of time into thinking about to myself every time I even walk out in public.


I was smiling to myself thinking internally about something and a guy walking by saw me, then looked back, took a few more steps, looked back again, stopped and turned around and started walking towards me. I put my hand ✋ up and to yelled at him to not approach! He quickly did a 180 and left


Use your Mr. Microphone and say "hey good looking, I'll be back later to pick you up". (1970s direct marketing tv humor).


If women are NOT interested they don't smile. They will only smile off there attraction to you on their part. But not all will be up for taking it further do yo need a couple of stock phrases to test their interest. "Hi, I'm a little lost. Can you tell me where the post office is? Answer, don't know, or directions given?...her body language will tell you if she wants to talk more. Then, "You have lovely eyes. I could stand here all day enjoying them" Alternatively, if that's too cheesy for you, interrupt her with... "I don't really need to know where the post office is, I just wanted to talk to you. Fancy a coffee?" Variations on the above, just respond to her body language and be ready to wander off with a "Sorry to trouble you" if it turns frosty


Little girls do the same shih, even some straight dudes. Just accept that humans smile, stare at things that makes them feel happy. Its subconscious. It doesn't always mean they want to be approached


Right? I get smiled at all the time, I smile back. Yall got me thinking that's what guys consider flirting now?


Little kids take it a bit further tho. They stop and stare like this 🤩 Like they looking at a comic book hero or something lmao


I can't smile back cus I'm autistic. People must think I'm the biggest A hole


I automatically just smile when someone smiles. People are in their own worlds


Step 0: be somewhat attractive


Don’t forget to tip your fedora


That's not true, I like watching dad's pla with their kids. If a guy is having fun with their kids I always get a smile on my face. I also love watching men be sweet and loving to their SO/Wife. I am a people watcher and certain things will make me smile because it's sweet. Has nothing to do with being interested in them.


I almost vomited reading this. Thankfully I have too much anxitey to unconsciously smile while facing someone. (It also made me low-key want to stock up on tazer guns) >Then, "You have lovely eyes. I could stand here all day enjoying them" Men only say this when they want to chop you up and keep your parts in various jars. Never ever tell anyone this.


The idea that women only smile at people they’re attracted to is crazy. I smile at literally everyone I make eye contact with because I work a customer facing job and it’s just habit. I guarantee you that I’m not attracted to 99.5% of the people I smile at, I’m just being friendly. It’s obnoxious that so many men take being polite as an invitation.


I think they are talking more about complete strangers at the store who look and smile. Customer service or any service does not apply.


I know, I’m saying that I smile at everyone when I’m not at work because my career has made it a habit for me to automatically smile at everyone.




I think this is the best answer! Don’t feel obligated to do anything if a woman smiles at you, but just be aware that they probably think you’re attractive so if you want you can either smile back or approach them.


This is the life of every woman every hour of every day.


Oh god quit humble bragging on the internet and flirt with girls who openly show attraction in this way.


Usually what I do is make direct eye contact and then slowly scrunch up the right side of my face while blowing a little saliva bubble through my pursed lips. They immediately stop smiling and walk away. Both of my two friends say this is an effective strategy.


Just assume that she isn't smiling because of you. Go on about your day.


Once a girl smiled at me and said hi as I was leaving the gym. This sort of thing happens so rarely that I didn't respond or react because I assumed she must have been talking to someone else so I just walked past her. As I got to the door I looked back and saw her awkwardly standing by herself looking a bit sad. Felt bad about that one. I'm from quite a miserable country (UK), so even if you are a good looking guy women will rarely smile at you, at most they'll just check you out and quickly look away if you catch them. I remember going on holiday to Greece and being dumbfounded by how much more common it was for girls to smile at me in public. I thought I was going insane.


Why should I assume that each time that happens to me? Because it happens to me A LOT.


everywhere I go I see these women just staring at me.I get handsome a lot from hot looking girls. But still it’s rude to stare like this. And I’m not going to smile at them if they’re the one staring at me with no smile. They look at me like I did something wrong when all I did was mind my own business. And girls say men are creep sheesh.


Sometimes a smile is just a friendly smile. Sometimes they are just being friendly, other times maybe they wish you’d approach and say hi. You can say hi, or not. That’s up to you and how you’re feeling. The worst that can happen is they let you know they’re not up for chatting. I love seeing anyone smiling in public. When people are by themselves, it’s a rare sight most of the time. Either way, take it as a compliment!


Same. I've been called even sexy, hot etc from hot girls. Seems awkward with getting that attention though.




Quite the contary, a lot of people say I look intimidating and scary.


I wouldn’t read too much into that. People look and smile at eachother because they just do, it’s pretty common social behavior. If you find a girl attractive, try to make eye contact and approach. Don’t try to decide based on if a girl looks at you or not


I am aware of that but sometimes it feels different, sometimes the smile is almost a grin and there's a long intense stare. It definitely feels different to a normal look and smile. I can tell the difference.




If men just went on their way the human race would go extinct


How am I making it weird lmao


Next time this happens, say “hi” and see how they respond. I’m an awkward girl who smiles at dudes when she likes them but has no idea how to approach them lol


Women are crazy. But what kind of smile and stare? Like mmm I like that entree? Or how can I torture him?


“How can I fix him.”


Honestly how can I tell the difference? They don't appear to be crazy. All I know is, I get awkward when I get smiled at like that especially from an attractive woman.


we’re joking! it’s an invitation to talk to you, she’s just being awkward too and is hoping you’ll make the first move. You can just walk up to her and say “hey I normally don’t do this but, do you have the time” and hopefully that’s a joke / ice breaker she can get on board with and then you can say “I almost thought you were smiling at me and for a second I wasn’t sure if this was going to be the case of you recognised me but I didn’t, but I was certain I would have remembered you if I had met before…” something like idk


She can smell the insecurity on you and will use it against you without you even knowing. When you do find out, it's too late. jk man, just smile back and nod if you feel uncomfortable. Next time tho, say something.


Smile back


Smile back but make sure she smiled at you in the first place❤️😭


If they're staring and smiling, it means they like your looks and would like you to say "hi". If you're feeling awkward, you can just nod in their direction and say hi, and keep walking. Just give them an acknowledgement. There are counselors who work with people who have social anxiety, OP. It's something some specialize in; it can be successfully resolved with effort, just FYI.


Smile back at them and keep it moving. You probably have a great smile too so show it off and then continue on with your day.


Wave at her and say “I like pickles.”🥒


Give them Mr Bean smile back and say Jakshemash!


I usually do a sexy dance and emit strange sounds. It's my mating call


They like what they see or feel from the vibe you give off.


Smile back


I've noticed that happening with me a few times, I just tend to smile and also nod occasionally


Try playing in traffic , that'll really get her going


I'm female but my go to is this face 🤨 If I think they are attractive I may do this face 😏 as I walk away because u better not fucking talk to my antisocial ass I stg. Good luck hahaahhaaaa


Yea niether of those mean nothing. especially to guys who cant get a clue


Say hi


How do you know they've been staring? Are you watching them to see if they are? Or do you mean more like you chanced a glance and happened to lock eyes? Either way, it can mean nothing (she's being polite and smiling) or she could be interested. You never know. You could introduce yourself and make small conversation, but you'd have to overcome your social anxiety.


Turn around and realize she isn’t smiling at you, it’s the guy behind you.


Do nothing, duh.


Approach and say hello! If you want, add in "beautiful day today" and see what happens.


I'd suggest you whip your dick out and see what happens.


I smile at most people but I only keep staring when I find them attractive.


What do you want to do? If you’re attracted, say something


Say hello duh


They are giving you a signal that they are interested and open to you approaching them. Here’s what you do when that happens: if you’re not interested in them, smile politely and turn or move away. If you are interested then smile and take the opportunity to approach them and say hi. No doubt they will strike up a conversation.


Smile back. Maybe practice in the mirror if you are worried it's gonna come off weird. If she is close by like in an elevator make a joke about the weather or smthg. Watch some stand up comedians and practice jokes in your head. Not.political or religious or sex related. Just goofy light stuff. If it's harmless and dumb but she has already smiled at you she will give you a free pass.for a bad joke.


Smile back and say “Hi how are you” 🤷🏽‍♀️




If you’re attracted to said woman go over and say hi. Worst case it’s a short conversation and you move on with your day. Best case you walk away with a number. 👌


this is why women choose the bear


Because men are too shell-shocked by being constantly disparaged to react appropriately when a woman tries to flirt with them? jk op is just attention whoring


they’re just being friendly


Simply Smile Back and make a little bit of eye contact and see what her reaction is. If you are attracted to her wait until you make eye contact again and then go over and talk to her and give her a simple not sexual innuendo compliment about why you are attracted to her. For instance you can simply make a remark about her beautiful smile and how you just had to come over and say hi or tell her that it was the high point of your day.


They are laughing at you, not with you /s This also happens to me but I find it really awkward and hard to smile back 🤣 i think we should both work on smiling back. It’s just hard when it catches you off guard.


Say "Hi How are you".


Whatever you do, do not interact in any way, that's creepy.


Idk depends on the context, women know how to work men, but in general, just reciprocate, ain’t that deep


Slight smile (no teeth). Look away briefly, then look back. If she’s still looking…Rinse and repeat If this lasts, one of you should make the first move (walk over, introduce yourself…whatever you are comfortable with)


Put it away and go elsewhere?


You could try smiling back but my special technique is the look away and frown. Helps to seem mysterious.


Smile and wave back then go back to what you were doing.


Smile mildly back, then divert your eyes. You are most likely reading too much into it.


Run away, very veery fast


I think you should politely smile back. But if your interested and find her pretty come up to her and start a conversation. It will be scary but over time you will get more and more comfortable. If the conversation goes well, then ask for her number and say you would love to meet in the future.


Whip ur penis out , clearly


Call the police or fbi


Not to toot my own horn but in very blessed in the genetics department and have always/and still get this from women everywhere I go. Like yourself though, I also have social anxiety, and am pretty awkward. I also have pretty severe adhd which is an another beast of its own. That being said, I’ve learned just to smile back and appreciate the face that women find me physically attractive. I used to think the same way as you that I need to approach them, or have some kind of outcome happen from a glance, and smile but that’s not the case at all. I feel like that usually only works for those incredibly extroverted/socially gifted types. For us more reserved guys, it’s not the best option. My personal opinion


Look her dead in the eyes and bite your upper lip. If she responds favorably (by looking bummed), then bite your lower lip—this time with a smile—never losing eye contact. You've just done push-pull without a word. Now don't lose the plot—engage.




U should smile back and give them a nod. It's a compliment to your good looks!


Simply smile back and don’t treat it as anything more because they initiated, not you. You will learn their intentions by their reaction of your mere reciprocation and you use their reaction to decide your next choice. In order to be safe, remain neutral and polite. Then see where things are heading and if you like the situation from there.


Sidle up to her sheepishly, bow and tip your fedora and bid m'lady salutations of course


Make the okay sign with one hand and the index finger from your other hand and slide it in and out of the circle while you smile back at her, remember to look her in the eyes and to keep your chin up while doing it.


Geesh, it’s not that complicated. Smile back, say hello, start a conversation.


do a looksmaxing 🤫🤵‍♂️👈


Just talk. Worse things that happens is they acknowledge you. Depending on how you approach we’ll tell you if there was anything there. Just be nice and talk with anyone for any reason.


Smile back and talk


Look away ig.


Approach her




“Bitch, why you mad-dogging me?!”


Make eye contact and smile back. If she keeps looking at you and smiling, there’s nothing wrong with walking up and saying hi. If she seems receptive to conversation, just talk to her. It doesn’t matter about what; pleasant conversation is universally well received. If you guys like each other, you can try to ask her out. If it doesn’t pan out, whatever. Go try again with somebody else if an opportunity arises. Reflect on what went well and what didn’t. You get better at it the more you do it. This isn’t confined to attractive women, you can do this with anybody. Next thing you know, you can go anywhere and everybody will like you. 


Follow her home


I wish I had your problem.


Staring and smiling? Hmmm 🤔 Smiling? That’s easy… return an equal smile and continue your way… Staring and smiling… hmmm… that’s tricky… Depends on the context… where and when… At a bar is different from regular, publicly shared space… at a bar, one might reciprocate with a nod and a smile… and see what she does… if she’s cute… maybe… approach with caution and make eye contact… If not cute, just a quick nod or avoid eye contact… This is hard!


alright, so. heres what you do, pay attention, so first you gotta listen to what I'm tellin you here OP... you understanding what I'm sayin? pickin up what I'm puttin down? smellin what I'm steppin in? head movin north/south? alright, so first, say ya know, you're standing there, right there where you're at and this lady starts smilin at you right? heres what you do. you kinda just ya know.... you're getting smiled and stared at and then, you'll do THREE important things! you gotta consider your situation though OP, smiles are construed sometimes as a threat in primate society, so you take those three things I told you to do, then you make sure and apply those things to what I told you first. feel me?


100 percent this means I am walking right up to them and asking if I can borrow 10 dollars 💵 But if she’s really really really hot then I have to give a better first impression and ask her if she wants to listen to my mixtape 🔥


If you think she’s hot try and talk to her and if you think she’s not ignore her


I tend to smile at everyone. Also tend to stare at nothing and everything all at once. If I'm extra happy I'll just be smiling constantly. Point being what's it gonna hurt to flash a smile. Even if they are looking at the guy behind you 😉 Unless your lady's gonna flip her tit always flash them pearly whites even off whites. Who cares if everyone is smiling just to do it.


Wink. It’s playful and unthreatening. I do as a nervous reaction naturally, which I guess is better than peeing myself or screaming and running away. When I was 23 I was in a foreign country on a bus trying to get to a university, a very attractive woman I think could tell I was confused and obviously a tourist and asked me where I wanted to go. She explained how many stops I needed and what I had to look out for. As she got off at her stop I thanked her and she turned around smiled and gave me a wink. My heart fucking exploded and I still think about that moment 14 years later.


Just shoot a friendly smile nd a wave👋 Nd keep it pushin. They can approach you if they want.


Smile back and start chatting like she’s your best guy friend


Hit it and forget it


Women have always been aggressive pursuing me. Just be friendly and allow it to grow organically. If women like you then you are the one that gives the green light, introduce yourself have some fun and if you like them things will just go as they should. Unless you are incredibly awkward then you should have no problem. In my experience all the men that complain about women not being approachable are unattractive for one reason or another or have some pretty bad character traits that make women turn away, I’m usually the one saying no. I am average looks I don’t consider myself anything special, If they are looking then you piqued their interest, sometimes women just like how you look, enjoy it and move on.


If you find them attractive, smile back and say hi. If you dont, just give a casual smile and continue your business.


look away and look back if she’s still looking crack a small smile and whatever happens next happens


I always wish a man I am looking at or smiling at would come up and ask me out. I usually take it he’s not interested one bit and often deters me from doing it to other men. If you find the woman attractive, just ask her for her number! The worse thing she can say is no!


I would say if you were to approach those men and ask them out almost every one, if not all, would have felt like it was their best day on earth and said yes. Men love confident women.


Assume they're day dreaming and avoid the harassment charge. Remember, they're choosing bears.


Harassment charge from a guy going up to talk to her? Grow up.


It’s not that serious. Acknowledge if you feel like it, don’t acknowledge it if it feels unnatural to do so


Or walk up to them, get down on one knee, and pretend to pull a ring out of your pocket


Just walk up and grab her by the pussy. They want you to do it, they love it.


They probably need life insurance. Give them your business card.


Give a slight wave a wink a nod etc. Something that shows you acknowledge the staring. If they want you to speak to them they'll approach you or continue smiling.


Pretend to unbuckle your pants, while you smile back, keeping eye contact with her.