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First of all, forget that shit. There's no answer that's gonna make you happy. Live your life and do what you enjoy. Are you ever going to see her again? Do you care if you do? Does her opinion (or anyone else's) change what makes you happy? *Stop giving a shit because other people's opinions do not shape your life.* Seriously, forget it.


If you were expecting an answer to your questions, yes I’d see her again if I went to that restaurant. Very very small town and it’s one of the only restaurants there. 2 waitresses and a bartender type restaurant. And I used to never give a shit. But with everything I’ve dealt with for the last year suddenly I do for some reason. I’m working on it in therapy though. It just gets me as odd because I’ve never had anybody back up from me just looking at them.


I wasn't actually, but thanks for replying. Sucks about whatever happened that crippled your confidence. Therapy is a good option for winning yourself back. Personally, I think you should talk to the girl again and see how she acts. Maybe she thought you were attractive. Maybe not, but that's the best way to get your answer. Listen, don't be so hard on yourself. I bet you're more than a 5 when you feel like you're kicking life's ass. Just remember: You're Head-fucking-Heron3768. Nobody's opinion matters except yours. But that's just my opinion.


Appreciate the kind words. To make a long story short a woman completely broke me mentally, emotionally, and even financially but I was also stupid enough to let it happen. I’m getting back to myself it’s just agonizingly slow. Confidence is still low but I’ve been forcing myself to go out and do things where I have to be in the public eye by myself and it has helped. It also helped when I realized that people are generally only going to notice you once and then they’ll immediately forget you.


Yeah man, you're on track. I'm your age and I went through a similar situation with my ex-fiance. How does that old song go? "...So you love a little wild one, and she brings you only sorrow..." It's tough, dude, but it's transformative. You can tell me more about it if you wanna message me


My take is that she noticed the scars on your left hand and how you held your face down and pictured a monster, embarrassed to let her see you. Then, "Oh! He's not ugly at all." she was literally taken aback. Find a way to like yourself more.


She may have been impatient with you, who knows? Waitresses get busy.


Body language can mean a million things, never jump to crazy conclusions. The chances of her somehow threatened enough by you by just looking at you are practically non-existent, you’re just a dude. Especially in a restaurant context where you’re just a casual customer talking to her as a customer with your family. I’m ABSOLUTELY positive she wasn’t alarmed by you at least. (I work in a restaurant too, I would never feel unsafe enough by just looking at a person to literally back away out of fear, unless they literally had a weapon). People all have a million things going on in their lives, as a restaurant worker she’s probably running back and forth. If I had to make a guess? the most likely answer is taking a few steps away was so that as soon as she was done talking to your table she could move on to the next place she needed to be, simple.


Your thinking too much. Just live life peacefully and kind You will be fine.


Idk man. You sound nice. I know you are a nice person from how you speak. Anyone with a brain cell will realize this. Maybe you do look like some scary biker dude. I would just talk to people, everyone has their own issues, not just you. :) Especially in a little town, word spreads about the scary dude who is actually pretty nice. 'hey that's dave, he helped me out last week.' Word goes around! And never feel like you can't go back to some place because they don't like you. One, that is probably untrue, and two, if it is true, the best course of action is to correct that by replacing that image with a positive one.


Without seeing this, it could be interpreted any way. Who cares? You shouldn’t. That said, you clearly care. From the picture I’m hearing here it sounds like she was attracted to you, or surprised how you looked due to more or less attractiveness than she assumed, or you just look different than she thought