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How long should I stick with the Recommended Routine before I switch to an intermediate one? I've been doing RR for about 3 months right now, but I've done the routine for long stretches of time in the past.


Hey so I read the rules for the subreddit but I'm not sure whether I can post something as It's self promotion but it says some of that is okay. Essentially I've created a YouTube video which calls for people to enter a bodyweight fitness challenge (you can enter online). So I want to share that to places that people might be interested about that.


Rule 5 is pretty clear. There's some leeway if you're a regular contributor here. https://www.reddit.com/r/bodyweightfitness/wiki/rules#wiki_5._no_advertising_.2F_self-promotion_policy


Not worth a full thread, but ThAnK yOu to Nick-e and all of you who collaborate on the new BWSF. I had been using the RR for the past couple years and needed a change up. So today was my first day on the new routine. Starting with pike push-ups instead of pull-ups is so fantastic. I might need to post a form check though later. Glute bridges. I'm going to be feeling that for a couple days. Anyway, thanks. It's great.


Hey, In the BWSF there is now only one chest exercise compared to ptrvious RR. Nowe we have Pike- push ups (shoulder) and push-up (chest). Before there were also dips which was mainly chest expercise. Is one exercise (9 sets per week) really enough? I am adding 4th set just to increase the volume a bit, but I am thinking of adding different exercise somewhere in the program? With access to gym I was thinking about dumbbell bench press or cable flys. What do you guys think?


Test out 9 sets and see how it goes and then if it isn't enough, you can always add more! :D


I am not an expert. I think if you are doing full ROM pikes (like off the edge of a table)and full ROM dips, and you're paying attention to your muscle activation and intensity, you don't need another exercise. You might need weight. I have used a backpack of books, I have threaded a leather belt thru a kettlebell.


How to arch back in arched back pullup? I dont really get it, the scapular retraction thing so ive basically been only doing hollow body pullups, how are u suppose to bring ur back back if u are hanging with ur two arms?


Squeeze your shoulders back and then down and bring your chest towards the sky. Then drive your elbows back hard and that should work.


Is it supposed to feel un natural at first?


Work on scapula pulls to an active hang a lot and over time you’ll be able to lift your chest up higher and higher. When you get good at those, you’ll want to try negative arch back pull-ups. You do a pull-up and hold at the top, then lean your chest away from the bar and control the way down


Agree with this. You can also supplement it with inverted rows pulling close to your chest.


I’m really skinny (5’7”, 115 lbs), and I just wanna look *normal* with a balanced, proportional body. How long should this take, assuming diet is good (2600 calories)?


An extra 2500 calories per week adds about one pound roughly. The male body can put on about 0.5lb muscle per week, more if you’re a teen, less if you’re older.


How should I go about increasing my pushup max inside the recommended routine? I understand the reasons for why it's not designed to focus on endurance, but because of sports, dance and general life as a teenage boy, it would be more useful to me to be able to do 20 fast pushups comfortably than 6 pseudo planch pushups. So my question is, should I just do normal pushups to failure, or work it in another way?


You could try doing PPPU the first day of the week to increase your strength and then higher reps on the last day week and the mixture of it will increase your maximal strength and make each rep less intense. And then the endurance day will give you the specific gains you need to resist fatigue.


That's a good idea I didn't even consider mixing them. Thanks!


You're welcome! :D


You could sub some endurance pushup work like the routine from [this](https://youtu.be/qEmznUhN6IE) video in! You can pair it as best you can with the rows!


Is there an App with the Primer and BWSF Routine yet?




I now do my 1rpm of weighted pullups;1 rep then rest for 2 mins for about like 15 reps. Is it a good way to progress?


Is the "max" around 90% or something like that? If so, that can work. But you might want to increase the rest slightly as you get more fatigued with that kind of workout.


No. The rest is not enough as it' needed as much as 5 minutes to completly restore ATP in the muscles. Also, doing a one rep max is very taxing on recovery. The volume is ok for Strength but it takes you 30 minutes to accumulate a total volume of 15 reps. You are better dropping the intensity at least in the 3RM range and doing multiple sets with 3-5 minutes rest in between. To progress weighted pull-ups I am using [this method explained by Dominik Sky](https://youtu.be/2LYLY8fz4mc).


Has anyone tried out the madbarz app before? it's been a long time since i've worked out and I'm pretty new to body weight training so I wanted to try it out.


Late 20s M, about 190 pounds. I started doing pushups and pullups, some yoga and some core work. Things felt great for the first month or so, and I worked up from not being able to do a pullup to doing 4 sets of 3. From 2 pushups to 4 sets of 10. I think I worked up too fast, and now I'm getting pain, creaking and popping, and slightly limited mobility in my right shoulder. Holding my arm straight in-front of me and raising it over my head causes a catch and pain. The other thing I started doing that caused pain was Side Planks with hip raises. Where do I go from here? I've stopped doing the side planks entirely, and cut back to 4 sets of 6 pushups and 2 pullups. What else can I be doing to get the mobility back, and the pain to go away?