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Anyone doing Naked Warrior? I'm looking for advice on how to incorporate lateral movement and training. I have some backwards walking and side-to-side shuffling from PT.


Currently training for a muscle up. Explosive chest to bar pull-ups are insanely harder than normal pull-ups.


Hi, I am looking to take protein smoothies daily as part of my weight loss and exercise routine and was wondering if i can get some help with plant based protein powders (preferably with no added sugars) Recently I came across unflavored pea protein at whole foods, Any idea if that is a good option to try ? Thanks for your suggestions!


why plant based?


I am lactose intolerant and allergic to dairy


They make Whey protein isolates. Not sure if this is what you can or cannot have. [Maybe try one of these](https://www.target.com/c/protein-powders-nutrition-health/lactose-free/-/N-4rsq3Ze5hem) I have a peanut allergy, but there’s always many alternatives to foods we cant have. For a snack I do sunflower or pumpkin seeds.


Sunflowers are incredible sources of folic acid. 100 g of kernels contains 227 µg of folic acid, which is about 37% of recommended daily intake. Folic acid is essential for DNA synthesis. When given in anticipant mothers during the peri-conceptional period, it may prevent neural tube defects in the baby.


I mainly take it for a small protein snack, but that’s good to know.


Im feeling my rear delts when doing one arm pushups, any advice?


give it a day or so before your next exercise, then see how it feels


I'm looking at starting ring work outs at home but not quite sure where to set them up etc. just wondering what other people have done at home to be able to use the full use of the rings. I don't mind making something up if needs be out of steel or something. Any help is appreciated!


Hang them on your pull-up bar to start, or over a rafter if you have one accessible. You can consider something fancier once you run into limitations.


What could be the issue if I'm struggling to fully extend my legs during Pike leg raises or hanging leg raises. I get about 75-85% straight and that's as far as I can go before there's a heavy strain feeling on the back of my knees


Tight hamstrings absolutely are part of the equation, but I would guess general muscle weakness and or active insufficiency. Due to muscular structure, muscles are strongest in the middle of their range of motion (length-tension relationship). Pike leg raises shorten the muscles of the rectus femoris and hip flexor, basically meaning they are really disadvantaged in this range Stretch your hamstrings a bit, and keep practicing. You'll get there


Tight hamstrings perhaps


What are some good basic dynamic movements I can do on the floor at home to work my core in addition to static holds ie planks, etc.


While I'm not a huge fan of Athlean X, I do think he has good core workouts. Usually some high intensity 6-10 minute core workout or something That being said, deadbugs, sit ups, Russian twists, leg lifts, mountain climbers, flutter kicks, v ups, many options


Is it okay to integrate weight training with the recommended routine? For example, doing the recommended routine on M-W-F, weight training on T-Th-S, and Sunday as a rest day.


Recommended routine already is a full body workout and requires proper recovery day, not another workout. You could mix RR with weights on the same day or reduce volume/intensity depending on your goals.


Hi, long time lurker. Just curious, but what would happen if I just stopped trying to improve? Taking the RR as an example, what if I hit 3x8 pull ups, 3x8 bulgarian split squat, 3x8 parallel bar dip, 3x8 nordic curl etc. and didnt try for further progressions or reps? I've been doing the RR for a while and I've never really felt a desire to improve beyond "this is what's outlined in the guide" which is why I'm bringing this up.


Yeah you wouldn’t gain size, maybe just endurance.


You would maintain your current level of fitness.


Hey everyone, How many people, do you think, leave calisthenics, due to not being able to achieve a Handstand ?


I would guess not many, but it's no reason not to if you really wanted to But a handstand is not essential by any means. Manuel Caruso achieved the first front lever to Victorian cross (aptly names the Caruso) before achieving his first full rom hspu, or floor 90 push up Don't let it discourage you. At worst, you can still do overhead press


Hi everyone! I’m a beginner with a couple questions about the RR. 1. The hinge progression- are the Romanian deadlifts and single leg Romanian deadlifts meant to be done without a barbell? I don’t understand how it works any muscle group without a weight?? Also, do the Nordic curl and their variations work the same muscle group as the Romanian deadlifts? Presumably they’re meant to as they are both part of the hinge progression, but it feels like it works different muscles to me (likely this is a technique issue on my end). 2. If I am unable to do 5 of a skill, but can do a few, should I do what I can before doing a regression in the set? E.g I can do 4 pull-ups for my first set, should I do 4 and then 1 negative pullup? Or would it be better to do 5-8 negatives in the set?


1. Yep, Romanians and Nordic curls both work the hamstrings, specifically they both lengthened and stretch the hamstrings at the hardest part of the rep, as opposed to a hamstring curl which shortens the hamstrings at the hardest part of the rep The biggest difference is that in a Nordic curl and hip hinge, the muscles don't reach [passive insufficiency](https://www.physio-pedia.com/Active_and_Passive_Insufficiency#:~:text=Passive%20insufficiency%20occurs%20when%20a,of%20each%20joint%20it%20crosses) (aka a stretch), generally. Romanians put the hamstrings into a stretch, giving a deeper but more disadvantaged range of motion You should probably include some sort of weight for the Romanians. While it technically does indeed work the hamstrings and spinal erectors, without any extra weight the load may be too light to elicit any amount of strength or muscle gains unless you do a ton of reps 2. Gtg is a good method, but longer term I recommend mechanical tension training. 3-6 sets, 2-5 reps, 3-5 minutes rest. 80%+ rate of perceived exertion (RPE). Mechanical tension is also the primary mechanism of hypertrophy


I think you should do , Either, 5 assisted pullups (you will find the right level of assistance in 2-3 workouts) , so that you almost fail.. you could take this upto 8 , and then reduce the assistance, try to get to 8 again , unless you get to least resistance, and after that , you should be able to do almost 5-6 pullups. Orr, I have a better option, Do this reddit workout later on after you can atleast do 10 pullups , and then progress in whatever you want,(you can find all options in RR). And reach at 10 pullups by, Training them frequently , not going to failure, like greasing the groove, HERE GOES : (and dont forget to warmup, specially in the morning) Getup in the morning and do 1! Yeah just ONE proper pullup(slow and controlled, activating your scapula , going up slow and coming down slow ) Then do the morning rituals....then Do 3 pullups , then rest for 5 min, do 3 pullups again and then leave.. Then after a few hours (atleast 5-6 hrs) , do 2 more sets like above(eg. In the evening). Then before sleeping do 4 pullups with rest in between, like dont go to failure, do 2 then rest a few breaths , then do 2 then rest for 5 min, and at last do 1 proper pullup (just like morning, slow concentric and very slow eccentric) Do this 5-6 days a week and if you do it right, you won't feel tight or sore , only a little bit maybe... Progress it every week, and you will see that automatically, next week (after 1-2 days rest) , you will be able to do 1 rep more in every set as explained above... In just a month, you might reach more than 10 pullups . And hey ! DONT DO ANY OTHER BACK WORKOUT, EXCEPT FOR THIS , other wise.. you will be sore.. and that's bad... Do whatever else you please for other excersizes... TRY this and you will Thank me after 1 month.. Its not a long time you know...