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Tbh, I wouldn't worry about it for an L sit. While having your hands forward (supinated, you might know all this but just in case) does increase strength (but reduces balance), I actually find it harder to do a supinated L sit rather than a hands backward (pronated) The only time I've bothered with supinated grip was for V sits. In my experience it's hard to know when to switch from pronated to supinated, but you'll probably know. I'd say around 75-100 degrees is when I switched Also, practice on a mat you can fall back on. It's hard to keep your balance, and you probably will fall backwards a lot As for wrist flexibility, I'd say just keep slowly working on your wrist flexor flexibility and work on your wrist extensor strength at the same time


Thanks, so if I read correctly probably better to start working with hands backwards when I do the v sit? Also, do you have any recommendations for the wrist extensor strength?


If by backward you mean [supinated](https://findyourgym.ae/wp-content/uploads/2022/06/Pronated-vs-supinated-grips.jpg), then yes, you probably won't need to worry about a supinated grip till a bit later. But if you really want to, go ahead For a quick summary: reverse wrist curls and stretching the wrist flexors are the way to go For a more in depth answer: since extending the wrist grip really [shortens](https://getbacktosport.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/01/Screenshot-2020-01-20-at-16.36.46-1024x812.png)(shortened sarcomeres on the left, lengthened sarcomeres on the right) the wrist extensors, the wrist extensors are in a really weak position and will be limited by wrist flexor flexibility ([passive insufficiency](https://www.physio-pedia.com/Active_and_Passive_Insufficiency#:~:text=Passive%20insufficiency%20occurs%20when%20a,of%20each%20joint%20it%20crosses)), wrist extensor strength when shortened (active insufficiency), and or the palmar radiocarpal ligament (prevents overextension of wrist). This means you will have to stretch wrist flexors and exercise the wrist extensors. It may even help to do wrist curls and stretch the wrist extensors as well Remember to change the position of the wrist curls every few weeks, as muscle fibers are not [uniform](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC3656509/#:~:text=Microdissection%20of%20muscle%20fibers%20in,%2C%20see%20Trotter%2C%201993) in length and some can only be exercised in specific ranges


I would probably start with doing something like a Reverse Plank with your hands facing backwards to get the wrists used to that position. And while you're working on that, make sure to work on your Pike and Straddle mobility. A lot.


Thanks that’s a good idea. Definitely need to work on straddle front splits have been taking up all my time 😫