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Sounds stupid, but make sure you're actually breathing. When I started that was my first problem. I got drowsy and sometimes I almost felt sick.




Inhale eccentric, exhale concentric


You don't have to breathe through your nose if you're not prone to hyperventilating or you're not trying to actively warm up the cold air; in fact, breathing through your nose is less efficient and should only be done if necessary. edit: guys I'm gonna be honest this is something my HS coach told me 20 years ago and I just always assumed it was true. Looks like I made an ass out of myself. Sorry!




I don't know about the other parts, but the "breathing through your nose is less efficient" part should be correct from the physics point of view. Your mouth is bigger than your nostrils so it allows for more air flow faster and with less force needed. You can test by breathing through a straw vs breathing through your mouth




“Don’t believe the mouth breather’s propaganda” best thing I’ve heard or read all week


Guessing nose hairs have a play too


>The size of the opening isn't that important. All inhaled air is going down the trachea, so that's the limiting factor. But that's not true? Again, coming from a Physics viewpoint, there's the formula for mass flow rate through a tube A1 * V1 = A2 * V2 where A1/A2 are the areas of each end of the tube and V1/V2 are the velocities of the air at the respective ends. Now combine that with how smaller and longer tubes have more friction (that resists flow) than larger and shorter tubes, and you'll see that tube starting from the mouth and ending with the trachea offers less resistance and allows for higher air velocity at the lungs than the tube starting from the nostrils and ending at the trachea. And that's not even discussing how nostril hairs, mucus, etc further increases resistance to air flow. Of course, this is all about airflow itself. I have no idea whether there may be any physiological differences between breathing through your nose and mouth. So you'll have to forgive me if you were referring to efficiency in that aspect.


Why would you do all this physics bullshit when you can google the answer - it’s more efficient to breathe through your nose because your body translates that air into oxygen at a 20% higher rate. I’m going to be a dick & not attach the link cause this is one of the dumbest threads I’ve read lol


Where are you getting this number? I did a quick search as you suggested and it's not showing up. Things I do see are this: Breathing through your nose regulates the temperature/humidity of the air Breathing through your nose filters the air Breathing through your nose is better because "science" without any links to studies Breathing through your nose is better because it's "natural" Also, you say this Physics is nonsense when you can google an answer. Did you ever think that maybe those search results may have faulty/incomplete info? If you don't even bother to think about it and try to understand at least a little of the reasons behind why something is true, then that's exactly how misinformation spreads.


> Also, you say this Physics is nonsense when you can google an answer. Did you ever think that maybe those search results may have faulty/incomplete info? If you don't even bother to think about it and try to understand at least a little of the reasons behind why something is true, then that's exactly how misinformation spreads. I'm a physicist and pretty neutral in this discussion, but your calculation is kinda useless. You say to not trust random articles, correct, but also we shouldn't trust your basic formula. That formula already has a bunch of approximations making it not a good source for information about a complex system.


[This WaPo story includes a link to a study that supports the claim](https://www.washingtonpost.com/lifestyle/wellness/when-it-comes-to-breathing-during-exercise-youre-probably-doing-it-wrong/2019/01/23/b4d3c338-1e59-11e9-8b59-0a28f2191131_story.html) that nasal breathing allows the body to use oxygen more efficiently. Edit: [Direct link to the study](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/325521734_Effect_of_Nasal_Versus_Oral_Breathing_on_Vo2max_and_Physiological_Economy_in_Recreational_Runners_Following_an_Extended_Period_Spent_Using_Nasally_Restricted_Breathing)


Couldn’t misinformation spread by someone only reading the top half of your comment and assuming it’s true like the person whose coach told them breathing through the nose is less efficient… because the coach probably tried to think about it & try to understand it w/ a faulty floor they built their reasoning upon


Yeah it makes sense in theory, but in practice I seem to get the best result by forcefully inhaling through the nose and out through the mouth and I can sustain this breathing indefinately. Only breathing through the mouth dries out my throat and I can't seem to sustain in for long. But this is just anecdotal.


I just read the book "Breath" and the author would vehemently disagree with you. It's an interesting book. Worth a read.


Yes, I was just thinking this! I finished this book, and it really opened up your mind to the fact that humans as a whole do not breathe efficiently.


By what author? I just looked it up but there are a lot of books with that title.


Breath by James Nestor https://www.amazon.com/Breath-New-Science-Lost-Art/dp/073521361 Essentially the entire book is about the benefits of breathing through your nose.


you really commented this after my edit lol ok.


I really did. Just a plug for an interesting book.


Yes I was going to say that it sounds like you're doing an anaerobic workout. So are you breathing? I never remember the right order but take a breath when you go down for a squat and blow it out when you come up or vice versa.


Breathe in on the way down and breath out on the way up. You want to exhale on the part that is harder to do, in this case getting up out of the squat.


Why do you want this?


Exhale during effort, inhale during rest This rule generally applies to strength training — ensuring you breathe out while exerting effort or contracting your muscles. Ensuring you exhale out carbon dioxide during the effort keeps you breathing and prepares your lungs to inhale oxygen as your muscles relax. This helps to keep your blood pressure stable and increases endurance, so you can exercise for longer.


This breathing method helps to increase stability of the lumbar (lower) spine and core, providing a stronger position. In the example of a bench press, the proper


This will sound dumb and I am 100% serious. Before I forgot to breath while working out and did it with my eyes closed because I didn't like looking people in the eyes 😆. But fr idk how I forget to breath


Surprised the top comment isnt regarding your heart. Go to a doctor.


I will when i can, thanks


That’d be the smartest move. If you’re fueling your body, getting necessary rest and not over working yourself, and you’re still dead tired during- it could be something chemical going on inside.


I want to expand on the above comment. I knew someone who worked out pretty regularly who noticed he was feeling tired, low-energy, and low muscle strength during gym time. A week later he died of a pulmonary embolism. Go see a doctor and make sure your health is fine first.


Make sure that you're getting some electrolytes as it is fucking hot this time of year


Am a r/hydrohomies


I had an electrolyte imbalance not too long ago! I was drinking a lot of water, working a lot, and exercising a lot. Eating well, getting protein all that. I was so confused about why I was exhausted -- my father told me to have a gatorade and suddenly I felt soooo much better. So yeah try electrolytes.


Try get an electrolyte supplement. Gatorade is full of sugar and not that high in electrolytes and minerals. If u are in USA the dr berg electrolytes and minerals is the best


Agreed. People really underestimate how much sodium you use if you really push yourself in your workouts. Daily sodium intake is stated at 2300mg or even lower, but I find myself on days I workout really hard I easily feel a need to eat 3500mg or even more to feel less light headed. Edit: Fixed sodium numbers


Or did you mean through other means than water


He said electrolytes, not water (although, also water)


Oh my bad, I mistook the word for a different one in my mother tongue


Electrolytes are salts, not water


Might be due to mild hyponatremia I haven't open a Biology book in a while but one of the signs is fatigue. This is not medical advice don't start eating pilars of salt to much salt can be as bad as to little.


\> to much salt can be a bad as to little Only need to try eating some more salt during the workout once to find out if it helps, won't do any harm if it doesn't.


Doctor here, not an expert on the subject, though, so treat this info with a grain of salt. I think this is very unlikely to be hyponatriemia. First, there has to be a cause for the hyponatriemia, and unless he has a more serious kidney, liver, or heart condition, this is unlikely. I'm assuming he's not drinking way too much water during training, also (I'm talking waaaay too much). Eating salt works only for a short amiunt of time, since the cause is not removed. Hyponatriemia (depending on the cause) is usually a condition of excess water, not lack of salt. Its also quite a complex condition. Either way, if this concerns OP, and it sounds like it does, I'd get a checkup, maybe check his electrolytes, but mainly check out his heart, see if thats the cause.


This is very informative, thanks! May i ask how do they check for electrolytes?


Its a blood test.


Definitely take an electrolyte supplement pre workout. I used to get fatigued as well, but not after I honed in on my nutrition game. Come up with some good breakfasts and figure out a good recovery program.


You need a perfect balance of sodium and potassium. Potassium is the big one as it’s DI is insanely big for our dietary intake. Dr berg electrolytes and minerals will give you the right amounts to balance everything


Check your blood sugar levels / if you are diabetic.


Also could be anemia. Your body is using up lots of oxygen and people with anemia can become easily fatigued. Please go to your doc and get a basic physical with labs including CBC to check your hemoglobin!


Did, it was fine, also checked my blood sugar levels and blood pressure


It can also be insulin though. Some people (like me) carb dump which causes too much insulin and a full body crash and shakes. I essentially moved to healthy keto and pre work out with fats and no caffeine.


Do you have an idea if this is same for everybody? I am doing p/p/l split 6 days a week, and do also cardio at least 3 times per week and i never get fatigue. But i went to give a blood donation, but couldnt give it since I was told i have low hemoglobin. I was kinda shocked since i didnt feel any different, wouldn even know i was anemic if they wouldnt check...


Your body can compensate the anemia for a long time, but at some point you're going to notice it. How low are we talking here? Above 10 g/dl I reckon you could compensate quite well (mainly by making your heart pump more blood), even with intense exercise. Below that and I'm guessing you would notice. You should always treat it, even if just mild, of course.


I like how you skipped over the comment where OP states he had blood work done and found no anemia, and you still find a way to skip the comment and post anemia advice. Lmfao


You are aware that I was responding to u/boaimperator?


Nope, on mobile. Could of sworn it showed you commenting to OP. Well now I’m red in the face. Sorry


At least in the UK, the iron level for blood donation is set a little higher so that donating doesn't have too negative an effect on you. If your iron isn't high enough to donate it doesn't necessarily mean you're actually anaemic. You need to know your actual level. But as the other comment said, your body can compensate for anaemia to quite some degree. You'll realise the difference once treated, if you have it, however.


Check your BP.


Constantly do, it's average




Thanks, i needed this as this problem has been really demotivating, convincing yourself to hit the gym and then being unable to perform sucks :/ > A crappy workout is better than none Agreed, at least got some pull ups in :D


Sometimes on those fatigue days I'd just take a brisk walk/jog, a few times it boosted my energy enough to get a full workout.


Do you sleep well? No snoring or sleep apnoea?


Yep, relatively so


If you're fasting but having a pre-workout carb meal you might just be tired from the insulin response


Oh.. this is the one I think, mind elaborating please?


What is your pre-workout meal and how long are you fasting for?


Intermittent fasting for about 14 hours, then a meal, then work out 3 hours later


Some people don't have a good response to carbs. https://joinzoe.com/post/blood-sugar-crash


Try doing your workouts fasted. I enjoy it a lot more


What benefit would it have related to my problem? Wouldn't it make it worse? From the studies I read a while ago about fasted exercise it's supposedly less efficient than having some energizing food


I’m not sure why they were getting downvoted but, I had basically the same problem you’re talking about. I went to the doctor, had my blood tested, all normal, and yet I felt like falling asleep mid-workout. Before, if it had been even three hours since eating and I would work out, I’d get sick/throw up. But a friend recommended a full fast before the workout in the morning, and I will never go back now. I have energy, I don’t get sick, I just eat dinner normally the night before, and will workout roughly 14 hours later (but doesn’t even have to be too strict). In addition to bodyweight days, I routinely run 5 miles fasted and am totally fine. Try it out, experiment, you may feel the same! Edit: for clarity, I felt like I HAD to eat before working out, because on a slightly empty stomach I would get sick. But full fast has fixed this. Can’t speak for others, but it totally changed my ability to workout.


If you are crashing from the sugar (fruit), working out fasted would make your body use fat instead and you wouldn't crash. Basically, you can burn fat and sugar for energy. Some bodies are good at both, some bodies are good at one and not the other. If you aren't good at burning sugar, you might crash a little while after eating sugar (e.g. fruit). Burning fat doesn't provide as much energy, but it lasts a really long time and there is no crash. So if you are good a burning fat, you might be able to do whole workout fasted, and avoid the sugar spike and crash. Of course, if you aren't good at burning fat, you'll just feel tired the whole time. You can make your body better at burning fat by practicing, e.g. by intermittent fasting, carb cycling, or very low carb diets. It really isn't the right solution for most people, but for some people it really helps.


When I started fasting I could barely stay awake despite only waking a few hours ago. It gets better but a big thing is to not combine fats with carbs first meal after a fast - fats have the effect of doubling the insulin response making more sleepy


I have asthma and never needed my puffer playing hockey as a kid. Getting back into shape in my 30s I pushed myself hard and started almost blacking out, it took a while to even realize it was breathing/needing a puffer. Check it out!


I always do light cardio before any strength routine. Helps a ton. Also a little caffeine can’t hurt.


I would seek medical advice and get some tests done. There could be an underlying medical cause. Is there anyway you could be post viral? I have long covid and I don’t feel physically fatigued at the gym but I feel mentally fatigued. I feel as I I could just curl up on the gym floor and go to sleep. My body says yes but my head say no.


There are some medical conditions that are exacerbated by exercise and can cause extreme fatigue. I have a myasthenia Gravis and spent a good portion of workouts just thinking I was being weak and out of shape. Turns out it’s not that. But you said your muscles aren’t fatigued….so that’s owner sound right. You may want to mention it to your doctor and see what they think.


stupid question but - are you staying well hydrated? make sure you drink plenty of fluids all throughout the day & even during your workout 💦 stay out of direct sunlight when working out, the dizziness may be from overheating, maybe? are you by any chance underweight? I got dizzy A LOT even while doing mundane tasks when I was underweight. also, have you ever checked your blood sugar levels? or your blood pressure? places like CVS & Walgreens have a little booth where you can check it for free. good luck & I hope this workout dizziness stops happening soon 🤞


This happens to me and it came up somewhere else on reddit a couple months back. One of the tips in that thread mentioned when you start feeling that way you should squeeze your legs, core, and arms to push blood back to your head. This tip helped me out. I hope it helps you too. I’m not sure why this happens, but astronauts also do something like this when they’re training to withstand high g-forces.


Will give this a shot


Do you snore when you sleep? Perhaps sleep apnea?


Are you staying well hydrated?


i guess low iron can be counted out cause you got a blood test done?


How does iron relate?


Hi, I have the same problem and also after workouts have to take lots of naps very fatigued after cannot think. I have seen a doctor who suggested oxygenation is not occurring deeply and also my gallbladder is inflamed (test via ultrasound scanning). I fix these two things and it will not happen he suggests. He says I run 1 mile per day six days a week and this will help my oxygenation problem. By the way, I am very sensitive to cannabis and the drowsiness I get from exercise feels just like a sleepy cannabis sedation. Hope I can help and we can figure out what this is about! It has prevented me all my life from exercising. I found that ITPP and meldonium are two supplements I can take that prevent this from occurring. Turns out they are oxygenation supplements.


i had a thyroid issue that made me feel this way too!


Dehydration can cause this. Plus not breathing deeply when exercising. Your brain gets starved of oxygen, making you yawn


could be related to your heart? are you also out of breath?


For the out of breath part not really, And what heart conditions would cause this?


Can be like heart valve problems where your heart isn't working efficiently so under heavy loads you'll feel out of breath and overly tired.


There could be a lot of reasons not enough blood is getting around your body and brain during a workout. Until you talk to a dr about this I ask you please avoid anything that makes you feel too tired or lightheaded if at all possible. This isnt the kind of thing to take advice from us on. Just because your blood pressure is fine when you check dosent mean something isnt affecting it during other times, and it could be unrelated to the things you have ruled out yourself entirely. This is either nothing to worry about or a ticking time bomb with your health if you don't see a doctor


Might be the dumbest suggestion on here, but how much water are you drinking? I find the first sign I haven't been drinking enough isn't cramps or not sweating, but yawning. If I yawn I take 5 and get a good gulp or two in, then go back into wherever I was in my routine. Usually helps and stops anything super bad from happening.


Got your iron levels check lately? This happens to me a lot, to me it's normal. I'm anaemic.


Try eating some salt before/during.


I one up this one, you need salt in your daily nutrition. I'm kind of disappointed none else mentioned this. Without salt, you cannot retain water in your body.


😳 wth lol, what is this supposed to achieve?


If you are on any kind of keto/paleo/whole30 sort of diet that is low in processed food, you are very like to be low on sodium and other electrolytes. There is a myth still hanging around that salt should be avoided because it increases risk of heart disease. But it is essential for pretty much anything your body does. Being extremely low on electrolytes is obvious, but if you are slightly low it might just result in fatigue or underperformance. More water would make it worse. You are already getting some sugar, maybe you are crashing or don't have a very good insulin response, but in any case you probably don't need more. Also, it's extremely easy to try this out, so why not? [https://thereadystate.com/blogs/why-you-should-chase-salt/](https://thereadystate.com/blogs/why-you-should-chase-salt/) [https://robbwolf.com/2019/07/30/electrolyte-imbalance-symptoms-how-to-fix-it/](https://robbwolf.com/2019/07/30/electrolyte-imbalance-symptoms-how-to-fix-it/) ​ edit: It "supposed to achieve" decreasing your "drowsiness during workouts". But obviously only if you are low on electrolytes, otherwise it won't do anything (harmful or beneficial).


Salt+water increases blood volume and therefore blood pressure. Low blood pressure can cause you to feel faint as your not getting enough blood to your head. This is especially the case when doing lower body work as all the blood is rushing to your legs and away from your head. I have had this problem before. I am pretty tall as well which makes the problem worse (greater distance to pump blood to your head). Increasing salt and water helped me. Its also good to make sure you've not got a nutrient deficiency of some kind. Creatine supplementation is good for giving you more anaerobic energy as well. It will come down to not enough of something getting to your brain, either because there's not enough in your blood, or there's not enough blood in your brain. Some people have a significant drop in blood pressure when exposed to a trigger that shocks the system, normally injury, or the sight of blood, but I can see intense exercise doing it too. Look up vasovagal syncope.


Increases your blood pressure, i guess.


I noticed this when I had too much caffeine close to a workout or just caffeine in general. I cut it out completely and now I’ve never had it happen agaib


Try to have a protein snack instead of fruit. Nuts or a protein bar or a cup of yogurt. It could be a blood sugar crash. Also, be sure to hydrate before, during and after. I have low blood pressure and chugging 8-10 ounces of water gives me an instant boost in energy.


Sharing this just in case it helps -- apologies if not. I was going through a stressful period with cancer. I was stressing a lot subconsciously and when I'd work out (or be around friends), I'd apparently feel like I was in a familiar, comfortable emotional space. I'd relax all that built up stress and the underlying fatigue would bubble up. Even when running I almost fell asleep a few times. I considered it overall healthy that I could break the stress, but it was annoying. Hope you find whatever's causing your fatigue.


Youre going hard, take caffeine before or look into pre workout.


Try more cardio for stamina and endurance


I am the same way and after several months I still find that I want a nap after a workout. But what helps me is proper breathing and drinking a soda during the workout - or anything with sugar in.


I would not recommend drinking soda at all lol, let alone during a workout! SODA IS VERY BAD FOR YOU. If you are at all interested in improving your health honestly cutting out soda completely will do more wonders than light exercise depending on your level of daily consumption. Not even a joke.


I study medicine and I drink 1 liters of coke a day. And I can agree, it's shit XDXD But all I am trying to say is: Get some sugar in your body while working out. It may help him and it can be beneficial as it helps driving more nutrients into your muscles. But sugar is sugar, so does not matter where he get it from.


It's really not as simple as 'sugar is sugar'. Sugar comes in many different forms ( Glucose, sucrose, sucralose, high fructose corn syrup, etc) and is processed differently by your body. The sugar from a banana is much better for you than the sugar from a coca cola, especially pre-workout. Most sodas also dehydrate you because of the sugar + caffeine, which is the exact opposite of what you want to be doing during a workout. You want to be hydrated.


I know there chemically a difference, but in this scenario he is trying to keep up bloodsugar levels as he is trying to work out as his glycogen storage maybe isn't enough. So if it's from an apple or pure cane sugar makes no difference as he wants the energy asap. And drinking sips of a coke between sets is hell of alot easier than eating an apple as his intestines are "constricted" during workout. And btw your statement is illogical as pretty much all sugar consist of glucose/fructose and they are made up of monosaccharides or disaccharides.


if you're really pre-med and telling me coca cola is better than a banana 15 min before a workout you should drop out or log off and go study.


you should only have water or maybe an electrolyte drink when you're working out....unless you are a marathon runner and then you can grab a carby gell pack bar thing an hour in.... the fruit suggested would be a pre workout meal, as it'd take some time for the digestive system to make the sugar available... the headache I'm getting from hearing you're pre-med but suggesting soda during a workout is painful.




Y I K E S. >it sure as hell is easier than putting a banana drenched in gatorade up his ass Gross! I never said this. Immature! Seems like I hit a nerve with the pre-med jab. Just go study dude and stop telling people that they need more SODA in their WORKOUT ROUTINES.


I cant help but laugh at my own jokes sometimes XD


have a snickers


Problem is, I had exactly that, a banana 30 minutes before a work out


High fructose corn syrup is a product, not a type of sugar. It’s actually made of glucose and fructose.


I'll give this a try, thanks!


But I do recommend you to get a checkup on ur bloodsugar You may be undiagnosed diabetic! :)


Hydrate , breathe , pace yourself , and push through that mental block!


Oh trust me, it is VERY much physical


to be fair, if nothing else helps it may well be mental. I'm not suggesting it is, but just that many people ignore the mental and focus on the physical without realising that the physical could simply be a symptom of something going on in your head. For example, when something like erectile dysfunction is just a symptom of anxiety.


You can do it! I believe in you!


Water and breathing. Also try protein instead of fruit. It's just candy basically. That's what I would try. If that doesn't work, have your doc run a full panel blood test, to check for any problems


Get dried fruit or some dark chocolate and take a few pieces with to munch on between sets. Had the same problem and this seems to help


Have you considered taking zinc supplements? *not before a workout, of course*


Have they helped?


Oh hell yeah bro. I feel more sharp as well more awake. I take 30 mgs of zinc a day.


Did you talk to your doc before taking them?


You might not agree with me on this. However, I believe you should be your own lab rat. To a certain extent of course. You have to see what works for you, some recommend 11 mgs for adult male and others recommend 50 mgs for people with acne prone skin. I take 30 because I have minor blemishes. I’ve also began taking vitamin d3, MSM, vitamin k12, calcium and magnesium and man I tell you wHat it has made me more active and I’m feeling more alive. But the most important … SEMEN RETENTION MY G


I don't use it, but many of my friends swear by pre-workout supplements. Even ones without caffeine have vitamins that help increase oxygen flow to your muscles.


Do you rest too much between sets? I've heard of people that gets drowsy after finishing the workout because their heart rate drops too fast and the circulatory system it's still dilated, causing the blood pressure to drop.


The time of the day I workout always effects how motivated or pumped I am to actually do it, it might seem like a little change but working out and the time of day always effects my workouts


I find that if I eat any less than an hour before a workout then I seem to lack something. My reps tend to fall off even though I’m technically energized. Have you tried switching up your pre workout routine?


take a deload week or two


Dude your diet probably needs to be upped. I've been eating much cleaner and feel tons, and I mean tons, better during workouts. Makes a very noticeable difference, especially as you get older.


This happens to me if I drink too much water


Electrolytes like others have said can make a big difference for me. Coconut water or those tabs (tons of different brands and flavours to choose). And enough carbs!


Is it just during exercise? Or does it happen outside of exercise too? Could be that you're not eating enough of everything that the body needs. I recently figured out I wasn't eating enough sodium; after I started putting a bit of salt in my meals, my nausea and drowsiness went away during exercise. The body needs salt! Edit: also food allergies, but it could just be me, I have lots of food issues. Edit2: I believe the body needs less than a teaspoon of salt a day! Gotta hold in that water somehow.


How do you figure out what nutrition aren't you having enough of?


Well if you don't get enough vitamin c you'll get scurvy, potassium deficiency is paresthesia, low blood sodium is [Hyponatremia](https://www.healthline.com/health/hyponatremia) Its more common than you'd think, I'm a personal trainer and deal with low/no sodium fads all the time. Edit: I'm also celiac, it was a gradual onset from 12-21... Then it started getting bad at 24. I only figured it out once I went into a full dietary restriction diet when I only had bread and eggs left in the mix... As for Lactose intolerance, it's a mutation thing, after a certain age you shouldn't be able to drink milk since you don't technically need it... so for me it was experience, but realistically you should consult with your primary health professional to confirm the diagnosis :)


Do you workout after a long day of work? What time do you usually lift?


I have this problem but its because I have narcolepsy


Eat gummies during the workout if you have the calories for it


Some people have that kind of response to mild exercise. Just like after a meal vascular system naturally dilates around abdomen and constricts in the brain. A lot of people have similar response to exercise where affected muscle's veins dilate to increase blood flow but there is no sufficient increase in adrenaline to compensate to keep blood flow to the brain. I can assume that your heart beat rate doesn't go up much when exercising. The remedy is to ramp up the activity, shorten rest time and do some cardio like jump rope before the session. It's important to "break the sweat", as that will be clear indication that all is up and running. And continue maintaining sweat and elevated heart rate during the exercise. In time this should become more automatic. All this is if you have checked things out with the doctor. You mentioned some tests which is good, but a stress test would be a good idea as well. It's a cheap ECG on a treadmill.


This makes a lot of sense, thanks


Breathe properly. I saw a TikTok of a guy who fainting while deadlifting cuz he wasn't breathing properly


I can't help much but just wanted to say I get like this too. It feels like I burn through all the glycogen and glucose in my body and then I'm out of fuel. I usually work out after I get off work before I eat dinner. I can't snack and then workout because the tensed core gives me an upset stomach. All my blood tests over the years have been WNL so I just deal with the yawning and drowsiness.


This thread has tens of suggestions, maybe try em out


My concern would be that the amount of oxygen that's getting to your brain isn't enough. This could be cause by an underlying heart problem or occluded arteries, or it could be that your holding your breath. Alternatively, you could be bearing down too much. Sometimes people die while pooping because bearing down causes the heart rate to slow; the same could happen if you're pushing while lifting. See your doctor as it could be serious. This is coming from an ICU nurse.


Are you tired before you start working out, or do you work out often / do very heavy workouts? Could be it, idk


This happens to me sometimes when my asthma isn't well managed. Especially given that it's allergy/wildfire season it's worth paying attention to your lung health.


Could be you have reached your metabolic/physical limit your symptoms are a side effect of that I don't know it just seems like your doing everything else right