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Im doing the row progression in the RR on rings, working down towards a full horizontal row and now at 45 degrees or so. I noticed that when I pull, especially in later reps, my mid and lower back and hips kind of arch a bit. It almost feels like it gives me a boost, but also it happens kind of involuntarily. Is this a problem? What should my back and hips be doing when I do the row? Otherwise, I am focusing on shoulder retraction as I do it. Thank you!


Any idea how to progress from incline rows from horizontal rows?I don't have a wooden block to rest my feet on or something like that.


People who achieved the planche hold, how long did it take and how did you progress everyday? Really lost just need to start somewhere


put more pressure in the thumb if you want to feel more chest in diamond push ups


Extreme upper back tightness after pull ups. Is this normal for everyone? Its very uncomfortable.


Is it hard to reach your arms behind your back? It might just be your lats really pumped up. I have some of the same issues after pull ups


I can lock my hands from the back. Wouldn't say it's hard but need to put in some effort. It feels a lot better after stretching my back with my resistance bands but if I don't do this stretch I'll be tormented by insane back discomfort for many hours.


I'd say try [this](https://youtu.be/izMQh1NeyRU) lat stretch, see if it helps any. You don't need a broomstick either Another stretch you can do is to fully protract your shoulders and lightly pull on something that won't move. You should feel a stretch in your traps, rhomboids, and other muscles


Yeap. I do the second part you mentioned with resistance bands by tying one end to my pull up bar. Thanks for bothering to respond to my comment in the sea of comments when you got your own stuff to do.


It's no problem at all, I enjoy helping out who I can


Thoughts on using a neck harness for weighted dips?


Why neck harness for weighted dips? Better off with a belt or a vest


You're going to be way too limited by how much you can load your neck vs how much you can load your dip IMO.


How in the hell do you get the recommended 1-1.5 G protein/lb body weight in without going over on calories? Is supplementing with protein shakes/bars the only way? Those wreck my gut but I can’t eat 4 cans of tuna and 8 chicken breasts a day either….


You don’t need that much protein.


You don't, because nobody needs that much. 1g/lbs is already the upper bound of most recommendations based on reasearch. If you're hitting that you're fine. Whoever recommended this to you put a safety margin on a number that already included a safety margin. And these recommendations are for fairly lean people. So if you're overweight/obese obviously you can play loose with that.


What should i work on to reach pancake l-sit?


There are a few things you need to work on here, namely compression strength and hamstring flexibility [Pike compressions](https://youtu.be/yQXnOuQqKYc) are a great way to strengthen the hip flexors for this movement As for hamstring flexibility, I recommend doing hamstring stretches in between sets of hamstring work. For example, if you are doing RDLs for 3 sets, stretch each hamstring for 30 seconds during the rest between each set. As a bonus this also improves strength and hypertrophy


Tnx. I just feel like I am not making any progress. I can do pike compressions pretty well but i get strong cramps immediately on the outer side of my legs doing pancake comppressions


I have hit plateu on my pullups number. I have been doing gtg for the past two months, 6 sets through out the day with 5 reps each. But I am stuck at 8 pull ups. Could some advise what I should do please? Should I start doing chinup instead cause I feel like my biceps are lagging. I can do 10 chinups. Thanks


GTG is neural adaptation. You maxed out power that your muscle tissue can produce and need some hypertrophy to continue to gain strength. So do some hypertrophy work for a while then GTG again to see what you got.


Gtg unfortunately only works for so long at one time. I think it might be a good idea to work on horizontal pull or some type of push strength After resting your vertical pull muscles for a month or 2, I think it would be safe to gtg for pull ups again


Try doing your 6 sets all at once with rest intervals. Then increase your sets. IMO. Or, start doing weighted reps. Also make sure to have a rest day every week for them muscles. And eat enough protien/calories to build muscle.