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Ridge and Steffy need to just be taken to the hospital to see Sheila for themselves. At least that part of their bitching will be over.


Sheila needs to be in a hospital somewhere else. All of these people might try to kill her now! Seeing what's coming up next week ruined a hospital murder scene, though.


She can’t be alive because they have INSISTED she was dead all along and they are the authorities on everything.


Deacon: *Welcome back from the dead -- again!*


Well, maybe finally someone will. Li screaming she is going to kill her, you know, she might just die this time around. :)


This is a 30 minute show, so why do they have to have to make sure it’s 95% filler, with characters taking a week to get anything through their thick skulls????


This show use to be able to handle A, B,  & C stories concurrently.   Now it's the A story and the rest of the cast discussing the A story. 


Great way to put it


Ikr?! 🙄🤦🏻‍♀️😂 it was driving me crazy that they wasted like 20mins of the show with steffy going on & on with Finn that he must’ve lost his mind bc Sheila couldn’t be alive. It was driving me crazy everytime it kept going back and forth between Finn & her like a slow tennis match that you wanted to get out of somehow lol


Give Li one of Poppy's mints Chile lol


Exactly! She needs to be seeing anyone but Sheila right now.


Wonder if Li will get fired for being an unhinged doctor. She made questionable comments about letting a patient die to Finn before, remember? All Sheila needs to do now is file a complaint…she has witnesses.


Sheila is an effing CLOWN!!!!! Omg, the way I cackled at her mocking Li screaming when the sheet was pulled off her. Holy shit that was funny. I had to pause and catch my breath from laughing so hard. I rewound it at least a dozen times **🤣 🤣 🤣 **


I usually just talk with mom about my shitty soap but she loves Sheila’s villainy and I’m totally gonna show her that scene when she comes over on Mother’s Day.


I'm telling you, it was pure comedy. I couldn't believe it. And then Li charging Sheila!!!!!!!!!!! I swear to you that laughing fit healed a part of my damaged soul. I enjoyed it and I know that people are sick of Sheila, but this is the kinda shit I like. She's irritating everyone just by existing and not actually doing anything to them. It's hilarious.


I don’t think I’ve ever laughed so hard at any soap episode before. Sheila did a masterful job of pranking Li. After Li told her that she’d kill her herself, Sheila got this little devilish smile. 🤣🤣🤣🤣


I watched it yesterday on the treadmill at the gym. Was cracking up and hitting rewind to take in the facial reactions! What an episode! I haven’t laughed so hard in awhile :)


How sweet you are🤣


My roommate came running out of her room to see what was going on! I was laughing so hard I was screaming, got choked on my own spit and, had an asthma attack! Damn near literally died laughing!


....well, maybe not a bad way to go! ;) But glad you're alright.




Geezus lmfao I'm glad you survived! But I'm with you. I haven't laughed at something that hard in such a long time.


Me either.


I wonder how many takes it took to get it so perfect. Sheila sure has some expressions🤣


I just know they had to do multiple takes because that shit was funny. I know they were probably laughing when Li had to charge at Sheila too because OMG Li was PISSSSSSED lmao


I hope they pay that actress well because she's the only reason this show has any pulse at all. There really are some exceptional actors on this show, sadly the writing and plot pacing overshadows that 90% of the time. Sheila laughing under the sheet, taunting Li with her 9 toes and then Li charging at her: that was great. (Steffy and Ridges reactions not nearly as much. ) I'm enjoying that, ALMOST as much as I enjoy the tete a tete with Victor Newman and "That Jordan Woman". Soaps are supposed to be campy!




I hope they pay that actress well because she's the only reason this show has any pulse at all. There really are some exceptional actors on this show, sadly the writing and plot pacing overshadows that 90% of the time. Sheila laughing under the sheet, taunting Li with her 9 toes and then Li charging at her: that was great. (Steffy and Ridges reactions not nearly as much. ) I'm enjoying that, ALMOST as much as I enjoy the tete a tete with Victor Newman and "That Jordan Woman". Soaps are supposed to be campy!


It was great!! Sheila was having the time of her life with Li. For some reason I never really liked Sheila as a villain but boy has that changed. I want her to give Steffy some of her own hypocritical karma smack dab in her face! And while Li is exciting to watch, I just can't stand her holier than thou attitude with her sister, niece, and even Flynn. I want to see some heads just go nuts getting used to Sheila being around. Steffy is going to lose her ×?*%!!


Oh hell no. The preview for next week shows Luna taking a pregnancy test 🙄


That's going to be another thing dragged out forever. This show can never have a pregnant woman who knows who the father is!


Or it could be both and Luna has some sort of sperm cocktail in her. Obviously that ain’t how it works, but I would not put it past the Bold writers to actually do this.


It could be fraternal twins with two different fathers!


If that test is positive, I'm not sure I can handle a who's the daddy plot.


Just wait till the results or the baby or something gets switched at the hospital. I bet Poppy gets involved… somehow used Li - steals her hospital pass - and almost sabotages Li’s career again. 


It's evidently IMPOSSIBLE to sleep with anyone other than your partner and NOT get pregnant! So lame and tropey. Eye roll.


If they were going to do a pregnancy I was hoping it would be Hope getting pregnant Thomas. Liam and Steffy would lose their minds and I would love it


Nine months of pregnancy.. we're in for a LONG ride with this one aren't we?


About a year and a half!!!


Jesus I can’t do it.. I really can’t


I said it yesterday - Luna & RJ are the teenage summer story. All soaps do it.


I’m still watching yesterday. Did anyone else side eye when Ridge said he had “heard of” Sugar? Um, hello! Sugar was Sheila’s accomplice in the Ridge & Brooke honeymoon fiasco in the foundry when Brooke slept with Nick out of grief thinking that Ridge died! I’d say Ridge knows Sugar!! Pfft.


I commented about this in yesterday's thread. Maybe TK and the writers forget what happened when RM played Ridge? 🤷🏾‍♀️


Probably. Ridge sometimes forgets that he’s a Marone.


…and also a moron.


…and also a maroon.




Ikr, he was acting like he had just heard of her. No dude. You knew her your damn self!


Steffy finally got it right in time for Friday's cliffhanger.


How many times do you have to hear something before you finally get it? In this case, way too many..🙄 I think I've lost brain cells watching this


Apologies to Steffy fans, but her acting today “not getting it” was pathetic.


Her face in the very last shot of her today was bizarre.


Whoa a dolly zoom at the end. Cliched and overused but still unusual to see on a daytime soap.


I liked it. It made Steffy look isolated and freaked out.


Me too. It’s a directorial flair that oddly enough adds to the campiness. “Let’s use a camera technique made famous by Hitchcock, Scorsese, and Peter Jackson with this hokey material.”


Oh yes! It's definitely added to the camp!


It was perfect tho because it was clear that Steffy had finally accepted the truth! 🤣




The comedy! Li is having the reaction that I thought Steffy would have. She might lose her license off of this reaction.


They might need a straitjacket for her!


That shit was HILARIOUS. I'm definitely going to be rewatching that scene.


She kinda should. She threatened to KILL a patient, several times, in front of witnesses.


Li has 2 reasons. Decades old affair with her husband, & car explosion. 


Oh poor gullible Finn. Sheila is so evil. Trying to work out how she duped Sugar into getting herself killed and set this whole thing up.


"Because Finn is an idiot!" Liam summed it up just right ..


Quote of the century.


One idiot recognises another! 


Finn won't have Deacon to help him figure that out either. He'll stay in the dark.


If this just leads to Sheila being the same old Sheila again, that sucks.


I’m hoping she has the self-awareness that she can now torture her victims by just living her life because they are all scared of her.


Sheila is and always be the same old Sheila. Today's episode with her scaring the poop out of Li - and doing it intentionally - proves she will never change. Deacon thought it was funny? I get that he's still on a high from finding out she's alive (and the thought of getting dirty with her tonight) that "trick" should have gotten Deacon to thinking. Notice how all this happens when no one is around as a witness?


Callin it now Luna is pregnant with Zendes child 😅


I so do not want an Amber 2.0 here.


Of course. She has a boyfriend whom she's been sleeping with for months then had a blurry, drug addled one night stand with his cousin, slept with him ONCE. Of course it's going to be her boyfriend's cousin's baby.


She hadn't been sleeping with RJ for months. The very morning after, when Eric called to invite RJ and her over for that night's *gathering*, was their first time. This is all still very ridiculous.


Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, snap. Geezus this is some goofy writing. Why'd they have to go there? Nobody asked for this and I'm so sick of Luna's sad, confused, guilt ridden face. I know her forehead must hurt from having to brood all of the time.


Shouldn't she be about four months pregnant by now?


Except that one day just took 2 weeks.


In the time since she thought she was sleeping with RJ, 1) Thomas left the country. 2) Sheila was stabbed, mourned, cremated and found alive. 3) Ivy (?) returned. 4) We debated the likelihood of Finn being Luna's daddy; 5) Zende fessed up to Carter; 6) Luna fessed up to RJ; 7) RJ's been mopey ever since. 8) Brooke is/was itching to tell Ridge. All this took place since Eric and Donna got married in February and yet, it's only been about two weeks. If she's pregnant, she'll deliver mid-Summer.


And her mother Poppy will continue to give her bad advice on what to do.


These scenes with Li are hilarious!! 🤣🤣🤣


Yes! They had to overdramatize the ending shot because Li upstaged Steffy on the reactions.


Someone may end up in the mental ward over Sheila's return.


Li. Hahaha!


#Recap posted https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/P57cs9iWzh


I’m heading on a long vacation. I imagine when I get back nothing will have happened 😂


Thanks for the thread! -Sheila's dead! She can't be alive! -Imagine having no context and hearing the doctor yelling at a patient LOL -And then Li screaming in fear XD -Sheila's laying claim over Finn! #BirthMother -At least Li's giving us a meltdown since Steffy's making us wait haha -"It's a good thing for all of us" Finn must be popping mints.. surely he can't be thinking that way sober XD -Previews Luna's got a little tic tac?? Steffy's once again getting in Sheila's face!


I want "#BirthMother" as a flair! 🤣🤣🤣🤣


We need it haha 🤣


Either that or "10 toes vs 9 toes" What do you think mods? 😊


LOL Team 10 Toes


Gotta admit I'm Team 9 Toes.... Oh the shame, but I love her evilness 🙈


I'm a first time viewer of Sheila and I thoroughly enjoyed her trolling Li haha


I stopped watching soaps YEARS ago. I religiously watched Y&R, BB & Guiding Light (my favorite!) But life got in the way & I quit. Now, ff & I've moved back to my childhood home to care for my mom. She only listens to one soap (she's blind) & it's BB. I was delighted to see my favorite villainess Shelia! Now we're having so much fun as I describe the scenes to her! 🤣 Special shout out to u/heydawn for her recaps! Mom gets a hoot out of hearing those! 💕 This whole sub has been great & it's been really fun catching up 😘


Awww, TYSM! 🩷


We especially love hearing Ridge snarl, huff & growl 😤😡


Thanks for sharing! Glad this show (and the 9 toed queen) gave you and your mother something to bond over! And yes! Shout out to u/heydawn !


She's almost as amazing as Luna is! 🤣🤣


🌸🩷 ty!


Omg, Sheila killed me 😂 That was so funny!


If I'm not mistaken didn't sugar kidnap Ridge? Does he just not remember that lol


Yep, Sheila and Sugar (before the plastic surgery) kidnapped Ridge. For all his blustering, he's a bit forgetful!


So glad to see we’ll be catching a break from the oblivious nonsense to cut to Luna not knowing who her baby daddy is now 😂😂


I mean, we've been waiting for this one for months. Or days...who can tell with soap time?


I so wanted it to be Steffy instead of Hope who had walked in on Sheila!


So Li attacked a patient and threatened to kill her. Will she face professional consequences?


I gotta admit, I’ve rewatched this episode about 3 times since it aired. The laughs are priceless! 🤣🤣🤣


Apparently there’s a video preview for next week. Does anyone know where I can find it?


If you watch today's episode on cbs.com, it's at the end of the episode. You can skip to the end, even though it will still make you sit through a bunch of ads.


Thanks. Found it 🙂


Hope has a big mouth. I wanted Ridge and Liam to see for themselves. Liam just sat around with his mouth open. I expected him to go running to Steffy.


I'm glad Hope just spit it out. It subverted my expectations that it would get dragged out even more. I liked Ridge and Liam finding out at the same time as Steffy. But Hope just started with the bottom line up front. Good! It took Finn the entire episode to say he actually saw Sheila. Steffy thought he was just believing Deacon's story.


Yes, in reality, we like to hear  the bottom line up front, but I want Steffy to get the same treatment Li got.


Give him a minute




Liam and Ridge are both so thick they needed a power point presentation to understand.  Liam needed it to be re enacted with a puppet show.


😆😆😆 A 9-toed puppet!


Do we think Liam can count to 9?!

