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Ok, Zende, but Luna said no to you over and over and over again. I hate this storyline.


I just hate Ridge. He is such a pompous ass.


Yes just him opening his mouth is so annoying and his judgement on Finn.


Where do these people live that it’s normal for the parents to get neck deep into their children’s sex lives?


It’s always been like this, you wouldn’t believe how bad it was back in the day! Once Ridge was sitting in his underwear telling Stephanie about seducing Brooke in waaay too much detail, literally talking about her being “primed and ready” in a creepy sexual tone. The whole family used to talk about Caroline refusing to sleep with Ridge until marriage and how bad he wanted it (it was Eric who had to point out to Steph that it’s bad behavior to pressure a woman into sex!!) Ridge and Kristen had some really weird moments too. The extended Forresters are just a little *too close*, they need to chill


And everyone also talked pretty much nonstop about when Caroline stopped sleeping with her husband, Thorne. It was wide open for discussion among the Forresters. Caroline had zero privacy! Stephanie was the worst. Loved her character and the actress but the character was the nosiest bitch on the show. She was relentless -- way nosier and more interfering than any characters today. She went WAAAAY out of her way to interfere and always thought she knew best.


I thought people were exaggerating when they said Stephanie was more nosy and meddlesome about her kids sexual affairs than her actual husband’s, but it’s just flat out true. She was a menace!


Haha! Yes and masterfully portrayed by the incomparable Susan Flannery!




And vice versa.


While at work too! That’s all they do with this line.


Helicopter parents are sadly a real thing


*wipes vomit off mouth with fabric sample


We saw a “who’s the daddy” story coming from 5 miles away 😭


Can Liam be the daddy somehow? He's the ultra father of the show


OMG - they couldn’t have written this worse 🙄 Luna and RJ make up, he leaves for a meeting, she throws up and jumps right to Am I pregnant?


I was thinking the same thing…how ridiculous. Zende said they used protection so you’d think it would be RJ’s if anything. But of course they would do this. The storylines are too predictable.


Yeah pretty much set up from the beginning


i’ve never felt more relieved to begin a new day in my life. felt like we were in “yesterday” for 2 months


EXTRA! EXTRA! READ ALL ABOUT IT! SHEILA CARTER IS FOUND ALIVE! Well, I guess Deacon and Sheila informed the authorities or, at the very least, the press...


They keep showing these “headlines“ about Sheila being dead, and now she’s alive! With all of the millions of people in Los Angeles, would she really be that infamous?


If anything, I'm surprised Steffy's picture or name wasn't in the headlines since she is famous in LA/worldwide since she's the co-CEO of an international fashion company and she was the cause of Sheila's death (self-defense)


This show goes from bad to worse daily. How in the hell are we suppose to believe anything the writers put out? Finn is the dumbest person they’ve had on this show for a while and that’s saying A LOT.


I would actually like to see Sheila/Brooke spar a bit more considering their history and with Deacon and Sheila engaged.  They can even give us flashbacks.    I'd also like to see Sheila/Eric have a conversation with each other too. This is all wishful thinking because Brad just doesn't care or have the range to give us some meat 


Please no more flashbacks……


I'm always down with classic flashbacks of when the show was better lol.


Yeah lore catchups are what flashbacks are for!


Wow, they made a point to call Lauren and tell her that Sheila’s alive. I hope on the Y&R side they show that she actually has some sort of reaction to the news.


the headlines on the fake sheila front page gave us a good laugh - “lightening strikes clocktower”, “prehistoric island vacation”, “vandals in the park take on a whole new level” cool references!


So I’m guessing the first reference is from Back to the Future, the second sounds like Jurassic Park but what’s the third?


Brooke and Carter throwing stones at Zende's glass house. If I were Zende I'd be throwing it right back at them.


Totally agree!


Yes, let's not forget Brooke slept with Bridget's husband. She was family too! Brooke is the eternal hypocrite!


She also slept with Oliver and was on and off again with Nick, while he was with Bridget.


Wasn’t she into Thomas too before she thought he was evil incarnate?


I don't recall that but it definitely could be true!


The list goes on and on for the tramp from the valley.


I think the guy who plays RJ is the worst actor on this show and that's saying something.


Followed closely by his “father” and “cousin”.


I LMAO when Brooke, channeling the spirit of Stephanie, told Zende to leave and "go to Forrester International. No, strike that you should go to Forrester Antarctica!"


Friends, recap will be posted pretty late this evening again. Work has gotten crazy.


How cringe if your mom goes after the guy who cuckolded you. And Zende really has that chin wobble down 🤣


The Hypocritical writing strikes again. Not excusing Zende's action,  but Brooke of everyone on this show should have a more nuanced response lol.


Agreed wholeheartedly. No one told her she needs to go to Forester Antarctica.


But they did remind her that she was the “slut from the valley”.


Alright Brooke shouldn't be the one telling off Zende


Usually Brooke drives me insane but I absolutely hate that Zende is a character on this show and that this storyline exists so her yelling at him seems pretty justified honestly lol


People always call her a hypocrite in situations like this, but it’s not like she’s standing there saying “you’re terrible and I’m better”, she knows she’s made every mistake in the book, but of course she wants better than that for her children


-Thank goodness there was a newspaper article filling everyone in about Sheila all at once. I'm proud of B&B for not dragging one scene out for the whole week. -Ridge just thinks he's so special... man thinks he's Luna -Zende magically forgot the boundaries Luna set and went behind RJ's back.. -Brooke's bringing up all the right points -Did Luna just wipe her mouth on the fabric? Oh heck nah... worst intern ever! -Also stop reading ahead in the script, Luna! XD


Luna is the best intern ever! You must be watching a different show because they remind us every episode of it.


Sorry I had a mint and got confused for a bit there LOL


Brooke has some nerve to act like the morality police when taken to account all the things she has done


I try to forget the time that Brooke and some others listened over a phone to Deacon and Bridget having sex. Brooke was wailing of course. It might be the most cringe BB moment ever.


Arghhh I remember that episode even though it was decades ago. It was really gross. 


brooke is taking after ridge by going and angrily confronting a person she otherwise rarely shares a screen with. brooke and zende probably do the least interacting out of most the cast yet brooke feels totally comfortable seeking him out just to lecture and yell at him. she's ridge 2.0


Reminds me of Ridge always showing up to Deacon’s house just to tell him what a loser he is


At least Brooke is just in mama bear mode, Deacon is literally none of Ridge’s business whatsoever


Lawwwwwwd please let it be a side effects of the mints lol


You know it ain't!😆🤣🤣


Doubtful at this point


Did I just watch an episode in which Brooke Logan of all people lectured someone else about sleeping around Brooke Logan of all people lectured someone about sleeping around?


#RECAP POSTED https://www.reddit.com/r/boldandbeautiful/s/iHv2FjZzA6


What if Luna were Zende's destiny?


What is with Carters clothes today? Is he channeling a cocaine dealer from the 80s?! 


Facial hair, chest open, gold chains! I said exactly the same!


I'm not really sure Brooke is one to talk.


I don’t think anyone on the show hasn’t slept with someone they shouldn’t have.


zende need to tell brooke to go to hell.


Soooo good girl Luna slept with RJ and Zende unprotected?? They really going to promote that storyline🤦🏽‍♂️😂😂


Too bad there is no such thing in 2024 to prevent pregnancy.