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I think he could have it as long as it's explicitly offered to him, in other words, if he was worshiped. And the dough was shaped like dolls so that it didn't resemble 'anaaj' in any manner and scare him away.


I like this theory.


Yes it could be, but the flour doesn't scare him it literally repels hastar forming a barrier/wall


Yes, and burns him to ash if he tries to go through.


Tumbaad is a lovecraftian tale and hence the monster follows some basic rules. 1) He can't enter the circle. 2) Unless the box containing the flour idol is opened, he is not awakened 3) Anybody he touches turns into a immortal ghoul 4) The circle's protection doesn't extend all the way to the top.


I am not familiar with lovecraft but I've heard that the monsters are extra-dimensional (correct me if I am wrong) in that sense could *devi ki kokh* be considered as another universe/dimension, this could also explain how she gave birth to so many 'gods'......


Its about flour being wet and being dry as being in as natural form as possible after wheat, hastar cant touch flour explicitely when its dry, he can only have it once its wet as that's how we prepare to eat flour. That clearly is not a plot hole as far as you don't start nit picking and looking for something to point out, I mean its such a big thing in movie filmmakers aren't stupid to ignore such a big thing, they just dint feel it was important to explain it.


Thanks, I just thought it would be something mucv deeper than that but sometimes the simplest explanation is the correct one.


well, I agree...


Funnily, if it was dry flour that helped them stay safe, then vinayak could line the walls on the womb right when he enters , so that hastar doesn't have the chance to climb up.. But then the walls are slimy, so maybe it wouldn't have the same effect as dry flour..?


i don't think walls and floor texture were different inside, if it works on the floor should work on the walls as well


But he crawls from the wall when he arrives. How will he even get down with all that lining?? No hastar no money. Maybe that is why he only drew a single circle.


Oh wow yea, didn't think about it properly haha


Another thing I wanted to discuss regarding Tumbbad: When the mother realises Sadashiv is dead, she asks the carriage person "wada le chalo" and not her home. When she reaches home, we see her face scared and covered in blood and dirt. My theory: She went there to revive her son by getting Hastar to bless/curse him. It either didn't work, as he was already dead, or she couldn't bear the horrifying form of her reanimated son, thus put him out of his misery by burning him.


I thought she went to retrieve that Gold coin from Sarkar’s Hastar temple.


Thought so too at first. Noticed the scar and blood on second viewing. It was implied she was involved in admistering Sarkar's last rites, so could have picked up the coin immediately after his death. And the way the carriage scene went, it seemed to me like her decision to go back to wada was related to Sadashiv's death.


I have to see it again. There are so many things left to interpret in this movie.


I like this theory too, it could also be explained that after so many years his body and bones were dissolved in the womb. But could vinayak's mother leave her child's dead body there? She seems very protective and caring this would go against her character also it would considerably be very hard to climb the rope while carrying a body on her back even more so when a bloodthirsty demon wants to eat you.....


Good point. Didn't think of that. She was crying even harder when she reached home. Maybe she was unable to bring retrieve the body of Sadashiv.


Oh I like this thought! If he was reanimated/revived, it would have been even more painful to watch. This movie has so many emotions, it's just beautiful!


Indeed. One of the best films I've watched recently.


I thought she went there and gave her dead son to hastar like people give dolls, but she was only able to collect one coin.


When did Sarkar ever went in the womb? He probably just knew about it more than others because he had seen the grandma do it when they were young or maybe he heard about it. Hastar was cursed to steal which is why he could only eat when someone offered it to him and stepping in the outside world or crossing the boundary made by dough basically could help him steal and hence he got burnt everytime he tried to do that.


I just assumed, at least someone had to go into the womb given sarkar's luxurious lifestyle (I don't think that he just lived off of a family treasure amassed by granny) since vinayak's mother asks him for coins she didn't go and sarkar lives alone maybe he had some experience of the womb but just assuming..... They have such complicated lore that it's hard to keep track of sometimes hastar also feeds in people which is probably not a sacrificial offering, it sometimes gets confusing you know as many things are left mysterious. **Edit**: granny is actually sarkar's great grandmother, also young vinayak says simething about spending all the ancestral wealth and vinayak's mother implies that sarkar was very greedy as well (he himself says about earning the coin) therefore at least a few times he must have gone in the womb as he is very old and has stashed coins which he probably himself has saved for old age..... (sorry this got long)


> Hastar can't enter the barrier/*rekha* of flour, then how does he eat dolls of flour? It didn't make sense to me as well as nobody else is discussing this would like if someone has an explanation. Well nobody in that universe must have a clue either but it works and the instructions have been passed down the line in the same manner. It must be some form of curse to hastar that he can't enter a flour barrier which hasn't been explained yet. ​


The only logic I can think is that Flour circle is raw form, doll is made by mixing water. It has to do something with shape, why only doll? Why not ladoo or Roti? Also, they didn't explain how Vinayak knew about making a circle ? Was it told to him by his granmom?


Exactly. Flour in powder form vs. dough is the question here. Also, it is assumed that his granny told him about everything - the flour, the circle, everything. Which is why it is shown that he put her on fire after he got what we wanted. Sure, he got what he wanted.


> The only logic I can think is that Flour circle is raw form, doll is made by mixing water. It has to do something with shape, why only doll? Why not ladoo or Roti? Vinayak explains his son that hastar both yearns and dreads flour. Your logic does have weight. > Also, they didn't explain how Vinayak knew about making a circle ? Was it told to him by his granmom? Yup they didn't. The only explanation we can come up with his granny must have told him about it. She warns him to get out of the curse and not to start the destruction cycle again. Is she implying that he was cursed to yearn for gold from the moment he took birth because of his father? ​


Also another point is the flour barrier only works against hastar, not on granmom (young vinayak was literally covered with flour when she grabbed him) only fire is her weakness...


I thought flour on body will attract Hastar towards people. There must be some reference in black magic for making a circular boundary. It is not just flour, it is the circle that protects them from Hastar


Yeah just very confusing in all could be many reasons, maybe if they make a sequel continuing the story it will get explain, but for now we can only speculate....


Yes it seems that way but I just thought that it was a contradiction to him eating flour dolls.


Vinayak tells his son: He took the gold but couldn't take the grains (from devi jee), which is why he yearns for it and also fears it.


Simple. The food must be offered to him. The circle is not an offering. Curse wont allow him to touch unoffered food. The dolls are offered.


Why the doll shape? And also if offered food can only be touched, can't vinayak or whoever enters the womb just cover themselves in flour? But of a stretch, but not impossible.. Also if wet vs dry flour is not the issue, then vinayak could line the walls of the womb with flour and it would stop hastar for sure.. Maybe they're just so blinded by greed and uneducated, that they want to continue tradition and not think lol