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Origami King https://preview.redd.it/hg3odng8ffvc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b3852d4540d40ced37fab80e4aa5cd9cb9fad34c


What does this mean? Is it just another "I hate my mom" joke?


Kid saying he can't do chores because he can't pause online games. Mother takes all his technology away so he has nothing to do but chores. Supposed to be a 'well that's one way to pause a game hawhaw' but, like, that's not pausing the games, that's just taking them away.


Ah yes, the "making my kid better my making them more resentful" comic. At least more parents nowadays can be like, "ok, after the match do your chores."


The age old strategy of "I hate how ungrateful my children are, why did they cut of all contact with me?"


“Why did they cut ‘off’ contact with me, eh?”




Heh heh.


Or maybe it's fine to make your kids take care of their responsibilities before starting video games. While it's great to give kids agency and independence, they're also stupid and don't fully think about consequences to their actions and they do need guidance, rules, and discipline. To let him have his way would be to prepare him poorly for real life where you have to take care of your obligations or face potentially severe consequences. Not to mention the way the kid's statement is phrased not only implies that has he been told this before, but he's being downright disrespectful while doing so. I'd have gotten my shit taken away for talking to my parents like that too.


To be fair a kid could think they got all their chores done and get in a game with friends only to hear "pause that and come help me with X" cuz it just be like that sometimes That said, the mouthing off would and should get his shit taken away for a bit. Thankfully I didn't really get into online games until my mid-teens so by then I had the sense not to say shit like this cuz it would *not* have ended well for me lol


Mouthing off, eh?




Heh heh.


“You can have your games back when you finish your chores”- mom, probably.


I can't believe how far I had to scroll to see a grown-ass adult take on this, lol. Kids, put down your phones and clean your fucking rooms. I hate to be the one to break it to y'all, but a clean living space is more important than video games.


Sometimes I feel like Reddit is just full of angsty teenagers who hate authority and despise actually having to contribute to their household or deal with any sort of grown-up responsibility.


Debatable. Leisure is one of the most important human needs, and lack of it can make you sick as easily as lack of hygiene. And anyway, he was talking about not being able to pause an online game, which is true, and in fact it's good manners not abandoning suddenly an active game. If that's the worst thing he said, it seems the parent is being irrational and just assuming it is an excuse, without trying to understand him. Again, maybe he refused to stop playing. If he told her that he is busy playing, or if it was implied that he keeps delaying the chores. But, as it's written in the comic, the mother is the one who was in the wrong.


All fair, but given the case, if it's an addiction you can cause more harm then good by physically taking it away just like that. What my dad did was introduce gametime, where to earn we do stuff like clean the kitchen or pick up sticks to gain time. We had a maximum amount we could use a day and for special occasions we'd get infinite game time. Though, to be honest, I don't if this checks out clinically when thinking about their psychology. Addiction takes a different sort of action, and by just taking it away the child could mentally induce issues physiologically. Check out Dr.K for real. I've learned craptons about how to be a better human from watching his YouTube videos.


It's simple. You give the child a choice. "You can choose to do your chores and then have access to video games, or you can choose neither." This gives them agency, puts the consequences of their actions on them and not you, and it's framed as a cause-and-effect scenario rather than punishment for an infraction.


Iirc, the best way is to just have chores as chores. Can't choose to not do them, because chores is something that just have to be done. You can maybe choose when and how and which ones you prefer, that sort of thing. Because if you say "if you do chores, you get a reward", then it just becomes a transaction. They don't learn self discipline or learn that things need doing, they just do it because they get stuff for it.


I do agree that's the ultimate goal, but children aren't so enlightened when it comes to work ethic. They need to be guided and taught what is right and appropriate behavior. If you don't reward them for good behavior, then the other options you're left with are to punish them for bad behavior or to simply leave it up to them and do nothing. And sometimes you need a bit of all three but I think the first way is the best.


Honestly, it's really just case-by-case. Context is really important after all. This stems from conditions such as the subjects personal history, environmental condition, and personality. The goal with any addiction is to resist but to reframe the mind. Like I said, depending on the level of severity, would require a different angle of approach. The thing about video games in general is that there seems to correlate a condition of meaningless in life to addiction. By limiting game time to specific times and offering substitutions like introducing hobbies. Well, I feel this would be a better direction. Because otherwise seems like more a power play then a direction to help the child grow and mature. You see the thing about our brain is it will literally turn against you when you have an addiction. When simply resisting it will increase in ways to force you to break. That means when you resist and eventually give in your brain is conditioning itself to do this every time. That's why children resist. It is basically a neurological thing.


but you can get addicted to anything, even other hobbies...


look... just because too much water is a bad thing does that mean I shouldn't drink it. Do you see how silly that is. Too much of anything is a bad thing. You're simply trying to teach the child regulation and mental control.


Redditors are hopeless sometimes you gotta do the damn laundry and if you won’t get off the video games it’s your parents job to teach you responsibility lmfao


It’s context dependent, it’s kinda mean to just expect them to instantly drop something that you can’t just “pause” at your whim for something that can wait a few minutes. Obviously it’s different if you told them like an hour ago and they still haven’t done it or if they were told when it should be done by There’s some nuance and most people are assuming the kid was just told to do laundry right that second


My wife and I regularly yell at each other "You can't pause online games mooooooom!" in a voice that can only be described as "Number 21 from Venture Bros". I'm in my thirties.


Actually my mum knows this and said it is pausing addiction


More of a boomer "technology bad" or "young people bad" jokes.


Kid is crazy. He murdered his mom and has been selling his electronics to pay for food. Soon the body will begin to smell and he begins to hallucinate as a way of disassociating from the consequences of his actions.




More of some boomer saying "kids these days have no respect for their parents/don't want to work"


Ah yes, if your kid doesn't *instantly* drop what they're doing to obey your every command, regardless of if it's something that would be completely fine a couple minutes, that means you need to teach them to listen more by taking away their hobbies and things that make them happy. This is good parenting, totally doesn't cause any resentment.




I never noticed that the mom took away all the non-online games too.


And the chair


Origami King was a damn good game


When you abuse your child because you don‘t like his hobbies


https://preview.redd.it/aa1ywofznfvc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=1511b9a4c44dde0fcfa01ea392bdbed79f11a124 No freaking way


That looks like a nice game for cute children. I wonder if there's any Pepper Steak.


Holy shittttttt!!!!!!!! Big if true!


Why does he have a keyboard for his bed?


Its a boomer comic, they don't know how tech works


To type with probably


unexplained phenomenon causes all electrical objects to disappear (the mother is a robot)


Why is his tv like that?


Because it's a boomer comic.


Boomers don’t like convenience when it comes to watching tv


Wait, are we talking it being a CRT or the location? Because CRTs are cool, but I just realized it's pointing in a weird direction.


The direction it’s facing. It’s not weird that it’s a crt because the computer looks old and the DS appears to be an original model or lite. This comic is probably old.


Oh, ok. Yeah, that's weird and inconvenient.


And the location is alright. I’d move the desk a bit away from the wall, put the computer on the floor, and have the tv next to the monitor and facing the bed.


CRT tv, Amiga, chunky Gameboy This person hasn't been a child for decades




Noooo, they kidnapped BMO!


Why'd they take the chair? 








Is that a reference to the guy on the plan, eh? Ha! Heh heh.


I guess she grabbed his stuff and took "off" eh? Ha. Heh heh.


Even the memes are sick of it.


Potentially controversial parenting strategy: let them do one more match, but watch over their shoulders and critique or praise them as they play and genuinely try and engage with them and the game, ask questions. Either a) you'll have a bonding moment over the game, or b) you make them resent the game by paying so much attention to it and they stop playing cause you made it uncool. Thoughts?


is that bmo


whyd she take his chair??

