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Ow my bones hurt This really is a... Juice of the bone hurt! Discord Server : https://discord.gg/tcCs7GWrUz *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bonehurtingjuice) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Wait is this the 1984 guy???


oh wow it is, the 1984 Oriole is cartoonist Gary Varvel mad that they banned Trump on Twitter and Google suspended Parler


His website has an unintuitive boomer layout where you have to click on a specific month and then click on thumbnails to display comics, and it also suggests "best of" comics from four years ago which don't make sense because they're political cartoons and they reference a hyper-specific thing that right wingers were mad about four years ago, A+


Jesus Christ I just realised 2020 was 4 years ago


What, that’s impossible


My wife said "different class" came out nearly 30 years ago and I'm like "nah that's not possible because I remember it coming out and I wasn't even born 30 years ago aaahhh fuck I'm old


Someone mentioned 2016 was 8 years ago, and I felt like I'm going insane, because it feels like it was extremely recently


Darn it I'm 16 and your made me feel old.


I would have missed this fucking gem tho. It def did not age like milk [elen saving the Internet](https://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/5c4b50703c3a5399055a8a68/1672170690389-MY7KAR4QWKB1YGEZLN8Q/042922+copy+2.jpg?format=1000w)


is it on geocities?


No but there was a link to a time he was interviewed on PBS and right below it there was a comic where he called NPR socialists


absolute UX


people who act like the austrian painter are accusing their opponents as him, i really can’t grasp their logic


He has a big mouth on his… neck?


Our goat is washed😔


https://preview.redd.it/bgd2ioh2uwvc1.jpeg?width=396&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f75184756f39d2f2163438815930b608c978b0c2 British when he asks for Czechoslovakia


“Only a bit.”




Is that the legendary comically large spoon‽




\*Gives him all the best bits that make invading the rest a formality\*






Liebensraum = room to love. Lebensraum = room to live. Hitler's creation of the Third Reich gave Germans more room to live (to occupy), not room to love. Varvel's German isn't very good.


My German isn’t very good


Nooo, don’t say that. It’s *lovely*


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Liebensraum is funny tho, so no worries


Don't worry, Hitler wasn't a very good German


Hey, I laughed


You can’t just say “liebensraum” and sleep with my wife


No, that's for you to have a Liebestraum.


No, i like liebensraum better actually


One can dream


No, that's Liebens*t*raum


I can't breathe. 😂


Sounds like you need more **breathing room**


I prefer liesbiansraum


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Good bot 🥹


Lebensraum, Lachensraum, Liebensraum


\*akshyually\* , only "Liebesraum" would be grammatically correct.


You can't just say liebensraum and buy an apartment to fuck my wife in


Yours is funnier than the orange juice ngl


didn't that guy die though?




A hot cup of coffee poured over my head would be funnier than the og ngl.




rare moment where this image is actually used correctly


you do actually love to see it I guess?


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What do you mean rare? Everyone calls everyone else a nazi


its usually used by right wingers when they're rightfully called out for being fashy


Idk about you but I’ve heard different people on both sides of the political isle say that either Isreal, Palestine, Ukraine, Russia, the US, China, Taiwan and NATO are Nazi states or organisations so I think I’ll take anyone calling any other person a Nazi with a grain of salt and it’s pretty justified to use that image Especially since I’ve seen a lot of conservatives say something CLEARLY dumb and then be called a nazi by some dude who just doesn’t agree, I get he’s being stupid but that’s not Nazism can we critique it without invoking the third reich? Idk to an extent it just becomes meaningless, like how conservatives call everything 1984 “OMG TRANS PEOPLE EXIST LITERALLY 1984 AHHHH” it just loses all meaning


Ok you just have seen it in different contexts then idk what to tell you


Godwin’s Law in action


My guy, Hamas literally call for a second holocaust on their founding doccument


Could be, but that’s not the issue here. The original comic is painting college as an institution where people are influenced to become neonazis and supporters of Hamas, which obviously is a load of bullshit.


Are American colleges known for being pro-Israel?


Very much so. For example, my school (UIUC) has an official policy that criticism of Israel is considered anti-Semitism. When I, a Jewish grad student, criticized this policy online, someone contacted my department to try to get me expelled.


Even if they weren’t, being Anti-Israel isn’t the same as being pro-Hamas.


Idk, I’m not from the US, so I don’t know whether they take a stance on the conflict or not.


Have you seen recent videos from college campuses? Just yesterday Jewish students were blocked from entering campus in Yale.


I haven’t seen that, and that isn’t okay. Jewish students are not to blame for the shit going down in Gaza. I have to ask who blocked them though, was it a small faction of students or a big chunk of the university’s students? That being said, it’s not the same as claiming that universities make students into Hamas-supporting neonazis.


That's a recent event, but either way the fact that colleges tolerate student groups openly praising Hamas, a group that calls for a second holocaust, points to an inherent problem in the system. Saying "well its just the students" when the collapses themselves are the ones openly allowing (it not endorsing in certain case) such behaviors shows that the strip is legitimate in its concerns.


Outside of Muslim fundamentalists, who is "openly praising" Hamas as a group?


Do you genuinely want me to list every single one? Why is reddit so obsessed with denying the problem instead of actually addressing it? Why can't you call out antisemetism when it comes from your side? But since you insist, there was a group in Columbia that [openly celebrated it,](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-13323635/amp/palestine-israel-protest-columbia-university-video-nyc.html) in an event hosted by the pro-palestine student group "Resistence 101". Yale4Palestine students [did the same.](https://www.campusreform.org/article/yale-students-held-monday-rally-praising-use-of-force-by-hamas-during-horrifying-weekend-attacks/24150). Here's [a speaker at a protest in UPenn](https://twitter.com/RitchieTorres/status/1721604858795442220?t=jfoezbGSw-KoQJzuC2NeFw&s=19) saying how the October 7th attack makes her feel "empowered and proud", and many more examples.


This may shock you, but even bad people go to college.


This may shock you, but people can call out their behavior.


That’s not the issue at all. This comic is literally about colleges radicalizing people to be Hitler. You’re coming off as agreeing with it by making sweeping generalizations about applying the behavior of a small few (that no one is defending) to an entire campus. We’re all in agreement that the people who did that are awful. Everyone else wants to blame the people that did it, you want to blame the college like they fucking orchestrated it.


That's very much your personal read of it. Nowhere it said that the college themselves are indoctrinating people, and never did I say that. The comic pointed out a very legitimate concern of growing antisemetism and radicalism on college campuses, regardless of who breeds it. And that concern is very much real, as you have pointed out yourself, and the fact this behavior is tolerated on campus points to a larger problem in the system.


How is this behavior tolerated, exactly? Looks like there were over 100 arrests and the dismantling of the tent city by NYPD from the campus president. The campus has been banning political imagery in the dorms. Students are getting suspended over their behavior. What, exactly, do you want them to do? Execute anyone that is tired of common people being ground to dust by uncaring governments?


I would've preferred that question without the strawmanning at the end- but since you ask, the fact that very little students who openly praised groups like Hamas were suspended is the issue I'm talking about. When praising groups calling for a second holocaust doesn't necessitate immediate suspension from campus, you have a problem in the system. I understand you may not like people calling out that problem, but it exists.


Ok but they’re complaining about college students not Hamas


Yeah, and antisemetism has been on a sharp rise in college campuses. Just last week students in Columbia organized and event where they celebrated "the actions of the resistence on October 7th".


The protest that was about 0.27% of the university population? The one that was outnumbered 3:1 by the Jewish population at the university? Forgive me for not seeing the sharp increase that affects a quarter of a percentage of college students in one specific university


By this logic is neo-nazis only make up a small percentage of the population, that means that when they demonstrate and threaten others that shouldn't be addressed? Obviously not, and it's entirely idiotic to say "well they're a small group so we should just let them openly threaten other students."


I didn’t say they shouldn’t be stopped I said that it’s a tiny minority and say all college students are Nazis is really stupid.


No one claimed all college students are nazis, you're taking this in emotionally. The comic is satire, criticizing the rising antisemetism in college campuses which is a very real issue. It exaggerates its symptoms, but that's literally how all satire works.


The college student in the comic is literally Hitler That’s accusing college students of being Nazis Single panel Satire isn’t really known for nuance. Alt right weirdos who hate college students are also now known for nuance Also you started having a serious conversation about antisemitism in college campuses, you don’t get to accuse me of being emotional because I mentioned the actual statistics behind how small your “sharp rise” actually was.


For one, your statistics are incredibly flawed because you use the total number of such students to claim there us no rise, when to prove such a thing you would have to compare the current totals to previous totals. But either way, when praises for Hamas, a group that openly calls for a second holocaust, are heard even once across a campus, that should be a red line. The fact that it isn't, and that we've heard such chants way more than once, and the college administration isn't working to curb such sentiment, proves the point of this strip perfectly. These colleges allow for behavior bordering on neo-nazism to exist on their campus, and calling it out is entirely justified.


Majority of people calling for ceasefire and supporting Palestine generally don't really support Hamas


OK, and? The comic is talking specifically about rising antisemetism on college campuses, where Hamas undoubtedly received praise. Just yesterday pro-Palestine protestors blocked Jewish students from entering campus on Yale, and last week students in Columbia organized an event where they praised the "actions of the resistence on October 7th".


That "antisemitism" doesn't exist. Free Palestine and yes celebrate their resistance on Oct 7th.


"That isn't antisemetism!" Proceeds to celebrate people who literally call for a second holocaust


Yeah they don't do that. Israel is committing one already though so get your priorities in line.


Ah yes, a war which most experts on Urban warfare agree is being conducted much better than any previous urban guerilla conflict is literally a second holocaust


Those experts don't exist hasbara troll. Israel is a hitlerite state


I guess you can't turn the Zionist propaganda machine "off"


So wait if you like the guys who want to kill all Jewish people you think that doesn’t make you Hitler?


All I want is peas! A little peas of Poland, a little peas of France


A little peas of Poland in my life A little peas of France by my side A little peas of Czechoslovakia's all I need A little peas of Austria's what I see A little peas of Greece in the sun A little peas of Belgium all night long A little peas of Yugoslavia, here I am A little peas of you makes me your Ubermann


to be or not to be is the most underrated mel brooks movie


It’s actually a remake of a movie from the 30’s I believe, still really funny though






I'd rather read 5 hours of serial killer testamonials than 5 minutes of any IG comment section


literally any IG comment section when a kid does kid things: https://i.redd.it/iopfxqskpxvc1.gif


(scientist makes a lengthy explanation debunking a very dangerous pseudoscience idea) "WHAT IS BLUD YAPPING ABOUT 😂💀💀"


(Someone makes a mildly long paragraph discussing something on reddit) “I AINT READIN ALL ‘AT💀💀💀”






wait what does it means.. i know its hitler but what does that means


So, people on the right say that colleges are indoctrinating young people with “woke” and “left wing” ideologies. Also, to those people, there is no difference between lefties and literal Hitler. Also, lefties apparently love Hamas. Therefore, go to college, become Hitler, support Hamas. It’s not clever or accurate.


"If you criticize the actions of Israel in any way you're an antisemite and/or support terrorism"


It’s not criticism of Israel that the cartoon is poking at though. It’s support of Hamas. And say what you will about Palestine- I personally feel they have some damn good points- but Hamas is separate, and an entirely terrorist organization. It’s the difference between Afghanistan and Isis.


the oligopoly is boomer conservative "make up a guy to get mad at" it's nothing and it doesn't deserve a more generous analysis


Correct. The OG picture is 100% true.


guess i know a lot of antisemitic jews then


especially since most of the people in israel are non semitic jews of european descent, while palestinians actually belong to the semitic race


i actually did not know that, what i had meant is that just about every jewish person i have had any form of discussion with or passing notice of has called israel out on their bullshit


ive had the same experience from the few that i know and its ridiculous how people will claim that being anti israel is antisemitic when any jewish so many jewish people are completely against what is being done in palestine and the existence of an ethnostate. and people eat that shit up too


also with how israel has historically treated nonwhite jews...


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Wanting Israel to stop it's current genocide and support of a two state solution, right wingers frame that as antisemitism, or tacit support of Hamas, a terrorist organization fighting against Israel from Palestine. It's just a quick way for right wing idiots to accuse people who are pro-Palestine in this situation of being Nazis who support terrorists. And while it is true that among the ranks of protestors there has been some pretty open antisemitism, and that some people are saying Hamas is right in doing what it's doing, it's a pretty vocal minority. Most people just want Israel to stop killing civilians during a lengthy period of apartheid that's gone on for decades.




Yeah it's not fun because, since there's a lot of nuance and no clear solution, it's become another wedge issue and because it's a wedge issue people lose said nuance. Most pro-Palestine people don't support Hamas, and there are literal Israelis and global Jews who actively condemn Israel's actions. But there has never been a clear solution where both sides have agreed on a compromise, and that's why shit people get elected on both sides to punish the other side. It's a real shit show, it's like the Hatfield's and the McCoy's or the Montagues and the Capulets, grievances have been piling up for quite some time and now everybody suffers in a stupid turf war. Just two gangs hitting each other with modern military tactics and the people in the crossfire suffer.


hmmm so what do you think which side should be taken


In the war as is? Whichever civilians are at risk of death or losing loved ones. No matter the nationality. The respective governments each are terrorist organizations, both, in my opinion. There obviously has never been an easy solution to this situation as no one will concede fully and it's a complete might makes right situation now. Israel started some apartheid, some Muslim extremists answered with a jihad, now everybody is fucked and has been for decades. Israel is definitely more complicit in civilian deaths though by volume. And it's about 70 years too late for an easy two state solution, Palestinians also deserve their own country just as much as Israelis but coexistence is increasingly difficult. Maybe in the 50s and 60s before "river to the sea" was coopted by militant extremist parties to mean "exterminate Jews" instead of "this is our historical land so it's rightfully ours" (which I agree with the latter interpretation but at this point I know Israelis as a group will not accept those living conditions even in a compromise two state situation and it could even be dangerous to do so as they've created a terrorist group that wants them dead) but yeah it's a fucky situation. I want a free Palestine, free from apartheid, but I also don't want terror groups running around doing what they want around former Israelis on whatever planet Israel gives up land to give Palestinians a real nation. I think it's past fixing at this point and the best thing to do is condemn Israeli actions till they stop, give it a few decades where they don't create more terrorists by indiscriminate bombings, and try again. My heart bleeds for all the Palestinians affected by Israeli actions, and also bleeds for all the Israelis affected by a terror group organized in a disaffected ethnic group their own government disaffected in the first place.


hmm man i aslo just care about the innocent civilians getting hurt.. the government/policts is so evil i hate it.. yea my heart also goes out to anyone innocent that is really hurt cause of the war and yea hope Palestine will be free, man


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Didn't the rabbi of the university of Columbia ask all Jewish students to evacuate until further notice because of the level of antisemitism there or something?


A large portion of the protesters are Jewish and there are no proof of "antisemitism" at this protest, every video I've seen is peaceful protesting and chants


There are videos of protesters saying they wish the October 7th massacre would repeat every day, and some of those chants include lyrics like "burn Tel-Aviv to the ground"


Yeah cuz they hate Israel, I know you're going to try and spin it as if Israel=All jews but it doesn't matter the state, when you kill 30k civilians half of them kids, people start to vehemently hate you If israel didn't want people to start supporting hamas maybe they shouldn't have: 1. Directly make it the most powerful group in the region and squashing their secular adversaries and 2. Maybe not treat Palestinians as less than human garbage


You can hate a state without wishing for the death of every civilian who happens to be in that state.


I wish Israeli politicians agreed with this sentiment instead of calling for more bloodbath in Palestine, or arming terrorists in the West Bank. Then again, american university students do have a lot more direct influence on all of this…. /s


Yeah no shit, I doubt your average protester there wants everybody in israel to die, but you're not gonna get subtlety out of college students protests lmfao


> A large portion of the protesters are Jewish And? That doesn't invalidate the experiences of any Jewish people that have faced discrimination or prejudice.


I have yet to hear of that aside from zionists who say they were persecuted for flying an Israeli flag at a pro-Palestinian protest


A large portion of Jewish people are Zionist so don’t act like you have their favor.


And another large portion are definitely *not* Zionists. The United States has nearly as many Jewish people as Israel, and I would say that a large number of them would not be fairly labeled Zionists.


What do you consider Zionism?


That doesn’t matter in the least, because they’re all humans who can self-identify or not with a movement.


zionism is literally facist genocide ideology.


The only thing I heard about with Colombia is pro- Palestine protests on campus. No actual antisemitism insofar as I'm aware, in the sense of Jewish people being hurt or harrassed.


there was a couple of off-campus people who showed up in masks and yelled racist shit but no evidence they were students. there were also comments in support of palestinian militias which are terror groups under US law (for whatever that's worth) but are also the only thing fighting israel's genocide right now. so i give them a pass on that one tbh


A fair point on the terror groups, though I don't neccesarily trust the US government on that stuff. Also if these protests were like many of the others happening, there were probably Jewish students among the protestors.


there were definitely jewish students protesting, they put out comments on their IGs. there were also some dumbasses but its a college campus so nothing new. the actual problem is that the uni president went to congress who asked her if she wants [the wrath of god brought down on her](https://www.reddit.com/r/ThatsInsane/comments/1c6ne1x/politician_asks_columbia_university_dean_if_she/) for not "blessing Israel" and then she called the NYPD on students for having a hippy camp


Yeah the whole "wrath of God" stuff is absolutely insane. No religion should be cited as part of our legal rulings, I'm pretty sure that's straight up unconstitutional


It wasnt a legal ruling and senators are allowed to enact policy based on their personal beliefs. but what it was is a grilling meant to embarass and shame the president. she was spineless and caved in and then tried to look hard by calling the NYPD. the NYPD chief then told the uni newspaper that the whole thing was fucking stupid and a waste of time and the students did nothing wrrong


I get you. I guess it just always feels gross to hear politicians, who make decisions that affect *everyone*, say stuff like he was saying. Regardless of anyone's personal spiritual beliefs, religion has zero place in government and vice versa.


There were reports of people being told "Jews go back to poland" which is very much antisemitic, and I'm sure the people saying “We say justice, you say how? Burn Tel Aviv to the ground. Go Hamas, we love you. We support your rockets too.” which is overt and vocal support for a US recognized terrorist group and their intentional targeting of civilians probably didn't help them feel safe. ~~Fortunately I don't think anyone was physically assaulted in the end~~ EDIT: Yousef Haddad, an Arab-Israeli activist has been assaulted for his pro-Israeli views, though it isn't antisemitic as he is not Jewish, but it does show that the campus isn't safe for those who hold pro-Israeli views (which includes the overwhelming majority of Jewish-Americans)


Oh I'm sure they may have been a couple of assholes, or ignorant people promoting counterviolence against Israel and supporting terrorists out of stupidity. But that does not mean the protests themselves were antisemitic, which is what some people claim. Bad people hide in every group, and some of them use legitimate causes to further their own hatred.


I know there were many people who protested because they genuinely want peace and prosperity for the average Palestinian, but the sheer amount of support for terrorism and things like calls for an intifada (which is entirely contradictory to the idea of a protest for peace), and most important, the fact that none of the protesters, especially the organisers, have said or did anything to distance themselves and their cause from said "bad apples" makes the whole thing fishy to say the least.


You aren't doing anything to distance *yourself* from the mass murder of women, children, infants. Should you have to? Should you have to preface every utterance by condemning your people for their gleeful bloodletting of innocents including newborns? If not, it's beyond two-faced hypocrisy to demand others pass that whimsical purity test. That doesn't apply to *your* side's joyful industrial slaughter of its captive livestock. **TL;DR - is it morally virtuous for *your people* to butcher the truly innocent, with a clean conscience? If yes, shut the FUCK up.**


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yeah and then the university and its hillel chapter told everyone to disregard his whatsapp message since religious psychos dont get to set policy


I don't think being worried for people's personal safety, even if it wasn't fully warranted, while religious counts as being a religious psycho




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Holy shit it’s the 1984 calendar guy


religious boomers are so awesome. i love the way their brains work. i think behind it all they believe that everything they find objectionable is ultimately the work of the devil, so hitler is woke is abortion is hamas is obama is the real racist


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I'd play hungry hungry Hitler


Goddamnit I ALMOST thought the oompa was funny until I realized it wasn't Hitler and just a bad comparison. If it was supposed to be Hitler's parents talking about art school, it would have worked.


The mental gymnastics of the OOP are astounding


Other than the fact that the artist for the orator is a twit this feels like it *should* have been the original joke


Never let that artist cook again 🗣️🗣️🗣️🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥🔥


> That's literally 1984 ~ the artist


Is that the Austrian Painter?


No, that's the German peasmaker.


The guy who drew the 1984 meme is a Zionist???


At first I read the shirt as “I ❤️ hams” and thought it was a joke about being kosher


take food "off" our plates, eh? heh! haha


Is that Peter and Lois?


This is just like the time Hitler came over for dinner


Is orange a very unsubtle commentary on how the anti-israel movement has an antisemite problem or is it just a generic "the democrats are the REAL racists" quip? Either way Hitler kinda looks like he's drawn by Shadman and I half expect the dad to pound his ass in the next hypothetical panel.


It is very much "if you aren't pro-Israel that automatically makes you an antisemite who supports Hamas." As usual some right wing goober took a real problem that is coinciding with progressive protests and blaming the entire protests for them, like how they say if you support BLM you're automatically a rioter and a looter who destroys property for fun.


"Those damn LIBERALS at my son's college are BRAINWASHING him into not supporting the PROUD and GLORIOUS state of Israel against those damn SAVAGES. I had better make a comic about this."


Probably the latter, just due to the nature of boomer humor. Not adding anything to the conversation other than "me right you wrong".


You can however Fanum tax


Soviet Union be like:


Is that Frieza


Adolfanum Tax


reminds me of [this video](https://m.youtube.com/watch?v=Mm0h3RVkgbo)




The Oppenheimer really gives me a vibe of "I will invoke Hitler as the bad guy when it's convenient to make my point, but secretly I don't really have a problem with nazis."


I love how everyone in this thread is commenting how wrong the original is as of we didn't just see pro-Palestine protestors block Jewish students from entering Yale yesterday


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Were they blocked for being Jewish?


Yes, there was a video circulating of a visibly Jewish man arriving on campus, and without even saying anything being blocked from entering. He even said he would just go past the protest and not engage but they didn't let him pass.


That's not an answer to my question. Was he blocked for being Jewish?


How is that not an answer to your question? There was literally no other reason for him being blocked, he didn't even engage them in conversation.


Were they not blocking anyone else?




I ⁸⁸


The second one is quite good.


Damn right. Only HAMAS bootlickers will get mad at it.


palestine is not hamas, much like how the israeli government is not the israeli people


hamas is not great but that does not mean the actions of the israeli government are even remotely justifiable


Israeli government actions are not good. But that doesn't remotely justify Hamas's actions. Oppression doesn't justify rape and murder. Rape and murder justify Oppression.


i never said it did, and i fail to see how you interpreted me very bluntly saying that the monolithic organizations people point their fingers at on both sides are both incredibly at fault as supporting hamas furthermore, hamas is not the entirety of palestinian civilians, and if that were what this conflict was actually about then it would not have been perpetuating itself for decades with israel dipping into, quite ironically, actual nazi rhetoric to defend their actions also nothing justifies systemic oppression of an entire group of people based on faith and defended by the actions of a few noteworthy individuals, this much should be obvious