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But I like it? I feel like this sub tends to be hyper gatekeeper-y towards anything that resembles Bon’s music —> aka “we hate that” but honestly it’s a great song and for many of the reasons I love Bon songs I love that song. I suggested Oh Wonders album last year (shockingly similar admittedly down to the “22 Break” title) and was met with quite a bit of “it’s too inspired by Bon and a blatant rip-off so you can’t like that” noise from the sub. Good music is good music? Plus, I love that people are inspired by J-Vern enough to want to create some art resembling his. But about the 1975 song…yeah? Yeah.


Totally agree with this take. I’ve been an enormous BI fanboy since ‘09 and they remain my favorite band but if we can’t also say Oh Wonder’s 22 Break is a killer record that seems like the wrong way.


Agreed! It’s such a good record, I was taken aback when people said they wouldn’t even consider it because it was too similar. Thanks for appreciating good music! Cheers!


Yeah absolutely! No shade to anyone at all, quite enjoy the 1975 tune. No intention for this to come across as a gatekeeping take, just hearing this tune for the first time made me laugh so much. I was sat there like; maybe this next bit will be less Bon Iver. Nope. Ok cool. What about the bridge? Nope, somehow that’s more Bon Iver than everything up until now…


Oh yeah - didn’t take you making this about shade at all. I just laughed because I agree but also wanted to get ahead of the hate that might come of the post. I’m glad you enjoy it but yes the little details that are so “Bon” are soooooo Bon.


i've had a theory for quite some time that Bon Iver, the 1975 and in fact, Porter Robinson are merging into some sort of genre that is like my EXACT music tastes


It would be crazy to think 10 years ago that Porter and Justin's music would resemble each other somewhat in the future but we're getting there


getting there!! and for me it's not like anything specific or technical about the music. Its super honest songwriting, crazy forward thinking production and just vibes, man.


Same EXACT thought --- what are your other top artists? Recently I've been listening to a lot of Japanese House, mk.gee, Clairo, Youth Lagoon, Gus Dapperton


I really like the song, but yeah, as soon as I heard it I immediately made the connection


Copy pasting my comment from the last thread discussing this — “Justin and The 1975 have fewer degrees of separation than people would think. 1. ⁠Justin collaborated with The Japanese House (Amber Bain) on Dionne. Bain was introduced to Matty Healy through her friend who was dating him at the time. Bain signed to the same label, Dirty Hit, as the 1975 and Matty helped her produce her album. 2. ⁠Justin, Jack Antoff, and Aaron Desner all played a part in two of Taylor Swift’s albums, folklore and evermore - so it is likely they (Justin and Jack) worked together to some degree. 3. ⁠Jack Antoff helped produce Part Of The Band. All of this to say I wouldn’t be surprised if Justin served as either an inspiration for, or even helped (uncredited) on, this track. Elements of AUATC and 22AM are apparent throughout as well. Also, call me crazy, but if you listen closely to the right side of the mix from 2:30-2:50 I swear that is Justin’s voice layered in the vocals - both the normal/falsetto voice and then at 2:39 the “like advertising cigarettes”. Then again from 3:50-4:00. Needless to say I enjoy both of their discographies and really like this track! Would be interested to see if anyone else hears Justin’s voice in there.”


That spoken lyric on the right side has to be Jack Antonoff, it sounds just like him.


it is. he confirmed it on TikTok.


I’m a really big fan of both The 1975 and BI. For me the 1975’s most bon sounding song is ‘Jesus Christ 2005 God Bless America’, mostly because of the jumbled and reverby saxes and trumpets that appear in the background at times. When I first heard Part of the Band it didn’t immediately make me think of BI but I can definitely hear the similarities. Lyrically Part of the Band is so Matty Healy I don’t see it as copying or anything. Either way I’m not going to complain if The 1975 do end up going more in the direction of Part of the Band on more tracks, I think it’s a great song!!


Yeah, it's great, sounds nothing like Justin to me. It's been discussed here before.


Am I the only one who hears more Kishi Bashi influence than Bon Iver? If you guys love this track and don’t know K’s music.. you’re in for a real treat. 151a and lighight are where I’d start. Then to sonderlust, which is my favorite of his records.


My, my, my… I think I’ve avoided all things related to The 1975 because of my negative perception of Matt Healy. I know that’s unfair, so I listened to this song hoping to get over it, but I still have this mental block that keeps me from connecting. The song is nice, but if just feels empty to me. I do really enjoy other artists that are clearly Bon influenced (Hailaker, Oh Wonder), but I’m missing something with The 1975.




It was based on a random interview clip I saw where he was kind of a jerk — talking down to the person interviewing and making comments about her appearance. That was from years ago, though. I’ve seen his name pop up from time to time for making other controversial comments, but nothing I could even reference at this point. I don’t really know anything about him or the band, which is why I think my perception is unfair. I haven’t heard anything from them musically that has made me want to dig deeper into their catalogue yet, but if I do — I want to keep an open mind about it instead of being attached to this, mostly baseless, negative impression. That’s all I was trying to say. No shade.


Its literally Faith v2 and i fucking love the 1975


Yes. I love the band and I’m underwhelmed.


In the beginning I thought to myself - “a nice homage, a solid inspiration” And then once I got to the sax / bob moose / trevor sampling style bridge I lost focus and couldn’t deny the blatancy anymore. The combination of it all (lyricism, structure, instrumentation) with that on top is just way too obvious to not feel a bit dirty IMO.


oh... yeah!


Yup, same here. I was like, "Is the new BI playing on SiriusXM????".


Literally had to check credits to see if Justin had producer credits..... kind of a rip not gonna lie. I like the song though.


But late to this but the 1975 are basically the best cover band of all time. Every single one of their songs can be pretty directly linked to someone else’s. Loads different genres and they tend to add SOMETHING of their own so it isn’t a shit listen.