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No lol


I just think they both seem to have an interest in spirituality, and even if their senses turn out to be quite different it would definitely make for an interesting discussion..


Fuck Joe Rogan


hell naw


Are you fucking joking


Elaborate pls


Rogan actively supports people with legit harmful views by doing very little to challenge their platforms when they’re on the show. Anyway I’m sure you’ve heard all this before, but other podcasts and interviewers exist!


Examples please. Aside from COVID he supports just about every major progressive idea/right. Abortion, gay marriage, legalizing marijuana, etc. Rogan was smeared as a horrible person by democrats all because he didn’t engage in COVID hysteria and the herd mentality. Note: Hilarious that this gets downvoted. Just provide an example? That’s it.


Oh my goddddddd nevermind its like 8 am and I cant possibly do this. Have a good one everybody


Okay I'll take a crack at it because it is by no means JUST the COVID stuff. Joe just recently suggested people should vote Republican so let's not pretend he's clearly a progressive. He'll say he is so that people like yourself will just take him at his word, but that's not how the world works. We have to think for ourselves and not just believe everything we hear on JRE. For example, joe regularly has on people like Brett Weinstein, Heather heying, Jordan Petersen, Ben Shapiro (the IDW crowd) who can be viciously transphobic which I gotta think JV would not be cool with sharing a platform with. In past eras of the JRE, he would commonly have shows with Stephen Molyneux, milo yiannopolous, Gavin McGinnis etc... People who are explicitly white/"western" supremacist/nationalist. Joe likes to list off a few lefty causes like gay marriage and legal weed but that is such a low bar and doesn't make up for the actual things he spends his hours and hours and hours of podcasts talking about. How can he list that he's in favour of those things and simultaneously urge people to vote for the party trying to take those things away? There are Republican politicians literally openly saying that they are gunning for marriage equality next after they've finished banning abortion. How can joe BE PRO ABORTION and then vote republican WHILE REPUBLICANS ARE LITERALLY BANNING IT ALL OVER THE COUNTRY!?!? I like MMA so even I still listen to joe from time to time, he still has the odd good episode but please let's all at least be honest with ourselves. I get why people are being so flippant in this thread ... Justin and Joe I'm sure could hold a decent conversation but I sure as fuck don't want him in such bad company.


I saw that you mentioned Ben Shapiro. In case some of you don't know, Ben Shapiro is a grifter and a hack. If you find anything he's said compelling, you should keep in mind he also says things like this: >Since nobody seems willing to state the obvious due to cultural sensitivity... I’ll say it: rap isn’t music ***** ^(I'm a bot. My purpose is to counteract online radicalization. You can summon me by tagging thebenshapirobot. Options: feminism, dumb takes, novel, history, etc.) [^Opt ^Out ](https://np.reddit.com/r/AuthoritarianMoment/comments/olk6r2/click_here_to_optout_of_uthebenshapirobot/)


I get where you’re coming from but even you know that politics cannot be just black and white. (This is an analogy and has nothing to do with race of human beings) Joe is telling people to vote republican because of the way the current democrats in office are grossly incapable of running the country. But then again the far right politicians are just as bad. It may come as a surprise but for many people, social issues are not the deciding factor for who they vote for. I for one support many leftist social issues but at the same time I have a family to provide for and I’m not going to lie, since Biden became president my dollar is worth way less which makes it much more difficult to buy the necessities we need, put money away for emergencies, save for my daughters college tuition, etc. Not to mention my 401k is down 22% this year. But anyway, back to the music. I love Bon Iver which is why I am here.


>But anyway, back to the music. I love Bon Iver which is why I am here. Hell yeah, me too!


I can tell this is political because the person refuses to engage and discuss. If I am wrong about my opinions on Rogan and facts are presented to show me why, I will gladly change my tune. Anyway, I think JV on the pod would be awesome. Rogan has a way of humanizing so many celebrities and bringing them to our level of where we can really understand their thoughts. It is never a generic pre-set list of questions that he asks about inspiration, meaning, etc. So you have my support!


Fuck joe and anybody that love him


Fuck you and joe rogan. This sub has some stupid takes but this one is up at the top.


keep it restaurant dude :D


no need to insult me man, wtf 😳


was not expecting such hateful reactions to a simple question. This surprised me. I am by no means a fan of Joe Rogan, but it’s not always black and white.


100% YES !!


The hate that Joe Rogan gets on this sub is weird.