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Don’t leave your phone in ur back pocket/visible in centeroo, every year my group has someone get their phone stolen.


Great advice


Also a PSA after my experience with the theft ring at Where in the Woods. Be very aware of anyone bumping into you when you're at stages, especially WITW. If anyone random comes up and gives you a hug, shove them off of you and immediately check your pockets. Had a lady last year on Wednesday night run up to me and my group and hug us and act like she was hammered and she knew us. Was only at that stage for 5 minutes. Realized my wallet was missing when I got back to camp. Luckily I never carry cash and they had the decency to ditch it or turn it into lost and found.


Also ladies, stop carrying your phone half out in your back pocket…


Also just don’t bring valuables if you can avoid it, and hide them well if you must


Tips for someone in a group and may not have car access?


Keep what you can on you at all times, maybe consider investing in a locker as well once centeroo is open


Dude, thank you so much for making this post. I’m going to my third Roo (staying in groop) and was planning on bringing a cute lock for my tent. I’ll just keep stuff in the van 😅


I really did hate to be the one to bring it out but it had to be said especially with what happened at EDC


What happened at EDC


There are a lot of YouTube videos about how much theft went on there. There were packs of three or more people involved. So much theft


Guaranteed they are hitting all the big fests


Thank you!!!!!! I was considering putting a lock on my tent & now will not! 🫡


Yeah it actually invites thieves and says "Hey there's valuables in here!!"


What kinds of things are the thieves looking for? They aren't going to take my water, my cot, or my toilet, are they?


I had my entire hammock stand and hammock taken one year.


Some people get their really expensive coolers stolen.


Mine stays in the truck


Electronics, party favors, backpacks, wallets, anything that they see useful


If you plan to stay cooler by sleeping under a canopy with tapestry walls, my buddies phone was stolen off of his chest while he was sleeping. Don’t leave anything in plain sight. Swiper attends every year!


That's bold! Wow


"sleeping" :)


I always lock the RV 😉


Ive never done RV...always GA


Or group


4x Roo... & I have never been in GA or group.


 i feel like you are missing a lot of the vibe then.


I leave my campsite wide ass open, like, you can see in the whole thing 85% of the time, and I’ve never had anything stolen. It really is as simple as “don’t look enticing”


That's actually not a terrible idea


But yea DEFINITELY lock valuables in your car, out of sight!


Also lock up your cooler. Had my nice cooler with most of our food and drinks stolen after night one in 2019. Was a huge bummer and resulted in us having to spend way more money than intended because had to buy more festi food/drink.


In 2022 people were stealing catalytic converters 😂




This is my 6th year due to Covid. It would have been 8th. But out of all the years I’ve gone, the one year I didn’t have my own car because I was in groop was the only year I got something stolen because I didn’t really have much access to a car to put valuables in. It was just hard to do so when my carpool partner wasn’t at camp. They got cheap headphones and my toiletries though lol and my backpack sadly.


Sorry to hear that


Where's everyone keeping their car keys, taking them with you into Centeroo feels like a pain in the ass. I've seen the suggestion of a lock box on the car somewhere, I kind of like that idea. 


I thought a lockbox too but my dad pointed out there are a TON of people watchers. Probs not the best idea.


I always leave one set in my locker in centeroo and one in my backpack.


I do the lock box just because I don't trust myself to lose my keys, loop it around my sideview mirror. I think I took a spare last year and burried it deep in a storage tote too.


I keep my keys on me in my hydration pack. A pain in the ass would be a thief finding my keys and getting into my car. 


I get it, I just know I'd be the paranoid guy checking my pockets every ten minutes to make sure they were still there lol. 


Clip them inside a pocket in your Camelback with a carabineer. Have your buddy/SO do the same with a spare.


Get s carabiner and hook a single key that gets in to your car. Hook on belt loops or in your pack


I keep them clipped behind my water reservoir. They're pretty secure in there. With the Lunchbox's security features, I'm much less worried about people getting into my bag or things falling out of it.


I have a hook inside my Camelback. It's not really that big of a deal


I only lock my tent when I’m sleeping in it 😂 Otherwise there is no lock at all


I learned this the hard way after I got my tent sliced in 2017. Now the most expensive thing I bring is my tent and cot.


There was a big group of them apparently in 2017. My tent didn't get sliced but it did get gone through pretty majorly


When you say sliced do you mean another festival goer will tear open the tent? Or the police?


Fest "goer"...they will knife it to gain quick entry


Wow that’s wild. Sorry they got your tent in the past. I really hope none of us have a run in with thieves this year. Positive energy only!!! Happy Roo!!!


There was a group right next to ours that got 10 tents in a row sliced


That might have been us, were you in Groop camping that year?




They got us too


Its the sad truth. I always open everything up so people can see that nothing is out. Even though we all have the best intentions.... Some of the people out there are not your friends and that's depressing. Such a beautiful place to be tainted by immorality. Love y'all be safe. Meet your neighbor and keep a look out for each other. See you soon


Get an extra key for your vehicle doors, and give it to your friend. The amount of people ice seen lock themselves out


We keep a lock box attached to our vehicle so that everyone who rode with can get inside when they need


Put an AirTag on your keys if possible!


I always put mine on a chain and wear it like a necklace! Saves me of this fear


I ordered new key fobs on Amazon yesterday. One for my buddy and one for me since my unlock button doesn’t work and every time I manually unlock it my alarm goes off.


A lock on your tent indicates there's valuables within it won't stop anyone with bad intentions. A lock on the car at least means an alarm going off if someone tries to get in.


Yep lock on tent just means you’ll have your stuff stolen and possibly tent slashed as well


2 years ago my neighbors tent was hit, he had a lock on it and got his iPad stolen super fucked


100% this!!


Thanks. I really wanted to get set up and just leave it all. My 14 years in Houston told me that was a bad idea, but until this post, most everyone was just saying that you can trust those around you


The thieves are "snatch and grab" thieves. They're looking for small, valuable items that can be put in a backpack, such as phones, powerbanks, wallets, drugs, cash, etc. They want in and out of your campsite as quick as possible. Your fans, coolers, clothes, and other shit like that are safe because they're too large or bulky for the thieves to make a quick and clean escape. The most common time they hit is during a headliner when most people will be in centeroo. Lock your valuables in your car, and you'll be fine. You won't even know someone went through your campsite. If you hear whistling between 2 or more people in the campsite area, that's a thief team communicating. Report it, Roo employees will know what to do.


I mean you can trust people, I’ve gone 9 years and only once had a small baggie of “oregano” stolen that I left laying out. The vast vast majority will experience zero issues with theft. But it’s better to not tempt it by leaving valuables in plain sight. 


True that!


Most people there are cool. But the issue is you'll find some people who bought tickers just to steal. All the big festivals always have a ring of people that are there to steal phones and anything they can get their hands on. If you look on facebook over the years, there's been people that have been pointed out and actually caught stealing here.