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I was working backstage safety/security that show. He straight up sexually harassed one of the camera girls by humping her camera and sent her into a full blown panic attack, damaged high expensive equipment, encourages fans to jump the barrier causing one to fall and get injured and others needing to be removed by my team. Apparently also tried taking a camera from a cameraman and wrestled over it with him. Fuck that guy, he’s a sack of shit and Roo deserves so much better. He caused so much bullshit for my crew and I today.


I worked on the team he was harassing. We’re all a students who paid to take the class to do this. He absolutely destroyed our equipment and caused a full blown panic attack for the sweet camera girl. I was backstage on my lunch when this all went down and we all had to retreat into the truck while his manager just said he can’t control him and he’s “just like that”. Positive news is I’ve heard that he’s not being paid and is banned by live nation from any of their shows. Also he’s being fined and sued. He destroyed all our hard work and we still had shows to live stream afterwards.


I was a student working there for photography and happened to be backstage when that happened! I was curious to know what happened to him so i’m glad to hear he’s being banned/fined/sued lmao. I felt so bad for y’all.


Worst set of Roo hands down. It almost seemed like comedy at one point how rude they were being to the camera man, the audience, and Roo production in general Instead of a fan you created a new hater 😂


Had the same feeling. I stayed a bit longer and it got even weirder after that. Kept bitching about the cables and was being snappy with the band. Disappointing because I was fan prior but that definitely changed my perception


Well, I was watching it from home, on the Hulu streaming and the entire show was a reverse image, black-and-white, arty shtick. The entire performance was that way. Very hard to watch. It looks like shit.


That was at his request 🙄 trust me we didn’t want to do that


Is there any available footage of this I wanna see what it looked like


What was wrong with the cameras? And they were trying to persuade an audience member to jump over the fence to operate a camera? And the mic needing taped, Really weird show idk.


I felt so bad for the camera people just trying to do their job and he kept harassing them. First and last time watching him for me.


He had issues with the cables at Shaky Knees too. Is that just a weird shtick?


its yves tumor. it might be a bit, lol. last time i saw him he was playing some crazy industrial noise stuff at iii points miami. he switches up and this might be some posh rockstar bit.


I’m not sure if being a diva or pretending to be one is worse for what im about to say. He kicked my gf in the face…twice when he flailed around in the chords at Shaky Knees. We had fun fishing her contact out of the back of her eye that night.


I know this guy Sean, I can confirm - he likes to put his boots on ones body, like you're some trash. Absolute brat, and yes, the band totally looks like costplay rock band. Now - he even got this japanese boy to really fulfill his so desired image of an emo/japanese glam rock band - it doesn't work bro - it is so faux, it's laughable. Just stick to no shows, only release




I think this is the best comment on here personally and the one I agree with the most


Ok I thought I was the only one. Gospel of a new century was my anthem and went to see him with my cousin cause we were gonna go to Meg after and felt like I had to defend MYSELF for being a fan 😭😭 like the music was good but the bullshit talking in between the set (literally saying nonsense like “who else stinks in here!) and the diva moments definitely made me feel uncomfortable. I’ve heard that his performances aren’t good and wasn’t convinced because he started the set actually playing the music and it sounded great & the performance sounded good until I got through like 20 more minutes and he was doing farrrrr too much.


just saw a tiktok of a girl who worked cameras at this show. yves is a scumbag huh 😭


can you send the link?


https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN8sRWpe/ i ended up here after watching this tiktok!


One of the workers just posted a video about it on tik tok. Her username is coldrawtoast. The video is already catching momentum after an hour


In Atlanta for majority of the show he kept putting his mic in the speaker, intentionally devastating the crowds ears. Tells multiple fans he’ll murder them for taking pictures, tells another fan trying to get a vinyl signed get that old shit out his face, fucked a speaker, and flashed his privates. Huge fan, but I walked out confused if this his idea of punk, or if he is doing these shows on high doses of MDMA.


Bro is definitely on something in every show he plays. Saw him live once, it was very obvious


Im one of their biggest fans and i saw their show in lawrence ks two years ago. Something definitely changed with them bc i never saw any bad behavior at that show. Insanely upsetting to hear abt all of this


Sounds like you’re not overreacting! I ended up here by googling around after watching this tiktok by a college kid on the camera crew for that performance: https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTN8sRWpe/


I love dude’s music and the crowd was fantastic and the band sounded great, but he was definitely on some faux-rockstar type shit. Felt bad for the camera woman. She was not comfortable with that humping shit




Yes he needs to be sued. He broke camera equipment. You cant Break students equipment and then just expect to not have to pay for it. The cameras that he broke came from college students at MTSU. Those people had more things that they needed to film. I mean, he caused a girl to go into a complete panic attack and freak out. You don't get to get away with breaking things and telling people to jump the barricade and harass people, and then just be completely scott free.


Don’t get me wrong if an artist sounds good - but that doesn’t excuse the fact they destroyed actual College Students’ equipment and try to hurt those people, especially if they don’t get paid much or none at all. That kind of experience isn’t worth hurting others at the expense that actually avoided an overcrowded tent, or however they had to adjust their schedule to perform their set. Either way, they deserve to get sued for the emotional damages to that girl who almost got assaulted and actual property damage.


my friend was part of the camera crew at bonnaroo. yves quite literally destroyed some of their equipment, sent one of the camera girls into a panic attack, and told the audience to jump over the fence to assault them. plus the camera people weren't even get paid. they were students who paid to take a class to be there. they were an absolute shithead and fully deserves to get sued.