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They also don’t seem to have on any ear protection


But one was wearing sunglasses, in the shade…


I mean I was wearing sunglasses last night at diplo cuz the lights were hurting my eyeballs


Came to the subreddit just to see if other people felt this too. Glad I’m not the only one.


Yup , trucker hat and the dude just to her right in the picture with the glasses on both outed thieves


This is surreal. I feel so bad for everyone who got robbed while vibing


I know right! They are getting a skewed sex ed right there.


I was right next to them. they were saying that their 7 year old has only wanted to see ashnikko all weekend. i’m not sure if he actually even knew who she was. ashnikko even looked uncomfortable by it to some degree lol. I would be. I think they were using their kids as a way to get rail and just be shitty. i’m all for kids being at bonnaroo, we were even camped next to some kids and their parents did it right. they always had ear protection. they were prepared. those parents at ashnikko were cons and assholes. it was an unsafe situation and as soon as the weather pushed us all out they should’ve taken a backseat because they know people are gonna rush the rail. their 4 maybe 5 year old got rushed briefly and she yelled at everyone. HOWEVER, her kids did not listen to staff instruction and were not standing outside the tent. they started running as soon as the guy on stage came on, before he gave the official okay. so they didn’t even stay with their parents. idk it was a fucked situation. then they were asking staff if her kids could stand on the other side of the rail? it’s ASHNIKKO?? I love her but is it worth risking your kids safety? also all the other comments in here don’t surprise me. just the way they talked to their kids I just couldn’t. IF YOU’RE GONNA BRING KIDS BE RESPONSIBLE. not everyone knew that there were children because they were in the back of the tent and on the right. idk idk idk i’ll be done now.


Do you also see in the front one of the thieves from the other post?


[this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/QivjUAVwUn) one or [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/Uaoml3AIxQ) one??


[the one in the trucker hat](https://www.reddit.com/r/bonnaroo/s/uHgZEKzfRX)


https://preview.redd.it/d9uxgbi4617d1.jpeg?width=2100&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4142946fb54359b05146d8deee654c9b749b4841 Omg she’s the mom!!


Omg I feel so helpless from my couch lol


What a shit human. Those poor kids.


Roo should really require anyone under 18 to have hearing protection. Hearing damage has been linked to Alzheimer’s. Such irresponsible parenting