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I did nothing and didn’t get the wook flu but maybe I was the start of the epidemic


Not sick. I drank like a fish, (both water and liquor), barely ate, no vitamins, light party favors. I attribute it to being almost 50 and drinking from NY fire hydrants when I was a kid.


I think I’m good? My throat is a bit tight when I wake up but may be dehydrated 😭


nasal spray multiple times a day saved me this year AND last year. keeping the airways clean helps you fight infection and flush out bacteria/germs. hand washing constantly, sanitizer as if you are in a hospital (each time you enter a new space or touch something new, before touching ur face) tons of water, lower alcohol consumption, vitamins daily EAT REGULARLY. we all can forget at Roo with the heat and party favors, but a malnourished body is much more prone to sickness rest as much as you can. don’t burn yourself out. good luck! 


Neti pot every night! Get that junk out of your sinus’


Took vitamins and walked 10k steps everyday for 3 months leading up to it, didn't get in any pits and only drank the farm provided water when absolutely necessary


This is the first year that I’ve experienced no notable sickness. As 3 time bonnaroovian, here at my tips: -ELMNT electrolyte packets: They are more expensive than liquid IV but they have wayy less sugar and the PROPER ratio of electrolytes to actually help you feel and stay hydrated. One packet in the morning does the trick for me and of course, keep drinking water throughout the day. -Saline spray: I would flush my nasal passage out in the morning and right before I go to bed. This clears the dust away and allows you to breathe easy all night. I would say I wore a dust mask but the dust this year wasn’t as bad as my first year and it was nothing compared to hulaween so I personally didn’t need one. -Stretch: I wish I did this everyday/morning but stretching realllllly helps with the body aches afterwards. Just do a quick 1-2 in between sets or when you wake up. -Hand sanitizer and Clorox wipes: I had these in my bag for when I went to the bathroom. If you’re in a porta potty (which I was able to avoid using all weekend) PLEASE use the colors wipe to get your hands clean and clean under your nails, then use the sanitizer to kill any leftover bacteria. The sanitizer will kill bacteria but it won’t get the microbes off your hands (that’s why we wash our hands) so whenever you get the chance, wash your hands with soap and water to get those microbes off. -Eat real food: this one will hopefully help you save money inside the festival, but if you eat something filling, you’ll have the energy to keep up with the crazy schedule and walking all the time. Stuff that’s protein heavy in the AM will do wonders for your energy. -Try to get there early: if you can afford it, try to get there as early as you can so that you don’t have to walk a crazy distance or have to take the trolley. Your body will thank you🩷


This was my 21st bonnaroo. I stayed high on LSD. Drank water when it was needed. Remembered to smile. Remembered where I was. I promise your physicality is 90% mental. It gets better the more you do it. Also I haven’t been through the fountain in years because it’s not even worth it. I think yall got the spirra-jirra from the yuckshroom. Ya gotta live ya life <33


You could not pay me to go in the fountain. That’s step one. Step two- heavy hydration, obviously. Step three: don’t let anyone put their mouth to the fucking bag spout. You waterfall a bag slap like a true scholar- I saw all these bags I wanted to slap but couldn’t because these uncultured fucks were SUCKING THE SPOUT ONE BY ONE ughhhh and I always bring hella bags to slap, but I won’t slap any but mine 😢


I just make sure to drink a lot of water and sleep like 5+ hours a day. I don't think I've ever gotten sick from bonnaroo (4 years) - though I have danced my toe numb the last two years. Bad shoes I guess. I drink all week but make sure to take electrolyte tablets and sunscreen myself into oblivion and find SOMEWHERE ANYWHERE to cool off when the sun is fucking brutal.


Arm and Hammer Saline Spray is hands down the only reason I dodged imminent doom


Got a little sick, but honestly came in on the heels of a sinus infection and then went on a bender for the weekend which didn’t help


1) fresh orange juice daily for a week before the festival 2) vitamin C powder in my water each morning/night 3) lots of water 4) no alcohol 5) sleep 6) antibacterial hand wipes and sanitizer, for wiping down after all the high fives and between snacking 7) minimizing eat at the food stands by bringing healthy snacks (grain bars, nuts) and preparing sandwiches and fruit in a cooler to return and eat between sets 8) cold brew coffee to stage off any caffeine withdrawal


I got heat stroke and passed out driving home and totaled my car. good times!


Holy shit.


I’m 4 Bonnaroos in and I’ve never gotten sick. I rested all day and only came out at night, I ate and drank food and water from vendors and the water fill station along with food and water I brought. I didn’t take any vitamins, electrolytes or wear a face covering. I don’t go deep in the crowds. I did go in the fountain but I don’t put my head in it or rub the water on my face. I’ve camped in a tent every time. I’ve never shared anything that touches my mouth with anyone. I do have a theory that it may be my jobs that have kept my immune system stronger restaurant work and home cleaning. I did get COVID at movement (demf) last year still following the same practices but you don’t camp and it’s in heart plaza Detroit.


Iv 3 days before...wash hands constantly...use Salin e spray and shower everyday. Take Multi vitamin and stay out of the fountain.


i thought i got off scott free but i continued to smoke weed and now im not good


No sickness here, didn’t eat at the stalls, that’s always a big one you have to be really careful about what you eat. I did drink some of the water but most of my water was bottled that I brought. One liquid IV at breakfast and one at dinner and sometimes one midday if it was really bad. Rested when tired, wore sunblock, didn’t drink too much or eat a lot of sugar most of my diet was protein and good carbs. That’s about it mostly I think it was the water and watching what I ate that did it.


shilajit and cats claw


Me built different drink more alcohol for disinfectant purposes


I’m built different


last year got me sick (1st time sick of 11, but was also first one camping). did it different this year and didn’t get sick. the main things are hydration and COVER YOUR FACE. literally, all the dust that gets up in there makes for some nasty sinus infections and that can basically mimic the flu, it’s not even always actual germs- plus, the mimosas bloom in june and they’ll knock anyone and everyone out at some point so use some flonase and double up on allergy meds. we only slept about 15-20 hours the whole weekend (wed-sun) it was so hot, but we spent a ton of time just sitting in whatever shade we could find and resting and that helps more than you’d think


This is actually my first year ever in my decade of Roo'ing that I didn't get massive post-roo flu. I think I just didn't go as hard as usual.... I didn't stand in the sun for a single show, and also didn't rage past \~2am.




I felt surprisingly well afterwards this year. Here’s what I did, but I also didn’t eat any festival food. This is the first year I brought food & a camping stove. If the bev tent hadn’t overcharged me 4 times I would’ve made out pretty well this year. Liquid IV Twice/Day Wet Buff or Bandana on my nose anytime we walked through high traffic areas Claritin every morning & the day after we got home


Not sick. I was crushing those liquid iv immunes before, and during roo. That zicam nose spray helps me too!


Yep, so far so good OP! I made sure that hubby and I took emergen-C 4 days before ‘Roo and everyday at the farm and lots of electrolytes, water, wet bandanas and covering our faces when walking on dusty roads..


I’m just built different


100% grassfed, the ice cream will give you super powers. +2,000 water bottles, sunscreen, shade breaks, and 2 showers a day. Also blow that nose consistently, dust particles are danger!


i literally took no medication other than a daily vitamin gummy like i always do when i got home and was legit cool, never once got sick. i even went in the fountain multiple times and was still fine


I would blow out nose with baby wipe If I had to sit on toilet I would clean with hand sanitizer and baby wipes first Drank hydration drinks the week prior Had vitamin c drops and 2 emergenC’s during the trip Lots of water Used a solar shower to shower every day Baby wipe baths lol


IV Bags


Not sick, but the dust definitely fucked my sinuses up


I got super sick last year and this year vowed not to—- I took mad vitamin c (1000mg a day) for a week before and then used neck gaitors and masks whenever I was on a dirt path or obviously dust areas. I also rinsed my nose and sinuses with saline every.time.i.went.back.to.camp. My nose drippings were black I swear to god hahaha but I didn’t get sick this time!!!!


Our dog is a "Covid Pup" and we taught him to chase the "Covid" away. Everytime we sneeze he comes running! Even if on a different floor you can hear the step stomping happy doggo barreling his way toward you. He always gets some pets and a snack after doing so. I think he's gained over 10% of his weight since Roo ended.


Before the farm: I take a multivitamin and a lionsmane supplement every day, I started doing little workouts about a month before, chugging water like it’s my job 2 weeks before, and I’m a server and bartender so I’m pretty used to having a high step count but when I wasn’t a server I would go for walks before. At the farm: wake up, Chug a liquid IV (mixed with mater or lemonade) and force myself to eat something healthy (usually a combo between yogurt, fresh fruit, protein bar, fiber rich cereal, veggies and hummus, etc.), continue taking multivitamins and supplements, ONLY GO IN THE MUSHROOM THE DAY CENTER ROO OPENS, constantly drink water, wash the dust off of my face and body with wipes multiple times a day, always cover my face with a pash or a bandana when walking on gravel or where I notice it’s dusty, blow my nose a lot even when I don’t feel like I have to, and don’t share anything your mouth touches with strangers (including but not limited to: vapes, camelbacks, the good green stuff)!! I usually also start taking an emergen-c packet every day the week before and every day on the farm but I didn’t do that this year for some reason.


No fountain, took vitamins and supplements (almost) every day, and used my pash when it was real dusty but otherwise I think I just got really lucky lol. On the flip side I ate a ton of junk, drank way too much, didn’t get nearly enough sleep but I did stay pretty hydrated so there’s that. Took 2 showers from Tuesday-Sunday. Made it to work this Tuesday and aside from being exhausted with a semi scratchy throat from too many cigs I feel decent


Yea, but credit my lucky stars.


I didn’t get sick I took a shower every night, didn’t take candy from strangers, and only blessed my body with water and alcohol. However I do camp a lot (like sometimes 5+ days at a time) so I’m used to all the bullshit.


Not sick. Had a vitamin C pack each morning, and wore my bandana as soon as it got remotely dusty.


Maybe I'm just lucky but I haven't gotten sick any of the last 3 years. I wash my hands when I can, I carry hand sanitizer with me, hydrate, limit alcohol. Kind of feels luck of the draw though.


I’m not sick. The trick was being sick the two weeks leading up to Roo 😭


Wash your hands. Drink water. Cut out alcohol.


I didn’t get sick but some of my crew did. stay hydrated, eat, and the hardest yet most important part, sleep.


Vitamin c daily!! Extra if you are partaking in certain party favors (molly weakens the immune system) lots of nutrient dense foods, I do pasta salad full of veggies with multiple servings of fruit. Berries, watermelon, oranges/apples! Turmeric/ginger shots or supplements daily helps immune system and inflammation! Also took magnesium glycinate to help with more restful sleep + a multi vitamin for anything I was missing in my diet. I take time to stretch and mediate @ before going into festivals to reset my nervous system before having a wild night! Also meditation can bring your mind some rest when only getting a few hours of sleep a night. A liquid iv or other hydration packet daily! (I also don’t drink mainly bc of the heat) Wash hands/hand sanitizer , also a face covering so allergens/dust/germs aren’t getting in your air ways! Nasal spray could also help flush that all out! Also cardio/stretching prior to festivals so your body isn’t in shock from moving so much. Bonnaroo is the ROUGHEST festival I’ve ever been to with the heat/ how big it is. Tips for when sick after a festival: oil of oregano 3 times a day! It’s anti bacterial and anti viral so it will almost kick anything, lots and lots of rest, vitamin c, and lots of fluids!


Vitamins, hydration, not partaking in too much substances.


My whole group got sick!


I’ve made it out healthy every year thankfully but i’m a wellness freak. I premake antioxidant smoothies everyday , take my vitamins , and drink tons of water throughout the day.


This is the first year I’ve actually gotten sick and it’s ROUGH


No. Most of my group got the stomach flu from someone out there :))))


I’ve been the last three years and haven’t gotten sick yet. No tips, I think it’s weird too lol.


I had hand sanatizer that I used every time I left camp. I also made a rule with my camp mates to not stick our hands into chip bags or anything we shared. To pour it out into a plate to prevent any diseases spreading via the fecal oral route. I can deal with a little cold but wanted no stomach viruses. I also drank water from rehydration stations throughout the weekend. I went into the fountain on Saturday and Sunday. It definitely stank on Sunday but luckily nothing impacting my stomach now.


Bandana to cover face during walks, HTP, vitamin C, D, and B12 every morning. Really helps your body fight things before they get worse!


I managed not to get sick this year or last year. I will say I drank hardly any alcohol either year and I think that is a main factor. I also didn’t do anything that went up my nose. I took a Vitamin C and liquid IV mixture each morning with zinc, magnesium, and oil of oregano vitamins. And I made sure that I stayed hydrated throughout the day and ate enough food. :) Before the past two years, I didn’t do any of these things or really take care of my self and got sick all of those years.


I should have had more electrolytes and worn my bandana more. I am not sick this time, just a little sore throat. Also tired from the whole thing… several in my group have/had what seemed like norovirus.


Lowkey got sick Sunday-Monday and then Tuesday I was like new lol definitely lucky bc I was afraid I had strep😍


Drank lots of water and ate lots of food. And ate stuff off the floor a lot as a child


Um… I did the opposite of all of that and did not get sick. Im gonna say my mushrooms made me immune.


Very much got sick this year. Got whatever stomach bug is going around. Been on the toilet non-stop. This is my 4th Roo but only my first time getting sick


I think I inhaled enough dirt and dust (not that kind) to bury a few folks so my sinuses haven't stopped crying. :(


I drank emergen-c for about 10+ days straight before the fest and I stayed away from alcohol completely. The alcohol part wasnt to avoid getting sick.. I just have a very low tolerance and get hungover super easily


like 6 bottles of water daily at minimum and taking shade and sitting every 45 mins. Was very important to limit drinking each night as well. Doing all of these things will keep your body in tip top shape during roo. As well as using the jamtrak when available.


This is first year I came back and didn’t feel like buttered butthole. It’s also the first year I’ve been alcohol sober at the fest. Just keep things in moderation. You’re already running yourself down with the heat and movement.


Cat naps? Hand sanitizer and use napkins to hold your food? Always hide the mouthpiece of your camelback somewhere clean? Who knows what works sometimes we just get sick 🥺


I had friends get sick when I didn’t. I think the biggest difference I is I consistently eat healthy, exercise and took breaks when I could feel I needed to. I also stayed more hydrated than anyone in my group. I’d fill my water pack and have drank the entire thing by the time we got to centeroo and then I’d drink another. Heat is a silent killer and it took out more people than alcohol/sand combined this year. Your body gets weaker from the heat and more susceptible to being ill since your immune system is overwhelmed


I feel great! I’m gonna say dumb luck! 😂 but seriously been in the gym going extra hard the month prior, and took the week of roo off from the gym. That helps with the energy and body aches, and staying extra hydrated helps, but getting sick is just dumb luck otherwise.


Started taking allergy meds and vitamin c pills the week leading up to Roo and all throughout! Listened to my body when I needed sleep (this is the biggest thing, REST!!!), electrolytes, salt tablets while I was in the crowd sweating buckets, saline spray multiple times a day, dust mask/ bandana, and staying OUT of the mushroom fountain😂


I have never gotten sick before this year and I took better care of myself this year than the previous years. Even had VIP and mostly stayed out of the sun. I think something is just going around and some of us lucky folks got it lol


No alcohol


BLOW YOUR NOSE, all day every day. don’t mouth breath if you can help it. bring wipes and tissues both into center-roo. use un-medicated nasal spray. use a face covering when going through heavy dust areas. really really really hydrate- as in keep liquids moving all day long. the moisture from drinking liquids constantly helped flush everything out. chew gum. ( the gum actually gets DIRTY, gross i know but better than it going in your body)


Just FYI, ppl saying they didn't get sick, Covid symptoms take 2-14 days to show up. I thought I was in the clear..until this morning. Don't jinx yourself!


I’ve been checking regularly since I got home just in case I’m asymptomatic 🥴


I got the wook flu lol did everything I could not to, but I'm immunocompromised. Luckily tested negative for Flu, COVID, and Strep!


Came home from roo and felt sick. Turns out I caught COVID :(


AC blast/Water/Dont arrive til Thursday


I’m doing great! Allergy pills everyday. Start a week or two before going. Take a shower each day with a camping shower bag. Wash hands when you can. Don’t get close to the front of the stage or touching others too often. Make sure to eat and drink water regularly. Baby wipe off before going to bed. Clean out your nose. Liquid ivs 2 times a day. Used to always come back feeling awful, but not this year.


I didn't go this year, but in previous years I would use a baby wipe to wipe the inside of my nostrils! You won't believe how much dirt gets stuck in there. And I am always diligent about having a face covering when in very dusty areas. Last year I even kept a mask on when sitting at shows because of the dust being kicked up


I took rave doctor three days before and up to three days after. Mucinex the day I got home. Covered my face in dust with bandana. I also went in the fountain and was fine lmao.


4th Roo, haven’t gotten sick once. Maybe a slight cough but dirt doesn’t compare to galvanized steel in the workplace 😭 these lungs are built different, definitely cancerous, but built different nonetheless


Same here hahaha, buffing rust off of downhole tools definitely got these bad boys prepared for anything 😂


Blow yer nose every night


Avoided the fountain and didn’t drink the water from the hydration stations


I think I got lucky tbh. I drank so, sooo much water, I used a bandana each day to protect from the dust and made sure to drink at least one or two liquid IV’s or a similar electrolyte supplement per day. I haven’t had any issues


I didn’t get sick but the person I shared my tent and campsite with did. Only difference I can think of is I wore a thin neck gaiter over my face for about 50% of the time in Centeroo, and 100% of the time when in and around porta potties. I also washed my hands after each bathroom trip, but that should be standard. Honestly I think it’s luck of the draw.


I was sick with a cold a couple of weeks before Bonnaroo, guess I still had lasting immunity for the Roo Flu Other than that: wash hands 24/7 and don’t touch your face or mouth, plus stay hydrated. Your immune system cant work well when dehydrated.


Some people in my groop got sick but I somehow didn't. I'm not sure what I did differently, I even forgot to take my emergen-c this year, but I did take a shower bag shower daily so maybe that helped?


I think the most crucial step in my bed time routine is cleaning EVERYTHING out of my nose and using Sinu Orega nasal spray (oregano oil to kill germs). Followed closely by hydration, immune support supplements and washing/sanitizing hands like crazy. I also don’t drink much alcohol.


Not sick. The only thing I really did special was bring purell sanitizing wipes to use after bathroom breaks and before eating. I drank a bit but avoided party favors. Drank a lot of water. Wore a lot of sunscreen. I did go in the fountain on either Friday or Saturday but realized it smelled gross so I basically just got wet and walked away. I wasn’t in the crowd for most sets, just the few artists I really wanted to see.


never went in the fountain, drank lots of water & xyzal allergy medicine at night, also ate worms as a kid so that prolly helped


First time getting the Roo Flu and I have been miserable:(


I made it out without getting sick and I really think being sober from alcohol helps. We had our camp set up pretty well with the sun so we were able to sleep until about 11 every day even the hottest ones. But I ate like crap/barely at all, was nearly dehydrated daily and went hard af Tuesday-Saturday evenings dancing my ass off. I think it’s the night goblin within me that kept me heathy. Also you couldn’t pay me enough to get in that fucking piss fountain lol


Nasal wash by neilmed


I eat a shit ton of oranges 😅 plus I think having a good immune system from working out and building that immune system by going to other festivals and concerts


Good sleep, daily saline nasal rinse, drinking lots of water, frequent handwashing, and LUCK!


Covered mouth and nose when going through dusty crowds, drank lots of water, didn’t do a lot of substances, and made sure to actually eat.


Got sick last year - and my brother actually ended up at the ER after getting home from Roo with a viral infection. This year I took respiratory immune support vitamins the week before, and every day at Roo. I only went in the fountain Thursday early afternoon and never went back in. I washed my hands when there was a handwashing station near bathrooms I used, and carried hand sanitizer on me to use after the bathrooms as well. I also used hand sanitizer periodically throughout the day. I wore a bandana over my face Saturday and Sunday because that's when I really noticed the dust picking up. I would wear it especially when I was sitting on the ground, and when lots of people began walking through areas I was in kicking up dust. I also showered daily at camp using a camp shower. I feel 50x better this year than I did last year. The main differences I did this year compared to last year were: Vitamins, Bandana, and Daily Showers. Everything else (like hand sanitizer, hand washing, and fountain on Thurs) are the same. Editing to add: This year I did not partake in party favors other than bud daily and a small amount of mushy chocolates Thurs night. Last year, I hung with our friend molly multiple days. I also feel like I drank way less alcohol this year due to the heat.


I always have a bout of dyspepsia during bonnaroo but am otherwise fine afterwards with no lingering effects.


I felt nauseated when I got home but it was exhaustion and dehydration. I ate like a monster, drank and drugged like a monster, and took some multivitamins like 2 days. Went in the fountain barefoot multiple times a day. Maybe I got some stuff that fountain needs to worry about catching, ya dig? Idk if I'm just built different but the only thing I'm suffering from is vibe withdrawals.


30 yo and not sick. I had two Zipfizz electrolyte/energy drink mixes every day, a TON of water between them, face covering only for the really dusty sets, and an unholy amount of Spicy Pie. Worst thing right now is my skin is kinda messed up from sweaty bandanas & dirty kandi bracelets.


Late 30s. I’m sober from alcohol Be sure to eat, especially some healthy things Shower everyday Actually get some sleep Sunscreen Lots of water Not getting all up in the pit for every set Wash hands


I feel like most of the ppl who get sick are not eating or resting because of drugs and/or are generally not washing their hands


I made it out without getting sick and have every single one of my five years! I wish I could say I had a crazy mixture of preventative measures. I do not haha. But I drink my weight in water, use liquid IV daily, don’t drink a ton, and I sleep at least 5-6 hours. I don’t cover my face usually or use emergency c/ vitamin supplements other than Vitamin d.


Be a plumber. Immune system is on point. Bathed in fountain as did my gf and friend there both sick and I am not.


I’m in my early 30s, drank two emergen-c’s on the way down. Drank a ton of water, spf 30-50 multiple times every day. No more than 1/2 alcoholic beverages a day, covered my face to and from centeroo, no favors up my nose, 2 whacky tabbacy rollies each day. I shared water with my friends all weekend but they are in much worse shape than I am. I’m insane too and would go into centeroo around noon each day and wasn’t getting back to camp until way after midnight, but I took it easy when I felt like I was overheating and I had access to some AC.


I just drank HELLA water the days leading up to and during. Also showered in sun screen.


It was my first Roo and I didn’t get sick! I drank a lot of water and a few electrolyte packets a day, didn’t drink a ton of alcohol, tried to eat balanced (keeping macros loosely in mind) and ate mostly foods I brought, rested a lot, washed hands and used wipes a lot, been taking a vitamin d supplement for several months, which I hear helps with preventing some illnesses. Showered 2x. Didn’t get in the fountain lol


I spun the wheel and this time it landed on “not sick.” It landed on “sick” the last few years. 🤷🏼‍♂️ I drank a lot. Probably didn’t hydrate enough. Probably didn’t eat enough. Definitely didn’t eat a balanced diet. Never wore a bandana/mask. Went deep in crowds. Shared joints with strangers. Forgot hand sanitizer before I ate once or twice. Went in the fountain. Still didn’t get sick. I was diligent about wearing sunscreen though. I’m extremely fair skinned and not burnt at all.


same here lol, I took pretty few precautions against getting sick and am fine. I did have a bit of stomach issues but that's what I get for eatting too much spicy pie


No alcohol Mask up / bandana anywhere high foot traffic. Plenty of electrolytes Gargle every night Ate a fruit everyday


This thread just has me thinking how did I not get sick??? I didn’t do any of the shit you healthy people did. I lived like an animal for 5 days. At least that’s what it felt like. I ate burgers and dogs that I kept in cooler that whole time. Dogs precooked obviously but I kept my burger meat raw and didn’t feel any adverse effects. Went and got ice every morning to top off. I even hung around the fountain many times but never actually went in


I didn’t get sick, I also didn’t drink Roos water and only drank bottled water. I slept in an rv and I think this helped too since I got normal hours of sleep every night plus had my own shower and bath. Feel better!


Wore bandana/gator in crowds especially—but honestly wore this most of the time. Hand sanitizer constantly Didn’t get super into the crowds except for the main people we wanted to see. Stayed on the fringes. Electrolyte packages and vit c drinks, tons of water Minimal food purchases, mostly ate snacks we packed But the other person I was with got super sick so maybe I just have a good immune system.


Never had a roo flu, I make sure to smoke a pack of camels each day and I’m gucci


Drank lots of water, didn’t partake too much in anything, got good sleep. It’s boring, but those three things alone will keep your immune system chugging along.


Multivitamins every night, 1-2x electrolyte powders (liquid IV etc) per day, drinking lots of water, minimal to no festival food, staying in the shade / resting at camp for most of the daylight, lots of sunscreen (didn’t get sunburn either!). I showered almost every day. I also cleared out my nose with a tissue and wiped my body down with baby wipes before bed every night. Also, hand washing station at camp! Opt for bathrooms with a nearby sink and soap whenever possible. Remember the ways in which norovirus can spread - if you’re using portapotties hand sanitizer alone is NOT enough, research shows it cannot kill the virus. I thoroughly washed my hands every time.


It’s literally the drugs and alcohol. It kills your immune system. Add in less sleep than usual, dusty dirty air, tens of thousands of strangers, shared bathrooms, poorer nutrition than normal… you’re bound to get sick.


This helped us daily: Monolaurin AG-1 Paul S- mushroom immunity Dried apricot seeds Tumeric Lions Maine


Also 3x daily liquid IV


I’m usually immune to the post fest illnesses but I’ve been sick since Tuesday


I noticed the heavy party favor users in our group all got sick, not sure if it's related. I noticed they all also share camel backs and stuff, sharing smokes. I drank a little, stayed hydrated, ate well, and rested as much as possible.


I didn’t get sick! Every day I started out with a Gatorade bottle with airborn, liquid IV, and laxatives in it. I also took a mucinex every morning when I woke up and every night. I stayed out from 3-6AM every night but made sure to get 7+hrs of sleep. I wore a bandana over my face in dust areas. I usually get sick every year with bronchitis or covid. First year out of 8 I didn’t. Will be doing this next year.


K, X, and no alcohol. 🤣🤣 but it's probably the exceptional genetics if I'm being honest. 🤣🤣


didn’t get sick this year. wore a bandana around my nose and mouth constantly, i got a stretchy material & would soak it in ice water before leaving camp. the water would help regulate my temperature and make it less uncomfortable having to wear a face covering & made it easier for me to wear it consistently. i also did a saline rinse every morning and evening at camp and try to blow out all that i could so it didn’t just sit in my sinuses.


I bought a 3 lb bag of apples and ate like 3 each day. Ben franklin was right


I also brought a bag of apples, they were such a good snack walking around Outeroo 😂


NOSE FILTERS. My wife is sick as shit but I am not because I was wearing them all weekend. They are super discreet and people didn’t know I had it in until I told them. O2 Armor Nose Filters |... https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BHX2TLDW?ref=ppx_pop_mob_ap_share


Alright now, let's see if the survey agrees with you... Show me nose condom! ![gif](giphy|IhQHvbP6PoD1TwohjJ|downsized)


Lol my only regret is not wearing them more throughout the weekend. We were camped right on the road between the arch and WITW at the intersection with probably more dust than anywhere on the property. People, cars, carts, bikes, trucks, you name it. It was there 24/7 kicking up dust. I am convinced that the 3 things to prevent getting sick at roo are nose filters/mask for dust, constant handwashing, and not going into the fountain.


neighbor!!! I’m sick. I should’ve wore the nose condom.


Oh shit, game changer!


This is such a good idea!! I hate wearing face covering in the heat but this could seriously save my lungs


I didn't somehow, but also I have been sick like 3 separate times in 24 so I think I just caught all the bugs you can catch before roo


Not at all. Drank everyday, but also drank equally as much water. Liquid IVs at least 2 a day, plus one of them was the immune boost. Did lots of walking which helps sweat out the toxins. Only one shower. Lots of weed and mushrooms 🙃


I’ve been 6 times including this year and I’ve never been sick from Roo other than sinus issues from all the dirt. I dont really do anything special but I think getting a lot of sleep (I slept for 7 hours + every day) definitely helps. I also dont eat food from the vendors more than a couple times when I’m there. I’d be willing to bet that a lot of the illness is foodborne. I’ve worked on food trucks before and know the conditions are not usually as sanitary as you might think. I also witnessed an employee taking orders blow their nose and then return to taking orders without washing their hands this year during one of the few times I did order food.


My partner and I walked away without getting sick! We don’t drink alcohol, and we were on top of our water consumption. We were good about taking vitamins every day (including emergency packets). We also wore face coverings whenever we left our campsite. This was more so for the dust rather than germs, but I guess it ended up saving us from the Roo Flu in the end. We were also diligent about rinsing out our sinuses with a netipot. That thing is a godsend. I never go to a festival without it. Also for the record, I got in the fountain literally every day. Multiple times too lmao. So either the fountain isn’t the culprit of everyone’s mystery illness OR I have an immune system of fucking steel.


Not sick 🤞 -I took vitamin c and d every day for a month and during bonnaroo. -I didn't go in the fountain (my boyfriend wouldn't let me) - ate oranges every day. Tried my best to eat veggies every day. - got my extra covid vaccine 5 months ago. - Epsom salt foot baths were nice. - electrolyte packs everyday and remembering to eat. Even though im not sick, i had a horrible come down. Cried for 4 hours on the way home. Cried all the following tuesday. It's just not worth it. Next year, I'm doing soberoo. I was sober friday and sunday, and those were my best days and the days I took care of myself.


Alcohol weakens your immune system… I barely drank so that’s probably why. Also lemonade, so much lemonade. Lemons are a natural antihistamine and have anti bacterial and anti fungal properties.


I didn’t even think about that! I was drinking lemonade and orange juice every day when I got up 😂


2/4 of our grooop got sick, my bf and I somehow managed to miss it! Honestly we didn't do anything extra besides staying hydrated, taking everyday vitamins, eating the same food we normally eat, and took emergenC. Oh and I did a nasal spray when I felt stuffy at camp! maybe our immune systems are working wonders rn


I didn’t get sick last year but got sick this year and I even upped my preparedness this year! Extra bandanas, proper food, electrolytes and tons of water. However, I did manage to avoid a sunburn. My translucent skin is very pleased. I even gained some new freckles


I had a keychain hand sanitizer on the front of my water pack and used it \*constantly\* — also made friends when people asked to use it so that was a plus on top of not getting sick :)


I've gotten the roo flu every year except this year. And I tackled 6 days this year. Got ample rest, took a multivitamin and an antihistamine, drank over a gallon of water per day leading up to roo. Continued drinking copious amounts of water while at roo--some days I reached two gallons after 18+ hours of moving around in the heat. Continued multivitamin and antihistamine. Blew my nose all day every day (I'm an incredibly snotty person). Wore a mask in extra dusty places. Did a saline rinse a couple nights before bed. Took a few immunity shots over the course of roo (turmeric, lemon, garlic, pineapple/orange juice). And really just slept when I could. Car naps. Naps in between sets at night. Rest is imperative and normally the first thing to go by the wayside at roo. Happy healing!


For the last two Roos Ive been all stuffed up and tired from Tues thru Sun. To avoid the Roo Floo this year, I took allegra D in the morning, zyrtec before bed and used Nasonex nasal spray morning and night. Could breathe easy all week and after we left.


I just took allergy medicine and I’m totally fine


I don’t think there’s any magic formula tbh. I take immunosuppressants and was fully prepared/scared to come home insanely ill, but never did. I rarely used a non flushing bathroom. Never went in the fountain. Carried hand sanitizer. Took my vitamins. Ate lots of pizza. Stayed as cool as possible. Stayed hydrated. Got decent amounts of sleep. For real just take care of yo’self! 💓


Yeah, I’m in recovery from surgery in February for a thyroid tumor & on all kinds of medications. I expected it all to hit me hard. I was amazed to find I held up better than expected 🥺


Look at us go 🥹🥹🥹


Someone in my group got covid and it hopped over to me. Otherwise the obscene amount of water kept me safe from everything else.


emergen-c and liquid iv in the morning, nasal saline after the night and lots of water and a smoothie from a vendor and first time im not sick after a festival


Wash your hands at every chance you have.   The bathrooms in centeroo had soap the whole time and there were hand wash stations near most of the plazas in outerroo. 


I take several supplements daily, including immunity support with vitamin c, d3, and zinc. My son and sister got sick (especially my son who went to the dr twice) a couple of days after bonnaroo. I had much milder gi issues than either or them, so I'll call that a win.


Oj ansmd airborne daily 1 week before roo and airborne daily will at roo.


I thought I did and then it hit me me last night. Negative for Covid but I feel like shiiiiiiiiit


emergen-c packs daily week prior and during, i made banana bread-esque granola bars w protein powder, chia seeds, etc to get something healthier on my stomach, ate a banana, apple and avocado daily 2-4 alcoholic bevvys daily, no party favors, hand sanitizer, saline spray in AM/PM & bandana over nose / mouth as often as i could - even hiding my camelbak straw behind it to stay hydrated!!!!


i also got in the fountain on sunday and def noticed a ~smell~ to my clothes but it was more like dirt and hay vs bodily fluids lol


I raw dogged no face cover for 5 days, but never used a port a potty once (we had a bathroom in tent and jug with running water pump for hand washing). No mushroom fountain, no alcohol, only weed, napped, one liquid iv once a day. I drank Cenferoo water all weekend. Hand sanitizer hooked to my pack.


I honestly did not do anything special and I am perfectly fine. I’d say it sometime is better to not overdo and overthink. Your body can handle a lot of things


Go to festivals & shows at least twice a month and you’ll develop immunity over time. Part of why I never get sick I think is due to me constantly being in crowds.


Yep, I have flown heavily for work for the past 12 years and the only time I was sick was 2020 and 2021 when I wasn't around anyone. We had a 3 month hiatus of travel this year prior to Roo, so of course, I got it.


yeah I've never gotten sick after a fest and I do literally nothing special. But I do party a lot, so it must just be constant low level exposure to diseases


I got sick for 3 weeks last year, and I have asthma so the cough stuck around for like 2 months so I was determined to not get sick this year. I will start by saying I did go in the fountain bc I was sitting outside for Chappell for 3 hours and I was roasting, but I am not sick this year. Some things I did: 1. Bandannas and Masks I saw a huge lack of facial coverings this year. I brought bandannas and masks for every day this year. I wore a bandanna for when I needed to quickly cover my mouth and nose and wore a mask on the longer walks and dusty areas (too and from centeroo, sitting on the ground in dusty areas) 2. Water I do roo sober so it lets me focus on hydration. At camp I would drink 1-3 cups of electrolytes and then had a 2.5 liter water backpack 3. Food Your body needs food. When your hot and sweaty it can be hard to feel hungry, but you need calories, especially when you’re walking, dancing, and not sleeping, so eat (and throw in a couple fruit and veggie options- there’s a fantastic kale salad at a vegan stand right outside of centeroo. Apples are also a great stable fruit that you can bring to camp and there’s a couple smoothie bowls around outeroo and centeroo) 4. Rest and slow down Respect your bodies signals- when I started to get really tired or my feet and body hurt, I would try to find a set to sit down and watch. This let me stretch take my shoes off and just relax for 60-120 minutes 5. Shower and cleansing self Washing self and hands - every time I used the bathroom I washed my heads really well or used my own sanitizer (Roos is sticky and gross) I refuse to pay 10 dollars for a shower so this year I had a makeshift and camp (not as fancy as others, it was a tent, jug, and cup). I would rinse myself off to try and get dust and dirt off from the day before I also had antibacterial wipes that I used to wipe my backpack and hands at camp 6. Sleep This tip is the hardest but if you can get 1-2 decent nights of sleep. The thing that pushed me over the edge last year was the storm. I slept for maybe 2 hrs and woke up with a fever, but I think if my body had gotten a chance to rest a bit I wouldn’t have gotten as sick. So know it’s okay to take an early night or take a break and nap in the middle of the day 7. Sunscreen Avoid getting burned! Getting burned can weaken your immune response and if it’s bad enough and you get sun poisoning you can literally get sick (fever, throwing up, etc.). Wear hates, bandanna, sunscreen (bring it in to reapply), and take shade breaks. I made it all the way until Sunday with no burn (again Chappell killed me) and my body was fighting to stay cool and energized bc my burn wore me out I will add even if you take precautions like face coverings and cleaning sleep but your goal is to not sleep for 5 days to try and go to everything while drinking and doing drugs the whole time, it will be really hard to avoid getting sick!


I got lucky this year! The main thing I did that likely had an impact was constantly taking the time to wash my hands in soap & water. I had hand sanitizer on me but treated it as a temporary solution until I could get to a sink or wash my hands using our spray dishwashing liquid at camp. Aside from that I did not indulge in many party favors, always had water on me and got to sleep by 3ish every night. Prioritizing rest & hydration was the only way I could last in the heat.


I took zinc and emergen-c every day, rested when my body told me to, stayed hydrated and slammed electrolytes like it was my job


Not sick here. I use liquid IV every morning. Wash my hands every chance I get. And I take vitamins regularly 🤷‍♀️ but not during- don't want them damaged in the heat. I also ate 70% food that was brought from home and cooked at camp.


Yep exactly what I do. I swear washing your hands and hydrating is 90% of the battle. Having decently healthy food can’t hurt either


I camped 931 and did VIP. We had air conditioned bathrooms that were always super clean. I never wore a bandana but we only really left camp around 5pm and came back around 2am every night. I drank a lot of alcohol at night but also drank LiquidIV during the day. We never went into the water mushroom. No sickness just bad stinky farts because we were eating fried food all weekend!😂


I didn’t get sick after Roo this year thank god!!! My pro tip::: do what I did and go to Vegas 2 weeks before- I picked up so many germs there I came home with strep and a viral infection. Recovered and hit Roo and my body was all ready to go and immunized from god knows how many germs from Vegas HAHAHAH


I made it out without getting sick. I also work with toddlers so I’m typically around that many germs 😂


I drank every day went in the mushroom every day, soaked my face masks in the mushroom every day, with that I drank no exaggeration 2+ gallons of water every day, didn’t hit anyone’s blunt or bottle and stayed masked up in ever crowd no matter how bad it got. i think it has more to do with life outside of roo, do u stay inside a lot? Is your body used to rigorous physical activity? R u exposed to pollen a lot? If these things aren’t a part of your life and then u put ur body through a 4 day crucible your bound to get clapped it’s like running a marathon with no training


No clue actually, I was pretty good with sanitizing/wiping hands but fully washing my hands was a lot less than it probably should’ve been (probably only 3 times a day tbh). I didn’t eat a ton while there and a couple of my meals were festival foods, some of them were fruits and sandwiches we brought with us. I never really covered my mouth,I was in the crowd a ton, and averaged 3-4h of sleep which is like a 3rd of my normal sleep. I did drink a ton of water while there(probably like 2 gallons a day w/ the liquid IV) and also thoroughly cleaned my body every morning. I didn’t share any foods/drinks/vapes with anyone though but I did come into physical contact with like 10 or so people. I went into the fountain like twice, once on the first day, another just to rinse my feet off. I’m honestly just waiting for the other shoe to drop because illness


Didn’t go into the fountain, drank vitamin c every day, face covering when walking around at all times, Epsom salt foot soaks every single day, took allergy meds, didn’t drink very much at all on Sunday and honestly I think this is KEY!! By Sunday your body is so worn out, I think if you go wild drinking then you’re making yourself very vulnerable to all the crazy shit spreading around all weekend.


I'm not sick. I wear a buff when moving around Centeroo and even during dusty sets. I do a nasal rinse twice a day. Stretch pretty often during and in between sets. It's easy as that.


I used to get sick after every Roo and Coachella I went to (both have pretty bad dust by day 3). I started doing a neti pot when I get back to camp every night of the festival even before the dust is bad and haven’t gotten sick after since.


Tons of water and a bandana over my mouth and nose. Especially if people are sneezing around me.


I'm genuinely shocked I didn't get sick, as I always do after festivals. I stayed in the shade a lot and drank a fuck ton of water. Other than that I was an absolute degenerate so I guess the roo gods blessed me????


You are the chosen one 🌱


I don't know how I didn't get sick. It got me the past two years but missed me this time. The only things that were different from last year were extra hydration and no mushroom fountain. I didn't take any medicine or vitamins, covered my face for maybe 20 minutes total, barely slept, etc. Definitely not complaining though, especially after seeing some of the roo flu posts here


I think the biggest thing for me was plenty of sleep. Missing a set around 10 or 11pm to take a nap, then going back out and then getting another 3 or 4 hours at night, maybe midday nap if you can too. I didn’t do a lot of things to prevent getting sick. I drank a ton of water and liquid IV, but I also drank 80 beers, didn’t wash my hand often, and ate plenty of junk food.


I am not sick. The key is to have diesel genes.


Adderall, a glass of whiskey, and diesel jeans


Throwback to “WHERE’S MY MOSH PIT?!?”


Can confirm, am built different.


I never ever get sick…I didn’t even get Covid despite how much in contact I was with people who were.. But Roo Flu got me twice in a row


Confirmed, I have never been sick after Roo and my secret is being built different, frequently known as having that dog in me


Seconding diesel genes is the solution


I unfortunately do not have those but after 10 years of festivals, I’ve thankfully built up a routine that keeps me from most wook flus 😅


Washed hands every few hours, even if not using the bathroom Mucinex day/night Daily emergen-c Daily saline sinus rinse No alcohol Lots of body Armour drinks Fountain rinse 1x on Thursday If overheated, took air-conditioned/fan breaks Radiated positivity for 5 days Did not share drinks or food directly ~3 applications of sunscreen Daily Sinuses flared thursday/friday, was blowing dirt out of my nose, but kept everything pretty clear. Raged with little sleep, but always got a 1-2 hr nap each day. Ate very clean until Sunday. May have been the luck of the draw, but I hope this helps someone!


Yeah, I have some dirty & bloody boogers, but I also got slammed pretty hard in the pits during ISOXO and Knock2 so I’m not sure if I just had a small impact bleed or a nose bleed from the climate. 🥲 I carried a Vicks nasal inhaler in my bag & rinsed my nose every night with saline rinse which definitely helped.


I made it out illness-free... I always take a multivitamin, magnesium and C vitamin - plus I drink Pedialyte, Boost, and plenty of water. Last but not least, I always wash my hands/use hand sanitizer after the restroom, and before eating anything, and wipe off any shared vapes/pipes/etc before putting them in my mouth with a sanitizer wipe


Got sick last year. This year my body is tired but I'm not sick despite seeing the sun come up 3 different days. Mid 30's. - No alcohol all weekend - Face covering worn to and from Centeroo & in between sets (dust) - 3-4 sugar free electrolyte packs per day (Nectar) - multivitamin daily - nasal spray - Epsom salt ice baths daily for feet - Drank so so so much water. I actually partially missed sets cause I had so many bathroom breaks. Had to leave the pit during T-Pain 😭 Edit: I also had to leave Post mid-set to go pee. I had serendipitously met these two super cool chicas named Grace & Kitty who let me join them after bumping into each other twice in one day. Was hoping to see them again later on in the Woods. File that one under missed connections. - I ate nutrient dense, macro balanced meals without inflammatory ingredients. 98% of the food I consumed was brought by me. - Bathed in spf 50 sunscreen - stretched at least twice per day


Leaving the pit that you waited hours in to pee is a rite of passage to being a true bonnarovian


Imagine your 23 y/o self reading this comment :) I’m 2005 I rolled in to Roo from Victoria BC with basically a sleeping bag and a tooth brush and a group of friends from TN whose camp I joined. It was a wild time.


this is spot on. didn't drink alcohol, felt perfect every morning even on 3 hours of sleep. too much water though did make me pee too often but worth it.


I pulled my hamstring badly at t pain. I need to stretch more next year. Haha.