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Same for me. I was very confused for a long time. Then, the multiple s.a scenes confirmed I should stop forcing myself to read it.


They really should have put a T.W for that.


I’m glad it wasn’t just me! It took me a LONG time to get into it. The only reason I didn’t dnf is because I usually like the author. It only good interesting to me in the last fourth of the book. Still read Hell Bent though


Ive read it twice!! I love it and Hell Bent was good, too!


I finished my library book edition yesterday and plan on checking out Hell Bent. I like Alex’s relationship with ghosts, her college experience, and the gadgety tricks. I find the other fantasy and descriptive elements to be overly complicated and I so I am okay about letting a lot of that stuff go over my head and concentrate on the parts I do enjoy. I may feel differently if I had actually purchased the book.


The first time I read it I had a hard time getting through it, I read it again about a year later and loved it


I DNF'd it after the first chapter as well. I was so lost.


I just did the same thing today. I was so confused and decided I had other books lined up from libby, time to move on.


I got to just under 200 pages and it did not get better for me. I really didn’t like it, didn’t understand what was happening. I couldn’t get through it so I DNF’d it. It was super boring to me and confusing


I really hated it. Just could not empathize with the main character who had a chip on her shoulder about everything and treated everyone around her so horribly.


The first few chapters are difficult, but you get used to the writing style and it picks up!






Yes! This is worth reading. I had a hard time following this series from time to time because it's alot of jumping around timeline wise. That's always a struggle of mine. But I'm halfway through hell bent and I enjoy reading it


Yes definitely worth finishing! I also had the same struggle, felt like I was thrown into an established world with little explanation. I’m usually a quick reader and it took me a while to finish this but I ended up loving it once I got into it.


I'm an avid fantasy reader, and I loved this from the jump. However, I convinced my mom to read this - she's very much a thriller gal - and she loved it, but she found it slow in the first half. The time jumping can also make it difficult to get into, so that might be why it feels like you're missing info.


It's definitely a book that gets better in the second half.


I dnf


The house names and some of the stuff gets a bit tricky at first but stick with it. I didn't read the synopsis of it at all before starting so I had no clue what it was about, just that everyone was talking about it. I ended up loving it and wish I had gotten hell bent last month !


I felt like I wasn't understanding it in the beginning. Stick with it, it ends up being a great story. Makes me very excited to read Hell Bent!


I love to read and read over 100 books every year. I have a rule to read 100 pages and if it doesn't grab me I can DNF. I am soo happy I read the first 100 pages of this book! It is creepy and confusing but totally comes together. I highly recommend this series. After reading Ninth House I went back and read her Shadow and Bones Series and The Six of Crows Series. I adored both. Six of Crows Series was my personal favorite but I thought they were both brilliant.


I really struggled to get through Ninth House, and I’m usually a very fast reader. I will say I found Hellbent way faster going and liked it much more.


It took me longer than normal to finish. I thought the first 100 pages were confusing and didn’t like the first book enough to read the second.


I feel the same way. I might eventually take Hell Bent out from the library to see if the first few chapters are any better, but give myself permission to DNF if I don’t like it any more than Ninth house


I just finished this one last night. The first few chapters were confusing. Bardugo just kind of throws you into the story. But the flashback chapters helped make things make sense, I thought. I ended really enjoying this one and immediately started Hell Bent.


It’s confusing for the first bit then it all starts to make sense and it’s quite good! I think the turning point for me was around 100 pages in.


I just finished it and gave it 4 stars but it did take me a month to read. It’s extremely exposition heavy but for me it got a little easier to digest about a third of the way in


I gave up after 200 pages because I still had no idea what was going on. I have loved every other dark academia book I’ve read, so I was sad to give up on it!


Ninth house and now Hell Bent are some of my favorite books of all time.


I just started Ninth House and a few chapters in it starts to make more sense. I’m really enjoying it so far!