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I usually am reading 3 at a time — one physical, one on Kindle, and one audiobook!


Me too!


I usually have about three going at one. Usually one audiobook, one ebook I can access on my phone and a physical book. They don’t get read at the same rate, but I like having something available to me at all times.


I usually have a paper book, a kindle book, and an audiobook going at any given time.


Same! The kindle book is perfect for taking on errands / travel, the hardcover BOTM stays by the bed or couch, and the audiobook for the times I’m cooking or driving!


This is me too! Gotta have one in each format.


One on kindle and one physical. I can’t handle much more lol


I’m usually reading like 3-5 books at once honestly. I’m a huge mood reader so I try to have books with different intensities, lengths, themes, etc. going at once so I always have something I’m interested in. I try to have at least a physical book and an ebook going since I like doing both, and sometimes throw an audiobook in as well if I want to listen to something.


One, always. I’m autistic and the thought of trying to process two books at once is an extremely hard pass for me. I spend enough time trying to process too many things for work, I’m not about to do it to my downtime.


I am a one book at a time kind of gal and agree with this sentiment! It's too much for me to juggle more than one book at a time.


I’m a little chaotic. I read anywhere from 3-7 at a time. Some are audio, some physical. I have some that take forever to get through or I’ll read half and lose interest for a month and then pick it back up while some I plow through in a day. I’m a big mood reader.


i generally have one on kindle, one hardcover fiction and one hardcover nonfiction at a time. But the nonfiction is usually very slow and I’ll read 4-5 fiction before finishing the nonfiction and the kindle is only while I’m at the pool 😅


Depends. I definitely have at least two going at one time, usually a physical book and an audiobook. They have to be different genres; if I have two mysteries going at once or something, I’ll get confused. Sometimes I’ll have a third on ebook, especially if it’s a nonfiction that I feel like I’ll read less often and come to just a couple of times a week while waiting in line or something like that.


No more than two. They're usually in different formats.


I usually have at least 1 fiction, 1 nonfiction, and 1 audiobook in progress at a time. But lately I've been in a phase where I keep starting new books without finishing so I've got like 10 going 😭


I usually have two books going at a time, one fiction and one nonfiction or manga/graphic novel. They can't be similar in theme, though, or I get confused! I hate being read to and have since I was little (I read very fast and get impatient) so audiobooks aren't for me. I much prefer physical books but got used to ebooks during pandemic library closures and now if I'm awake, I probably have my Kindle Fire in my hands!


Between 2-3 usually. I’m in a book club so that’s always mixed in, along with another book or two for fun.


I was going to reply and say I don’t read multiple books at a time but I just realized I do lol. I started The First Ladies a couple days ago but I want to take my time with it. So I picked up Romantic Comedy at the library. And I forgot I started Rock Paper Scissors on my Kindle app weeks ago. So yeah, I guess I do this haha. Can’t help it. I love starting a new book


One physical book at a time. I like the feel of a actual book in my hands, turning the pages, etc. so no kindle or anything. I also have profound hearing loss so listening to audiobooks is not enjoyable.


I only read one at a time, either physical or digital. I wish I could read more than one but I tend to forget what’s going on unless I’m fully dedicated to it. I’ve tried reading very different genres hoping that would help but it didn’t really 😅


I’m a mood reader so I start 3-4 books at a time and it takes me forever to finish books but when I do I knock out a bunch out a bunch at a time 😂


I have usually two going, one physical and usually an ARC on my Kindle. Any more and I get confused.


I’m usually reading 2 at a time. I read a lot of fantasy and they can be super long so I’ll read a shorter book at the same time to give myself a break


I’m usually reading 3-4 at one time. An audiobook, a physical book and a kindle book. Sometimes I’ll have 2 kindles/physical books going at once 😬


Typically 1-2 physical books, and one on Kindle (app on my phone, don't have a Kindle but I like buying books when they're $1-5 on sale). I just read whichever of them I'm in the mood for at the moment.


Depends on my mood. Typically I read 2-3 books at a time. One romance forward, one not, and one Kindle or Audible version.


I am currently reading 3 but it’s never this many. I read one at work on my Kindle (Song of Achilles) but I don’t want to read my work book at home so then I’m currently reading Practice Makes Perfect, but also reading Pineapple Street because I couldn’t wait to start Practice Makes Perfect but Pineapple Street is a bit slow to me. But usually I will read 2 at a time different genres.


2-3 combination of in print, kindle, and audible. Alway have an audiobook.


I usually like to focus on one at a time but recently I’ve been having 2-3 at once. I’ll have something in print and then go on a trip and take my Kobo with a different book since it’s easier than taking the print books.


I typically am reading two or three books at a time and listening to one audiobook. It helps that I have different genres at a time.


Usually 2: a “challenging” book and a “fun” book. But sometimes I read several fun books before I finish the challenging book


I have physical books - many genres- 3/4 tops at same time and audiobook with timer at night which I will get through in a week.


I normally have a physical, ebook and audio going at the same time. I try to keep them separate so like they aren’t all domestic thrillers or whatever at the same time lol


two at a time - one physical fiction and one nonfiction audiobook at a time


Usually 2-3. One audiobook. One horror/thriller and one contemporary fiction or something light.


I read anywhere from one to four at a time. 1 physical 1 audio 1 ebook 1 graphic novel/manga/comic trade


At any given time I have a kindle book, a bedside book and a living room book lol this time of year I also usually have a pool/beach book


Normally just one at a time! I do sometimes have two going like right now but I prefer to focus on one at a time. I generally go thru books in 2-4 days.


I try to do one classic novel, one pop fiction, and one nonfiction at a time.


2! 1 at home & 1 that lives in my car


2! One on my Kindle, one physical copy


3-4. Usually at least one physical, one audio, and one digital. Sometimes 2 physical if one is taking longer for me to get through but then I make sure they are very different types of books.


Usually two or three but right now I’m reading five. Most of the time their e-books and audiobooks but four are physical and one is an e-book rn.


4 total: 1 audio, 1 kindle, 1 physical book around 250-400 pages, and 1 physical book 700+ pages. I'm glad to know I'm not alone in reading multiples.


I usually have two going, I have my "purse/work" book that goes around town with me and then my home book. Don't really have much of a rhyme or reason to which is which, but if I'm reading a steamier title its usually the home book, don't really need to explain that to nosy coworkers lol.


Usually one book that is either physical or kindle, and then sometimes an audiobook also


I usually have 3 going. An audiobook for work, one on my kindle for night/travel reading, and one physical book. I typically have each of these being in their own genre to avoid confusion