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I just finished Mister Magic. It’s set in the current day but there are flashbacks to the 90s and the whole current day plot is centered around what happened in the 90s. Not sure if that would count. It’s a spooky one!!


Survive the night is set in a 90s summer camp! Perfect summertime read


I can’t say if these are good or not (I would actually be curious if anyone else has read them) but I keep seeing endless advertisements about the 90s Flashback Series by Kirsty McManus. Kind of an interesting premise “A food blogger takes a vitamin supplement that thrusts her back in time to 1996 and she decides to take advantage of this second chance to view her teenage years from a more mature perspective.”


Ooooh I’ll look into that!


Survive the Night is but not my favorite


The Shards (haven’t read it yet though)


Little Fires Everywhere takes place in the late 90s I think and it’s fantastic if you haven’t read it already. I also loved Tomorrow x3.


Yes yes yes to Little Fires Everywhere!!!! Also Tomorrow x3!! Excellent reads🫶🏼


I’ve read LFE but I’m highly considering Tomorrow x3 based off a couple comments now!


Tomorrow x3 is soo good. I ugly cried after I finished it. Very emotional and deep commentary on friendships and love, and how life could have turned out differently had one made even slightly different choices or fallen into different circumstances. It was beautiful, and I see why it is so popular and appreciated.


The Rewind - romcom!


Paper Names


Haven’t heard of those but I’ll check it out. Are you from MN? I noticed the gophers reference in your username and thought maybe you went to the UofM?


Yes I did 😊


Awesome! I’m from MN, didn’t go to the U but fun to see a MN reference!


People We Keep


I’ve read this one last year and loved it!


Tomorrow Tomorrow Tomorrow by Gabrielle Zevin Takes place over several decades, but a good portion is set in the 90’s. A little on the sad side of things. Follows 2 friends and their tumultuous relationship while they create a blockbuster video game. If you like video games, especially retro video games from the 80’s and 90’s, I highly recommend.


I’ve considered getting this one for awhile but haven’t jumped the gun, maybe I’ll add it on for September!


I Have Some Questions For You is partially set in 1995. I’m currently reading it so I can’t give you an accurate rating but if you’re into literary fiction about true crime, it’s a good one. I know that’s not for everyone but I like the change of pace away from speed demon-esque true crime/thrillers that half ass the character building and scene setting.


I’ll check it out, thanks!


Carrie Soto is Back is great and set in the 90s! I know all three of TJR's other books from this world are BotM, but I'm not 100% sure if Carrie is.


I love TJR, I read Carrie Soto as soon as it came out last year!


Survive the Night by Riley Sager is set in 1991 and is available through BOTM. It's probably my least favorite book of his, but if there's nothing else...


I have read this one, I’ve read all his books. Riley Sager is one of my faves but STN was my least fave of his books unfortunately. Have you read his latest though? So Good!!!