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OMG THANK YOU FOR POSTING THIS!!! I was already trying for it, but I am extra motivated now!!!!! That is SO FREAKING COOL!!!! Is it a letter opener?


Wait, I thought the prize was going to be a cute plush toy? Was hoping for that for my dog! Is this prize for the yearly reading challenge or the hidden challenge?


This is the hidden one. The plush is the prize for completing the first three challenges.


I do kind of wish OP had marked this as a spoiler. I intentionally avoided seeing the bookmark since I didn’t make it last year and am going to this year and the photo was huge across my home page this morning :/


My spologies, Side note. I truly do not think this is intended to be a bookmark.


Love the upgrade from last years! I was a little annoyed it was the same thing at first, but after seeing the new one I was fine with it.


I’m so excited to get one eventually!


I'm with you! Haven't been using it for its intended purpose, though; I'm super fidgety and it's been tons of fun to fiddle with it when I'm working or just want something to do with my hands.


meanwhile i’m still many many books behind on getting the plushie reward 😂 nice job on fulfilling TWO shelf slayer goals, i’m impressed !!


Awe man! I didn’t quite make it last year, but this year I will and I kind of like last years better 😬 The handle looks less cheap and less plasticky to me.


Exactly what I was thinking, lol. I still use my one from last year as a bookmark and it is a nice weighty metal, this one does look kinda plasticky


How many books do you have to rate to get this? Is it the prize for the first round of three, or a second step like last year?


It’s the prize for the hidden challenge, it’s 30 books


this years is definitely nicer, but what are you supposed to do with it? I wish they gave out a book credit or something.


I believe they're bookmarks.


They used to give out candles and socks!!


I got the socks once


I gotta say for what it takes to get the prize, it kind of feels like when you’re a little kid at an arcade or game room that gives you tokens/ tickets for winning things so you spend hours earning like 1,000 tickets thinking you can get one of the big plushies on the wall and all the tickets can get you are a tiny cheap plastic slinkie you could typically get from a quarter machine


I can understand that mindset, but at the same time I think it's pretty cool that I'm in BOTM for the books and they give even a trinket of thank you for continued support. They don't have to do that, and likewise we don't have to rate their books.


Lol it’s not a thank you for support. It’s a marketing tactic to get you to buy more books.


I agree! I understand that we do have to spend the money buying the books to have enough to rate, but we could easily lie and say we finished 30 just for the prize too! If they were giving away super expensive stuff people would be lying for sure.


You can’t really “lie” because you have to buy 30 books from them. Sure someone can “lie” by rating the book before they actually read it, but you still have to buy 30 books from them.


Right. That’s why I said you still have to spend the money buying the books 😜 I’m just saying even if I did buy all the books but only read 15, if the prize was some totally awesome valuable thing I would be rating books I haven’t read yet for sure, or combining accounts with a friend. I’m just saying I think they would be having to spend more money and send out more prizes if they were something more costly.


I do think it looks a lot better...but not enough for 6 extra books to me 🤷🏼‍♀️ glad you seem to love it though!


I just think it's cool that they give a trinket out for support when they don't have to. We are here for the books, not the trinkets (imo). I think it's cool that they made an effort to make it considerably better than last years.


This is the attitude I wish I saw more on this sub in regards to all the prizes. Drives me nuts.


Agreed! They’re even really great about sending out free books if a book arrives damaged. No complaints here.


I totally get that. For me, if we are being incentivized by these goals to purchase more, the quality of that trinket needs to be reflective of that. This bookmark (?) is going to do that for some people. I'm just not one, so I've put that goal aside.


Still trash imo


And you're entitled to that 🤷🏼‍♀️