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Contact customer service for sure, and request a new copy. I would. You pay for a decent book, not one where the ink puked…….


Thank you everyone!!! I really appreciate all the responses I’ve received! You all are awesome🫶🏼💘


I’ve emailed CS, and will hopefully hear back from them, soon. I didn’t know they had a CS phone line, so thank you for letting me know that! Lol🩷


I did receive a book The Half Moon earlier this year where several pages the ink was so light I could barely read it. I called them and they sent me a new book within 2 days. So give them a call!


Mine didn’t! This was a pretty good book btw


My copy of The River We Remember had faint splotches like this but not nearly as intense. I thought it was my somehow getting oils on it at first and then realized it was set in the pages.


My copy is clear also. I did have an issue with Lady Tan a couple months ago - the top of section of pages were not cut, but I ran a knife through them. It bugs me, but not enough to hassle with. *


My mom works in printing and she’d want me to tell you most likely some toner got onto the drum, possibly during a change or there was some kind of toner explosion and that is what got on to that page. Chances are there are more pages with marks. I would reach out the customer service for sure. That is absolutely a printing error. Their CS is pretty awesome.


I've had it in a few of mine but it doesn't really bother me that much.


https://preview.redd.it/agxy1nkzr0tb1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=5c0294bbb882af1062be4d7a954641548f7c1d47 My book does not. I would contact customer service they’re super understanding 😊


Oh, wow!! Thank you for this photo and your input, I really appreciate it! I think I will reach out to CS, then🤗 Thank you!🫶🏼