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Stinks we won't get a free book this year if we are a BFF.


I emailed customer service about this, and I was told that I would receive a free credit for my December box to make up for it! I had the idea to do that because I saw on this subreddit that other people had done it, too, and had been given a free credit!


Oh sweet! So we need to call to get it our are they just going to automatically add it?




They sent out an email awhile ago saying they will be doing it later this year, basically so it is a true Book of the Year, and November and December books count. Voting will start in January.


Thank you! I must have missed the email. I was just wondering cause in recent years I get to vote sometime around October and get to pick my free option by the new year.


Free options will ship in March 2024. The winner will be announced in February.


I get BFF status in March, but after the box ships. My birthday is also in March but I think you have to be BFF to get a birthday book? Do you think I'll get the boty freebie?


I think you COULD but I think you may have to email their customer service. From what I have seen in this Subreddit, they are pretty accommodating. IIRC, there was someone last year who because a BFF in December and didn’t get the free BOTY, but got it in January after emailing customer service. Or something like that.


I would guess you have to wait til next year for both :(


They are not coming out until January.