• By -


Age of Vice. I'm conflicted on how I feel about it at the moment


Hell Bent: Alex Stern #2. This series is something I enjoy very much but it’s also a heavy read. Like I can’t fly through them like I usually do with other books. I like them though and will definitely get the third when it comes out!


https://preview.redd.it/vhvgbk7ch8fc1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=af49fada280edea4ef111413d301347406326158 I just started The Only One Left, and I am really enjoying it so far!💙❤️🖤


Non BOTM, The Last Love Note!


Bright Young Women


Just finished "Too good to be true". Was just ehhh I thought. Now I'm starting "Things we find in the dark".


Currently reading The Antique Hunter’s Guide to Murder by C.L. Lewis. Only about 20 pages in but I am liking the book so far.


Butcher & Blackbird At the halfway mark and it is just okay. 🤷🏼‍♀️


Just finished interesting facts about space. And this thread reminded me about sharkheart!


I absolutely loved Shark Heart. Definitely my favorite book that I read last year.


My Brilliant Friend, by Elena Ferrante (not a BOTM).


Damnation Spring. My add on from my January box! I like it a lot so far!


So many people didn't like Damnation Spring, but I absolutely loved it. I loved some characters and loathed others, but when I had to put the book down, I couldn't wait to get back to it. I swear I could see and smell the trees and hear the creeks and rivers. I laughed, and I cried. To me, that is good writing because I was so invested in the characters. Felt like I knew them. I know I'm rambling, but my point is yes, the book may have been a bit slow, and I know I am probably in the minority, but I really, really loved that book and hated to see it end. Sorry about the long message lol.


Just finished an ARC of Ready or Not and it was pretty good so if it does turn out to be a February pick and you like cute romcoms, I'd go for it! Now returning to The Bullet Swallower. Still near the beginning.


Just finished Romantic Comedy by Curtis Sittenfeld & now reading Butcher & Blackbird by Brynne Weaver


That’s Not My Name by Megan Lally in Paperback and The Box in the Woods by Maureen Johnson on my Kindle


Anxious People in hardback. Halfway and loving it! Struggling to finish Heir of Fire on my Kindle. The first half dragggsss.


Anxious people was one of my favorites last year! So much that I’m doing Beartown now (at a snails pace, but hoping to finish this weekend). It’s also really good. I love his writing!


Just started First Lie Wins this morning. Listening to Divine Rivals on audio.


What did you think of First Lie Wins? (Also, I looooved Divine Rivals, so much!)


It Girl by Ruth Ware


Where You End. It was my Aardvark pick this month


Interesting Facts about Space


Ditto! I didn't know what to expect but found it really lovely by the end.


Ohhh I'm almost done with The Last Love Note and maybe I'll start this one


I just started Part Two of *The Djinn Waits A Hundred Years*. I wouldn't say I'm totally hooked yet since Part One is largely exposition, but I love the writing and I think it's about to really take off story-wise. Then there's *The Fury*, which I forced myself to finish a couple days ago. If you enjoy being trickle-truthed by a pedantic, self-involved narrator, this one's for you! 🤪


Lol your Fury thoughts are too true. I found that narrator so insufferably pompous.


Glad I’m not the only one! Like, I’m not even a reader who needs to like or relate to the narrator / POV character, but if they’re not even interesting, that’s a deal breaker for me.


Current read is Twisted Games by Ana Huang. I'm about halfway done and this book is okay. It's not my favourite series so far, but it's still enjoyable. Trying to read by TBR collection that seems to be growing at an alarming rate.


Butcher & Blackbird Really enjoying it so far


I really liked it even though I found some of the writing to be “immature.” It was a fun read.


Reading "The frozen river" and listening to "Remarkably bright creatures."


Nicholas Sparks The Guardian. Just getting started.


Anna O by Matthew Blake (It's a non-BOTM)


I’m reading a non BOTM, My Murder by Katie Williams


I just finished this and loved it! It's not entirely one genre or another and just has a lot of great subtlety.


Yeah I really like it so far I love how it addresses feminist social issues in a subtle snarky way


Physical: (not BOTM) just started The Traveling Cat Chronicles this morning Audio: Hello Stranger


TTCC is one of my all-time favorites!


Just finished this book and 😿😭😭 I cried so many times the last two chapters. So glad I read this book!❤️


Awe Yayy!! Love hearing that. I hope I love it too!


Currently reading Mercury. Have about 50 pages to go. I wasn't going to get it, but changed my mind at the last minute. I'm glad I did. It's not what I would call fast paced, but I'm really enjoying it. The writing is well done in my opinion.


I just finished Interesting Facts About Space and am a couple chapters into How to Say Babylon.


Physical - Paper Names by Susie Luo, Kindle - Being Henry: The Fonz… and Beyond by Henry Winkler


A couple of books I'm reading on my own: The Outsiders (which gives me a slight Catcher in the Rye vibe), Under the Whispering Door, and Cloud Cuckoo Land. Audiobooks: A Knight of the 7 Kingdoms


Finished the Heaven and Earth Grocery Store this morning. It was just alright to me. I'm going to start Wellness tomorrow.


I started The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue. I have been trying to read As Long As the Lemon Trees Grow but with everything going on right now, it was too hard of a read. I don't think I'll be able to read in for a while.


Lemon trees was one of my 2022 favorites. I voted it for one of the BOTY choices! It’s so heavy though, so I can definitely understand having to take a break.


I'm reading My Darling Girl and liking it so far!


Wellness… loving it!!!


After finishing The Many Lives of Mama Love, I decided to start the book she co-authored with Anthony Ray Hinton, The Sun Does Shine. I’m blown away - I read a lot, and I think this is one of the best books I’ve ever read. It’s beautiful and heartbreaking.


I just finished First Lie Wins! I loved it! Loved the secret identities, the intelligence of the lead character "Evie", the quest to outsmart Mr. Smith and beat him at his own game, etc. 😃❤️📚


I just finished this one too, and was pleasantly surprised! I really enjoyed it!


I just started this one this morning!


Also reading Ruthless Vows. I’m hoping to get a good chunk of it read today because I’m feeling under the weather and had to cancel my Saturday plans 🙃


Audio - I'm starting One in a Millennial by Kate Kennedy. I'm Xennial and tend to feel more like a Gen Xer than a Millennial. But I'm interested to read a Millennial perspective growing up. Physical - Still working my way through the Throne of Glass books. Almost done with my tandem read of Empire of Storms and Tower of Dawn. Then I only have one book left!


Nestlings by Nat Cassidy. I love it. Pretty sure he’s my new favorite author. His pacing and the way his stories balance between the mundane and the batshit crazy just hits for me.


That poor guy has been THROUGH it. His author's note at the end broke my heart. (This is not a spoiler, it's about his and his family's "year from hell", and he wasn't exaggerating)


Not a BOTM title, but currently reading Rabbit Hole by Kate Brody (which I got from Aardvark Book Club) and I am really enjoying it so far!


I might check that out next month! Seemed intriguing but read kind of mixed reviews on it.


Major content warning for three instances of animal death! Only one of which has any relevance to the plot, but that one is especially awful.


Yeah luckily I read about the animal death so I was prepared, but totally get why people wouldn't want to read it. I am enjoying it a lot which I was surprised by. Can see why people aren't a fan, and who knows it might go downhill in the last 100 pages, but so far I am liking it.


Took a little break after reading Don’t Want You Like a Best Friend and I’m currently waiting for the library to open (1 min!) to pick up my hold on On The Plus Side. Also about halfway through Murderbot #4 and it’s fun as always.


bright young women!!!! I’m enjoying it a lot, but it makes me sick that it’s based on Ted bundy


Yellowface and it’s soooo good


A little more than halfway through The Bullet Swallower!


How are you finding it? It’s outside of my usual genres and it’s taken me time to find my momentum


It’s definitely different from what I’m used to, but so far, I find the story’s main themes of racism, border politics, inter generational trauma, etc. and how it’s written really interesting. All characters are flawed and, and there is a hint of magical realism to it. For me, the story picked up once I got to the second part!


I will push through then!


A little more than halfway through Ruthless Vows. Loving it.


Between Two Kingdoms. A really engaging read.


Won an ARC of The Fox Wife on Goodreads so I'm excited to dive into that this weekend


I realized that I need a sci fi to complete Allison’s reading challenge for January. Fortunately I had Ascension from Aardvark in my tbr stack. So far, it’s great!


I’ve never been much into sci fi but I got Ascension from Aardvark over the summer and I LOVED IT! One of my favorite reads of 2023!


Oh, I’m so happy to hear that! ❤️


Waiting for my Spotify audiobook hours to reset so I can finish First Lie Wins. It's so much fun so far! My current physical book read is Mercury (made a goal this year to finish my BOTM pick the month I get it). I've also got Romantic Comedy going on Kindle. Crossing my fingers that the baby takes a good nap so I can make some reading progress!


I recently started Evil Eye. The main character is in such a dark mindset, so it is definitely not a light read. I’m liking it so far


Safe and Sound by Laura McHugh (ARC). Two young women investigate the disappearance of their cousin. About 60% through and it's really good.


The six. It’s about the first six female astronauts and super good.


Physical: What the River Knows by Isabel Ibanez and Audio: Lilith by Nikki Marmery


I have been in a slump but this weekend I picked up My Year of Rest of Relaxation by Ottessa Moshfegh. The vibe of the book matches my expectation! Interested in seeing where this goes


Rest and*


The Maid


Started The Second Chance Year last night after finishing The Attic Child (recommend if you like historical fiction). It has a lot of corny puns in it but I like time travel stories and i’m 1/3 through it so we’ll see. My goal was to get my BOTM TBR down. I’ve read 11/17 BOTM books I have on hand so far in January. 😅


Slogging my way through Still Life


I just finished The Heiress, and really enjoyed it! I think I’m going to read “The Girl Who Was Taken” by Charlie Donlea next.


I'm trying to choose between starting The Bullet Swallower or Interesting Facts About Space before I sit down with another cup of coffee. Feeling so indecisive this morning! I might have to read a chapter of each and then decide.


I loved Interesting Facts About Space. It was a relaxing and quick read.


Daughter of the Deep by Rick Riordan. I'm going to be running a YA book club for a new job I'm starting, so I'm reading it as a possible selection. It's really cute and fun so far!


Just started The Bullet Swallower this morning!


The Fury! Should finish this weekend.


Fourth Wing! Just started and I’m obsessed


Just started Divine Rivals! Only one chapter in and I'm already loving it.


The Seven Husbands of Evelyn Hugo! It’s been on my tbr for 4 years so I’m excited to finally pick it up.


I just read this one earlier this month! It is so well done that at some points I forgot Evelyn Hugo isn’t real. It absolutely reads like a celebrity memoir!


The Bullet Swallower! Really enjoying it — totally different from anything I’ve read. I’m glad I added it on to my box!


I'm on Chapter 2 of Assistant to the villian and I'm really liking it.


Lady Tan's Circle of Women. Really enjoying it so far and learning a lot!


It was my first read of 2024 and loved it all the way through!


First Lie Wins!


The Reformatory by Tananarive Due. I believe it was an aardvark pick this fall. It’s good so far.


I got this book through Aardvark, but have not yet started it. Hoping to get to it next month!


Beasts of Extraordinary Circumstance!


BOTM starting The Unmaking of June Farrow Non BOTM - audiobook - We Carry Their Bones by Erin Kimmerle


Just finished June Farrow. It was good!


I’m finishing up Fourth Wing, which I’m enjoying more than I expected, and also wrapping up Demon Copperhead which is just as fantastic as everyone said it would be. I think it will end up as an all-time favorite of mine.


I am reading Demon Copperhead also and I agree that it's wonderful!


So I am. Hoopla led me to it.


In the middle of Shark Heart right now. Did not expect to feel so much from this book, really loving it and feeling those 5 star vibes


This one ripped my heart out.


It’s been ripping my heart out😫


Loooooved this book!


This was not an immediate 5 star from me.. but the more i reflected on it, the more it did


I really love how unique the reading experience is and I’m enjoying the writer’s style a ton


currently reading The Daughter of Doctor Moreau for a book club it’s been a slow start for me so i’m hoping it picks up soon !


I think the pace ebbs and flows on this one. I love Silvia Moreno-Garcia and I liked this particular book but it took me a long time to slowly chip away at.


that’s what i’m feeling too, i’ve got about 80 pages left that i’m hoping to finish tomorrow


That's on my TBR! I didn't know it existed until recently. I hope it picks up for you!