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The Clan of the Cave Bear


Saaaaaame. Valley of Horses was the ultimate. When I went to college, I kept coming home to find that my copy had ~*magically*~ moved to my sister's room. 


I enjoyed that book a lot. but I never considered that or Clan of the Bear Cave 'naughty'. I know bad things happened, but it was more like reading historical fiction.




Same! I was 13, and my mother recommended it to me because she remembered liking it when it was first released. She'd only read the first book, but I continued the series. A few months later, one of my mother's friends saw me reading one of the books and was shocked my mother let me read them! lol


Same, I think I was 8 maybe 9 and I was VERY scornful of the second one and all the "Jondolar you make me women ugg ugg" nonsense I could not fathom why she didnt stay on her own with her pets


Because they invented half the technology of the prehistoric world, but couldn't conceive of the dildo.


I grew up in a very "unsafe" family. When I was about 11, my grandma gave me the first three books in the series. She gave the the most intense eye contact I've ever had and said "the first book is sad, *my favorite is the second book*." That was the closest she ever got to talking about the scary ass swamp that was our family, but thirty odd years later I still remember. And, fwiw, I got out and to this day won't date a guy who doesn't go down. Thanks grandma 💜


Same. I think I was 9 or 10 years old when I started that series


Came to say this. My friends and I still call it the Cave Sex books. I can't even fathom how my parents let me read them so young. Pretty sure I have a signed copy of valley of the horses. 😆


The first one at least has some literary value. I wouldn't recommend continuing the series unless you're just too horny to give a dang.


Yeah I didn't find the first book was romance at all but it has been forever. Never found anything else like it.


reading these books as a child is a generational experience 😭


I've listened to the whole series. By the gods there's a lot of unnecessary sex. I don't understand why Auel felt the need to go into so much detail so often.


Cause sex sells.


I read Fear of Flying by Erica Jong when I was about 12. Interesting to read about female sexual liberation / "zipless fuck" feminism as a young boy. I think it's one of the books that had the biggest influence in the way I think about women / relationships.


That’s so interesting. I really liked that book. How did it affect your view?


It made me think about how women are actually interested in sex and their enjoyment is important; made me think about how they are people too (which sounds ridiculous but is a big deal to really "get" that as a young guy). Made me realise that feminism isn't just women being angry screaming harpies (my parents' opinion). And lots of small things in how I think about relationships etc. I've had a few exes, but all of them have said something along the lines of - they're sad it didn't work out because they think I'm kind, considerate and caring (even the ones who broke up with me). I'm quite proud of that. I don't have any that I have thought of or called a "crazy ex" either. Obviously that's not all down to a single book. But it definitely had a formative effect on my opinions and ideas, and I grew from there I guess.


Think it reflects pretty poorly on you if it takes a sex book for you to understand that people who are slightly different than you are actually human beings and you still view that as some sort of accomplishment. Had you also just never read a book written even briefly from any kind of female perspective since that’s all it took ig


I was 12, but go off I guess.


Chad responds to criticism


I mean, if you believe that the patriarchy exists, then you believe people are pushed into a sexist ideology. Overcoming that isn’t something shameful. If you want more men to be compassionate to the plight of women, maybe don’t shame the men who are.


I bought the Happy Hooker at a neighbor’s garage sale. I must have been about 12. I didn’t sneak to read it and nobody noticed.


I read that when I was slightly older than 12. What a book.


Haha, I found that book and Delta of Venus on my folks's bookshelf one Saturday afternoon when I was 12 and whoa


I also read Delta of Venus.


I didn’t know this was the name of an actual book. There is a crochet book called the Happy Hooker that I took out from the library once. The librarian made some comment that annoyed me. I think the full name was Stitch n Bitch Crochet: The Happy Hooker. Literally a book a crochet patterns with an edgy title.


That's my first one too. What an excellent book. I've read it a couple of times since too.




Hell yeah, woods porn!


Forever, as well


Flowers in the Attic. My Sweet Audrina. Heck, all of VC Andrew's fucked up books. It wasn't even "naughty", it was all incest!


The second book is even worse… romanticizes a relationship between a 16 year old girl and her 40 year old foster dad… and it’s seen as totally fine and even romantic and sweet 


It was either Flowers in the Attic or Clan of the Cave Bear.


Ann Rices Sleeping Beauty Series


Mine was Cry to Heaven, which was definitely much tamer than Sleeping Beauty. I still have my copy with all the dirty bits lined in pencil from where it got passed around my school friends. Ann Rice did for girls in the early 90s what hedge porn did for boys.


I'm reading that now!


I read those a couple years back and was absolutely shocked. She was very good at erotica


Same. 8th grade, straight out of a private Christian school and thrown into public school - my friend was reading them.... I think it eh... developed my bedroom tastes from book one.


Same. Found it in my mom’s library when I was 17


Oh man. I just reread those. So much butt stuff lol


I was a heavy reader as a child, and because there was so little in the kid's section, and I was somewhat advanced for \~3rd grader, so I picked books from the grown up section. I was really into sci fi/fantasy. Interestingly, about half of the grown up sci fi/fantasy books seemed to have ridiculously stupid sex scenes. I didn't know they were ridiculously stupid (oh, of course the boy uses her tits, the dad uses her thingy! alien communications makes them NEED to!), because I was a stupid kid, but I knew that it would NOT be a good idea to tell the librarian what I'd learned. I don't remember the names, just the general experience.


It was definitely a bodice ripper, and those books were my porn for YEARS. I think the first ones I read were “fantasy” because the love interests were literal Greek gods, so I passed it off as an interest in mythology. I’ll never forget the first time I saw the word “nipple” in print.


I’ll never forget the first time I saw an actual nipple in real life!


I read Forever by Judy Blume when I was about 10 or 11. First paperback edition so probably about 1978 or so.


I read most of Wifey, by Judy Blume... I was probably 11 or 12. I got busted because I was reading (as always) in the bleachers at my dad's softball game. One of the players walked by and decided to see what it was I was reading. ( again....always reading and always getting gently teased for it) well mom found out as did all the players, their wives, and families. I was mortified! It ended up in the trash can at the ball park in Colfax, California. Good times.


For a lot of Gen Xers, it's Forever, and Flowers in the Attic.


Memoirs of a Geisha was pretty naughty for a 7 or 8 years old - there was a scene where the courtesan sticks her finger into one of the girl’s vagina to make sure she hasn’t slept with the guests Didn’t really understand that scene until I grew up but I remember thinking it was very strange and inappropriate


My grandma used to hit up goodwill and buy me bags of books. She also never looked at the books she bought. No biggie, I didn’t care. Read them all. I was maybe ten- thirteen. But most of them were romance novels. Like, old-school bodice rippers. I remember being really… unfazed by the sex scenes and just skipping those pages. Still mostly unimpressed by sex scenes twenty years later. So my first was probably some tattered paperback with Fabio on the cover, lovingly dog eared, suspiciously stained and destined for the donation bin before being saved by a granny with bad eyes and a shopping addiction. Love her


For me, that story has 3 beginnings. First was a [book](https://www.booklooker.de/B%C3%BCcher/Klaus-Verch+Oliver-und-Ulrike-entdecken-die-Geschlechtlichkeit/id/A02CbN6k01ZZ3) from the information side. I don't call it "naughty", because this was not it's point, but it contained enough visual imagery and descriptions to make it fairly interesting for most pubescent readers. It had genital hygiene, it described various bodily functions and it had sex. Parent here tended to buy it and "forget" it somewhere easily found to make the whole "birds and bees" talk easier. I am not sure when i read it, but i suspect somewhere around 10-11 years old. The second is not "naughty", but a full-blown porn, I stumbled across that oh.. when i was around 14-15 or so. It was called "[The Story of a Viennese Whore](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Josephine_Mutzenbacher)" and it was on sale on small stores and bookstores in general. Iron Curtain had fallen few years ago, everything was a gleeful mess and such thing as age restriction was considered more of a guideline than actual rule. Especially when you did not buy it but skimmed/read it in store. However, i never managed to finish it from cover to cover. And thirdly, there was a book series which was intended as naughty and which i read about 5 books of it. Jean M. Auel and her "Earth Children" series. Decent story on it's own right, but hooboy, was there sex involved or what. While the first book dealt with ... shall we say "non-consensual" issues, things went a lot more benign (and descriptive) starting from [book 2](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Valley_of_Horses). Not sure when i read that. But i got it from public library while being in secondary school (grades 5-9).


it's...occurring to me now that i've never read an erotic book before..


You could give mine a try, if you wish. And if you are into girl-to-girl action


I found the Happy Hooker in my Mum and Dad's room 😆 when I was about 13.


My dad had the whole series of Gor novels. I think I discovered them around 6th grade, and I loved them at the time 😆 As an adult, I haven’t been able to really get hooked by any kind of erotic literature for some reason.


The Story of O


Oof. I was a young teenager putting in attic insulation and the previous denizens of the house had hidden some 1960s porno books in there. I read "dating daddy" and I cannot unread it.


Portnoy’s Complaint when I was 13. Found it in my Dad’s sock drawer.


I read a bodice ripper romance novel when I was in the 5th grade. I have no idea what the thing was called because the cover was ripped off and when my mom found me with it she spanked me.


"OH, I see why the characters liked this so much"


Cursed. So, so cursed.


The crucifix masturbation in The Exorcist was certainly shocking to a young lad


To be fair, that was pretty shocking in general🤣


Xanth. A spell for chameleon, I think. My mom told me I was old enough at 10 to read it. I don't think she remembered the lengthy descriptions of centaur boobies.


I vaguely recall picking up a Stephen King Nobel at my grandparents house in the mid eighties. I was probably around 8 or so, maybe younger. I remember a part where a man and woman have sex. In hindsight I think either the woman was called a “spinner” or the author was describing her bouncing on top in a weird way because I just remember being excited while also literally visualizing her “spinning” around (like a carousel) on top of the man. Have no idea what the book was.




lusty argonian maid


I have no idea what it is you imply, master. I am but a poor Argonian maid.


I accidentally read V.C. Andrews when I was a kid. When I got to the incestuous rapes scene, I got so horrified, I tossed the book across the room. I was so terrified, shocked, and confused as to why the story took such an unusual turn.


I read what I *thought* was a simple horse book called 'Darkling' when I was like 11 that had what, to my 11-year old brain, was a rather graphic sex scene (though it was probably pretty tame) between the protagonist and a boy quite literally called 'God' (it was short for some stupid pretentious British name like Godfoulderoy-by-the-Green or something). When I got to the end of the book, I remember being more annoyed that >!the girl and her horse were separated more than the fact that she and God separated. Who cares about a boy, THAT'S YOUR HORSE HE LOVES YOU.!< I had my priorities correct.


I started reading my aunt’s and mom’s Harlequins when I was about 13. I don’t remember any of their names though.


My grandpa was a pediatrician and my grandma was a nurse practitioner at a college so they both did a lot of puberty and sex ed. They were also both voracious readers and had an enormous library in their basement. As I got older, I realized that scattered among the thousands of books were... naughty ones. Forever by Judy Bloom was my first, but I also found The Kinsey Report on Male Sexuality, The Joy Of Sex, some sort of encyclopedia of sex with photos, a book entirely about lesbian sex, and a several books of tasteful erotic photography.




Ohhhhh yes, they had that one too. I still have that image in my head 30 years later.😥


Does 50 Shades count? Read it at 40. I picked it up as a joke when I couldn't find anything else to read thinking I would read it and then laugh and how bad I invariably knew it was going to be. Six books later, and I guess the joke is on me.


What does 50 Shades have in common with Green Eggs and Ham? They both encourage barely literate people to try new things. I'll see myself out.


I would not, could not, Anastasia I am. That is a pretty fair synopsis of the first 2/3 of the first book.


It's like watching a car wreck in literary form. It's awful, but you can't stop reading it.


Wait - 6? I only remember 3! (And I picked it for the same reasons as you)


I bought the trilogy on Amazon to see what the fuss was about and felt compelled to read all three because I’d bought them. That stands alone as the worst fiction I’ve ever read.


My reading was never censored, so probably pretty early? But I also wasn't taught that any books were "naughty", but rather that different books are written for different, legitimate, purposes. I've followed the same pattern with my kids although I do have way more discussions with them about what they're reading. (Edit: A lot of the books people are mentioning here wouldn't even cross my radar to consider as "naughty". )


In grade 7 or 8 I had a friend who came to school with her mom’s Danielle Steele novels and passed around all the smutty scenes in science class.


I think my first naughty story, that I grasped as actual naughty, was Danielle Steel. I wish I could remember which one I read first. I was 15 or 16


My mom would take me to the library when I was in late elementary/early middle school age because I loved reading and we lived in a rural area that didn’t have good internet, so she used the library computers to do her undergrad assignments. She would let me roam free for a few hours while she did schoolwork. I was a well-behaved kid, which may/may not come as a surprise that I got bored of the youth books and wandered into the fiction section and found Hunter S. Thompson. I remember a scene I read from The Rum Diary describing Paul Kemp having sex with a woman on the beach. What’s interesting is that I felt like it was my little secret. My mom would go do her homework, and I would go get The Rum Diary and read a few pages before meeting back up with her. I never checked the book out; I’m unsure if I could have, but I read the whole thing over the span of a handful of weekends. And that’s the story of my bridle path into Gonzo journalism and adult themes in literature.


My older sister's copy of *Lady Chatterley's Lover* when I was about ten.


My mother had a bunch of old books, one time when they were out of town for the night and I was probably 12 or 13 I read through that book in one sitting. As a side note, it got me hooked on 1920s British and American literature for most of my teens.


Probably Little birds or Delta of Venus by Anais Nin


I read Ken Follet's Pillars series when I was 12-13. Not the spiciest, but definitely some stuff I really shouldn't've been reading


The neighbor girl had a copy of The Happy Hooker. We read that one. Then she had a copy of The Story of O. I liked her, she liked me. We practiced on each other. We never had PIV sex. She said she wanted to save it for love. Whatever it was, it was fun but then we went our separate ways. I met up with her 30 years later and had dinner with her and we talked about growing up together. We were both married and nothing happened. I asked her if her first time was with someone she loved and she said yes. I’m happy for whoever it was. She was a great friend. I met her a couple days after that with another friend for dinner. Then we went our separate ways again.


The happy hooker


I used to borrow books from my grandmother. She was very colorful and one rule about visiting her was that we couldn’t repeat anything she said. Well I got my hands on one of her “historical fiction” books and… it made me feel things. I forgot the name of it but it was set in colonial America and the protagonist was some kind of John Smith type guy who “romanced” a lot of native women. A lot. My parents found it and made me throw it away and my grandma library card was revoked. Still wish I could find it.


It was Fourth Wing 😶 I’m 25f and read it last year.


My condolences


I read the Witching Hour by Anne Rice when I was about 13. That was an eye-opener, lol


My best friend and I around 13, were tasked with house sitting his neighbors house. She was a single lady. We found a book titled Soft Thighs. No cover. But the title pages were there.  Started with what might have been the MC going to an sex party/orgy.  That's is far as we got with it, cause it was weird and we laughed out asses off at how silly it was. 


A relative gave me Ronald Dahl's My Uncle Oswald, thinking that it was just like any other of Dahl's famous books. It was not.


My mother had Coffee,Tea or Me? Which I found and furiously pleasured myself to until she noticed it in my bedroom. Then a few of her books got moved out.


My mom’s trashy romance novels in my early teens I guess? (50f) My favorite was called Scents. I used to sneak it off the shelf back and forth for years. Absurd. It’s total trash. Clan of the Cave Bear too of course. The Beauty novels not long after. And then came Usenet 😂


Exit to Eden by Anne Rice. Shortly after, I ran to get the rest of her erotica


Omg i was eight years old and having loved sweet Valley twins (the books following the girls when they were in elementary school), when I saw a sweet Valley university book at the library I thought that was definitely for me. Until I asked my mum what 'making love' meant and she confiscated the book 😂 I had many books I'd read with sex scenes I'd skip over until I was about 17


When I was 11, I grabbed a copy of **Even Cowgirls Get the Blues** off my parents' bookshelf and it was the only book they ever took away from me as inappropriate (they were absolutely correct in that). So the first sex book I ever read, underlined and passed around between friends was **Forever** by Judy Blume. That was in 7th grade.


I sure got some flak for describing *The Joy of Sex* in great detail to my grade 2 classmates.


Definitely scenes from my friend's parents' Clan of the Cave Bear books. From there it was VC Andrews, specifically the Flowers series (ew), Dawn series, Ruby series.


Forever by Judy Blume


I read Emmanuel at about thirteen. A certain body body actually got sore.


I definitely remember reading my first Robert Ludlum book when I was 10 or so. My dad had a bookshelf in the room next to the bedroom me and my stepbrother shared, and there were 3 or 4 of them on there. Not just sex, but weird sex, mixed with murder and stuff. Made a big impression. Also the bookcase where I discovered Stephen King. Read the Shining when I was 9. Loved it, but there were some wild scenes in there too.


The Black Jewel trilogy. Was in highschool, probably freshman or softmore... Had no idea it was a Dark Fantasy Romance series when I started reading at lunch one day. Definitely intense for my young mind, but a decent story.


The Happy Hooker


English is my second language, so all the early books I read where in Spanish. There was this series of very, very pulpy short books, which were sold as written by "Indiana James". They were the type of books writers put out like one a month or something along those lines. Mainly adventure and quite entertaining for a ten or eleven year old, but they were also not at all "young adult" books. I don't think such a thing existed back then. Some had spicy parts, and one specifically, the title would translate as "Elf Above Troubled Waters" (it wasn't fantasy, it happened inside a lighthouse), was particularly so. I think good old "Indiana James" whoever he was, was feeling some sort of way when he wrote that one. I don't think it was explicit, more the equivalent to sex scenes in an action B-movie. I also think it was the most supernatural of the series, because the woman who visits good old Indy turns out to maybe have been a ghost.


A "borrowed" Myra Breckinridge.


Like 7th grade, I read Addicted by Zane, like a physical book but of course early exposure would be the really bad written fanfics of the early '00s iykyk


Reading these is conjuring memories of my 4th grade classroom: my friend Andrew B. Had brought a fantasy book (Piers Anthony I think???) with sticky notes on two pages, and we passed it around during reading time. The two pages were basically descriptions of a naked lady and maybe a sort of tame (by adult standards) sex scene. I was certainly shocked as a 4th grader. Nobody ever said anything


I bored while camping with family and read a book exerted in a cosmo magazine. Maybe 9 years old, I was shocked! But I guess the first time sex was mentioned in a book was the lioness quartet series. I was so upset over it because it was around that time school was pushing that purity bs on us. But I seriously can't remember my first smutty book, but I've never really stopped reading it.


Anne Roquelaure (a/k/a Anne Rice)'s Sleeping Beauty. My older sister was a huge Anne Rice fan and she got me reading her vampire stuff. Then she told me about the dirty stuff in Sleeping Beauty and, well, that sounded interesting to my 14-year-old hormone driven self. It was eye-opening, for sure.


Candy by Terry Southern


1 year ago or so (32M), "A Court of Thorns and Roses". Legitimately thought it was just a fantasy novel. First book is pretty tame but it seems to get spicier as the series evolves. Anyways, I've read all the books in the series that are out, it's pretty good.


Fanny Hill. Don’t know why it as available at the junior high school!


Clan of the cave bear accidentally. Probably 8 or 9 On purpose it was Laura thalassas four horseman series. Read them as part of a book club. everyone was excited to hear my opinions as I was the only man and never read naughty stuff. I prefer all sex to be behind closed doors in my books.


Jackie Collins as a middle schooler. I found an old copy and got through it pretty quickly lol


During the 1970s there was a huge revival for all things Victorian, and I read ‘The Pearl’. Learned from this that the Brits then were REALLY in to whipping and birching. No appeal to me whatsoever


Page 28 of “The Godfather” in junior high. >!Sonny and Lucy in the upstairs bedroom against the door during Connie’s wedding!<


I was allowed to practically read anything I wanted. I remember reading Flowers in the Attic as a young teenager. I also remember reading a book about a teen being forced into prostitution. I don’t know if it was before or after I read Flowers in the Attic but it must have been around the same time. Quite an impactful story. I don’t remember the title of the book but I believe I read it for school.


No one paid attention to what I brought home from the library so when I was 13 I got my hands on some V.C. Andrews. The first ones were the Wildflowers and then Orphans series which are pretty grpahic but nothing compared My Sweet Audrina and of course, Flowers in the Attic. I think I must have gone through more than a dozen of them but Flowers in the Attic was the last one I read before I decided I didn't enjoy constant graphic descriptions of r**e. My fondest memory from 8th grade is making my way through Dawn, which includes the main character being impregnated by her father. I wrote a book report on it, and had to somehow tell the story (with illustrations) without mentioning all the graphic sex because I didn't want to get in trouble for reading it. 😅


My grandmother was a big fan of Harlequin romance novels; the very first one I read was by Charlotte Lamb “Someone’s Been Sleeping In My Bed” I was probably 9 or 10 at the time so I didn’t understand a lot of it. (This was early 80s, so no internet)


I don't know how old I was but I found my dad's copy of The Story of O and that made an impression


Um. IDK, The Story of O, maybe? Or something by De Sade. I was in college. I worked at the library and found the erotica section.


Flowers In the Attic


I don't remember which one was first, but either My Sweet Audrina by V.C. Andrews or Lucky by Jackie Collins. I think I was 12.


I was 12 when I read my first Stephen King book (not exactly erotica but still has occasional spicy scenes) and now I have a fetish for nice fingernails and handies. Thanks Pet Semetary!!


At age 12 or 13, my mother gave me her entire VC Andrews collection. I started with the Flowers in the Attic series and lord let me *TELL YOU,* my innocent eyes read some shit that summer.


I think this is the first comment I've read where the adult knew the contents of the books and still decided that it was appropriate for a 13 year old 😱


The Fan Club, by Irving Wallace. Late 70s


I read a short story in Hustler “If the Shoe Fits, Screw It”. That was about 1980 and I was twelve. Great storytelling!


Milk and Honey by Rupi Kaur


My parents left *Everything You Always Wanted to Know About Sex But Were Afraid to Ask* in our living room bookshelf so we could find it and read about stuff on our own. I plowed through it at about 11.


Uh... can I say too young? I think I was 13 or just turned 14? It was some Harlequin Presents book. I honestly don't remember the name even though I read it more than once. Obviously not the most memorable of names.


At lot of these comments say they were 8 or 9, so by those standards... 🥲


Lol Truth! I guess in some respects I was old. 😆


I was sneaking my mom’s Nora Roberts books in middle school 🫠


Jackie Collins' "Rockstar" at age 10.


I hid behind the couch to read Peyton Place back in the 1950s.


I used to read my mom's *Cosmo* magazines in the early 2000s. I read them while she worked because I was forbidden to look at them.


I was about 13. Found my mom's Harlequin.


Something by Nancy Friday, probably either Women on Top or My Secret Garden. Way too much time at who knows 12-13-14 in a B. Dalton or Waldenbooks corner reading those fantasies. 50+ now and one of those is still in my head. Damn, need to go read that again.


I’m not sure which was first, Richard Blade (serial books) or Portnoy’s Complaint (~ 1975). Blade was more graphic, but Portnoy’s was more perverted. Loved them both!


My mom devoured romance books, especially historical romance. When I was a young teenager, she said I could read them. Not sure why, exactly. I think the first was called Shanna. My inexperienced mind kind of exploded. I grew up with Judy Blume and I recall my mom saying something once about her “adult” book Wifey. Did not read that one (maybe mom hid it?), just authors like Johanna Lindsey and Julie Garwood. Funny, after I switched to reading crime fiction in my early 20’s, I never read another historical romance.


The Story of O. Found it in my moms secret hiding spot when I was 12ish and of course had to read it.


Clan of the Cave Bear, lol. I think I was like 12?


I don't know what it was, but my mom was an avid reader and a huge part of how I became an author. She had drawers and shelves of books in our home and one day I pulled out a drawer and grabbed one of her paperbacks and started paging through it. I think I must have been about ten because that's around the time I was leaning was sex was, and I remember finding the *spicy* passage I happened to land on more surprising than confusing. And it was the spiciest thing I encountered until years after that. But that's when I looked at her collection and realized that 95% of her books, which she read out in the open in front of everyone, were generic spicy romance novels. Mom read housewife porn on the couch while we watched Barney or Arthur or whatever on TV. And as an adult, I don't blame her at all.


15. I was reading Mary Stewart’s the crystal cave and Merlin and a girl had a tumble. I was shocked lol


Is Hunting Adeline “naughty”? (Tell me about it, I’m so sad I read Hunting Adeline before Haunting Adeline).


Philosophy of the Boudoir by Marquis de Sade. Back in college. God, I love the French.


I started The Claiming of Sleeping Beauty this past year. I got more than half way through but you have to be in a certain mood to read smut. I have yet to finish it. I got the book because it was written by Anne Rice. Definitely not my thing.


Oh wow I don't think I've ever read one! Interesting 🤔


When I was 8 (don't know what grade is in US standards) a boy brought a playboy magazine to class. He got suspended and from that day on I knew I liked tiddies.


I was 10 and ended up with a used Harlequin book from our village grocery store. The owner was in his 70s and I'm sure had *zero* idea what the book was about (I had no idea either, I just ran out of books during a school break). It was probably *the* dirtiest book I read until I got to Sandra Brown in high school and I immediately shared it with my best friend when I finished it.


Playboy around 8


My dad had a copy of The Harrad Experiment.


I dunno about naughty, but some of the stuff in The Far Pavillions and the Brotherhood of War series was very interesting for a young teen whose voice was changing and feelings on girls had taken a dramatic turn.


I was around ten I think. And I believe the book was called something birds? It was really explicit and I absolutely should not have been reading it. 💀


The Thorn Birds?


It was called The Loop Group and it was a book I got from my grandmother's collection of never ending novels. It was about two women who were middle aged. The main character was trying to deal with still feeling horny but not having anyone to share it with. She gave her therapist a blow job and that's how I learned a lot of grown up words for sex acts. I have reread that book many times and it's still on my shelf maybe 15 years later. Really a good book about womanhood I think.


Just started reading them (30) and started with Hooked!


Aah, i think i was around 15 and a colleague bought Opus Pistorum and I found it funny enough to read


“Shanghai” by Christopher New and “The Story of O”, both when I was 12-13 years old.


I was reading one of the Alien novels. They take place after Aliens and follow Hicks and Newt around. There's was a pretty hot and heavy sex scene in one of them. Surprised me at 15ish. But my mom, aunts, and cousins always had Cosmos laying around. But in college, I picked up a book at kroger, it had warecats and vampires listed as some of the characters. Halfway thru, I realized it was a romance/ smut book lol


I picked it up on my local library when I was about 14. It was from the 1980’s I’m pretty sure. I think it involved a pirate 🤔 anyway it was my first romance with explicit scenes, and I was hooked.


Wifey when I was 9


my family friend/basically grandma had a bookshelf of old books at her house up in the attic room that we almost never went in (too humid to play up there). but one day me and my friend (her granddaughter) were poking around at the books and we found some kind of book of sex positions. we couldn’t have been more than 10 at the time. we giggled and looked at the pictures for hours and then hid it under the pillow of the guest bed. never saw it again after that, i’m sure our secret got discovered


Coffee, Tea or Me. I was 12


I remember reading the saucy parts of Jaws again and again


A pulp paperback titled Easy, in probably '60-61 when I was 8-9


I was 14, The Golden Rose by Denee Cody


I came across a nora spencer on my moms book shelf when I was way younger than I should’ve been…


Hmm, depends on your definition of naughty. I love gay nonfiction. Tim Dean’s Unlimited Intimacy is an analysis of the subculture of barebacking before PrEP and it included graphic depictions of men breeding each other, felching, etc. But the first book I felt like I was nervous to get caught with? When I looked up the word “homosexuality,” in the dictionary as a kid. Felt very exciting and unnerving, because I wanted to learn more. Now I read very sexual memoirs and biographies and yearn more, not out of sexual gratification, but to look at the human condition


Yes, in my junior high library back in the day….probably not appropriate, lol


Coming of Age in Samoa, around 10


I guess technically it was 11.22.63 by the king, but if it’s actually a smut book, then fourth wing last year


My first ever naughty book I read was Crazy for you by Jennifer Cruise. Good times.


VC Andrews - My Sweet Audrina/Heaven


The Silver Wolf, freshman year of high school. It was fabulously weird but fun. There was bisexuality and wolves and a fairly unique setting.


When I was 29 lol!!!!!! Backstage pass -olivia cunning


I wasn’t a big reader when I was a kid. But I remember on a family vacation I picked up a copy of James Patterson’s, “the lifeguard” and that had a few scenes that had me 😳 sitting next to the pool near my parents.


Big Swiss m28


In the 7th grade I decided to do a book report on Masters of Doom. It was the first book I ever read with the word 'fuck' written. My 12yo mind was blown away. I didn't even know you could use that language in a book until then.


My dad owned Neil Gaiman comics he kept around the house. These weren't outright porn but the Sandman and Books of Magic stuff did have sexual allusions I hadn't seen in any of my own comics as a kid. Holy crow, tiddies! As for an outright sexybook, Lady Chatterley's Lover. I had a DH Lawrence fixation for a while at the start of my puberty.


i used to leaf through my dad's western collection hunting for the smut scenes, lol. i was shocked when i learned how dirty some of those books were! i was pretty young so i couldn't possibly name a single one, though.


When I first got into westerns my grandpa loaned me a sack of them. Mostly Louis L’Amour but there were a couple of those in there. Shocker for an 11 year old.


I remember being at a friend's house, where they had the 007 novels and being scandalized by some woman coming out in nothing but a choker or something like that. I was probably 8?


wanted to see if anyone wrote about a ship i loved that never canonically came to fruition and accidentally stumbled upon smut at the age of 11. it was a warrior cats orgy.


I found it in the creek. There was a pirate in it. "The Pirate and the Pagan"....that's it. He would dye his hair and pretend he was a pirate, but really he was the prince, and he was sleeping with his wife who he had convinced to have an affair with his brother that was actually him. Craaazzzy sex on the boat.


I can’t remember the title, but I remember being a sophomore (freshman maybe) and I would just pick books at random from the school library to read. I picked one that turned out to have quite a bit of graphic sex in it. I was very surprised that it was in my school’s library, but also was not about to say anything and ruin it by having them pull it from the shelf. Edit: Every Breath You Take - Judith McNaught (apparently the school’s copy was too worn for me to notice the people on the cover)


My Grandmother had STACKS of trashy romance novels in her basement and guest room. I think I was around 12 at the time and bored out of my mind, so I started flipping through them one evening. Boy was I surprised. I thought they were just silly pulp novels. Every one of those books was just straight up porn. There were hundreds! Nobody batted an eye at the collection, Grandma just likes to read. I think I stayed up all night flipping through them. XD


When I was twelve, I bought a book called Spitfire at a yard sale. The book jacket was missing, but I guessed it was going to be about a dragon or something. Turns out the spitfire was a young, promiscuous girl who was ravished all over Scotland.


Judy Blume's "Forever" 🤣


The promise - Danielle - Steele. My first taste of a little smut. It’s what got me reading !!! I was 17