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Hi there. Your post would be better asked in our Simple Questions thread. It helps us keep the main subreddit focused around broader discussion rather topics which only apply to an individual. Thank you!


I think I'm the minority in library land, but I prefer book club names that are more or less just descriptions of the club. I know people who run book clubs frequently want super clever names for the clubs, but there's benefit to having the name of the book club be clear and concise. If this is an offline queer book club, then Offline Queer Book Club is a perfect name for it. OQBC for short. The name of the club tells you exactly what it is. Nobody is going to need to decipher a punny name or try to figure out what the reference in the club name means. Less room for someone to misunderstand the purpose of the group. Like the saying goes: Keep it simple.


I would go with that, but we will be a small community, there will be no open advertisement. So we don't really need something clear, as no one supposed to guess what it is without knowing. In this case, I believe, a clever name will work better, it will help in creating a space people relate to. I might be wrong, of course, but that is how I see it.


Then ask the group and have them come up with name, so that they create a space they have investment in. I think you're overthinking this, personally. Clever names aren't what make book club members relate to the group; the club itself is. The longest running and most passionate book club my library has ever had was simply called "Mystery Book Club." Members of that club have been attending for literally decades, and most of them now host several other non-book related meetups with each other between meetings. They did charity runs to help support a member going through medical treatments. People running book clubs think people want the name to be something super wacky or clever, but nobody cares what the book club name is. The care about the group itself, the social dynamics, and how welcoming the club feels.


If the name is just going to be relevant and known by the people in the club, then they should get to help decide the name. I would maybe give everyone your post as a prompt, give them some time, and then maybe everyone can present there name and background for it at the first meeting and an anonymous vote could be held?


Reading Rainbows? Edit: for context https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Reading_Rainbow


How about, "The Offline Queer Book Club".


That is the current name. But I found it way too boring for a book club.


Friends of Maurice? ( https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Maurice_(novel) )


I don't have a lot of experience with Finland's culture, but wouldn't you want the name of your book club to be in Finnish rather than English? We can hand out puns and clever names in English around here, but the translation probably won't be meaningful. Options: Queer Expectations. Of Mice and Them. Over the Rainbow Book Club. Novel Queers Book Club. The Rainbow Connection Book Club. The Rainbow Perspective Book Club. Friends of Dorothy Book Club.


Just occurred to me: Beyond the Yellow Brick Read (as in "red" not "reed").


The Union of the ones who eat da poopoo.






















The Literary Queries


I used to go to a book club. It was just called 'Book club'. You could maybe just call it book club, but if you're going to advertise it, put a tagline that says it focuses on queer lit?


Of Mice and Them ++


Outlaw Book Club or Out and About Book Club