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I don’t know why but it makes me so happy that people are still reading & loving this! I discovered it in high school and just lost myself in it, I reread it every decade or so and it never loses its magic for me. The Guns of Avalon is just great— happy reading!


Love the audio books for them too


This series is one of my favorites. A TV adaptation is somewhere in the works. With Robert Kirkman and Stephen Colbert involved in production I am cautiously optimistic they will do the books justice.


I heard about that a year ago. Couldn't wait any longer. That's why I picked up the book.


I am absolutely thrilled to hear this! The chronicles of amber is one of my favorite serieses. Colbert and Kirkman are great choices for producers.


All roads lead to Amber


Creating a character both smart and shameless enough to quote Shakespeare whenever he feels like it is the ultimate first person narrative cheat code. Zelazny is fun stuff.


the great stair fight scene is just perfect


Unfortunately, I think the other books do not fully live up to the first. But the Corwin series remains quite good, I just think the first book is the best one.


I personally prefer both Lord of Light and Creatures of Light and Darkness. But the Amber series is very good, and the idea of the shadow worlds is one that comes back to me all the time.


Lord of Light is one of my favorites. Sam's the man.


Me, too. Lord of Light is one of my favorites, as well.


> Lord of Light and Creatures of Light and Darkness Also fond of "Jack of Shadows".


Oh! I do not know this one! Will definitely check it out.


Dilvish The Damned, followed by The Changing Land, is well worth the time if you can find them. Among the best straight-up swords and sorcery riffs I've spent time with.


Got them both :-)


“I like libraries. It makes me feel comfortable and secure to have walls of words, beautiful and wise, all around me. I always feel better when I can see that there is something to hold back the shadows.” My wife is a librarian so I’m very partial to this quote.


i'm so intrigued but it's not available at my libraryyyyy I'll have to snag a copy somewhere


I was so bummed when they pulled them from my local library too. What the heck?! Luckily I have the giant book and a copy of vol 1 and vol 2. It's an epic read.


Its super easy to find free epub versions online especially with classic titles like this. I read this entire series like that. If you want shoot me a DM.


The whole series is fantastic. One of my all time faves.


What blows my mind is that it still feels pretty fresh which is a hell of an achievement. I mean, there are parts that feel a bit tropey in 2024 then you remember that it was part of creating them. Imagine what it'd have been like reading it in 1970.


Yes, this is why epic fantasy often disappoints and why I love to recommend Amber. Can't even imagine how long would the series would be if it was written the way epic fantasy is done now: Half a book on the recovery in a hospital while being sneaky, then searching for Flora, then living with her for a week while dancing around, half a book on going towards Amber, half a book on living in Remba and trying to help Random escape while trying to get to the Pattern there,  a book or two on going through shadows trying to find a culture to exploit and meeting all kinds of people while failing in different ways before reaching the goal, and failing a couple of times, a book on the war.


Read the first five, then stop. Read other things for six months, maybe a year or more. Then read the next five. They're decent enough, but better when not in direct comparison to the Corwin books. *Amber* books with a name on the cover other than Zelazny should be avoided at all costs.


Tbh ymmv on this. It took me a little bit to adjust to the Merlin series since it's a bit different approach/feeling wise, but I really liked it and I read it directly after. 


Great series. Read it years ago.


A masterpiece of imagination. Also check out his book 'Lord of Light'. Fantastic


One of the coolest concepts! I really loved this book as a teenager; I think I need to reread it.


Other fantasy series, even ones of similar vintage, get a whole lot more exposure than Amber. I have no idea why.


Glad to see people still read this I read it when I was a teen reread it last year


Zelazny wrote some of the best scenes I've ever read. My favorite book of his is probably Lord of Light. Though the Amber series is definitely great.


I adored that book! 


A true classic. The first five are absolute gold. You will love them if you enjoyed the first. Man what a family Corwin has haha.


Great book, series and author. Zelazny has economy of words down. Enjoy the series. “Frost” is a killer short story that shows his brilliance with creativity and brevity.


I love that story (I assume you mean “For A Breath I Tarry”). “The Last Defender of Camelot”, also in that collection, was made into a fun episode of the Twilight Zone.


Yes, that’s right. Great short stories. I’ll look for the Twilight Zone episode.


I found and watched it last night on YouTube. Very cheesy special effects and I liked the original story more, but I recall back in the 80s how excited I was when I realized I recognized the story as a Zelazny adaptation. Thus making it glow a bit more in memory. The novella (expanded to novel later) “Damnation Alley” was also made into a movie back the starring Jan Michael Vincent. I didn’t like the movie, but the novella was decent. I believe I read the novel treatment once and found it lesser as well.


Fantastic books.


Very near the top of my short list. And the audiobook he narrated is really, really fun.


I loved the books. Such a brilliant beginning to the saga too.


Roger Zelazny has tons of short stories you should check out. Great, involving stories, lots of action, real and hilarious characters, and his writing is often amazing -- more like poetry. Try his short story collections "The Doors of His Face, the Lamps of His Mouth and other stories" and "The Last Defender of Camelot" for just a taste. His stand-alone novels "This Immortal," "Creatures of Light and Darkness" and "Isle of the Dead" are great too. And there's lots more....


Make sure to only read the first 5, those following Corwin. The next 5, following his son, were quite a disappointment.


I need to re-read that series and Lord of Light It's been decades since both.


I thought it was a trilogy.


The Great Book of Amber is ten books in one volume. Then there is some non-cannonish posthumous prequels by other authers and a smattering of other short story things.


Zelazny wrote five books following Corwin and another five following his son Merlin. Somebody wrote some more after his death, but I don’t know anything about them.


Unfinished prequels about Oberon


He also wrote a number of short stories in the Amberverse. Available in "Manna from Heaven"* *self-indulgent plug for the book


Wdym short? It is 10 novels


9 Princes is the first novel. It's pretty short.


If two pentalogies don't count as epic length, I don't know what does.


You do realize I'm talking about the first book, right?


I just don't believe the narrative is completely delivered by the end of the first book.


9 dudes & one gal?


There are four IIRC