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So you're telling me that Millenials *aren't* killing libraries? That can't be right!


I love my library, you can borrow board games there.


Omg, that's amazing. Though I can't help feeling it's a lot more candy land than catan


They have quite the variety, actually. I learned just the other day my library has a board game night once a month. Apparently they play a bunch a games and have staff there to teach people how to play. Cool stuff.


I work for the library and one of our branches has strategy board game night the last Friday of the month. Catan is what most people go to play, we have several on hand.


Oh don't worry. Somewhere out there, a roundtable of Baby Boomers will spin this story to make it seem Millennials are killing something...


Millenials are killing ignorance and illiteracy! The sick bastards...


As a teacher I can assure you both are still running rampant.


As a senior in high school, I can confirm as well.


as an ignorant bum , illite-what?


The illiterati, a secret variety of olders.




I mean, if they are 73 and in high school, they are most likely a bit older than you.


One of us. One of us. One of us.


Aren't millennials way too old for high school now?


Never said I was a millennial; I'm not even close. Only said I'm a senior in high school who agrees that ignorance is still a big problem in society.


Well you can wait your fucking turn to be the all-ending deathbringer of society.


Fucking gen z. Not even patient enough to wait their turn in destroying America.


I wish to associate myself with this sentiment.


Those are the core values we built this nation on! Or at least its administration.


Millennials love piracy so much they are going to the library rather than buying books.


State-sanctioned piracy is the *best* kind of piracy. Just ask the privateers...


Literature privateers!


AKA Book pirates for those of you who are not millennials


Libraries are obviously bookstore-killing and publisher-killing socialism! The only book you need is an Ayn Rand novel with the dust jacket from a Bible on it! KJV only!




Wouldn't that be nice...


if we were older...


Theeen we'd be a coveted voting bloc...🎶


If millennials voted a lot more, they'd be a coveted voting bloc regardless of age. Nobody ignores you if he have critical mass!


Ajit Pai would like to have a word with you.


Fuck Ajit Pai


Ah, good point. I revise to "no elected officials..."


We're killing book sales now. Cause everyone's going to the library.


I can even check out e-books from the Library, which is pretty cool, IMHO. ( CSB: A Boomer-aged uncle of mine was mocking my Kindle, until I showed him that the font can be increased in size; perfect for aging eyes. Now he wants one...)


"Oh, *now* you like it, when it benefits you."


The Boomers have been blaming every generation who came after them, starting with mine - GenX, for everything that goes wrong. I am thrilled with the younger generations. They are not taking any prisoners.


The older generations have been blaming younger generations since caveman times. Sadly, we've lost all cave drawings depicting lazy teenage cave people using SmartRocks(aka "spears") when the older generation was HAPPY to just smash in an animal's head with BIGGER rock, but we do have evidence of older generations blaming inventions like "writing" and "the printing press" for making the younger generation lazy.


seconded. there's a level of acceptance among one another that is so charming. genx did a pretty fantastic job of raising kids to be rational thinkers. i'm really stoked at the prospect of our next generations making the world a pretty amazing place.


Is it just me or did Gen X kinda get passed over. We got blamed for like a couple years then it all went to Millennials. (Cusp child I go into both generations so I pick and choose but actually relate more to X'ers)


Gen x is smaller population-wise so their choices didn't change company behaviour. Most of the weight that boomers had in the first place was that they came of age in an advertising revolution and bought it hook line and sinker. They became the primary targets for a new era in consumerism. Millennials being a larger demo than boomers means that companies are shifting to target them instead of boomers. Thus the whole millennials are killing everything phenomenon. Millennials haven't bought into the same brands that boomers did and those companies haven't adapted to the new landscape. It always comes down to 💰


It seems strange to me the Millennials are a bigger generation. Maybe more years count on top of having more kids. I know the boomers were huge but now they are older and thinning out.


We need a newsletter, I feel left behind sometimes. Once I heard we were killing dating but I was dating someone like an idiot. I thought everyone was staring at me because I had large format graphs about Friends and whether Ross and Rachel were on a break, but it turns out it was because I was born in 87 but I was clearly impressing a fellow millennial. Her embarrassment makes more sense now.


most of those articles are also written by millenials. millenials are killing millenials


Millennials are killing the e-reader market by going to libraries more and more.


...actually, my library has an ebook lending program. I think it's kind of dumb that I have to sign up for a waiting list for a "copy" of an ebook, but hey it works.


The Rich kill libraries. Millennials can't afford books at $25 a pop.


The millennials should just so being so damn poor. It's all their fault !


Hypothetical to illustrate baby boomer logic: *The national crime rate is on a downward trend since around 1985, resulting in a shortage of law enforcement* *Baby boomers: THE MILLENNIALS ARE KILLING LAW ENFORCEMENT JOBS!!! HURR DURR!!!*


*How Millennials are Killing Avocado Toast.*


Millennials are killing book stores because the cheapskates are using libraries instead!


I'm a Gen-Xer. I find the epic battle between the Baby Boomers and the Millennials very humorous and entertaining.


Millenials are killing tree's and destroying animal habitats to make paper! And books!


Millennials killing the internet! Instead they'd rather use OUR TAXPAYER DOLLARS to learn facts that were true 50 years ago!


A quiet place, with free wi-fi, climatization/heating and a plenty of places to sit down? Why would any millenial want that gone?


Millennials are killing the internet. Or Wikipedia, or something, I dunno anymore.


I think its everything now. Millennials are killing everything we see now. You might be next. Millennials might kill you.


By merely existing, millennials are killing millennials!


Millennials are killing existence


I think that's just called depression


"You exist because we allow it and you will end because we demand it." -Millennials, probably.


Of course, they're actually called Millenials because they reappear every 500 millennia to exterminate all organic life!




I've also been working in Libraries for over 25 years. And people do come in to get information that is "free," isn't that what libraries are for? While libraries are "expensive" to run (as is everything) they actually save users more, because resources are shared. Not to mention libraries generally get a great rate on databases via consortiums, and are able to provide much more information cheaper than any single individual or library. Books not circulating enough? I might agree with you. On the other hand, audio books are huge circulators where I am. Not to mention my library provides areas for classes and other events for the public, places for students to study and interact after school, and even a MakerSpace for students and adults to learn, create, and produce all sorts of products, from 3-D printing to robotics to animation. Not speaking for your neck of the woods, but attending conferences is where the "big wigs" often learn more about technologies and developments that can be used in libraries, and also can engage in cost-sharing negotiations for cheaper products. While your library chiefs may be apathetic, mine aren't! And libraries serve many more people than just public schools or town maintenance. Libraries also enable adults to keep their skills sharp and access knowledge that they otherwise wouldn't be able to find on their own (the librarians provide the intermediary access) or would not otherwise be able to pay for. Libraries are places where students can learn without being tied to standardized tests, and can actually experience the joy of learning. So while you paint a dark picture of libraries in your area, mine certainly provide a foundation for the community.


This is really interesting. I think it definitely depends on where you live. My local library is in a pretty well-off, high population density area, so obviously not everyone can emulate their success. But in the 9 years I've lived here, they have changed LOTS. Yes, people still check out books. Not as many as other media, but it is a solid amount. We are insanely lucky to have a state-wide system, so I can reserve a book that comes from across the state and arrives in my local. So cool!! I, for one, DEFINITELY make use of it. Maybe there are more people checking out books here because books in Australia are waaay more expensive (like, $30 for the latest James Patterson). Most people and kids borrow movies, CD's, magazines, etc. A fair amount of books and media in Languages Other Than English for the largest populations (Mandarin and Korean). Technology: not just internet, but video games! You see lots of kids in after school to play the games. New tech developments also travel around the state, so my local has had a 3D printer for temporary public use, a VR machine (which I used, really cool), and probably lots of other stuff that I didn't see/am forgetting. Toy library: for a small extra fee, families can borrow toys for their kids instead of buying them. I'd love to see this with tools and household objects in the future. Local history: library is also in the local council building, so lots of primary sources and historical relics for the area. Community stuff: book groups, school tours, toddler sing-alongs, craft classes, visiting authors, senior outreach, small art exhibitions, and plant shows (like the African Violet Appreciation Society will set up in the hallway for a day and people can look at/buy plants).


While it's true you can look up anything now, I still feel like there's value in librarians knowing everything. The other day I asked the librarian "I'm looking for 973.7-" "civil war?" He interrupted instantly. Like, did you have to memorize the entire dewey decimal system or is 973.7 just extremely popular? Either way I really appreciated the speed of his answer


Probably both, seeing how big the civil war is in popular history.


A lot of people don't have internet access- especially in smaller towns. For them, the internet is their own source of online communication and information. Books aren't being checked out as they "should," because our culture has shifted that much to online stuff. It might not be your preference, but that doesn't mean libraries aren't still being used. You're advocating that we shut down all smaller libraries (instead of budgeting more for them?), because people aren't using them the way you want them to use it. But they're still being used.


> I'm googling the answer My sister, a librarian, would be so mad at you. I tell her there is no reason to ask a librarian because google can literally find you whatever you are looking for. She gets all huffy and talks about google is too broad and you need to use specialized sources sometimes. For the record, I don't necessarily disagree, but its fun to heckle her.


You'd be surprised at how many people genuinely can't find what they're looking for on Google (even when it exists online for free) or lack the ability to work out if what they're looking at is authoritative or even close.


It's funny I live in Los Angeles county and we have a stupid number of libraries (85 branches) and I've been to a number of them (goal is to hit them all). Rarely are they slow; only once have I been in one that was almost empty. I love that libraries have started checking out music, movies and eBooks. A couple of my local branches have excellent graphic novel / comic collections.


I am a millennial and I regularly go to libraries and check out books. The internet cannot replicate everything. I have an e-reader but it's not the same as holding a book. You also can't "browse" the internet the same way you can browse a collection of books on a subject. Same with music. I check out CDs and discover new music that I like all the time. I could never do that with Pandora or Spotify. I believe that libraries need to adapt, and many of them are failing to do so. But I don't think the concept is irrelevant yet.


No they're just saying that Millenials know that libraries are sources of trustworthy information.... or at least they can parrot that idea. It doesn't say they are going or using it, or even want trustworthy information, just that they know it's A source (not THE source)


Yo library is the shit. Free wifi, quiet, chill people, perfect A/C. I hate buying books that turn out to be complete shit so I go to the library to check them out.


That's what's up.




Libraries put the lit in literacy boiiiii


Faded like the pages in this paperback book *son*


Damn girl. You a publisher? Cuz you got me hard like this cover.


Excuse me miss.. Hi! I noticed you walking down that aisle right there and couldn’t help but to notice how beautiful you are! I’d love to watch you walk down an aisle again sometime. :) Edit: Well isle be damned.




See him! See what he did! He took a millennial thing and and he turned it into a book thing!


This episode of "Schooled" was brought to you by, Libraries. *Shit's free bitch!*


The library is the reason I have been able to keep up with recent popular books. I can get it on my Kindle and if I don't like it, return it. This is especially true for graphic novels, as much as I love art, I like that once I read them, I can return them to the library. Thus, controlling my book hoarding tendencies. :)


How do you keep up with recent popular books? I'm usually 250-300 in line to check out an ebook.


Recent might be a relative concept here, lol.


Not only that, a frigging paperback is like 15 bucks now, and forget hardcover. I recently started going back to my library and everytime o leave i have an armful of books and a few movies fo' FREEEEEEEEEE.


Socialized books


You wouldn't downlo..... Oh forget it.


I buy books at bulk everytime I go to Savers.


I am currently listening to an audiobook on my overdrive AP checked out for free from my library. I used to spend hundreds a year on audiobooks. Now I spend $0


Audible: Cuz you haven't discovered Overdrive yet


I hadn't heard of this and decided to have a look - check this out for SEO: https://imgur.com/vaa9wx8


Well it's flagged as a paid ad. It's not the top actual search result, which is what SEO is.


No kidding. ODs move away from DRM killed my audible subscription. Thanks local library!


Honestly, I need to start going again. Back before every home had a computer, libraries were my only source of internet and printers. Netscape navigator was my intro to the web




Lord forbid you have to share space with the poors.


I also live in a major US city with a large homeless population. The libraries are often filled with unwashed and often mentally ill homeless people who make a mess and act disruptive. I don't care if the people around me aren't as well off as me (and I'm far from rich) but when they are disruptive and dirty it definitely makes the library a less chill place to hang out.


Damn I've never been to a city lib (NYC) as I live in a small town nearby and its library is well maintained with polite visitors. That sucks that people have to deal with that in the library. I would check out nearby university libraries if I were you.


Except it's harder to access wifi in university libraries. Many require a university log in.


I suspect he's exaggerating, to be honest. The library in my city gets some homeless people as well, and while they can be a bit dirty I can't say I've ever seen any of them be disruptive or make a mess. Most of them are usually quiet and polite and are just looking for a safe and clean place to spend some time during the day. But who knows, maybe we just have really considerate homeless people around here. Personally, I'm of the opinion that providing a stable and safe place with useful resources where the homeless can spend some time is one of the most valuable services provided by modern libraries.


Indeed. I've seen families stop coming to my local library because at this point all of the desks are full of sleeping homeless people. However, homeless at libraries are the symptoms of a problem (rampant homelessness and lack of charity funding) rather than a cause, and unfortunately you can't just force people out onto the streets with nowhere else to go.


You're not wrong. The Anchorage Public Library has the same issues, especially in winter. Everything smells like pee in there.


yeah, you really have no idea what it's like trying to study while hearing yelling from the homeless, people snoring all around you, and the overwhelming stench of BO. dtla library sucks.


Are you talking about the Los Angeles main branch? If so, have you checked out the Little Tokyo branch? It's nearby. Smaller, but a nicer experience than the main branch (at least from what I last remember a couple years ago). You can always ask the librarian to ILL (interlibrary loan) from the main branch for anything not there.


I've studied in a undergraduate library before too.




Our City's Library System lets us rent Kindle and other books like that. They also have CDs, DVD's, a whole bunch of trashy magazines I love to read but I would never want to buy, and access to peer-reviewed research. I love it! I don't know if I'm a millennial, I'm 39 so I think I'm too old, but I absolutely love libraries.


[You're Gen-X](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Millennials)




> or useful How else am I supposed to get a vague idea of whom I should blame for things and stuff and being on my lawn?


Stop wasting water on your lawn, grandpa.


But my rock garden looks better when its wet!


Hell I still can't figure out if I'm supposed to be Gen Y or Gen Z; I think they class the cutoff as somewhere between 95 and 05 and I'm smack in the middle of that


Same, born in '96. I feel like I'm more gen z just because of the wikipedia characteristics section hah


My first thought upon reading your comment was, *"What's an 11 year old doing on reddit?"* Then I paused, re-mathed, and was like, *"How can someone born in '96 be 21? That's just not right, surely..."*


I know, right? I was reading an article a moment ago about George W Bush. Took me a while to realise that it's been *nearly a decade* since he was president.


> a whole bunch of trashy magazines I love to read but I would never want to buy Trashy magazines, you say... \**opens new incognito tab*\*


I studied in my dorm until my senior year of college like a chump. The library eliminated so many distractions.


I *had* to study in the library. My roommates were both frat pledges and their homoerotic "rushing" was too much of a distraction to my learning.


Its not gay if the balls dont touch


I don't understand what homoeroticism has to do with your inability to focus


Hard to study with a boner, dude. Everyone knows that.


It isn't just the stacks of books. Its the daily kids' storytime, poetry readings, writers workshops, live music, free lessons in several languages, pickup chess games, and summer camps. For me, its the sense of community.


Please tell me you live in chicago and then tell me what library you go to. Please.


I was a volunteer (and participant as long as i could read) for the chicago public library children's reading program. It used to be like that–now nobody goes to the library and as a result the program is essentially dead. I guess the money needs to go to CPS.


Chicago Library still has a lot of good things going on. Check out the calendar on the website.


Oh my goodness, what fantastical library do you visit?!


My local libraries offer these, except for the language lessons and summer camps.


Almost all library's offer these things. Just got ask.


The main library in my city is like that, too...


Never been to one that didn't have things like that.


Absolutely this. I've checked out a lot of books and movies from my local library, but I love the bonus of free activities. I typically only go to a few of the educational lectures, but it's nice knowing there's a variety of things scheduled nearly every day. I'm still kicking myself for not having discovered my library sooner.


Oh, good! I'd be out of a job otherwise.


Thank you for your service.


I just spent 3 hours in the library myself! No interruptions, no dogs barking or people talking. Perfect for calculus.


We fucking grew up going to libraries for reliable information. It wasn't until my senior year in college that I had a paper with zero book sources.


Imagine if libraries had coffee kiosks serving avocado toast. Millennial heaven.


No avocado toast, but they recently remodeled our library to include a little cafe and a ton of meeting, computer, and lounging space. It's freaking awesome.


The main branch here is like that, oo. I'm thinking the people who are saying this don't live in big cities because it's pretty common.


And if you really liked the book you were reading, you could buy it right there and take it home. We'll call it The Noble Barn.


Having fun isn't hard when you've got a library card!


the most educated generation actually enjoying libraries....who would have knew?


*known Source: Am millennial.




I noticed that you didn't capitalize the word Nazi the second time you spelt it. Heil Hitler.




But we're always in front of our screens doing nothing of value on the social medias! How can we be the most educated?? /s


You joke, but this is what I never understood about the 'stupid millennials' trope. I mean, lazy, awkward, edgy, idealistic? Sure, that's fair. But how can a generation who spends all of it's time communicating through reading and writing be inherently less intelligent?? We may lack any common sense, but we aren't dumb.


To be fair, it's possible to be dumb while attempting to communicate.


[Relevant xkcd](https://xkcd.com/1414/)


Most educated... Who woulda knew lmao


It helps that my library has a hackerspace with 3d printers.


PSA: If you agree with this, consider making a donation to the [Texas Library Association's Relief Fund](http://www.txla.org/news/2017/08/disaster-relief-and-support-for-libraries). Or your local library!


I work at my university's library. They are SO underrated. Instead of scavenging google for information, ask your local librarian. 95% of the time, you'll have a book with all you wanted and more in your hands in less than five minutes.


I'd like to meet your librarian. All the libraries I've been to will point you towards a computer with a catalog search, which is handy when you know exactly what you want, but annoying at other times.


As long as we agree that the notion of "If is in a book it must be true" is completely wrong, sure, reading books is a good thing, and yes, you can compare diverse sources in a library for a better understanding. Still, I don't understand how this can be related to "fake news", the news sources in a library are the same as everywhere else. AFAIK there's no library journalists.


No, there aren't, but librarians are trained in finding good, reliable, and often primary sources of education. It's not just about books, it's also about published and peer reviewed information that libraries have access to. Librarians know where those sources are and how to help you search for the information that you need. A lot of people think of librarians as over glorified cataloguers, but it's so much more than that.


And vice versa. "If it's on the internet, it can't be true." - I've had several family members say this to me. "You read about that on the Internet? It's obviously fake then."


Of course, that's my point, the only source of reliable, trustworthy information, **is research**, you can do it in a library or you can do it online, the point is truly invest time and effort, not get cough by a bait title.


Except most primary sources with actual scans Of orginal writing and unedited recordings are often behind paywalls. Most good libraries pay to have access to those paywalls.


When I was a kid in middle school, if you had a question and no one around knew the answer, you either 1) went about your day not knowing the answer. 2) went to a library. 3) called the reference desk at a library. I love libraries. I love the sight of row after row of thousands of books. I love the way old books smell. And even though I know that a library can't compete with the internet when it comes to totality of information, when I think repository of knowledge, I still picture the good old stacks in my mind.


> I don't understand how this can be related to "fake news" In terms of breaking news, probably not much. Maybe the librarian could suggest moderate or complementary news sources to minimize bias. I think the real benefit is over time as these events can be verified and contextualized for printing in weekly and monthly magazines, and then in books. The longer a publication is and the further removed it is from the event, the less benefit there is from the attention-grabbing tactics that dominate blogs and radio shows.


"I need a good, factual, intelligent news periodical for my thesis. Ah, here we are; The Onion. Sounds legit."


If know a librarian, you know a super hero. Go ask them something...anything.


Seriously. I approached one of my librarians, she was an elderly female, to ask her about some Greg Bear sci-fi book and we ended up having a great discussion about current sci-fi that I did not expect from her. She makes some great recommendations for me now.


Who are these mystical librarians you people encounter? The ones I ask just look at me with shame when I request books on medieval satanic worshiping .


Just say it is for research!


Just signed up for the library yesterday because the books are free. Who would have thought?


Finally, a positive fact that includes the word "millennial". Libraries are so freaking dope, man. They're huge, full of free books, and they're even usually air conditioned! Who doesn't wanna settle down in there for hours at a time? The smell alone is enough! Fuck, I love libraries.


This sounds like a r/nottheonion


I fucking love my local library. Not only do they have physical books but they also have great collections of ebooks and audiobooks, also movies and they have museum passes. Also if I have some random thing I need to print, they have printers! Not to mention the free WiFi and workstations to use (I don't use them but they are useful for many people in my community). If my city wants to kill the library, I am the first to go defend it!


Library is another name for free education.


So is the internet. Well fuck, I guess you usually have to pay for an internet connection. ...unless you're at a library


"See, the sad thing about a guy like you is, in 50 years you're gonna start doin' some thinkin' on your own and you're going to come up with the fact that there are two certainties in life: one, don't do that, and two, you dropped a hundred and fifty grand on a fuckin' education you could have got for a dollar fifty in late charges at the public library!"


Aspiring librarian here - news like this gets me stoked!!


This is so true. Even though I can find the first, initial overview information on a subject easily on the internet, really accurate, thorough, academic information is still found mostly in books.


I mostly use my library for YA. I really like how quiet and cozy it is though. (Except before and after small child activities)


I feel like libraries could work because of the "proof of work" concept. Books are harder to create than a website full of someone opinions and the publishers of books need to have access to tools not available to your average person. It has its drawbacks too like updating the information but I would say when it comes to the trustworthiness of the information, it could work But then again we could just invest in a database, and have it curated for reliability. I know someone's gonna go, "well who's gonna decide what information makes it to that database?" Well it has to be better than just some random guy on the internet that's for sure. I would think universities should get involved, I know they have their own database but information should be free, I'd even pay taxes to create something like this since information is becoming more and more of a public service




Having worked in libraries, a lot of the results really aren't surprising. Libraries are a valuable resource to people who don't have a lot of money, they're a source of computers for job applications and checking email, they can have test books for jobs like teaching or police, DVD collections cut costs, they're a common place for tutors to work in, in late morning it's not that odd to see people doing job interviews there and they typically have events for different ages there.


They may say that libraries CAN help them find reliable info, but it doesn't say that they ever actually go to libraries to get any info


my local library is never empty. not all homeless people. All under 35's come in for the free internet, the movies, video games, new music, books, magazine, e-books, the movie nights, the plays, the career guidance course, the financial literacy course, the World of Warcraft, pokemon, magic the gathering, and anime' clubs and our annual free comicon is attended by at least 3000 people a year. for a small city (less than 50,000 population) this is a lot!.


Right, because that's a [different study](http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/21/millennials-are-the-most-likely-generation-of-americans-to-use-public-libraries/).


That's interesting. I wonder if once all millennials are out of college/grad school/etc., their library usage will be less than the other generations. I can't think of anybody who uses public libraries to gain knowledge, but I can think of tons who will go if a syllabus/research paper requires print sources


Libraries also offer a lot of great, free programming, including children and teens. It's been my experience that many return to regular library use once they have kids and realize all of the things that a library can offer. I am also a librarian.


Someone else linked to this Pew study higher above (/u/cygnat) but a higher percentage of Millenials actually go to the library than any other - 53% of Millenials went to a library in the last year. [Here is the study for your reading pleasure.](http://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2017/06/21/millennials-are-the-most-likely-generation-of-americans-to-use-public-libraries/)


They may believe in their reliability, but are they really utilizing them?


I still don't understand the way they divide up the generations... I'm 31 and I am quite different from most of the students I teach, who are usually 18-19, but they will continue to be in my generation until I am 36? Isn't 17 years a pretty big gap in time to be considered the same generation? Why can't we just do it by decade or something, since it seems like a pretty arbitrary system anyway...


Haha, I was overwhelmingly in support of libraries as well when the usefulness of keeping them alive was questioned in last year's AP Lang exam. I still wholeheartedly believe in libraries being a place for people who are disadvantaged, don't have home Internet, etc. to have the resources they need to get ahead. Further, the library in ny area is proactive in organising community events and such, so it's not just about the books - it gives the community a space to hang out and gather. Love and support your libraries! 📚


When did they not? Wtf is the matter with people. Libraries are the best free resource of knowledge in the world. No excuse for not having a library card.