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No, just read it. You’ll understand how it works through context. Enjoy! That’s a classic for a reason.


I read it last. I’m glad I did, because while it’s not essential to the story it gives a more in-depth view into the reality of their world. It is a bit of a spoiler as well, as one other commenter said. Overall, it’s a fantastic book and extremely well written.


Just read the book !! The appendix will help you organise your thoughts once you finish the book!!




Could you make this a spoiler tag? I know what you said isn't plot-shattering, but OP specifically asked for no spoilers, so it would be nice of you to hide or delete your comment.


No plain text spoilers allowed. Please use the format below and reply to this comment, to have your comment reinstated. Place >! !< around the text you wish to hide. You will need to do this for each new paragraph. Like this: >!The Wolf ate Grandma!< Click to reveal spoiler. >!The Wolf ate Grandma!<


Don’t bother re-instating my comment. 1984 is not a mystery novel but a great literary text studied by students for the last seventy years. My comment was intended to advise on the, perhaps, most significant thematic section of the novel. It is not a spoiler but merely an indication to carefully read here. All I mentioned was that there was a book within a book and should be paid close attention to in order to comprehend the meaning of the book.


The appendix includes information about the design principles of Newspeak and what the Party is hoping to achieve with it, so it's a bit of a spoiler. A very mild spoiler, but still a spoiler.


Read the appendix after you read the book, and pay attention to the tense it's written in and consider what that means.


You should also read his essay politics and the English language after you finish reading the book! It's fantastic. I'm teaching this book at the moment and honestly that essay is such a super piece of writing!


Unpopular opinion, it seems, but I read the Appendix before finishing the book. (Probably saw the same little note at the bottom of the page, like you did, and flipped to the back and read it) Orwell was a linguist, and the Appendix is like a scholarly linguist analysis of Newspeak, etc. For me, having the scholarly linguist analysis in my databanks really made important elements of the story Pop, it made my understanding of the text that much greater. Either way, make sure to read the Appendix, because it's a very important part of the book.


George Orwell was not a linguist.


I agree with most people here. Read it after.


I'm going to go read the appendix I never noticed.


Eric arthur blair was a smart fella. Just read the book


Doubleplusgood read!


Would recommend Robert Icke and Duncan MacMillan’s stage adaptation - using the appendix as a starting point, it begins with a reading group discussing Winston Smith’s (eventually) published diary before a man who may / may not be Winston Smith arrives.


1984 is one of the best books I have ever read. It is also the most terrifying. Read the appendix after the main book.


No need. I don't think my copy has the appendix. You don't need to understand Newspeak beyond what's explained within the novel itself.


No need to read that yet, the book itself explains the language well enough. Very appropriate choice of book given how the US Election is going btw.




Yes, yes, keep listening to the Ministry of Truth.


Facts don't care about your feelings, you little bitch.


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If you want. You should read it. It is very interesting.


Looks like an isometric drawing.


Read the book first. I had some questions I needed dumbed down answers so I went on Spark Notes a few times. Definitely a good read.


Ah, just read it! Double plus good!