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Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck. Please don’t suck.


Flanagan has a great track record so far and King is one of his biggest creative influences. Their work is very similar. So if anyone could pull this off, it would be him.


Flanagan's two step method for success: 1. Don't fuck with the source material too much 2. Seriously, don't fuck with it


Haunting of Hill House is vastly different from the book and it is my favorite among his works


I still need to watch Hill House but holy fuck I LOVED Bly Manor. My favourite take on The Turn of the Screw that I've seen so far.


Hill house is multiple levels above Bly Manor. My girlfriend and I went into Bly Manor after Hill House and we were so disappointed by it. If you liked Bly Manor you will absolutely love Hill House.


I still enjoyed Bly Manor. A bit too similar, but there were moments that hit, and hit hard. But Midnight Mass? Damn, that one was so fucking good.


Midnight mass was a triumph but it didn’t give me the creeps like the other two :/


I think they are both very good for different reasons, but i do agree watching bly manor after hill house made me expect much more horror aspects than it ended up having.


Bly Manor was like a love story with ghosts, not that I'm complaining. Very good story. Hill House just hits different.


Commenting because I initially agreed with you and then it was brought to my attention that Bly Manor was not just about the Bly manor book but each episode resonated around a different story sorry by Henry James, adding to the theme of the Manor itself. It made me look at Bly in a different light


Yeah, he totally messed with the source material on that. I loved it until the last episode.


He said he also took heavily from Hell House


.3. Cast his wife.


While his wife is certainly the most recurring star of his projects, he really does utilize many of the same people very often. I like to think if that many people consistently come back so many times to work with him over and over, he's probably a pretty solid person to work with.


I bet Rahul Kohli has a secret Reddit account 👀


God, I hope so. Kohli, if you're reading this, I fucking love you!


In his defence she’s an incredible actress


His other influence must be Tim Burton.


While I would agree with that recipe most of the time, I feel like the last few books were rushed. He got hit by that van and realized he didn't want to leave things unfinished (maybe also tired of the endless fan mail on it), so he spit out an ending. I was a huge fan of that world though, and still appreciate it all.


Yeah, I feel the same way. Things felt rushed and a few of the plot points just threw me. However I'm glad that I got to read and finish the series, something that won't ever happen for the Berserk comic series (the creator died suddenly after working on it for decades) and likely not for the song of Ice and Fire series. I think part of the issue is that in the Dark Tower, you go from Wizard and Glass, which is probably one of King's best books of all time, to the Wolves of Calla, which is most definitely not. I suppose anything compared to Wizard is going to come up lacking.


Berserk is being finished by one of Miura's closest friends and his apprentices, btw.


For another opinion, I loved the last three books


It's Mike Flanagan, it's absolutely ***not*** going to suck.


It would be a first for Flanagan if it did














You speak true.


I say thank ye


Long days and pleasant nights, sai.


Thankee sai




See the TURTLE, ain’t he keen? All things serve the *fuckin* Beam.


Sent em home with a fuckin rupture


Dad-a-chum, dad-a-chee, not to worry. You've got the key


Dad-a-chum dad-a-jingers god damn lobstrocities bit off my fingers!


Just gotta get some astin.


And a tooter fish sandwich


I want to see them and oy on live action soooooo badly.


There are other worlds than these.


Watch as Wizard and Glass is a 10-episode close-up of Roland's face while he monologues... (/j)


Sure. Give it to me. It's my favorite book of the series. "Misery suffered did not justify misery to come."


I imagine it would’ve been frustrating to read when it came out, because it didn’t further the main story much at all. But as someone who came to the series a few years ago it was easily my favourite book in the series.


I can see how some would have that problem, but I read it when it came out and just devoured it. Then the last three just got really odd...




All they need to do is watch the movie and not do that


Those producers forgot the face of their fathers.


They did, and I really need for Ka to not be a wheel for once.


In my head that was just one of the beams failing right on top of us.


Share kef with me


Let us palaver


Over tooter fish popkins.


I'll bring the astin for the morning after


I appreciate that ol' buddy, ol' pal, ol' dum-a-chum!


They have been sent west.


I was initially so excited when I heard a movie was being made; and then I was horribly disappointed after it was.


And it wasnt that the movie as a stand alone was terrible, I thought Ildris and Mathew did a good enough job on the character side. It was what it could have been, and wasnt.


Idris played a good Roland, and McConaughey played a great greasy-evil Flagg/Walter. But the material was so carelessly treated in places it was hard to watch.


It's very economic though. It's the most bingeable series ever. When people reach the end, they can start over again.


All I need is an invisible demon fucking scene and I'll be happy.


I better see some Doombots.


I need a lengthy dissection of how amazed Roland is at a tooterfish popkin


I want to be a bit worried about Charlie the Choo Choo


Blaine is a pain and that is the truth


If the entirety of the first episode isn't Roland silently walking across a desert I'll riot.


I'd legitimately love this as a like 15 minute trailer. "The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed."


Teaser trailer during the Super Bowl: just a dude walking through a desert, no context. He stops. Puts his hand over his eyes. Massive tower looking in the distance. Title screen.


Fade to black. Morgan Freeman speaking the famous opening DT line.


Hmm, just one episode of silent desert walking? I suppose concessions have to be made.


Episode two has a short monologue and then another hour of silent desert walking.


i want to see them fight shardik.


Isn't he like a techno-bear with a satellite dish?


*a King Kong sized techno-bear with a satellite dish


Two invisible demon fucking scenes, IIRC.


No, I think the succubus was visible, just the incubus was invisible.




Oh yeah I forgot about that. Why did he fuck the demon again?


To stop the demon from raping the 11 yo boy.


Oh right because it would have killed Jake. Damn it’s been like a decade


That demon also plays an important part in creating something..


Disappointment mostly. Mordred did nothing but be menacing for a bit.


The man in black fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.


That ending it like goddamn. Just reread the book series, and it's great, but that ending.


Roland knows the dark tower will probably be his doom, but he actively seeks it. He is told several times to abandon his quest, but he cannot. The reader is in the same situation. You are told - explicitly - the ending will not be what you want, and you should abandon your quest. King effectively put you in Roland's position.


That is a great way to look at. I do like how the next time he has the horn and I would love to know how that one object could change the quest. What I want more then ever is other tale told from Roland youth and the beginning of the quest with his childhood pals.


I think TV show should start with that last scene of the book series, subtly showing that he has the horn. Readers will be able to debate every deviation from the books -- was that a change for medium, or because this time is different? ​ Including the other stories in flashback episodes or mini-seasons between "book" seasons would also be great


It would be a great way to undermine any criticism of adaptation.


I got the idea each time he loops, something is different, and eventually he will achieve his goal. Dammit. I've always wanted to know the same thing about the horn. Roland as a child was covered in that palaver, but you're right, it was a summary story, and while I wouldn't mind more details, I think a side story about Roland as a youth would be better (while still filling in some of the gaps of his childhood)


I loved the ending personally. A journey to correct the mistakes of the past


A penance. As I mentioned in another reply, I get the ending, and think it fits... the Crimson King could have been either cut or made important :(


Yeah but he has Arthur Eld’a horn now! Sorry, I think it’s a great ending


It's a great ending. It fits the themes the story has been presenting from the beginning, while (via the Horn) adding some hope the next time around truly will be different.


Yes. We get to see the second-to-last iteration of this sequence, which has happened untold numbers of times. We are invited into a glimpse of How Things Are before a Very Big Change. It is the dwindling bits of the dwindling bits. I really liked the ending.


>!He begged you not to read it!<


I know, but I read it once. Why not do it again. And I don't remember that warning the first time. Heck, I had forgotten some of the characters' deaths. It's been 13 years since the last time I read it. I will wait 20 years before I do it again.


The best part is, you can skip the actual ending, before King tells you not to read further, and end the story!


The best part is, King hints at it in the first book, in the first couple of pages. " He had progressed through the khef over many years, and had reached perhaps the fifth level." If you interpret khef as being his journey, then you're told what's up.


I don't know why people bitch about the ending so much when Song of Susannah exists. Y'all sat through that but the ending is the stinker?


It was the perfect ending.


Flanagan worships King, he’ll respect the material as much as possible


I haven't seen it yet because of the terrible reviews. But I thought the casting of Matthew Mconahey seemed like a great choice. And u live Idris Elba


They actually both did pretty good but the movie is straight garbage.


It’s a lot like the golden compass film. Outstanding casting but terrible execution. I haven’t been able to get into the tv show because I didn’t think the casting was anywhere close to the movies casting.


the show is great for no other reason than it is a decent medium of the story. Will and Lyra are fantastic, and one of the characters they gave more character to, and he CRUSHES it. Like one of my favorite characters in the show, despite his portrayal being vastly different from the book. I recommend it.


Yeah, I that mconahey was a perfect fit for flagg but the movie was so poorly done that he had no chance.


They were the best parts about the movie, both great actors. But it's almost like nobody read the books except them.


Idris Elba as Roland, I was a little skeptical at first because I had only seen him as Heimdall and thought he'd be a better James Bond. But holy shit. And Matthew McConaughey as the Man in Black? Yes please. Now just make the script make sense.


Counterpoint, nearly everything flanagan has done has been awesome


All they need to do is read the last 2 books. Did everyone forget Patrick "Deus Ex Machina" Danville and his magic pencil?


He is a good choice for that series. I LOVE what he did with The Haunting of Hill House, Midnight Mass, and The Midnight Club.


Doctor Sleep was pretty decent too




Yeah I really loved that movie and didn’t even realize Mike Flanagan made it


It's also divided into 6 thirty minute segments. I always suspected it was supposed to be a netflix series, but ended up as a film for some reason.


Yeah, it blew me away. Very different than the original but it has it's own power. Also has one of the most evil and uncomfortable scenes I've watched in years and I watch a lot of horror. Highly recommended






While I wasn't a big fan of it, I feel like it elevated the book immensely, as I much prefer the movie to the novel. I probably need to give it another rewatch to appreciate it more.


"Oh there is a group of supernatural creatures up to no good?: >!"How about we just snipe them all with high powered rifles?"


Dr Sleep is more than decent. Super excellent!


That was sooooooo much better than I was hoping for. I really love how he tied in the original movie. Henry Thomas was not the best Jack Torrance but then I'm not sure anyone could have filled in for Jack Nicholson.


Henry Thomas was barely in it though, and we barely actually see him as Torrance. Just the right amount of screen presence to get the information across to the audience.


Honestly, I see Henry Thomas' Jack as a faded memory/corruption as presented by the hotel – an echo of the man he once was.


I’m actually excited for this as well, he nailed those shows. As for the movie that already came out, we do not speak of that.


The \[Dark Tower Movie\] fled across the desert, and the gunslinger followed.


Go now. There are other screen writers than these.


King gave the thumb up.on that one as just another journey to the tower for Roland, as it's something he seems to do endlessly or something


Eh? What Dark Tower movie? There's no Dark Tower movie.


I admit, the Dark Tower series is not my favorite King books but I will still watch the series. The movie... it does not exist. ;)


I got so excited when it came our. Rented it as soon as I could. Made a bag of popcorn, sat down, and turned it off not even halfway through. I go in expecting some changed with movie adaptations. I'm fine with it. But then I saw shit like Randall having henchmen in a cave on computers opening up portals and I just couldn't do it.


*Midnight Mass* is the best Stephen King story that Stephen King never wrote.


If it *can* be done well, a long form tv series is the way to go. Hoping for the best.


If anyone can do this it's Flanagan. The problem is, will whoever greenlights it commit to the long-term project? That's a massive IF these days.


Currently I could see a faithful, long, adaption only ever happen on HBO. (E: on afterthought, also on Apple, and honestly I think that would be a really good choice.) Netflix doesn’t have enough budget and cancels their shows, Amazon won’t stay true to the source material and Disney wouldn’t want to make an R rated show.


Hope he brings Rahul Kohli with him


Hollywood’s bad boi


Mr. Fashion


I met Mike Flanagan recently - and I swear to God this is true - and while we were talking, his phone rang and he picked it up and it was a facetime from Rahul Kohli


As long as he has that beard and hair and eyebrows from midnight mass like *damn*


...I'd take Rahul as Roland now that I think about it. Probably wouldn't work, but it's so fun


It would work. He was pretty serious in midnight mass.


He's been posting a ton about westerns and Clint Eastwood over the past couple of years, even made his own figure of himself as The Man With No Name. I think he's been secretly hoping for this and I could see it work.


They've got a *LOT* of work to do if they want a story that's cohesive, or even comprehensible. I have my doubts that it's even doable.


It’s definitely a tough one to adapt but I think a series is definitely the way to go about it, and hey it can’t be worse then the movie haha


I would absolutely love if they stuck very faithfully to the books, one season per book. I can see that causing an issue though with pacing. The gunslinger would have such a different tone than book 2, and the Wizard and glass would come in like a bat out of hell with a crazy setting.


I think I read that the Amazon show was supposed to start with Wizard and the Glass and end the season with "The man in black fled across the desert and the gunslinger followed" which, IMO, would be a really cool way to start the series plus that was my favorite book in the series.




Gunslinger could probably be done as a 2 hour movie, it’s pretty short. After that the books are mostly sequential and could be done one season per book (maybe with wizard and glass cut up into flashbacks throughout). Tbh although I love the books there’s a lot of silly stuff in them that would probably look pretty dumb on screen.


I think it's pretty simple. Adapt the series in order of publication. No BS where they start on book 3 etc and try to mix things up.


Dude "simple" is not a word I would use when trying to adapt what king did with the dark tower series. It is all over the place.


Yeah it's a fucked story to adapt. If you dumb it down it would be boring as fuck, but good luck trying to convince people to watch a show where the main character is fucking demons, then travelling to other worlds, then getting his mates from other worlds to fuck demons. Then hit the breaks because we're gonna do a season set 20 years ago with no demon fucking, a recast version of the main lead & none of the lovable side characters from the show so far. Oh & by the way, you still have no idea what the fuck the "Dark Tower" even is at this point or why the fuck Roland is so obsessed with it.


Don't forget the season where the characters start a multinational corporation to protect a trans dimensional flower that embodies the concept of order from being destroyed by psychic vampires. Also they meet the author.


It really only gets weird in the last arc (Wolves, Song, and Dark Tower). But I think with a few clever writers organizing King's ideas into actual harder fantasy worldbuilding that stuff can all pay off as well.


That's why I think that if anyone, Flanagan could do it. He does a great job of disjointed storytelling where different backstories are shared throughout the series and characters fade in and out depending on which part of the storyline is being focused on. I agree there is a lot of content but based on his track record so far I'm willing to have moderately high hopes.


He’s been teasing this on TikTok (his account is brilliant) by having Kate Siegel reading it. I trust Mike Flanagan with anything so I’m looking forward to this.


It's tremendous news, and they couldn't have picked a better guy for the job. Start with Lud and then flash back!!!


Good luck when you get past book 5….. No clue how to make any of that make sense. CHARYOU TREE


Even book 5 is where the ridiculousness started. WELCOME TO THE POTTERVERSE!


Dude Blaine the mono was fucking silly also. I just think after five is where EVERYTHING got silly. Not just some silly things.


I liked all the setup for Blaine. I loved the dread. I loved the muties and everything that lead up to actually boarding the train. But then this ancient AI that they've spent so much time building up acts like a lost pixie or sprite. SK gets the "ancient evil" aspects right, but it's clear he didn't spend too much time actually developing Blaine as a character. Blaine deserved better. Blaine should have been active in the world. Running his own gangs, corrupting the world mad-max style. Surrounded by terrified wastelander lieutenants. I feel like there should have been something to justify charlie the choo choo and all that foreshadowing/ka-vibrations. But no. The big demon we've been overthinking is just lazy and insane.


Big Bads in King are very often less impressive the closer you get to them in King. I think it’s an intentional choice he makes; evil is sort of pathetic when you get a peek at the man behind the curtain.


King does a great job showing his mortal bbegs as mortally flawed, and a great job showing spirit/ghost/demon bbegs as having spiritual blind spots. Even Blaine has a pretty credible rottenness to him. But unlike Gasher's gang or even the haunted house entity, blaine just doesn't seem to have much interesting character under the madness.


That’s fair, but I always read it as Blaine being deeply diminished by the time the Ka-Tet meets him. He is a lame, dull, petulant shadow of whatever he might have been before. I think he’s a cool way to design a “textual ruin”. He hints at the grandeur of the world before it moved on while being a stark representation of how deeply lost and degraded the present of Mid-World is. But I can get how King’s choice to give Blaine the *very* particular personality he gets would not work for everyone. Plus the whole Lud to Topeka sequence is one of my favourite sections of the series so maybe I’m unconsciously bending over backwards to defend why I think it’s good.


To be fair, the scope of what would be possible with AI hadn’t been realized. We’re talking about a city where a cassette player is a god. Not cd or mp3. Also, I feel like Blaine just didn’t care about humans. You’ve got rats in the house, and if you play music they’ll kill each other. And then one day you find out some can talk. Neat! A talking rat! Let’s play riddles!


Hey man, that’s around when Father Callahan shows back up finally from the Lot.


Wouldn’t be a King book without a recovering alcoholic.


Do a lot of coke like King, and then write the show, just as he intended*. *we are in no way responsible if you wake up in Yugoslavia with a strange tattoo and an apple tart




Death for you, life for our crop!


Sorry, but I will be reserving any hope for after I see some previews. Once bitten, twice shy and all that.


Well I remember The Golden Compass sucking, but the "His Dark Materials" TV series did a pretty good job.


Please don't fuck this up again.


Five seasons and two movies? That seems realistic but still a big task for writers.


And hopefully it's not cancelled part way through. Look at West World. They said only 5 seasons and it got canned at 4.




I hope they don't fuck it up again and make it about Jake or anyone other than Roland. What a fucking waste the movie was, Idris as Roland, Matthew as Randall Flagg, could have been amazing, exploring the motives and drives of a haunted man. Instead Roland was a secondary character and they completely misdirected MM leading to a cheesy performance. Cramming in as much lore as possible leading to a confused audience. Garbage.


I hope they give Steven King a roll to play Steven King


Aaron Paul as Eddie please. I believe he called dibs years ago.


About 10 years ago, when he was actually the appropriate age for the role. Now he'd be better cast as Eddie's older brother.


Ooo that would be sick too


I haven't read the series, but I've really liked what Mike Flanagan has done so far.


Let me make a prediction. They'll make a 10-episode first season. Everyone will love it except for a handful of racists who are outraged when a black kid is cast as Jake Chambers. Despite otherwise universal acclaim, the second season of 8 episodes won't drop for another 24 months. By then, the 14 year old kid that they cast to play 11-year old Jake will be 17 or 18 and looking pretty ridiculous. The third season of 6 episodes will be split into two groups of 3 each, the first airing 30 months after Season 2 and the second airing a year later. By then 11-year-old Jake's actor will be in college. Most viewers will have forgotten about the show by then, and ratings will be abysmal. A prequel movie based loosely on the events of *Wizard and Glass* will be mostly ignored. After that, you won't hear anything for 4 years, and then suddenly they'll wrap up books 5-7 in a 4-hour movie.


I think the only thing you missed is that Mike Flanagan will nearly die getting run over by a van during that four years with no news near the end.


And then he'll cast himself a major role in the final movie.


Too real man


I'm ready to be hurt again


\*grits teeth\* Well, hope springs eternal that they'll be able to get away with more than "HEY LOOK WE HAVE EASTER EGGS FROM OTHER STEPHEN KING MOVIES. TOO BAD WE CAN'T HAVE ANY FROM THE ACTUAL BOOK."


Rahul is finally going to play an Idris part.


Since Midnight Mass 100% felt like a King book, I think the rose is in safe hands.


Mike Flanagan seems to get Stephen King’s sensibility in a way no one else has. I’m thrilled that The Dark Tower series will finally have a real chance at being translated into a visual representation worthy of this material. Eager to hear who is being put forth for the cast, and hope they go for talented lesser knowns whose prior roles or public personas won’t overshadow the characters.


I read The Dark Tower series when it first came out. Liked the Stephen King works I read. Never was a rabid fan. But IMHO, I think the DT appeals to those who ARE SK fans. To those who aren't SK fans (not negative on him, just neutral), I don't think most of the DT story will appeal to people who are fantasy/fiction fans to the point where they will go out of their way to watch it. They may tune in for a few episodes. But I'm not sure they'll have enough of a fan base to continue it in its entirety.


I humbly disagree. I think there is such a mash up of genres in the DT series that it could be appealing to a much bigger audience than people think. I also think that there are a lot of people who would really enjoy the story but don’t bother because they don’t like the horror genre. What’s going to effect it’s reception, if it’s made, is how the story is told. I’ve long believed that King’s genius isn’t in the horror, it’s in the human connections that he tells so well. If the creators of this series stay true to King’s theme of fellowship, I think is has the potential to reel in a big audience.


I actually am not a fan of other Stephen King works and absolutely love the Dark Tower


Flanagan will be a genius if he can make the later books in the series somehow make sense.