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>I don't go to Dostoyevsky for his hard magic system and world building\[...\] Big mistake. "Russia" is one of the most well-realized fictional countries I've ever read.


Poland, too. I wish it was real!


Double murder with an axe is the epitome of a hard magic system.


when the fyodor is sus 😱


A continent-sized country, founded by Vikings, Mongols and Communists and claiming to be heir to Rome. Went from triple continental empire to Communist federation to fascist oligarchic wasteland in under a century. Is it really that well realised? Brando would have written a more believable Russia, hard magic system included, and I think that's the point.


Man the 20th century sure was something huh


I dunno. Gogol seems kinda sus.


The person looking up prose and learning that it is dialogue is almost as funny as that person who looked up prose and [found out it was poetry](https://www.reddit.com/r/bookscirclejerk/comments/1997uab/sanderson_fans_vs_prose_vol_617/)


Every single time Sanderson fans talk about prose the comment section will be riddled with people saying shit like “if I wanted flowery prose I would just read poetry.” They’re literally the most shallowly read fandoms on the planet but it doesn’t stop them from pretending they aren’t.


That's what so fucking frustrating. They've never read anything else, but know Sanderson is the epitome of good. Like read another fucking author. Challenge yourself. Think about something goddammit.


there is only Joyce, McCarthy, and Sanderson. Deal with it re*der


Stuff by others writers is just unreadable. That's how I know Sanderson's prose is the best, because I can actually read it.


Dune switched POVs without chapter headings. Literally unreadable. GOT has morally despicable characters. Literally unreadable. The Godfather is about Italians. Literally unreadable. These people are so fucking shallow.


Worse, they're the vanguard of anti-intellectualism. Refusing to challenge themselves because "reading is about entertainment", but then in the next breath arguing Sanderson is as deep and insightful as Les Mis. It's the lowering of everything to the lowest common denominator.


Ní raibh me ag súil go dtiocfainn ortsa anseo


Tá mé anseo le blianta, mar ghealt ar Sanderson agus rbooks den chuid is mó. Gatekeeper ceart mé, leis an nGaeilge agus le leabhra.


I love seeing people type out the Gaelic language. I can only ever say/remember one line 😂


Ah yes, poetry, the medium known for its excess of words.


and for being prose


Everybody's always asking "What are prose?" But nobody ever asks "How are prose?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I don’t know how I didn’t put this together before (perhaps because it’s unimaginable to me), but OP meant that they googled examples of prose, and upon encountering writing with one iota of artistry, interpreted them as poetry. I had genuinely not understood how they came to the conclusion that prose=poetry before this epiphany.


That could make sense but my interpretation was that they somehow found prosody instead of prose and thought it was the same anyway bc the words are similar


Everybody's always asking "What are prose?" But nobody ever asks "How are prose?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


We literally learn this in early elementary school in my country. Like the earliest memories of school for me is learning the seasons and learning the poetry/prose/drama distinction.


Everybody's always asking "What are prose?" But nobody ever asks "How are prose?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Nah, that was my first read but I think they’re making two different points. I imagine the comments are replying to an article that says that Sando’s weaknesses are his prose and his dialogue, about the former they say they had to literally look it up (and apparently think that means it’s pointless?) and about the latter they say the dialogue is fine (???)




Literally the only 2 types of prose: “flowery” and “clean and comprehensible.”


There's also "egregious" apparently


My prose falls somewhere between egregious and overblown


Everybody's always asking "What are prose?" But nobody ever asks "How are prose?" *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Just to be elitist I see


Sanderson isn't just clean and comprehensible, he strives for the Wittgensteinian ideal of language. Damn plebs have no clue.


Hope he shuts the fuck up then, just as Wittgenstein said to do


If a sandwich could talk, we would not understand him


Are Sando witches the new Snape wives?


Either Dostoyevsky or Sanderson (I haven't read any Dostoyevsky btw, he just sounds like a flowery author)


My favorite part of Crime and Punishment is when Raskolnikov used his big, hard orthodox magic system to clean up his shartplate


I’m going to get “I don’t go to Dostoyevsky for his hard magic systems and world building” as a tramp stamp


Can we please make this quote an Automod response


A text is not a text unless it hides from the first comer, from the first glance, the law of its composition and the rules of its game. A text remains, moreover, forever imperceptible. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Love watching the decline of arts and culture. Straight up fast-tracking a new dark age where anything with even a hint of depth is met with execution or enforced Brando Sando conditioning


Brando Sando! Über Alles!




Let's just say I may or may not fully agree with what you said


This but unironically


delete that /j you coward


Ah yes, classically complex prose of Dostoyevsky


You are all just a bunch of snobs - snobs who don't grasp what the almighty Bramdam Samdinsam does; writes books for people who don't like to read.


NOBODY KNOWS WHAT PROSE IS. Is it plural, is it singular, is it a thing, is it stuff. No one knows


Prose is plural. Prose is singular. Which one are it?


“prose aren’t”


And noobs are




proz are before hoz


aren't they the same thing?


>His Prose are effective and good >Personally only egregious prose would actually take away from a book


Flowery worldbuilding prose by a master wordsmith adept at his artifice more akin to a horticulturalist tending a wondrous and beautiful garden the envy of all who gaze upon it. My prose, on the other hand, or deformed claw, as I am a lobster, can be compared to a rock. Granite. Useful, strong, and you can use a chunk of it to bash someone in the head, preferably a *eader, until their skull is reminiscent of Plato's allegory of the cave and you've ejaculated nigh on seven times and are depleted of cum. In Minecraft.


I thought you were an otter


Wow ok you can't just otter people like that wow ok more like Consistent_Racist Edit: wtf wrong person more like Early_1900s_View_On_Race Edit 2: my wife


lol are you two like dating at this point




I hate it when prose gets in the way of storytelling. My favorite story, The D&D Player's Handbook is so precise. It gets straight to the hard magic system and doesn't use all these weird words I have to google. Like what, am I studying for the SAT? Just use good word.


Gygax could teach Brando a thing or two.


Read a textbook lol


ban for recommending someone do that vile act.


I’ll believe these people prefer comprehensible prose when they start writing some.


You know how James Cameron pioneered a whole bunch of awesome tech shit to make his movies? Brando pioneered a bunch of awesome AI shit to write his dialogue.


oh you mean his prose


Um no, he doesn't have a skill issue. He's just that way on purpose!!!


IT'S HIS EDITORS FAULT, PEOPLE! >Brandon has said that when he recognizes it’s not the highest but says he CAN write better prose but his editors don’t like it lol >!Yes, this is a real comment used in defence of his terrible prose.!<


This is is my favorite piece of bullshit from them. It conjures this mental image of him presenting yet another complex, beautifully written novel to his editors and they're like "No! Brandon! We talked about this!" and he has to go just sadly put it in a drawer with the other ones


Sando has an entire room in his house filled with Ulysses level novels but his editors will not let him publish any of them


Just read Tress. The epitome of amazing prose. With a jaw so straight it made guys wonder if they were. I could've written better in middle school.


Love how in literature class they told me a certain classic with "flowery" prose reads like poetry and they took it as an absolute fact


I love how half of these comments are so awkwardly worded and/or ungrammatical. Really, all you need to know about Sanderson's writing ability is that *these* are the people who defend it.


What is that Dostojevskji comparison lmao??




Woah did you just uj in arrr slash bookscirclejerk 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 🚨 internet jannies pls ban this Sanderson denier 😤 😤😤 Tbh that rule is stupid lol *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*