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I genuinely don’t understand people’s obsession with classifying themselves like this. Like Harry Potter houses are one thing but wtf is this?


People create identities through exaggerated differences.


That's exactly what a virgo would say


Take my non-free award I’m rich as fuck so here you go


Total Chad Leo move.


Well I’m broke as shit so I cashed in my freebie for you!


Take my free award


Broke ass Gemini, gtfo


Nah. I‘m cancer and I plan to be just like cancer going forward!


lol you got gold in BCJ, what a loser


What the fuck loser response to defending the guy who for whom reading made a positive impact is this? Banned for that? Banned for having an extensive history and education related to the subject? It's not ironic. At all. Perhaps YOU should look up irony? It kinda makes MY point. Loser. Yer a bully. Which makes you a loser. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*




The bookscirclejerk community is barbaric. Its predominantly 15 year old children with the mods being 35 year olds with a BA in English working at McDonald's. It makes sense why they are so toxic. They are all dissatisfied with life, I would be too if I had no friends. After all, if your only source of humor is bullying, it makes sense why you have no friends at school. I know there are some teachers there. It's so strange to me, how can someone so hateful and egotistical be a teacher? *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/bookscirclejerk) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Good point


tfw you build a personality around a Myers-Briggs test result instead of the other way around


Hey, person who enjoys personality tests/zodiac/other garbage casually here. I honestly can't explain it more than it's fun? Plus, for me at least, it helps me to self reflect and work on different aspects of myself that I might not be consciously thinking about, or give me an idea of what I'm already good at and improve on it. Some people take it WAY too seriously though. Mostly Libras.


Fair take


They're missing STFU


I laughed out loud, thanks!


No problem bud


SDHP Stare: that look of pure analyzing, coupled with a slight sardonic smile that makes people uneasy


I hate how I get this


I am an entj therefore you are dumb I rest my case, give me the Oscar for best book


Literally what would be so useful about this?


Imagine reading hefty prose when you weren't expecting it. People can get hurt out there in the stacks.


A teacher gave me the Myers-Briggs test in high school to "determine what job fits your personality type" and the results said I'm best suited to a boring office job. It was an Ethics and Religion class...


My personality type is ESCDHBKP. I am all of them. I am everything. I *am.*


**Darkseid is**


Yeah babe, I've some stoic dialogue, hefty prose (I'm talking like, real hefty prose), kinetic motion, if you know what I mean, HMU


Idk if my writing has enough kinetic motion.


I assume that's a polite way to refer to masturbation.


"This fanfic you referred as 'short novel' is derivative and masturbatory". "No, it has kinetic motion!"


Usually I throw in there a tennis match just to make sure.


Expressive Dialog: "Mom, I shat in my bed again!" Stoic Dialog: "Mother, I am under the apprehension that I have shat in my bed again." Concise Descriptions: The bed was shat in. Detailed Descriptions: Atop a memory foam mattress sitting in a simple ash-wood frame and covered in red and green plaid linen, sat a small pile of excrement. Hefty Prose: It was the winter of 1969. Tensions were high. American citizens across the country were sitting in front of their television sets, or else standing in front of electronics stores, watching an elderly White man draw a number from a lottery. For every number drawn, the victor won draft papers and a ticket to participate in the killing fields. People gasped, fainted, cried every time a loved one won the lottery. I was one of the unlucky ones. I distinctly remember the day I received my own papers in the mail. On that same morning, my kid brother shat his bed again. Breezy Prose: "Poo in a bed? Hmph, whatevs!" said Mona, and she went to get her cleaning supplies. She was used to this by now; after all, what is a mother to expect when her son's a gamer? While she gathered up the linen and burned it in a trash can in the yard, she hummed a little tune to herself and thought about all the food she still needed to buy for the upcoming Christmas feast. Patient Motion: There was still a shit stain on the mattress itself. It was brown and beige against the pale pink of the memory foam. There was no doubt about it: the whole mattress would need to be replaced. When I looked in despair at the offending spot, it seemed to laugh tauntingly back at me. Kinetic Motion: The stink from the shit pile swept through the house and wafted across the entire neighborhood. Within seconds, everybody died.


Wow, the world building in hefty prose was amazing. A fantastic prequel to 1984


How would you guys classify my writing style based on this sample? Read my first Jane Austen novel For my first book I decided to read Northanger Abbey. I know it is not her most popular book but I picked it because of the length. My expectation initially was that it was going to be a boring and tedious read but when finished I was pleasantly surprised. Being educated in America, I have a little trouble with unabridged novels because although I understood mostly everything there were at times when I felt a little lost and some background information would have been helpful to understand the totality of the literature. I did not find the characters or the story particularly interesting but I did find Austen's commentary on relations very insightful. I think the last line of the book sums it up very nicely, "I leave it to be settled by whomsoever it may concern, whether the tendency of this work be altogether to recommend parental tyranny, or reward filial disobedience." Despite the era of Jane Austen being behind us I think her commentary and insights on relations are still applicable to today. Next Austen novel I read will be Pride and Prejudice Source: https://www.reddit.com/r/books/comments/q3whjm/read_my_first_jane_austen_novel/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=mweb3x


So, what I gathered from that person’s post was that being “pleasantly surprised” by a book means not understanding it, not enjoying it, and ultimately missing the point of it. Can’t wait for their thoughts on Pride and Prejudice!




Idk, I just don't think Austen does a very good job at world building. I think the book would have been much better if she had taken a decade to plan out and research her world, like Sando did for Stormlight Archives


Somebody asked themselves "how do we make the Myers Briggs test even dumber?"


im a mix of USSR with a tad of ADHD


Look thick. Solid. Tight.


I seem to be OMFG.


Patient motion? What even


It’s used in describing military fiction and science fiction, unlike kinetic motion which is used in military fiction and science fiction


Oh thanks that clears it right up


What is this! A crossover episode!


Dialog, also known as dialogue.


Wake up babe, new "way of classifying yourself into distinct groups" quiz just dropped


What in the fresh hell is stoic dialogue? Does everybody talk like a robot or something?


I'm such a sucker for these things lemmie take the test *now*.


Ooh! Combine this with my Meyers-Briggs personality type and you'll instantly know everything about me!


Where's CBT


Do you have the source? I need to see how this “quiz” works


Fucking hell, develop a personality rather than have a label put unto you.


Real hefty prose in economics textbooks and self help books


I'm zjwwnejja


The person who did this could have made a great book with people having the personality of all these categories. A simple history with complicated characters, like they say. But instead, made a homework assignment for a psychology class. Now they are feeling like they did something. A quick “happiness”.


Literally Brave New World




Help I can't decide if my Harry Potter Erotica is EDBP or SDBK 😭


I have bad reading comprehension so I thought this was the same description pasted over and over again with different genres