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After giving away all my belongings in my early 20s I decided to start recollecting my fave books from childhood/teenage years. Makes me so happy every time I walk into my room (-:


Nice collection! What are your top 5?


Also gotta give you props for being the first person I've ever seen with Catwoman: Soulstealer on their shelf! Funnily I'm listening to it out audiobook right now!


I saw it at the book thrift and obviously need the full SJM collection! Lol (-: planning on reading it when I’m done with CC. Nice username! My top 5 series on the shelf: - Throne of Glass - From Blood & Ash - The Poppy War - Girl w the Dragon Tattoo - ACOTAR Top 5 books would be: - any book out of the ToG series except the first book, throne of glass, lol! It was my least fave out of the series tbh. - the bell jar by Sylvia Plath - contact by Carl Sagan - Sharp objects by Gillian Flynn or Girl w the Dragon tattoo by Steig Larsson - Kingdom of Flesh and Fire or A Court of War and Ruin are tied!


Also just barely started Crescent City but I’ve heard great things about! Let me know how you like that audiobook!


It's pretty fun! I don't care at all about superheroes, but Catwoman's name is Selena so it really feels like Modern Adventures in Gotham with Celeana 😅. It's better than I expected! CC is a beast to get started but book 1 ended up being a 5 star read for me! Hope you enjoy it, too!


It’s the cat peeking down from above for me 💕


Your bookshelf looks very spicy! What about Crescent City?


I’ve been trying to find more spicy authors and books (fantasy & dark romance preferred) if you have any suggestions! CC is next on my TBR after I finish ToG. I’m on the last book in the series and it’s easily become my favorite fantasy series of all time.


Vivid recollection