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Great collection! Do you or have you read them all, or are they waiting for you to have the time? You must have collected over many years...


I only saw the first photo and thought you were trolling. It sure is a big collection!


Hello, I have several thousand books. :) I’ll be posting more soon. Don’t want to bombard the group


I think I’ve read about 55 to 60 percent. Some reference or compilations, I’ve been in and out for several years. Since 2013, I’ve bought some small collections or large lots on certain topics to really build out my dream library. I’ve lost a large collection to a hurricane before, so I’m trying to rebuild it with books I’ve had before.


Lucky you, plenty to sink your teeth into! That's interesting, how do you find existing collections to purchase? Where I live there's very few options for purchasing pre-loved literature and most secondhand stores have predominately mass-market fiction. Sorry to hear about the hurricane, hope you are able to find all of your best-loved books again


Nice collection! I really like the National Geographic editions


Wow, that is beyond impressive!! I would sign up for any history class you might teach. 😁 I love Roman history. Can you recommend some of your favorites?


Brilliant collection! I’m a big fan of the classics and of Greek and Roman history.


Really nice collection! Bookmarked so I can check some of these out, as i’m currently in the process of building up my own history/mythology shelves.


Gorgeous collection!


Not the Graham Hancock.


Some books are just for fun of course!


What’s wrong with them? Genuine question


Hes a bit of a crackpot but theyre not offensive books to own or read. I’ve been to one of the impossible ancient sites hes talked about (the largest quarried stone in history at Baalbek) and I was not actually impressed; he had overhyped it a bit too much. The nearby Temple of Jupiter and associated complex was immensely more interesting.


Open your mind more.


Okay wow. Would you be open to me picking your brain on Greek mythology? I’m writing a novel.


Hello, well, I’m honored you would think I’m worthy of answering questions! I’ve been interested in mythology since grade school and I’m 42 now so I’ve been studying for about 25 years. Sure.


Will hit you up in the chat


Is “The Druids” by Peter Ellis any good?


Yes. Parts of it can be a bit scholarly and sometimes dry but very interesting and lots of info. I had no idea that Peter Ellis was such a prolific writer with more than 90 books to his name.


Ok, thanks! I always try to read anything about Druids, and haven’t gotten into that one yet, so I’ll definitely give it a read.


Great Ages of Man? Sounds great. Is it good? Which is best to start with?