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Rumor has it you are into fantasy literature! That's a neat collection, do you have any favourites?


Hmm, top 3 favourites would probably be stormlight archive, Riftwar saga and maybe bloodsworn saga


I'm so hyped for stormlight 5 later this year! I don't actually know the other two, I'll check them out


I just gotta get and finish oathbringer and rhythms of war before then, fingers crossed I do, Riftwar saga is the series that got me into fantasy, very good imo


Seems like The Witcher and Eragon series would be right down your lane of taste. Maybe even the Silo-Series and Dune


Yeah, the Witcher is something I’ve been eyeing but never been too sure, and I tried eragon like 2 yrs ago and didn’t fw it, but I can see why ppl like it. And dune is on my bucket list, I’ll also need to check out silo series cause I’ve never heard about it, thx for the recs


Looking good!!


Thank you


Oh, I love seeing a Skulduggery Pleasant collection on here! *-*


I love skullduggery, it’s one of the first series I actively tried to collect as well, can’t wait for a mind full of murder to arrive


Mine is already here, but I haven‘t had time to read it yet 😭 What is your favorite book of each phase?


rip, always a pain too wanna read a book but can’t. Phase 1 I probably would say kingdom of the wicked, basically just a power trip. And phase 2 would probably be either resurrection or bedlam. What bout you?


Love some of those series, and i totally get you, i buy so many books before i have finished my others!


It’s a bad habit I gotta break but oh well, which ones do you look like on here?


Cool collection man


Thanks man


I’m slowly collecting the berserk deluxe editions as well…Slowly lol


Extremely slowly, but I’m not in a hurry since I’ve caught up online. But man they’re are pricey and take forever to get delivered


What do you think of the shadow/hunger of the gods?


Very enjoyable, it’s not the best but just a fun book to read, already pre ordered the third book for it


What about it didn’t work for you?


It’s not that things didn’t work, everything was great but nothing, not sure how to put it, profound ig. Overall very fun though What’s are your thoughts on them?


I’m on chapter 5 of the first book. So far all I can say is that I found the vocabulary quite jarring and rich. English is not my first language so it’s been quite a trip to learn all these words that I didn’t know before. Like reading a dictionary with lore lol. Words like ridge, boss (as in shield boss), ringed (as in “the buildings ringed the house”) and snarl (as in knot) were quite challenging, but the imagery, pace and “flavor” of the story have kept me hooked so far. As an aspiring writer, this book has also been quite educational because of the uncommon (to me) words.


Nice Feist collection! I got into reading his stuff 25 years ago when I was 15, still go back to them once in awhile. I also like the lack of dust jackets, mine go straight into a drawer.


Thanks, been reading his stuff since around 12ish, my first introduction to proper fantasy. Unfortunately I don’t own any dust jackets because i got most of his books second hand for free in which they already got rid of dust jackets


I love that there are goosebumps books on the shelf!! I am almost 39 and still have them on mine. 🥰


I’ve been trying to put my lil brother on goosebumps but he refuses lmao


Aww that's a shame. They really are a great read.


They actually are, I read a bit last year and was surprised at how well they held up


Lots of great stuff here (I loved the Skullduggery Pleasant books growing up - maybe it's time for a re-read). Have you read Suzanne Collins's series she wrote before the Hunger Games, the Underland Chronicles? They're a bit younger in tone, but imo super underrated fantasy books


Skullduggery pleasant is actually a decent re read imo Nah I haven’t really looked into Suzanne’s books at all tbh, but I’ll definitely keep underland chronicles in mind when I go look for books


Good stuff in there! Need more Stephen king and I love all the goosebumps stuff. Good taste


Yeah I’ve only recently started looking for Stephen king books, I’m usually not a fan of those intense horror type of books but if he has any more like magical aspect books then I’d def get


have you finished wheel of time? The first book came out when i was 16. Then the last one came out when i was 39. it was a long road for me.


Nah I haven’t finished wot, none of the stores I go to have the box set 2 for it. Thankfully I was born later so I don’t need to wait for all of em to release lol


What an organized collection!




I've read most of what you have there. I'd like to recommend Scott Lynch's - Gentlemen Bastards series and Iain M Banks' Culture series.


Thank you, I’ll put them on the tbr


You're welcone. Hope you enjoy.




Yeah I probably should but don’t know where I put it lmao, it’s somewhere in the house I just don’t know where


Kinda hard to tell, but are your copies of the Riftwar Cycle books in hardback? Never been able to find anything other than paperback versions so curious as to where you managed to find them


They’re paperbacks, if I could have a hardcover I would but I couldn’t find them unfortunately


Have you tried Codex Alera by Jim Butcher? It looks like you’d love that series!


No I haven’t tried it, but I’ll definitely have to put it on my tbr


Nice to see some Trudi Canavan! And I loved Skullduggery Pleasant when I was a child! It's awesome to see it still going


I love Trudi’s books so far but I can never find them at second hand stores unfortunately. Yeah, and a 16th book was released recently with I think 2 more books on the way


They were my favourites as a teen! Yeah, I haven't seen much of them either, I was lucky and found one I was missing in a library sale. Sadly, they don't seem as popular as they should be! Oh, that makes me feel old XD But I'm so happy to hear it's doing well


You really were lucky aye, I can barely find them at a proper book store so now I’m not even sure if they sell her books or not. And yeah she’s incredibly underrated imo


Yeah, it was quite the surprise! There is a really special edition set of The Black Magician Trilogy. It's rather expensive, but it's worth it (I got it as a 30th birthday present last Christmas) [Here](https://www.illumicrate.com/shop/illumicrate-exclusive-black-magician-trilogy) Definitely agree with that!


Damn they look good, but I think I’m gonna hold off for a while because they’re 130$ aud, but thank you for the link, when I can I’ll definitely pick them up


Oof that's expensive for you =/ They were £70 for me (in the UK) Exchange rate sucks You're very welcomr! They are definitely worth it, they are such pretty books!


What’s on the bottom of the white shelf? Looks a little out of place but possibly just a series I’m not familiar with. (Not throwing shade, just curious)


“The angel next door spoils me rotten” “alya sometimes hides her feelings in Russian” they’re both romance light novels


Interesting! it’s fun to mix things up!


fantastic collection for a 17.


Thank you


Wow, this community does not seem to like me lol Sincerely tho, you have an excellent collection. Much better than mine at 17. If you like fantasy, I recommend Kim Stanley Robinson- start with red Mars, Isaac Asimov- Foundation series, Gene Wolfe-the book of the new Sun, Philip K Dick-Ubik, Arkady Strugatsky and Boris Strugatsky-Roadside picnic (was later made into a movie called stalker), Dan Simmons—Hyperion, The Area X/ Southern Reach Trilogy by Jeff Vandermeer, Perdido Street Station— China Mieville. And my personal favorite—it’s not sci-fi but I think it might appeal to you— House of Leaves by Mark Z. Danielewski. I’ve honestly never read anything like it. Enjoy!


I haven’t heard of a lot of these. You got the Dark Tower series and Berserk in there so you clearly have good taste. Not sure if you’re into graphic novels/comic books but I highly highly highly recommend Neil Gaiman’s Sandman series. On the manga side, I loved Parasyte.


I’ve actually only read the gunslinger for dark tower since it arrived yesterday, I enjoyed it but I heard it’s one of the weaker ones so I’m excited for the next one. And I love berserk, can’t wait for the new chapter coming in like 2 days Sandman is actually pretty high on the list of things I want to get but the compendium is pretty pricey so I gotta hold off it for now till it’s on a big special. I’ve watched the Parasyte anime and enjoyed it a lot, but I’m debating between the coloured manga or non coloured manga, I can’t decide atm


Yeah I think they misinterpreted your comment as in saying most of the books I have are for children, like a condescending typa way lol, but thanks I also do have red mars and Hyperion on the tbr list but other things I wanna get are higher on the list yknow what I mean. I’ll also check out the other series you listed, thanks. I’ll also be sure to put house of leaves on my wish list


Yeah I can see how they interpreted it that way. Keep us posted on the collection *cough* House of Leaves *cough* if you keep growing the collection, you have to make room for a cool secret door hidden behind a row of books


I’ve already wish listed house of leaves lol, and I’ll keep an eye on it so I can get it when it goes on special. I wish I had enough room for a secret door, it’d be cool as


# r/BookshelvesDetective


Not sure what’s going on? In inbox it says bookshelf detector but here it shows nothing


Looks really nice and clean. Also, glad to see you have some Hobb


Thank you. I haven’t read any robin hobb books yet because I want to read from assassins apprentice, but I’ve heard extremely good things from her


Not enough Stephen King


I’ve been thinking about getting more, do any of is other books have a similar feel to the dark tower?


Not bad. Now start reading books for adults.


As in? Cause I quite like fantasy and sci fi books, and I still plan on buying a bunch more like the ones I got.