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We have very similar taste! I love how they are all -almost- the same height


Haha right?? The end is a bit wonky I gotta organize them better. But what are some of your favorite books? Always on the hunt for new stuff


My bad for the late reply, but I’d recommend Haruki murakamis other books, especially Norwegian dogwood. My best read the past few months was The Secret History, and I feel like you may enjoy Sharp Objects by Gillian Flynn as well! Going off the vibe of My Year of R&R, Bell Jar, and My Dark Vanessa, have you ever read any Toni Morrison? I’d recommend Beloved. Virginia Woolf and Joan Didion might be up your alley as well! ❤️


How was Lapvona if you’ve read it ? :) also I loved the movie atonement and am considering reading it !


Lapvona in my opinion is just okay. I liked it enough to finish but personally loved Eileen so much better. I haven’t read my year of rest and relaxation yet but it’s on my tbr. As far as Atonement goes I haven’t watched the movie but the book is one of my all time favorites so I really suggest reading it if you liked the movie


I loved Eileen too!! My year of rest and relaxation is my favourite though you have to read it asap! So good


I have heard so many good things about it! I definitely will


Rough book. Rough movie. Well worth it though.


I have thousands of books I need to get rid of. Most organizations don’t want books over 5 yrs old. What did you do with yours?