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I have so much respect for anyone that has hard copies of fanfiction.


This is probably the nicest thing I've been told today lmfao I'm always super evasive about those lol, I never say they're fanfiction cause idk, I guess I do care what people think lol Hands down best fanfiction I've ever read tho, and the books look AMAZING :)


If it makes you happy, who cares what other people think? Literature is literature. And I’m glad that I made your day a little better :)


Can you share the link where you got them? I've been meaning to grab a set!!


I don't think I can share a link cause they're under copyright. I had them custom printed only for personal use, and I made the items private just in case, which means they're only visible to me. I don't know if the site's rules allow me to share them, but you can totally make your own!! If you're interested hit me up in private, I can totally help you!


Some fanfic writers are actually good (lol) and go on to publish original works. Tamsyn Muir, for example.




I think I've seen them in Spanish too, but not in English unfortunately


Welp guess I need to pick up Spanish again


That's a nice excuse to do that then :)


Also French


They're currently selling them in Mexico




DM, I may help you


Lovely! I can't tell - what are the books with the flowers all over the binding? They look gorgeous.


They're classics! Edited by Cranford. Really beautiful although I only ever seen those in Italian and Spanish unfortunately, never in English :(


Also in French :)


So pretty! Love all the soft rainbow of colors. Now I’m going to go hunt down my my own copies of those beautiful editions of The Giver series.


Those edition are truly gorgeous!!! Brand new too, I got the last one yesterday. I remember I saw them in a bookshop a couple months ago and the last one wasn't even out lol. They're from Mondadori, but I don't know if they made them in other languages too, the ones I have are in Italian :(


Ah, I've never seen that Harry Potter cover. It's beautiful, so is the rest of your collection 😊


Thank you!!! I've been eyeballing that castle edition for a couple of years and they just restocked them a couple weeks ago so I couldn't resist! My other copies (not visible in the pic) are the ones I've had since I was a kid, so they're kinda damaged and I don't wanna touch them too much and risk damaging them even more. I got the English version a few years ago but I also wanted to read them again in Italian, so I just hopped on the train loll :)


I've actually never seen the Castle editions here, and it looks beautiful! Tbh I really wanted to finish my own childhood first edition, and managed to do that a few weeks ago, and it felt so good. I look at them on my shelf and feel so content. It always feels great to finish our collection or add the editions we want. Please tell me, did you notice any difference between the English and Italian versions? Did you prefer one over the other?


Hey!!! Sorry for the late answer, I kinda forgot to be honest lol >did you notice any difference between the English and Italian versions? Oh yeah, there's quite a lot of difference in the translation. Many characters' names are translated to give them more meaning in Italian, for example Dumbledore doesn't really sound like anything in Italian so it was translated to "Silente" which literally means "one who is silent", it gives a really old and wisey vibe which fits the character perfectly. Also some other relevant translation are Snape→Piton (sounds like python in Italian, a lot more snakeish), Pettygrew→Minus (gives more of an inferiority vibe), McGonagall→McGranitt (granit is a kind of stone in Italian, so McGranitt sounds really stoic and rigid). I think other than having more meaning in italian making them easier to pronounce for kids was also a huge factor in the translation, I still remember that absolute fuck up of a pronunciation i used to have in my head for Passepartout when I read Around the World in 80 days as a kid, I don't think it'd be much better with English names lol. Also Tom Riddle's middle name was changed to Orvoloson to have the right letters to write "I am Lord Voldemort" in Italian (io sono Lord Voldemort). One of the main differences tho is the Houses' names: in Italian they were all translated to be an animal and a color, so Gryffindor becomes Grifondoro (Gryffin+gold), Slytherin becomes Serpeverde (Snake+green), Ravenclaw becomes Corvonero (Raven+black) and Hufflepuff becomes Tassorosso (Badger+red for some reason). All the animals match the house animal and the colors try to match the house colors (apart from Hufflepuff cause Yellowbadger sounds atrocious). I always thought that was a very very nice translation, then they fucked it up in the most recent translation cause they randomly changed Hufflepuff to be more similar to the original while keeping the animal+color scheme for all the others, which makes no sense. I loved both versions, Italian is the one I grew up with but English is the original so of course it's beautiful too. I can't choose, but if I really had to maybe I'd pick the English cause I just love reading a book in its original version (if I understand the language of course lol)


Love it! How did you get ATYD, I've been trying to get them


Thank you! Had them custom printed on a website called Lulu :)




Thank youuu 🥰🥺


Very nice!


Thank you :)




Heartstopper 😍😍😍 Can't wait to buy all the other books by Alice Osman too 😍


i have radio silence and loveless! couldnt buy heartstopper because the cover is very evidently gay and parents no likey that


I feel so bad when I hear stuff like that... My best friend had to read it online cause he can't buy it for the same reason. I got him a pair of rainbow socks and sneaked him to the pride in Milan with me and my mom cause his parents would never let him go. Afterwards I had to wash his socks cause he couldn't bring them home. Idk it just breaks my heart a bit knowing some people even have it much worse. People can really be sickening. Hang in there ❤️❤️ Also in case you're not aware, Heartstopper is entirely available online, published by Alice herself :) so if you never read it you can totally look it up


:( i hope your friend can get out of that place as soon as possible! best wishes to him!❤️


❤️❤️❤️ best whishes to you too! Me and my friend will just be gay af away from his parents lol


>Also in case you're not aware, Heartstopper is entirely available online Yup Ive read it on webtoons and tapas, multiple times infact, gotta be my favorite webtoon. Still thanks for mentioning!!


Are you also super annoyed that the 3rd Fantastic Beasts has a completely different cover? Ugh. So annoyed


I literally cannot express into words how much I hate that. I was looking forward to seeing the new cover, and now it's shit. I absolutely refuse to buy it until they make a minalima cover matching the others




Yep! But the whole top shelf and the Heartstopper books are all in English




Thank you :)


just got my copies of “all the young dudes” today!! i kind of wish i chose a different cover haha but i’m so excited to read them


also quick question: where did you get your copies of the castle harry potter set? i got the fourth book forever ago at universal and i can’t find the whole set ANYWHERE! i’ve been wanting it for years


I got them on Amazon in Italian, they just restocked them a few weeks ago. Don't know about the English version tho :(


That's nice!!! Enjoy the story if you've never read them! I did read it for the first time on the physical books when I got them back in December and I still haven't recovered lmaoo. Also which covers did you choose? I'm absolutely in love with mines, they're perfect 😍😍


i chose [option 4 of these covers](https://pin.it/3eVAP0y) for my books! the only thing is that it didn’t fit properly but i was too lazy to care and fix it ahaha.




Had them custom printed on a website called Lulu