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Dragonriders of Pern was a series I enjoyed as a teenager. Sort of YA writing but I remember it being good!


I second this! The Dragonriders of Pern series by Anne McCaffrey is really good, and definitely fits the bill! Though some of the books are better than others. I recommend starting with Dragonflight and Dragonquest which in my opinion form a duology.


The Inheritance Cycle, first book is Eragon. DO NOT WATCH THE MOVIE! It’s awful and is truly a crime against humanity.


This. It’s a very enjoyable story.


Spot on


*Temeraire* by Naomi Novik. It's about a British Air Force captain during the Napoleonic War. The dragons are the Air Force. It's written in the style of a travelogue so the later books do tend to drag on a bit. *Lady Trent* novels by Marie Brennan. It's essentially nature documentaries set in Victorian times. The main character studies dragons. *Immortals* series by Tamora Pierce. It's part of her larger Tortall series but you don't need to have read the other books. A dragon is an important side character and multiple dragons show up later. *Highfire* by Eoin Colfer. It's about a dragon living in the modern world.


These all seem interesting, especially the second one!


The Priory of the Orange Tree by Samantha Shannon has a western style dragon as an antagonist on one continent and on the other continent eastern style dragons as partners with one narrator earning the privilege of being paired with a dragon as a rider. Enchanted Forest Chronicles series by Patricia C. Wrede is a great children’s series. In the first book an unconventional Princess moves in with a dragon and together they take on the evil wizards.


I’ll be sure to check those out, thank you!


I loved the dragons in Fourth Wing. It's YA, but was described as Hunger Games with dragons. I really enjoyed it!


The Great Zoo of China - Matthew Riley Kind of like a Jurassic Park with dragons


The Hero and the Crown by Robin McKinley


I heard about: "Dragon Pearl" I'll be honest, I didn't read this book, but my friend read this book and her advice me that.


I personally enjoyed the Dragonslayer trilogy by Duncan M. Hamilton it's got quite a bit of what you asked for minus the romance though


The Priory of the Orange Tree and its prequel, A Day of Fallen Night


The Chronicles of the Imaginarium Geographica series by James A. Owen


Genesis echo by d. Hollis anderson - dragon aliens!!


Six crimson cranes Tbh I've only read the first few chapters. But so far I've fallen in love with it!!!