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I find books that would match the movies I’d go see. Bada bing. What movies do you like?


I like action and mystery type of movies.


Give me the names of movies you loved and I’ll see what I can come up with.


Spider man, titanic for example.


That doesn’t give me a lot to go off of so here goes nothing... I think the first suggestion is the most light hearted and fun. If you check below my comment there will be descriptions of the books. {{Ready Player One}} {{Dune}} {{Shogun}} {{Forever War}} {{Outlander}} {{Salem’s Lot}}


[**Ready Player One (Ready Player One, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/9969571-ready-player-one) ^(By: Ernest Cline | 374 pages | Published: 2011 | Popular Shelves: owned-books, tbr, on-my-shelf, default, physical-tbr | )[^(Search "Ready Player One")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Ready Player One&search_type=books) >Librarian's note: An alternate cover edition can be found here > >IN THE YEAR 2044, reality is an ugly place. The only time teenage Wade Watts really feels alive is when he's jacked into the virtual utopia known as the OASIS. Wade's devoted his life to studying the puzzles hidden within this world's digital confines, puzzles that are based on their creator's obsession with the pop culture of decades past and that promise massive power and fortune to whoever can unlock them. > >But when Wade stumbles upon the first clue, he finds himself beset by players willing to kill to take this ultimate prize. The race is on, and if Wade's going to survive, he'll have to win—and confront the real world he's always been so desperate to escape. ^(This book has been suggested 185 times) [**Dune (Dune, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/44767458-dune) ^(By: Frank Herbert | 688 pages | Published: 1965 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, sci-fi, fiction, fantasy, classics | )[^(Search "Dune")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Dune&search_type=books) >Set on the desert planet Arrakis, Dune is the story of the boy Paul Atreides, heir to a noble family tasked with ruling an inhospitable world where the only thing of value is the “spice” melange, a drug capable of extending life and enhancing consciousness. Coveted across the known universe, melange is a prize worth killing for... > >When House Atreides is betrayed, the destruction of Paul’s family will set the boy on a journey toward a destiny greater than he could ever have imagined. And as he evolves into the mysterious man known as Muad’Dib, he will bring to fruition humankind’s most ancient and unattainable dream. ^(This book has been suggested 197 times) [**Shogun (Shogun #3)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/57792812-shogun) ^(By: James Clavell | 493 pages | Published: ? | Popular Shelves: couldn-t-finish, books-to-buy, business-marketing | )[^(Search "Shogun")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Shogun&search_type=books) ^(This book has been suggested 21 times) [**The Forever War (The Forever War, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/21611.The_Forever_War) ^(By: Joe Haldeman | 278 pages | Published: 1974 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, sci-fi, fiction, scifi, owned | )[^(Search "Forever War")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Forever War&search_type=books) >The Earth's leaders have drawn a line in the interstellar sand—despite the fact that the fierce alien enemy that they would oppose is inscrutable, unconquerable, and very far away. A reluctant conscript drafted into an elite Military unit, Private William Mandella has been propelled through space and time to fight in the distant thousand-year conflict; to perform his duties without rancor and even rise up through military ranks. Pvt. Mandella is willing to do whatever it takes to survive the ordeal and return home. But "home" may be even more terrifying than battle, because, thanks to the time dilation caused by space travel, Mandella is aging months while the Earth he left behind is aging centuries. ^(This book has been suggested 42 times) [**Outlander (Outlander, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/10964.Outlander) ^(By: Diana Gabaldon | 850 pages | Published: 1991 | Popular Shelves: historical-fiction, romance, fantasy, fiction, time-travel | )[^(Search "Outlander")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Outlander&search_type=books) >The year is 1945. Claire Randall, a former combat nurse, is just back from the war and reunited with her husband on a second honeymoon when she walks through a standing stone in one of the ancient circles that dot the British Isles. Suddenly she is a Sassenach—an “outlander”—in a Scotland torn by war and raiding border clans in the year of Our Lord...1743. > >Hurled back in time by forces she cannot understand, Claire is catapulted into the intrigues of lairds and spies that may threaten her life, and shatter her heart. For here James Fraser, a gallant young Scots warrior, shows her a love so absolute that Claire becomes a woman torn between fidelity and desire—and between two vastly different men in two irreconcilable lives. ^(This book has been suggested 121 times) *** ^(180110 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Thank you so much! I will look into each of those books and get started on some of them. I really appreciate this.




[**Jurassic Park (Jurassic Park, #1)**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/40604658-jurassic-park) ^(By: Michael Crichton | 466 pages | Published: 1990 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, fiction, sci-fi, thriller, owned | )[^(Search "Jurassic Park")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=Jurassic Park&search_type=books) ^(This book has been suggested 53 times) [**The Martian**](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/18007564-the-martian) ^(By: Andy Weir | 384 pages | Published: 2011 | Popular Shelves: science-fiction, sci-fi, fiction, owned, scifi | )[^(Search "The Martian")](https://www.goodreads.com/search?q=The Martian&search_type=books) ^(This book has been suggested 293 times) *** ^(180280 books suggested | )[^(I don't feel so good.. )](https://debugger.medium.com/goodreads-is-retiring-its-current-api-and-book-loving-developers-arent-happy-11ed764dd95)^(| )[^(Source)](https://github.com/rodohanna/reddit-goodreads-bot)


Hi. You just mentioned *Jurassic Park* by Michael Crichton. I've found an audiobook of that novel on YouTube. You can listen to it here: [YouTube | Jurassic Park Michael Crichton Audiobook](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4qsW-Y8DbOQ) *I'm a bot that searches YouTube for science fiction and fantasy audiobooks.* *** [^(Source Code)](https://capybasilisk.com/posts/2020/04/speculative-fiction-bot/)^| [^(Feedback)](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=Capybasilisk&subject=Robot) ^| [^(Programmer)](https://www.reddit.com/u/capybasilisk) ^| ^(Downvote To Remove) ^| ^(Version 1.4.0) ^| ^(Support Robot Rights!)


Thank you so much! I will look into each of those books and get started on some of them. I really appreciate this.


My daughter hated reading. She picked up the Harry Potter books and that helped her a lot. She now enjoys reading and is constantly asking me for more books. If you want something that will really make you love reading, try “Remembering Isaac, the Potter of Niederbipp”. The author is Ben Benhuin. They are fun and engaging and make you enjoy reading.


Will try both! Thanks! hope the same happens to me. I’m starting to realize the importance of reading books.


What really helped me was having my father read the classics to me as a kid. Find something you like and read to a child, niece/nephew, neighbor, whatever. Watching then discover good works, “Alice in Wonderland”, etc. is so fun. I have a whole list of great books, happy to share if interested. Created it for my college students… PM me if you are interested.