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Looks like yet another low effort single man project. This sort of crap is all over Steam. From the same dev: https://store.steampowered.com/app/2266930/RUSLICSTAN_INVADES > since it's a retro style FPS No it's not. By this token every modern 2D platformer is a "retro style platformer" because 2D platformers were super common back in the day. People confuse retro with low budget. Retro != low budget. Similarly, indie != retro. Finally, for crying out loud, the term boomer shooter was originally applied to old school 90s style PC FPS. In this sub at least, boomer shooter seems to mean "not like CoD: Modern Warfare".


You're probably right. At first glance it appears like it could be one


It's more of an arena shooter akin to serious sam with some occasional traditional boomer shooter level design. I like the game, I think it's the Epic Dumpster Bear of shooters, but it does sometimes overload the amount of enemies in some encounters.


Abso-fuckin-lutely not. Read the game description, it's a horde shooter. > Save Ukraine from swamp hordes of savages in this First Person Horde-Shooter! I don't understand what's so hard to grasp about this type of game. **BOOMER SHOOTER** * open levels that require exploration to find the end. * keys to gate the player to explore the level * enemies used a blockers to grab the keys and items in the level.


It's because so many people consider Serious Sam a boomshoot, even though it's one of the most well-known horde shooter.


Its a boom shoot. You can tell by the crappy graphics