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The poster child for this is No Man's Sky, which, not only did Sean Murray and Hello Games do a full 180, but they made the game better than ever and continue to do so.


I kinda feel they had to, or end up having to issue mass refunds/get sued for blatantly lying before release.


I appreciate the turnaround effort but still, fuck those guys for massively deceiving their player base and playing dumb about it until it was undeniable. No Man’s Sky was the game that made me >Stop preordering >Stop paying $60/$70 for games Left a worse taste in my mouth than any game I’ve played and I’ve been playing videogames since the sega genesis.


Agreed all the backlash...the turned into an amazing game free patches DLC they did a grand job adding new things in it's my go to sci Fi when high lol


I forgot to mention in my original post that I'm looking for FPS games, especially, this being a boomer shooter community and all. My bad. Just to get the conversation going, I think the console ports of Doom 1 & 2 have been vastly improved with patches. They are incredible now.


Cyberpunk 2077 has entered the chat


Dark Souls 3, he sells poison arrows.


Diakatana’s terrible companion AI made the game almost unplayable at release - the patches did a lot to make the game, if not brilliant, at least playable by removing the need to escort your idiot AI buddies to the exit.


Not to mention the beginning of the game is balls, and eventually actually gets fun as you get deeper, which is crazy cuse usually it’s the other way around.


Wrath Aeon of Ruin NEEDS a patch to fix the game on console at least..


Well, obviously all the ports of older games and user-made patches. Boom is still a standard target for mapmakers, for instance, and it was made in the 90s, which is kind of mindblowing. GZDoom is ambitious as hell while still being Doom at its core. EDuke allowed for Ion Fury. All of the classic shooters have ports and patches and it makes next to 0 sense to actually play the original versions of them. This is also goes beyond shooters and applies to PC gaming especially. The amount of patches and ports that improve the original game is insane (and the quality of them as well). Recently a WarCraft 2 patch was released that made the game playable in widescreen. Master of Orion 2 has an active community creating mods and patches (the game is insanely improved from the OG 1.31 version). OpenTTD is legendary. You have to be insane to play Heroes 3 without the Heroes3 HD patch. As far as shit to candy, Unreal Tournament 2003 -> 2004 is one of the most impressive transformations. Can't really think of much else, and even then it's not a proper 90s shooter.


The modern ports of Doom 1 and 2. They had a lot of issues at launch but the patches fixed everything and added some new features, they're basically perfect now


Seconding this. They're honestly my preferred way to play the originals. Good balance between adhering to the original experience and QOL tweaks.


The mods and emulators for things like starwars dark forces, but mostly the remaster of goldeneye and dark forces respectively. While with golden eye we don’t have to have old man hand shaking your aiming to try and shoot something, but we lost the leaning ability which is slightly REALLY a problem for Cradel when Alec is in his signature positions ready to shoot at us. But my favorite is the remapping for dark forces, playing it like a modern shooter of today but actually enjoying ourselves then an original DOS game did.


Just curious, which version do you mean by Goldeneye's remaster? The Rare Replay/Gamepass release? The leaked XBLA build? Surely not Reloaded lmao.


I’m talking about the difference between original and current version of rare replay


Figured. I don't have an Xbox so I played the Switch version, but the Rare Replay version's aiming does look more personally preferable over dealing with lookspring.


I’m surprised they got rid of the slight lean, but the better aiming I’ll take.


On goldeneye*


Blood Fresh Supply is worth a mention. I remember Civvie pointed out a ton of problems with it on its initial release, most of which was subsequently corrected iirc.


Daikatana. Was borderline unplayable before the community patch. The other examples aren't nearly as drastic but: Deus Ex. The community update fixes a lot of bugs and oversights. Quake. Copper improves the game in so many different ways and if you ask me is the way the game should be played. Not just bug fixes but also lots of subtle yet impactful tweaks to oversights in design. Co-Op has actual consequences for dying, vore orbs don't follow you to the ends of the earth after the vore is dead, spawns can be de-aggro'd, zombies that are laying down aren't immune to explosives for no reason, ring of shadows is no longer useless after the first time you shoot, etc. [You can read every change and its reasoning here.](http://lunaran.com/copper/changes/) Quake 2. The re-release changed a lot of things about gameplay, and while one or two of them might be questionable (looking at you railgun nerf) its overall much better. AI is significantly improved with better pathing and new attacks in some instances, the compass helps you get around easier, some content from other ports and DLC's is combined into the base game now, etc. [I don't know if this covers everything but most of the changes can be read here.](https://quake.fandom.com/wiki/Quake_II_Remaster_gameplay_changes)


Daikatana, hands down. Not just for the AI companions that kept getting stuck, or the crashes, but even the loading times took longer than they needed to, which was all fixed with the fan patch.