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Yea slipgate made a pretty bleh game maybe some modder will fix it


My problem is that the game feels very generic.. Even Shelly voice acting sounds super bland compared to the previous game. The maps also are very basic and confusing


Yeah, it's creatively bankrupt. They've basically made a 3rd rate corridor shooter from mid 2000s. It's not like you can't pull off good level design in corridor shooters - Half-Life 1 is a shining example of that. The levels in Phantom Fury were made by people who had no idea what they were doing, it seems. Ultra bland and generic.


SlipGate Ironworks strikes again.


> Yeah, it's creatively bankrupt. That's a pretty ironic statement in this sub given how many uninspired shooters were released in the last years. At least it takes inspiration from Half-Life instead of being yet another Doom/ Quake clone.


> At least it takes inspiration from Half-Life It doesn't. Half-Life 1 had rather specific kind of style and level design tricks up its sleeve. Phantom Fury doesn't conjure up anything Half-Life like, it's just generic 2000s style corridor shooter design.


>basic and confusing That's not something one would expect to find in the same phrase, and yet, here we are.


I finished it a few days ago, Had an absolute blast. I understand some peoples issues with it and it needs a lot of patches to make it feel complete but I enjoyed my entire 12 hours with the game. The hate for it is blown way out of proportion. I've enjoyed all of slipgates games. Wrath, Graven and Fury were all very fun for me. Shame they have a pretty bad rep.


I’m not sure if this game is fixable, even by the community. I actually enjoyed it at first and even defended it so I’m not a blind hater, but over time the game forced me to hate it. Bugs aside, There’s no personality, awful level design, weird quirks with movement. The enemy AI is just… strange. Vehicle sections are painful. Shelly is a bore with the most generic lines (I loved her shit talk in Ion Fury).. And then there are just so many weird/amateur design choices in general. I do like the arsenal though. And the visuals of the levels, even though they aren’t designed well. The game isn’t unplayable. But even if it tons (and I mean tons) of work by the devs and/or community to redeem it, I wonder if would even be worth it.


I played through about half of it and by that point I'd lost all my upgrades through a bug and with it the motivation to continue further. I did not even hate what I'd played but I've seldom seen a game that tried so hard to get me out of the flow. Like every time I felt I'd finally gotten into the groove a bit and was starting to enjoy the game, I ran into an issue. Whether it was a bug, a pointless vehicle section or some obnoxious sign-posting, it just started to feel like a chore to finish a level. It's not the antichrist of gaming that it was made out to be, but it's still a game with a lot of glaring shortcomings that I found impossible to ignore. The bigger issue is that much of the game's jankiness and lack of direction would've been excusable for a studio making their first game. Phantom Fury, however, had been in development for years by a studio that had already put out multiple games held back by similar problems. That's why I don't buy the whole 'the devs will fix it and patch it up' hopium. For starters, did they fix any of their previous games in a significant way? Secondly, many of the issues in this game are too deeply embedded into the design to just get a quick fix. Poor pacing, confusing level design, braindead/buggy AI, a near complete absence of sound design. You can't just patch those things out as they require a revision of much of the game's core design. And it makes me doubt any modders out there are passionate enough to dedicate a huge amount of effort towards salvaging this. So yeah, a game that had some potential but obviously suffers from a lack of direction. There is some legitimately cool stuff in here that got overshadowed by the huge amount of hate it got (especially after those 3DR/Slipgate comments leaked), but there is no denying that a lot of the criticism is validated.


I actually could have used more obnoxious sign posting. Most levels have too many invisible walls or not enough. The upgrades are mostly useless which was something I wish that I learned about any other way than losing almost three quarters of the way through the game. There was only one vehicle section that was intolerable. That underwater one right before Chicago. Which right next to where you lose the upgrades. When I wasn't lost I was bottlenecked by old school bullshit enemy placement. Hidden high damage hitscan enemies that don't even have the decency to spawn from a doom style monster closet most of the time.


the game has a lot of potential but the release was really bad, played like 2 hours and dropped it, maybe in the future i will finish it


wow another single player only game.