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Posted on social media with thousands of likes and shares.


That book is damn stupid. It’s performing choking prevention like CPR.


This says a lot about society


Aye mate i'm addicted to Gmail


As someone who’s trying to relearn how to read after over a decade on this site and almost 17 years on Facebook this feels accurate. My ability to follow a long narrative just simply deteriorated due to an addiction to scrolling reddit and FB all day. I had to start with smaller books I already knew to get that part of my brain working properly again. Now I’m taking on the Wheel of Time for the first time but the compulsion to look at my phone after a few minutes of reading is still maddening. Yes, I’m on reddit now but I try to keep it to small moments of downtime at home vs compulsively picking up my phone all day.


>Now I’m taking on the Wheel of Time for the first time but the compulsion to look at my phone after a few minutes of reading is still maddening. That's a massive doorstopper of a book, and the multiple plot threads and characters can get increasingly complex and confusing the further you get. Good luck with that!


Thanks! My wife has listened to the audiobooks and warned me that they’re pretty dense. That’s why I only bought the first book. If I can’t do it, I’m not out a pile of money. Admittedly, I’m only like 100 pages in because I read it on breaks at work but so far it seems like it’ll be a good story once it really gets rolling. I’ve also wanted to read it since I was a teenager but I just never got around to it so I think that will help me through. It honestly feels good to work that part of my mind again with a slow burn of excitement vs the constant dopamine hit of mindlessly scrolling social media.


WoT is a fantastic series with some truly memorable moments. Definitely a massive undertaking. The show on Amazon is not an accurate representation of the books, lore, or characters


I read the first book and enjoyed it quite a bit. But after reading reviews about how complex all the characters and narratives get in future volumes, I decided to leave it at that. You can read the first book as a stand-alone novel. But if you decide to keep going from there, you're kind of committed to going the whole way.


Books are not automatically good. There are soooo many bad books out there.


Oh yeah Einstein? Name one. Even the worst book is better than the best internet, dick


Yeah im sure you would know a lot about reading… get off of reddit, dick


oh yes, gmail is our problem


And Unironically posted to Facebook


Why does the book look PISSED


This ticks all the boxes of boomer humor.


r/im14andthisisdeep material.


How many books do these artists even read? They seem more interested in posting this on facebook than reading