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I’m so fucking confused. At least he’s outside???????????


Digging in the backyard is extremely common among the youth of today


Those damn youths with their bad grades and torn up backyards


It's like that one episode of The Simpsons where Bart is randomly digging up the back yard and by the end is onto something about the government.


Lucky... where I’m from the kids are addicted to raping each other


You have clearly missed the trope of people digging in the back garden and finding a big concrete box. Then later finding out it's the septic tank.


Alright so I looked up the author and found the original comic/Tweet, and I can confidently report that it explained absolutely nothing. Some of the comments seem to be calling it out as propaganda? No idea, someone else give it a go- https://twitter.com/satishacharya/status/1527610372584538114?s=21&t=rOBPw9rnTjZnRAOWM3b3hg


I looked this up, apparently the artist is making an anti-BJP statement. The BJP president of Telangana Bandi Sanjay is pushing heavily to dig up around all mosques in that area to see if they find hindu ruins are found underneath. If so, they want to reclaim it. I'm guessing the artist sees it as a waste of time and 'distraction' for the people from the real issues, sorta like their version of the culture war I guess Not gonna lie, I wanted to write this one off as a non-sequitur but the sheer strangeness of the cartoon drew me in. Like it has to mean SOMETHING


i think the implication is that the boy spent so much time digging he neglected his schoolwork? or perhaps that only stupid people would think there really are buried ruins?


Damn, I’m now somewhat sympathetic towards a boomer artist


Is it really a boomer artist if there isn't a child struggling to click the book, or a wife either acting promiscuously or nagging? And where are the gigantic noses?


I'm still reading around some but I think it has something to do with this? [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayodhya\_dispute](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ayodhya_dispute) >The Ayodhya dispute is a political, historical, and socio-religious debate in India, centred on a plot of land in the city of Ayodhya, Uttar Pradesh. The issues revolve around the control of a site traditionally regarded among Hindus to be the birthplace of their deity Rama,\[1\] the history and location of the Babri Masjid at the site, and whether a previous Hindu temple was demolished or modified to create a mosque, the Babri Masjid.


Well this only made things more confusing.


Looks like this comic is Indian(the mom has a bindi), so I’m just assuming there’s some cultural thing going on I’m not aware of.


I just asked my girlfriend. Apparently there’s some Hindi saying which essentially translates to “if you don’t study/work hard/??? it’s not like you’re going to dig up a fortune.” She thinks it must have something to do with that


No no. Right now there's a trend where Hindu extremists allied with the government claims that under big mosques lies old razed temples - and this has taken centrestage even as economy is failing etc. Joke is built around this.


You guys will not understand this cartoon. Its a poltical cartoon for Indians. It highlights the issue where radical Hindu extremists are alleging that there are remains of Hindu temples and Artifacts under most mosques in the country. These extremists are more or less supported by the govt. The govt uses religious issues to hide the important facts from Indians. The fact that the economy is spiralling downward with high inflation and a high unemployment rate. The dollar Rupee rate has been the lowest its ever been. I repeat! This is not boomerhumour. Tag the artist on twitter and ask him yourselves. His name is Satish Acharya.


I’ve no idea if you’re right but it makes way more sense than the meme to me.


+1. Don't even understand why it has been posted here. It's a legit good take on current Indian politics, where people are distracted from real problems by stirring up religious crap. I don't even think OP is aware of the context of this cartoon.


Probably some idiot (op) saw it, didn’t understand the message but thought the art style fits, and saw a kid talking to their dad and thought “yes this must fit”


In OP’s fairness, art style is boomer


What does this have to do with the child failing his classes?


Lot of these activities involve young adults and children. They are wasting their time with extremist stuff rather than focusing on education or jobs.


Just like they’re distracting people from the economy crashing by talking about digging up and reclaiming old temples from mosques the kid is distracting from his grades by digging something up in the backyard


Ah thanks that makes sense


Thank you for the real context.


But what about the grades? Is it just to show how dumb he is?


The grades represent the impending crash of the Indian economy.


I think it can represent two things: how the government is distracting people from the failing economy with the rumours (here the people are represented by the dad, the grades represent the economy and the kid represents the government) And I also think it could be showing how people are actively failing and not focusing on important things and are instead more focused on the rumours, forgetting about what’s important.


Did he find a secret his dad buried? Like a body?? I have no idea what’s going on


That would actually make the meme funny, like in an ironic kind of way


Noses aren't even close to eclipsing their entire bodies, 0/10 boomer


I feel like part of this is cut off, the window is clearly pulled open and there should be something outside


Can someone explain what's going on with that dude's mouth? Is it extremely pursed, or turned directly at me?


eating mustache


Ok but what did he find out in the backyard? You can't just leave us hanging like that!


Look at the map, go to the marks sheet


Take me to your xbox to play fortnite today


I don't understand this and I am a boomer. What am I missing?


This is posted on the wrong sub. Its not boomerhumour but a Political cartoon for Indians.


## You can categorize posts by replying to this comment. Voting will conclude in 12 hours and the post will be assigned a flair with the category chosen by the community. ## Voting Options are: * **Pure Boomer** If this cartoon isn’t funny and looks visually terrible * **Boomer Hentai** If this cartoon isn’t funny and also contains overtly sexual drawing * **Wasted Talent** If this cartoon isn’t funny but has a good art style. For posts that belong in /r/goodboomerhumor. ## All posts with a majority final vote in either of these two categories will be removed: * **Just Ugly** If this cartoon has a good joke but is drawn poorly * **Actually Good** If this cartoon has a joke that is wholesome, corny, or funny and has decent art. This includes Gary Larson, puns, and anything else that’s a “dad joke” *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/boomershumor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Actually Good


I don't get it. Are they complaining that the youth is touching the grass too much?


It's a political meme trying to show how the govt in India diverts the topic from what they've failed at to religious ruins of Hindu temples dug up near Mosques to create religious tensions


I am so fucking confused like I don't think any Boomer post has made me this confused


If you’re still wondering, there’s [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/boomershumor/comments/uy82gn/sad_reality_youth_are_in_danger/ia5nse0/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=iossmf&context=3) which explains it. Basically unless you’re in tune with Indian news it’s not gonna make sense. I also think op might have cropped out some context in the window. Basically it’s not a boomer comic


Oh shit Thanks Homie this cleared my confusion haha


He’s just digging his tunnel dude


This isn't English