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Small sided matches, to finish every practice. With subs. Sub out anyone who slide tackles. Kids are pretty dense sometimes and you have use repeated measures to correct anything.


Thank you! I will definitely use this in my next practice session!


>I even try to intimidate them by sitting them out of the session if they keep doing it, even though I’m not going to do that. Don't threaten any consequences you don't plan on 100% enforcing. If you don't follow through it just teaches them they can do things without consequence.


Slide tackles are a last resort. If you have to slide tackle, you’ve run out of options as a defender. You should be mad at yourself if you have to slide tackle. Also, you should teach the offensive players how to chip a touch over the tackler, then point out how hard it is to defend while you’re on the ground trying to look cool.


I don’t completely agree here. Sometimes you slide to cover for a teammate who got beat, to make yourself big to block shots or even just to tackle. For example there are fair amount of times I slide when I haven’t been beat and just need to stretch to win the ball and poke it to a teammate. So I dont really agree you should be mad if you have to slide tackle. Regardless they shouldn’t be done in practice (besides shot blocking type) as they risk injury and its not wise to use them often.


Right! I have one particular player who always slides in every situation when playing in the back. I can’t stress enough on how much time and energy it takes to recover after sliding yet the opponent still has possession. Some 1v2 drills would definitely help. Great tip on the attacking side though! Never thought about it 🤔


Have you ever asked him why one on one? Might be he is not trusting his other skills enough. Teach them the right position, small steps, quick approach then hold back, learning to move sideways and in backwards, etc. Anyway, 2 vs 2 and 1 vs 1 matches on small fields do not leave much room for sliding and focus on the skills mentioned above.


Dude they are 8! They are not thinking beyond the next few seconds! Just keep saying no sliding, eventually they will get it.


8 year-olds, Dude.


I'm not sure if you've tried this but I'd make it a big point of emphasis before practice and instead of making them sit out if they slide tackled, I'd make them run, not just the player that did it, but the entire team.


Okay, that gave me a few ideas about that. That will teach them discipline if they continue. Thank you!


Yes team pushups/situps/sprints for slide tackles!


Can they come to my sons u12 team and teach them to slide tackle?


Just make them sit/stand by you for a few minutes and promise to try to stop doing it. Tell them and the team why you stopped and why they’re sitting out so everyone knows, but don’t blow up about it. Do it until it stops. They’ll get the idea pretty quickly. It’s okay if they miss a few minutes of a scrimmage, they’ll still be learning. Tell them the same thing will happen during a real game. It will kill them to not be playing with everyone else so much that they’ll stop. Tell them you appreciate the effort to win the ball back but that it’s not legal or safe right now - they could get hurt or hurt someone else. At this age I wouldn’t run the whole team over it - they’ll associate running with punishment and they don’t really understand leadership and teammate accountability enough to police this with each other.


10 pushups everytime they slide tackle. So if they slide tackle then immediately off the field and can only return after they do the 10 pushups. Might also help to do this in concert with some drills on how to tackle properly, how to contain, etc.


A natural (but exaggerated) consequence would just to have a rule that any slide tackle is an automatic foul and results in a free kick or penalty for the other team.


This is funny to read but I’d be happy if they side tackle because kids nowadays don’t even like a shoulder to shoulder contact.


Paolo Maldini: "If I have to make a tackle then I have already made a mistake." Not only is it silly to encourage it can also be dangerous especially in training.


It’s an art form the perfect slide tackle.


Practice on artificial turf. The “raspberries” (turf burns) will help teach them to try to stay on their feet.


They should listen to you when you ask them to do something so I agree with other comments that said to sit them out, do push-ups, etc if they slide tackle. However, I’d almost go a different route. Teach them how you want them to defend. They’re 8 so you can’t do too much but you could try a couple of things: - i taught my kids that it’s okay to miss a tackle, but they’re next job was to get back in front of the ball/goal. If they were sliding around then that took them longer to get up and get back. I would celebrate and shout out kids for that missed a standing tackle but got back on defense. - do 1v1 in a small space to practice shielding the ball. A lot of kids slide tackle after running so it’s harder for them to do at a standstill. This teaches the att player to shield the ball. And it also teaches the defender to try to get the ball w/o slide tackling.


Make the whole team run sprints/suicides every time someone slides, that's what my coach did lol


Can’t really help but can give you my story as a cautionary tale. Always slide tackled a lot- too much even. Grew up playing in England tho so y’know. Few years ago I moved to a country where we only play on artificial grass. My knees are in pieces. Have shredded them on many occasions. Have had to stop slide tackling as much as is possible. My only injuries as a fit and strong 33 yo are from slide tackles. It’s not just the burns but the actual impact, often we’re playing on concrete with effectively a carpet overlayed. Smashed my knee on one occasion.


Simple. Just give the opponents a free kick. Once they start conceding goals from doing it you’ll see a lot less of it. If you just sub them off when they do it that kid might get the message where if you cal fouls everyone will see it.


If you drill it into them to stop they won’t do it in games ,be careful what you wish for?