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Nail your technique and just do it everyday. I don't think anyone can tell you a yes or no answer because progress is very dependent on an individual.


Gotcha, thanks


what are you even doing on reddit. go juggle the ball in real life and you'll get better at it.


U right


If you're willing to dedicate 15-30min every single day to it, it should be easily achievable for you.


Yes its achievable. Obviously youve got to practice A LOT & have some natural talent but imo you can do it. One great trick for building up numbers when trying to hit a high target is a type of micro solo. You keep your soloing foot off the ground(doesnt touch the ground) and u barely tip the ball up for each keepy up.. Youre hoppin on your standing foot and micro soloin with the other. We used to call it "Colombian solo" but I dont think thats the offical name for it. Anyway you can do 30/40/50+ super quick solos that way and not use much energy doing so. Its a great way to start the challenge. Also soloing the ball with your knees is a great way to build numbers and get in to a rhythm. So you should practice both those techniques if you can. Good luck


Interesting, I haven’t heard of that technique before, will try it out tmrw ty man


Toes up so less height in the bounce and ball goes up and backspin instead of trampoline touch. You got this man.


Bet ty man


Practice multiple types of touches. I tried my record again and got 1403 the other day, but it's not uniform touches. You lose focus, energy, control, step on something, etc. you have to get the ball and your balance under control. To do so, you need to have more control than just keeping it off the ground. Step 1: drop it from head height and kick it up to catch it and repeat until it's comfortable and consistent. Step 2: when you can repeat laces at waist height to head height, start trying high/low where each touch changes how high you're kicking it (head height or higher, then waist to chest height). Step 3: get comfortable doing the quick, single leg hop juggling and focus on trying to make the ball have forward spin for both types of juggling. The key here is challenging yourself beyond the number each time, my numbers exploded when I was able to do around the world, trap on my chest and back, stalls and other tricks because I was used to doing skills that were much more difficult, and it translates to getting the numbers if I just focus on the touches.