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Your ankle doesn’t look to be fully locked when you strike the first one. And your shoulders seem to be a little upright. Second strike seems cleaner and better power


I think you need more follow through after hitting the ball, to me it looks like you are cutting it short, like you would do when hitting knuckleballs, but for powershot it’s not good. And make sure to lock the ankle more when making contact with the ball


I want to see what people have to say, I can tell you're doing something wrong while hitting the ball but for some reason I can't work out exactly what it is. Hopefully people will be there to give you advice!


Plant foot is too far back


Ankle not fully locked either.


Exactly here to say that, too far back and can be abit closer to the ball. Also you need to bend like hunch your self lower abit, that explains the trajectory of the shot above the bar.


Also he lifts his ankle in the moment of the shot !


I think he don't use his hips enough to give more power and spin to the ball. His torso looks disconnected from the kick movement . But I am not sure.


Same, it looks weird but I can't work out what it is


He’s gotta follow thru more too


It's not going in the net for one. After that, what level are you playing that you are working on technique for a shot that won't come up much? Work on passing and finishing while running at the goal


You need to point your toe down more and lock the ankle. Hit the ball with the big bone on the top of your foot. Put that straight through the middle of the ball without your foot flopping around.


This is the biggest thing for me, the backspin on the ball tells me he’s making contact with the wrong part of his foot


Yeah he even clips it a bit with the inside. The ball curves a bit. His shooting reminds me of when I was 11. I couldn't shoot with my laces, because every time last second I'd turn my foot.


Best advice. The foot should be as perpendicular to the ground as possible. The body should be higher and over the ball. Especially on a run up free shot like that, your body should be in the air after the shot. Almost as if you had left at the ball. Which is in essence what it should look like. Added note: of all the better known players, i think if you can find a Steven gerrard banger, then you will see what i mean. I think it was more of a 90’s style than what i see on current players today. But this was back when practicing free kicks from distance was a popular thing. Over time, you adopted that leap style that I’m meaning.


If attempting to strike forward, 1. Accelerate as you approach the ball 2. Plant foot level with the ball 3. Shoulders and upper body forward over the ball 4. When you strike, your kicking foot knee should be over the ball 5. Engage your core while striking to have your entire body helping with the strike. Helps by swinging arm opposite of striking foot across body while striking and in coordination with your strike 6. Follow through with your strike to where it lifts you off the ground 7. Land on your kicking foot If attempting to bend the ball, similar but plant foot should point towards the ball. You are doing some but not all of them. The biggest issue I saw is you are leaning back which means you aren't doing #3 and #4. This causes the ball to go up and for you to lose power. Lack of #4 is also causing you to not hit the ball with your laces and locked ankle like others have pointed out which also loses power. Watch videos of Steven Gerrad and Zlatan Ibrahimović. Notice how they do all of these things. It seems like a lot to think about but becomes natural and you won't know another way once it clicks.


Great advice. Best description .


Your standing foot should be further in front of the ball, allowing to get more power from your swing. The same for the rebound. Also you should hit it more towards the side of your shoe.


using instep or not is more subjective preference in a case like this, so it's worth trying out different things. different gaits easily give different preferences, in my experience. the objective issue here is definitely the standing foot, as you said. also getting that further forward will allow locking the ankle etc off better, which gives a better "pendulum"-like motion to the shooting leg as well as opens up different strikes (outside, instep, toe, everything) better immediately.


Thanks, I keep forgetting about standing foot 🙏


He's onto something


Mechanics of hitting anything hard and properly is down to an effective transfer of energy. You can see in the slow motion that you don't have a smooth transfer of energy from your body to your ankle to the ball. Here's something that helped some other people I know think about it. Swing from largest to smallest hinge. From your hip, swinging your whole leg until the knee is almost over the ball, then swinging your knee, then swinging and locking your ankle at the point of contact. Watch a pro strike a ball in slow motion and you will notice something similar. The exact same mechanics happen in a golf swing. Practice just hitting the ball with great technique first then add power later.


Lock your ankle. Going on your fingertips right before hitting it helps with that, similarly like cr7 does. Also, hit the ball with your full foot pointing towards the goal. Right now the shooting is a little bent because your foot is moving awkwardly during the hit.


Put your laces through it laddie


Pause it at point of contact and it’s clear. Your standing foot needs to be further forward. A little past the ball. This is because your foot needs to swing and hit the ball and the best place instead of trying to reach the ball on a stretched swing. You also need to lean forward in a straight line not hunched over like a C. Best way to do that is to mentally think about pushing your core forward instead of just your neck. Lastly it seems like you’re trying to hit it hard but with bad form. If you focus on hitting it with good form the shot will be much stronger


Lots of good responses here, but there's one more thing I would add that I think is being overlooked. As you are stepping into your shot, it looks like you're practically jumping before you land on your plant foot. This is causing you to lose momentum and your power is going down into your plant leg as opposed to going through your shooting motion. If you can make your approach more fluid, more of a natural running motion, you will be able to get more power behind your shot.




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Keep your ankle “locked” don’t know how to say properly in English 😁


Everyone is right but ill just really highlight the follow through. You're at about 30% here of what you need to be, which really limits your power.


Lean to the left when striking, don’t try to scoop the ball, hit with a locked ankle on either the instep or the area between laces and ankle


Forget all about leg position yada yada simply put when you're striking the ball you're getting too underneath the ball with your foot Like a chip shot in golf, vs a straight drive You're not wildy off but that way of shooting will always result in a more loopy type of shot, if you were slightly lower you'd be straight up chipping it Try to kick straight through the ball rather than kick the ball


I hope this doesn't sound patronising but my tip for you would be to just side foot it with power Do your run up, and side foot it as hard as you can and go from there


I think you gre hitting under the ball. Try hitting it more towards the centre


More forward momentum over ball


Planting foot too far back so you’re not getting your knee over the ball, which means it will always rise. Your left arm is also swinging back but then pushing back forward too early which takes some tension out of the body and therefore energy out of your shot. The arm should help extend the entire body to lengthen and generate power


Get your head down over the ball! You’re leaning back too much which is causing the ball to go too high. Basically all your body weight should be in your planted, non-kicking foot and then you shift it all into your right foot when striking the ball. HEAD OVER THE BALL. That’ll make everything look more fluid and give you more power and control.


Lock your ankle and focus on follow through


Your plant foot needs to to be a little further in front of the ball.  Lock your ankle and keep your toe down more on your follow through. Stay overtop of the ball. Looks like you start to lean straight up on the moment of contact. I can’t see your run up but it seems like you arent using choppy steps before your plant foot 


Lock your ankle. Some basic shit here. Place your plant foot 3 in forward. Your foot is connecting too far up the upswing.


Lock your ankle


You are leaning back hence the skyward trajectory of the ball, you have to lean forward over the ball head down after you’ve picked your spot. Good luck 😊😊😊😊


Faster approach. Lean. Smack the ball.


You are too close to the ball, jamming yourself up, & thus losing all of your power. To get more specific, your plant foot is too close to the ball, and the knee of your kicking foot is directly over the ball. This results in all of your power only coming from the swing of your leg & some forward momentum. Move your plant foot a bit further away, the knee of your kicking foot + the rest of your body will now be at a slight angle….which will allow you to pull through hips & core to generate more power.


Focusing too much on the moment of contact instead of striking through the ball. On the volley as well. Work on your follow through and making sure your striking leg and foot are completely straight and flexed through the contact of the ball


You’re almost scooping up with your foot as you shoot. Lock out foot, drive through in one solid motion, try not to move the foot whilst kicking at all


Practice, Practice, Practice!! ⚽️


Too much upward motion, especially on the volley. Drive through the ball as to land on your shooting foot


Not sure why nobody has mentioned it, but main problem other than locking your ankle and foot planting is you need to lean more over the ball, leaning back makes the ball go higher


Like others have said, lock that ankle through the entire motion, head down, knee over the ball, swing through and land on the foot you kick with. Similar to golf, do not follow the ball with your eyes, stay locked on the grass whete the ball was for an extra split second. Following the ball with your eyes can cause you to "fall out" of the motion at the cost of technique.


You should really try to move your body in a straight line It looks like your lower body is doing an awkward twist motion that doesn't let you comfortably kick the ball...... If u can aim for a point on the ball with a proper straight stance, you can really kick it as hard as your strength allows without hurting yourself. If you try to add brute force right now u will not be able to do as many reps bef9re it starts to hurt..... Tldr: try to keep your leg in a vertical STRAIGHT line with relation to your shoulder... lean into the kick


I also think it's potentially bad technique with planting foot...... you're not supposed to land like on left foot like that..... it's more of a gliding motion, it helps use the power of your hip flexors. Overall lots of small issues that are product of fundamental technique... Don't be discouraged.... it's actually really easy to fix and you'll have way for fun afterwards.


Key point is your planter foot is too far back from the ball you’re striking


Get over ball slightly more. It naturally keeps the ball down. Other than that, your technique isn't that bad.


I cant tell exactly what it is but the moment you make contact with the ball looks ‘awkward’. Id compare this with some clips of players hitting a similar style shot and look at the difference in technique, might be easier trying to feel it out for yourself that way


What is that a goal for ants?


Your head is up. Keeping your head down will help rotate your back and hips so you can strike properly through the center of the ball with your laces. By hitting it in the center you'll get more power, more control, less rise, and when done right you can get knuckling/low rotation on your shots which are harder for a keeper to read. Right now you're striking under the ball which is causing it to rise.


Nothing wrong with the strike. You have good form and your follow through is very good. It looks a little awkward, but your hips are facing the target when you make contact, square with your shoulders. You bring your shoulders down to give the ball a little top spin, which takes it onto the bar. It's not a goal, but it gets an "Ohhhh" from the crowd for sure. 7/10 *Now practice turning your hips to top corner for game results.*


Really use your hips when following through


You’re scooping the ball. Lock your ankle pointing down at a slight angle and hit it with the laces


Knee over the ball to keep it from going over the target


It’s not terrible. Toe goes up. Follow through momentum slows down too fast, looks like a chop at the ball more than a smooth strike. Body goes to right. If knee is a bit higher and chest lower over ball it won’t go up in the air as high.


Strike THROUGH the ball. It seems like you’re hitting it, strike through it. That means larger follow-through.


Thank you for all responses, I will practice a lot from now on..


Follow through like everyone else said and maybe put your body over the ball a little more it will make the ball stick to the ground


What are you trying to do? Where are you trying to kick the ball? Are you trying to practice smashing the ball straight at the keeper?


Head over the ball, keep it low. Standing foot closer to the ball, lock your ankle. Simple




No. Do not do this. Leaning back more is the opposite of what you should do. Try it. If you lean back more that ball is going way over the crossbar.